So uh... If that is the Xbox symbol (glows green when you mouse over it at least)
All that means is that the next Metal Gear game will be multiplatform?
Would that seriously be a surprise to anyone at all? Metal Gear is not specifically a Sony product, it's already moved from MSX2 to NES to Gameboy to Playstation 1, 2, and 3, was on Gamecube, PC, and Xbox. Metal Gear Solid 3 and the PSP iterations were the only exclusive 'Playstation' games - there's no telling if MGS4 is going to be a full out Playstation 3 exclusive, just like Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 it could easily go multiplatform after a few months. NOT SURPRISING.
Also, it says specifically "The Next Metal Gear" not "Metal Gear Solid 4" or even "The next Metal Gear Solid". There is little to suggest this has anything to do with Metal Gear Solid 4 specifically, especially in regards to a rerelease.