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Well looks like the first blatant POP ripoff is being made...

I don't know that it's a POP rip, the arabian parts certainly are but I think that's the point. The pirate and snow parts look like Dark Alliance.

I think it might be a beat-em-up of sorts, the arabian stuff looks like they got carried away.


:lol... Oh man.... just... :lol

Arabian theme + "Temple of time" + the exact same traps (bladed spinning columns) = PoP no matter how much pirates and snow they put in.


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ArcadeStickMonk said:
I don't know that it's a POP rip, the arabian parts certainly are but I think that's the point. The pirate and snow parts look like Dark Alliance.

I think it might be a beat-em-up of sorts, the arabian stuff looks like they got carried away.

Watch the combat, the traps, and the general way it looks to play, its very PoP.


Reminds me of that Dreamcast version of Prince of Persia visually, except they actually put SOME effort into that game


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
WOW. You know this game is gonna be badass with a character named Billy Blade.

If this were four or so years ago this game would look hella fun to me.

aoi tsuki

That trailer is hilarious. It's an obvious PoP rip (or PoP-inspired as the devs would say), but "Billy Blade" in this setting has about all the believability of "American Ninja".


Come on! The pressure traps are a dead giveaway.
Not to mention the alliteration in the title, enemy-scaling attacks and main character's name.

Too bad it looks like its crap because combat is NOT the reason PoP kicked ass. It looks like they took the trap and fight concept and run with it throwing in a BG:DA game with pretty poorly shaded graphics.

Whatever it is, it's destined to suck ass.




Tag of Excellence
The name alone will guarantee this game will be the best of this gen. Even the artwork and subtle beauty the game exhumes is miles ahead of any other product.
1) Billy Blade and the Temple of Time is the best name since Billy and the Clone-o-saurus (WHAT WERE YOU THINKING)

2) Love the CLING CLANG sword effects when he hits the wolves in the head. They must be metal wolves.

3) Do you remember one of Eternal Darkness's touted features being the excellent camera system, how it was pre-determined in some areas, it'd glide through the rafters, giving you a cinematic experience, yet not obstruct your view? This game looks like it has all of those features minus the cinematic experience and lack of obstructed view, mixed with a Sonic Adventure camera. And ass.

Grey Fox


Seriously though,it just looks like a dumbed down kiddy game,where you just run around and spam X at everything and collect the crap they drop.


Lost all credibility.
Actually this looks like a cool, simple game for little kids to play. If it scores around a 6 or 7 I might get it for my little sister to play.


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Billy Blade's Site said:
Expert treasure hunter and renowned sword master, Billy Blade, sets out on an expdition to discover the legendary temple of time and steal the mythical crystal of ages. The shimmering stone of supernatural powers that is said to be a controlling device that can open portals in time. When Billy finds the time crystal, somthing goes terribly wrong and his friend Kong the monkey becomes trapped inside it!

To save Kong, Billy must solve the riddle of the temple and defeat the guardians of time! His new-found quest sends him back in time to the frozen wastes of the ice age, the sand-swept cities of ancient Persia, and the swashbuckling shores of the Caribbean.

Kong the monkey?

This has GOT to be some inside joke within the industry. There's no way that any developer can be THAT uncreative.
Mike Works said:
Kong the monkey?

This has GOT to be some inside joke within the industry. There's no way that any developer can be THAT uncreative.

didn't pick that up.. but this is funny. I guess the phrase "Donkey Kong" for gorillas + apes is ingrained into gamers; the Ape Escape monkeys were nameless


They've even lifted the end of level things too haven't they? Very uncreative indeed, it's like a really bad Level Design 101 course. "Ok we've got the sand level, now we need a beach, snow and pirate ship stage with skeleton pirates. Make sure you slide all over the ice on the snow level. It's passe now but but in some bullet time. Put in a stealth level too, and something with monkeys."
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