I'm trying to wrap my head around some stuff -
What triggered Dolores breaking free in the 'old' timeline? Her father's bug and "these violent delights have violent ends" was in the present timeline. It's been clear from episode one that the backlog of memories and experiences is what gives birth to consciousness and Bernard cemented that before taking Teresa our in the woods, but at the point of the "old timeline", she can't have been more than a few years old, which isn't enough given that no other hosts had this problem in the ensuing 35 years. But she's still going outside her loop, breaking her profile, and questioning the nature of her reality with William. That, plus she seems to be remembering past experiences (getting shot at the ranch, flashes of the church town, seeing herself in different places) while with William, sometimes literally standing next to him, or immediately prior to meeting him. Those memories should only be accessible with the reveries patch, which was written by old Ford, in the present timeline. But Arnold, Bernarnold, was talking to Dolores in a Remote Diagnostics Station about her issues and 'letting her run with it' presumably in beta - while plenty of customers had already gone through and Logan said the place was hemorrhaging cash. Plus, Logan said the partner was already dead and the evidence erased at that point.
Was Ford quoting Arnold when he said that thing about mistakes forging evolution, and when we saw Bernard say it to Dolores, it was actually Arnold saying it to Old Dolores, instead of Bernard repeating what Ford told him?
This was supposed to be like two sentences long, but it's like pulling a thread on a sweater here.
I think that given the amount of foreshadowing that we can see with Bernard in retrospect, it's likely that the parallels we see between the Man in Black and William make the the same person, but I just want to figure out how they're going to tie it all together, because theres some big pieces missing.