Wait has she died in the river yet? In any of the episodes? Or is that foreshadowing something.
Presumably current Delores is following the same path as when she went on her adventure with William. Like when she was alone on the train, or was at the border town. We get tiny glimpses of her current adventure.
I didn't buy into the timeline theory until it was clear the show was being deceptive about it. Like when the control room commented on her being in the town but didn't confirm who she was with. Then we go to her perspective with William and someone approaches her and asks if she wants to go back. That's clearly deceptive because it wants you to think that the control room did this, but it would have happened the same way if she was off loop in the past. The two appear connected but they purposely avoid clear and undeniable connections between what's going on "now" and Delores and William's story. It's in this bubble.
She saw her dead body in the river when she went to get water in the last episode. It's an echo of a past loop just like the version of herself she saw in beta town committing suicide or the version of herself in the Pariah parade.Wait has she died in the river yet? In any of the episodes? Or is that foreshadowing something.
Shes on the outskirts of beta town caught in a loop reliving her trip with William. It's why we see flashes of her being alone without William such as in the cemetery outside Pariah, the train heading out of Pariah, and in the last episode when she's at the river and sees her dead body she looks back towards William and the boy but nobody's there. This is what she meant whe she asked William "When are we?". She has latent programming from Arnold that forces her to seek out the maze and in doing so she relives all the other times she has sought it simultaneously in order to help her finish it by not repeating mistakes she has made in past trips.
What we're seeing is her current solo trip from her fucked up point of view. Once she reaches the end of her loop with William she'll have to snap out of it and realize what's going on or alter something such as killing William by killing the MiB in order to complete the maze.
The thing about this is, if what were seeing is Dolores reliving her past trip with William, how is it we've been able to see things she was not present for? Like his arrival in the park, and and the times when it was just him and Logan?
Unless we're seeing anothert timeline AND her flashing back to the same timeline from the future which seems kind of overly complicated.
We all believe MiB's account of his wife's death, right? I took it at face value, as I doubt he would bother lying to hosts, but my fiancee is skeptical. I don't think the Maeve stuff makes sense if he's actually a murder before that.
That's one of the things that doesn't add up too.That's the one point that really gets me. If the control room sent someone in the past to retrieve her, but William stopped it, then who's there to stop them from retrieving her in the current time? Why have the show point out that the control room is keeping an eye on her, then not follow through with them putting her back in her loop?
That's one of the things that doesn't add up too.
Yup. Total dark tower.
Do it again, but better.
This is her grand loop, and she's doomed to repeat it till she gets it just right and fulfills whatever it is arnold (or ford) wants her to. Likely each go around she learns a little more, gets a little more human each time, and at the end she has to defy an order and demonstrate free will. Once she's done that, whatever this is all about happens - Ford And Arnold have now made life that has surpassed themselves, and the Board wants to be stealing that data. Likely what MiB has instructed them to do, William wants all the stories for himself and this is the last chapter.
They've gone out of the way several times with a Ford and various characters to mention that none of the existing staff was around 34 years ago... not QA, not this narrative writer, not the young Board Exec, not Bernard. His "new narrative" is likely the exact same as the Original narrative (and no one on staff is recognizing the signs yet), he's re creating the first turn in the wheel now that he's had 30 years to "evolve" his creations to see if they are ready for his next level - gaining free will and breaking out of the "maze" of human control.
Something like that is my spec.
I think I just saw the ginger lab guy as the spokesperson in a dominos commercial. Not 100% sure.
just fyi
it is him, referenced in this thread many many times (some posts just call him pizza guy)
What are people's theories about the group of people we saw at the end of this episode? The almost look like an amalgamation of vikings and knights/Roman soldiers.
Romeworld and Vikingworld confirmed!
Gotta be elsie coming back from her PTOPodcast I was listening to noted that the host Ford was creating is noticeably more complete in this episode
His new narrative is a whole new genre?
Saw this on twitter. I like the way it was put together.
Haven't confirmed it personally, but the Westworld podcast I listen pointed out another potential timeline clue: no flies around dead bodies in the William era, flies all the time in MIB era
Saw this on twitter. I like the way it was put together.
So if MiB is William, we're totally gonna get a scene where we see William's mole get cut off right. Cause honestly that's what bugs me the most lol, hell we can also just have him say "It's me Delores! I got my mole laser removed"
Also my name is William so actually having a show with a character named William continues to odd me out. It really doesn't seem to be a name used that often in movies/TV that I've seen
I absolutely agree with this. Beautiful scene.I have to say, the scenes when Maeve was shown "upstairs" with the strings cover of "Motion Picture Soundtrack" has to go down as an all time TV moment from me. It was majestic.
I dont think we need theories for them. It's wyatt's band of jolly murderers and they like to act and dress up crazy.I was joking, but re-reading that I can see how it's hard to tell. I was actually serious with my question, though. Are there any interesting theories about this group?
His new narrative is a whole new genre?
They're not new - the Wyatt cult wears pagan stuff and they appear to be devil worshipper types. They've been that way since the Wyatt story was put in a few episodes back.Why is no one asking about the medieval type people coming out the dark in the end? What was up with that?
Why is no one asking about the medieval type people coming out the dark in the end? What was up with that?
They're not new - the Wyatt cult wears pagan stuff and they appear to be devil worshipper types. They've been that way since the Wyatt story was put in a few episodes back.
It's specifically part of Ford's new storyline, so no need to look for outside explanations IMO.Is it possible they may have leaked in from Medieval world?
It's specifically part of Ford's new storyline, so no need to look for outside explanations IMO.
Are you kidding? There is literally a huge character with a sword, helmet and a cloak on the screen
What is this gif supposed to show? That he has different reactions?
There isn't going to be a Medieval World or Viking World or Rome World. That's just not realistic and in line with budgetary constraints. For however long the show runs, it'll continue having 2 locations: Westworld and the real world.
This is only based on just learning of this whole theory right now lol.What if MiB is William's brother in law?
Makes sense since his wife questioned his character at a place like West world and we haven't seen William on a dark streak (yet at least).