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Westworld - Live in Your World, Play in Ours - Sundays on HBO

I'm trying to wrap my head around some stuff -

What triggered Dolores breaking free in the 'old' timeline? Her father's bug and "these violent delights have violent ends" was in the present timeline.
I think we know what triggered it in the past.


Dolores was growing smarter, as we saw through their meetings and talks. Then he tells her to find the maze. That's why she broke her loop, to follow his instructions


Anthony Hopkins was one creepy motherfucker. From when Bernard got fired to the basement... wow. So he's doing some Body Snatchers shit right?
I think it's pretty obvious, considering Bernard knew where she is, and she jeopredized Ford's plans

I dunno.

I'd like to think Ford is much more calculating than that.
Killing Theresa seemed like a much more sinister plot element. It's a very powerful kill/death.

If we then learn that Bernard is just an assassin and kills at the slightest chance of discovery, then it loses some of the impact.

Plus, I feel like if it was Bernard, they would have shown us that somehow this episode. Why hold on to it now?


Yeah, this episode retroactively told us exactly what happened to Elsie.

Alternately, a sympathetic, non-Ford-controlled Arnold surrogate "captured" her and she's working with them now, going on "leave" herself to stay under cover. Perhaps Dolores in the present timeline?
I do feel like the show is telling us that Ford is all powerful but by the end of this season, we will see his hubris get the better of him.
I'm trying to wrap my head around some stuff -

What triggered Dolores breaking free in the 'old' timeline? Her father's bug and "these violent delights have violent ends" was in the present timeline. It's been clear from episode one that the backlog of memories and experiences is what gives birth to consciousness and Bernard cemented that before taking Teresa our in the woods, but at the point of the "old timeline", she can't have been more than a few years old, which isn't enough given that no other hosts had this problem in the ensuing 35 years. But she's still going outside her loop, breaking her profile, and questioning the nature of her reality with William. That, plus she seems to be remembering past experiences (getting shot at the ranch, flashes of the church town, seeing herself in different places) while with William, sometimes literally standing next to him, or immediately prior to meeting him. Those memories should only be accessible with the reveries patch, which was written by old Ford, in the present timeline. But Arnold, Bernarnold, was talking to Dolores in a Remote Diagnostics Station about her issues and 'letting her run with it' presumably in beta - while plenty of customers had already gone through and Logan said the place was hemorrhaging cash. Plus, Logan said the partner was already dead and the evidence erased at that point.

Was Ford quoting Arnold when he said that thing about mistakes forging evolution, and when we saw Bernard say it to Dolores, it was actually Arnold saying it to Old Dolores, instead of Bernard repeating what Ford told him?

This was supposed to be like two sentences long, but it's like pulling a thread on a sweater here.

I think that given the amount of foreshadowing that we can see with Bernard in retrospect, it's likely that the parallels we see between the Man in Black and William make the the same person, but I just want to figure out how they're going to tie it all together, because theres some big pieces missing.

I made a huge post on this in the last page. The flashes Dolores are having are backwards, it's from the "past" looking to the "future". Which obviously can't be unless that timeline is actually the future and not the past, which is crazy... or is it?
He likes cutting up people. He did the same to Maev. He was going to cut up Deloras as well. He sliced the throat of Lawrence when he no longer needed him. He uses his knife liberally in the mexican town shootout.

I am guessing something happened to him at the end of the maze that fucked him up for life. Could be the ghost nation indians cutting him up or something. he probably got scalped or something.

He covers his neck with a scarf...


Yo Bernard is a host. Well, you had to expect that kind of thing, and it won't be the last time it happens on this show. I just hope they don't go all Battlestar Galactica on us and do it way too much. If they veer too far into the plot-heavy shenanigans it will detract from the atmospheric storytelling the show has established.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
What if Arnold is alive in William's timeline and when Dolores gets to the center of the maze she ends up killing him.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
What if Arnold is alive in William's timeline and when Dolores gets to the center of the maze she ends up killing him.

I thought we pretty much agreed that Bernard is Arnold in William's timeline and he was asking Delores to find the maze. It's a very real possibility that something goes horribly wrong when they get there and she ends up killing Arnold/Bernard.


William = MiB, one thing, why do he drag her to the barn and be very aggressive against her in ep1?

This is what weirds me out. It's heavily implied he rapes her. How he goes from basically being in love with her to that in 30 years should be very dark and very depressing.


There's a theory that Jimmi Simpson and Ed Harris are playing the same character? Ed Harris sure doesn't look like that guy 30 years older...
I thought we pretty much agreed that Bernard is Arnold in William's timeline and he was asking Delores to find the maze. It's a very real possibility that something goes horribly wrong when they get there and she ends up killing Arnold/Bernard.

Logan already said the partner disappeared and the company stock is in free fall and they may buy them out. This is after Arnold.
Finally watched the latest episode last night.

Boy. The plot and world of Westworld is just incredible, but aside from one or two characters (Hopkins, MiB), the characters and dialogue are really, really boring. I often find myself not caring about any of them.

That lady from the board (can't remember her name) is so cringey. Who talks/acts like that??
I assumed (like many, probably) that ONE of the major characters is a host. Didn't know which one though.

Good stuff.

Any explanation for why Bernard freaked out when he found out? Just programmed that way?


This is what weirds me out. It's heavily implied he rapes her. How he goes from basically being in love with her to that in 30 years should be very dark and very depressing.

Ya it's implied, but I doubt that's what happened. I think he was trying to recreate the same instance that happened in the past. Remember it was the event in the barn that caused her to find William and start her adventure. MiB being William would know this, and this was him trying to trigger her to start her adventure again.


This is what weirds me out. It's heavily implied he rapes her. How he goes from basically being in love with her to that in 30 years should be very dark and very depressing.

The show's bread and butter is implying things (our being outright deceptive by arbitrarily switching the audience's POV to that of a host with no indication)


Hopkins does creepy really well, but the plot turning the robots into killers can't be too much of a surprise. Semi-evil mastermind dealing with corporate. You go guy.
Yeah, this was poorly done. A board member is like 30-something years old and goes to the park to bang hosts and act like a cartoon villain.

When did she act like a cartoon villain? Seems like she enjoys sex. If I was single and had power, I would probably take advantage of the facilities as well.


When did she act like a cartoon villain? Seems like she enjoys sex. If I was single and had power, I would probably take advantage of the facilities as well.

I agree I saw nothing cartoon about it. Corporate shit is ruthless, she came in and wasn't going to take any crap. I don't see how you could label her cartoon villian but not Ford.


This is what weirds me out. It's heavily implied he rapes her. How he goes from basically being in love with her to that in 30 years should be very dark and very depressing.

The actress said in an interview that it wasn't sexual violence and people need to wait to have it explained.
I think a lot of the cringey dialogue and hokey ass performances is a result of unnecessary swearing. In something like The Wire, it seems natural and actually enhances the scenes. In Westworld it comes across as forced and makes perfectly okay lines come off as terrible.

Like when Tessa Thompson goes, "We've seen glitches before.But this...thus is fucking breathtaking." That line delivery actually sounded like it was sabotaged by that swear. It just sounds like they're trying to make this corporate world seem edgy and cutthroat. And every time someone needs to show that they're angry or baffled, they swear a lot. I dunno if HBO has a swear quota, or the writers feel they're not taking advantage of HBOs looser standards for profanity, or they feel like viewers won't take a sci Fi show seriously if characters aren't swearing and fucking all the time. But it is jarring and stands out and kinda takes me out of the show.


lol Teddy be out there gunning down folks trying to save his girl while she is banging the first guy to come along who is nice to her.

Teddy was coded just to suffer.
I gotta say the actress playing Theresa is fucking amazing. That last scene alone deserve an award nom, which says a lot when you're acting opposite Anthony Hopkins.

Overall, the episode was great and things became a bit clearer I think. My theory of what is happening is that Ford was onto the board and their shenanigans about stealing the code from early on and his plan involves whatever he's building and now killing Theresa and replacing her with a host to act as a doubpe agent and give them a fake code to fuck them over when they get rid of him, while continuing to control everything from his new park extension.

But I think the Maev storyline is being orchestrated by a third party (Arnold?) To fuck Ford's plans and bring down the park.

The Deloris storyline however seems to serve as a reveal for the 2-timelines reveal, something that I was skeptical of but seems to get stronger every episode, and will probably unravel in the finale.

If none of this turns out to be remotly true I'm going to be very surprised..
Once I saw this face, I knew it was all over for her.


Being on the opposite end of that look, you know your fucked


Go back and watch the scenes with Bernard interviewing Dolores off record. They are happening in the basement of the nowhere house. But when Bernard goes to the home he can't see the door? Seems odd.
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