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Westworld - Live in Your World, Play in Ours - Sundays on HBO

Sure, but whats to stop two people out in the wild killing each other without any robots around?

To be fair, that could happen at disneyland in the real world, but it seems like there wouldn't be any way to stop it in west world either

It could happen anywhere in the real world.

Murder is still murder, even Westworld, so I'm not sure why people would necessarily start murdering each other just because they're in the park. It's still illegal no matter where it is. There's a risk for confusion, sure, but then I'm not really sure how many scenarios there would be where someone could accidentally kill another person out of confusion. Guns won't kill guests, so that rules out the overwhelming majority of potential accidents, and in populated areas where there are hosts and guests together hosts will intervene in such scenarios where alternative weaponry is used.

I guess there's the potential for a crazed mad man hiding in the mountains jumping everyone he sees and knifing them, or someone going around shooting arrows and throwing tomahawks everywhere, but I would assume that someone likely to do that would probably get screened out. And the entire park is constantly being heavily monitored, so if it looks like someone might be engaging in behavior that could be risky to other guests I'm sure they have dozens of methods of direct intervention. We already saw staff watching the Man in Black suggesting they "slow him down". Presumably they can manually send in other hosts to intervene in dangerous situations when no "good Samaritans" are present. And as said previously, that include animals as well, so there's more options than may immediately seem available. Plus, in case of emergencies they likely have additional procedures we can't even really guess at yet.

Honestly, if it's well set up I don't think the risk of a human-on-human death is too high, especially with accidents. Especially since guests can talk down other guests anyway, i.e. "I'm not a robot", so in most scenarios anything other than a surprise attack would be stopped right there anyway. There's a chance for outright intentional murder, but that happens anywhere and then, well, it's murder. I'm sure they'd try and blame the park for wrongdoing, a post-modern "videogames made me do it", but I don't think that would work out too well.


In my head I imagine that the guests kind of go through orientation together, and so are aware of who the other guests are to some extent. Then you'd hope it would be a quick discussion between the two guests before things escalate too severely, like just shouting "DUDE I'M REAL" before it goes bad. It seems like the guests can pretty easily pick out who the hosts are too (see the young kid pretty quickly picking up that Dolores is a host), so in this advanced future the differences that are imperceptible to us are more obvious to the more discerning eyes of the people inhabiting that world. And they are probably monitoring all the guests behind the scenes at all times anyways, so could intercept if something bad seems like it's going to happen. That doesn't mean accidents couldn't still happen obviously, but I'm okay with thinking there are just a bunch of ways to mitigate it due to basic logistical things combined with incredible technology that we can't even comprehend.

Theres one scene in episode two where william asks his friend how to tell who is real and all the friend says is "well theres only one way to know for sure" and he pulls his gun out and points at a random person, this to me implies two things, one they can't tell right away who the other players are, two they can't kill the other players.


Has it been discussed before that the hosts don't react to the MiB like they react to other guests? They shoot at him and respond to the negative things he says, usually Hosts don't act even remotely hostile towards guests and will just stop and ignore anything mean said, theres also that scene where a guest guns down Teddy at the saloon and none of the hosts even seem to notice/care.


Rodent Whores
But no, when the big event happens it's just the guy and his wife. Where are the other guests? Why isn't there a huge crowd in the town square watching the bandit action?

There were real people watching. Those women giggling in the window were probably real, since the hosts would naturally be terrified. The Asian guy who has that "oh shit" moment definitely is real.
Has it been discussed before that the hosts don't react to the MiB like they react to other guests? They shoot at him and respond to the negative things he says, usually Hosts don't act even remotely hostile towards guests and will just stop and ignore anything mean said, theres also that scene where a guest guns down Teddy at the saloon and none of the hosts even seem to notice/care.
Those scenes in Ep2 seemed part of the scripted story. You got into a shootout there because the bartender calls in reinforcements.


I'm re-watching the parts of Ep 2 that supposedly take place in the past, theres a scene where William is talking to a hooker in his room, he makes a joke and she has quite a delayed reaction, it could be nothing, or it could be a minor clue that the robots in those scenes are less responsive.
I'm re-watching the parts of Ep 2 that supposedly take place in the past, theres a scene where William is talking to a hooker in his room, he makes a joke and she has quite a delayed reaction, it could be nothing, or it could be a minor clue that the robots in those scenes are less responsive.

It's been a few days so I'm not positive, but if I recall correctly it's the same briefly confused reaction other hosts have had when a guest "breaks the fourth wall". William referred to someone "real", so I imagine there was a brief internal dialog of "Real? What does he mean by that? ... [That doesn't sound like anything to me]"


It's been a few days so I'm not positive, but if I recall correctly it's the same briefly confused reaction other hosts have had when a guest "breaks the fourth wall". William referred to someone "real", so I imagine there was a brief internal dialog of "Real? What does he mean by that? ... [That doesn't sound like anything to me]"

Seems to be their built in reaction to anything that might challenge how they view their world, I'm extremely curious to see what caused this to not work for Dolores's father.
Seems to be their built in reaction to anything that might challenge how they view their world, I'm extremely curious to see what caused this to not work for Dolores's father.

Probably because he had an actual physical object that challenged his worldview instead of something some random person said that he could easily write off.

If you read the T&S posted last page, they explicitly forbid outside objects into the park.
I love the idea that each host is basically a quest giver. It's a (fake) real life Red Dead Redemption where a conversation can lead you down a rabbit hole. Amazing.


Sure, but whats to stop two people out in the wild killing each other without any robots around?

To be fair, that could happen at disneyland in the real world, but it seems like there wouldn't be any way to stop it in west world either

Well its seems they have the park under super high tech surveillance at all times. It seems like they do their best to keep guests away from each other.

It almost feels more like an instanced dungeon than an open world MMO, I was thinking the entire thing might be VR but the hosts are shown to be actual physical objects.

For example what happens when the man in black wants to get Dolores but someone else is already messing with her or killed her.
- Digital Spy with the UK L+7 ratings

Sounds like it's doing well overseas. I imagine we'll hear about a renewal in the next couple of weeks. The ratings have been solid and HBO needs the content.

- LA Times with a few more quotes from the NYCC panel last weekend
Best research ever
Nolan on the love of video games that inspired the show, and his wife on how he came up with it:
"When Crichton wrote his film there were no games. There was ‘Pong.’ And now games can be bigger than film or television."

Joy: "How happy was my husband to say, ‘Honey, it's research. I have to play “Red Dead Redemption”?’ "‎
The show is not connected to the movie by anything but it's name and basic concept, I think they take place in different universes, I image theres been a few references and will be some more but I don't think what happened in the movie happened in the shows timeline

I agree but I think we are going to see the plot of the movie 'rebooted' and told anew as the story of those two guys from episode 2. I watched the movie right after and that storyline is almost identical to the plot of the first act of the movie. Therefore, I'm betting that the events of the movie, will play out in that storyline and will become the catastrophe of 30 years ago. Of course that means that that storyline is a flashback.


Probably because he had an actual physical object that challenged his worldview instead of something some random person said that he could easily write off.

If you read the T&S posted last page, they explicitly forbid outside objects into the park.

Oh wow, why didn't I see this before. Point B is particularly interesting, it's a list of examples of accidents that have taken place in Westworld, I wonder if any of them can be related to the incident 30 years ago.
EDIT: Flies are the only real living things in the park besides the guests. I was thinking yesterday that Flies might mean something in the show, they seem to crawl on Hosts face in moments where they are dormant, broken and likewise non-reactionary.


Oh wow, why didn't I see this before. Point B is particularly interesting, it's a list of examples of accidents that have taken place in Westworld, I wonder if any of them can be related to the incident 30 years ago.
EDIT: Flies are the only real living things in the park besides the guests. I was thinking yesterday that Flies might mean something in the show, they seem to crawl on Hosts face in moments where they are dormant, broken and likewise non-reactionary.

Flies represent the key glitch that is going on. The hosts can't hurt any living thing, so they have distinctly non-human reactions to flies being on them-- humans swipe them away or kill them, but Hosts have to sit there and deal with them. Dolores overcomes that restriction at the end of the first episode and kills a living creature despite her safeguards. Every other scene with a fly is there to show either the normal behavior (ignore), or internal conflict (Teddy, the sheriff) in their programming.


Flies represent the key glitch that is going on. The hosts can't hurt any living thing, so they have distinctly non-human reactions to flies being on them-- humans swipe them away or kill them, but Hosts have to sit there and deal with them. Dolores overcomes that restriction at the end of the first episode and kills a living creature despite her safeguards. Every other scene with a fly is there to show either the normal behavior (ignore), or internal conflict (Teddy, the sheriff) in their programming.

Oh wow that could totally be used as a plot device at some point to reveal that someone is a host.

Yeah that's along the lines of what I thought the flies might mean, I couldn't have worded it that well so thanks


ha https://discoverwestworld.com/


chat bot has some interesting scripts. spoilered for the super sensitive.

They do mention assets left in the code on the site. Going to have to dig through and see what else is there.



The flies thing is another piece of evidence in support of Westworld being inside some kind of hermetically sealed dome. How else could they guarantee that flies are the only living organisms in the park?

That brings up other questions, too... like, why would you intentionally introduce flies into the environment but not other insects / birds / etc?


The flies thing is another piece of evidence in support of Westworld being inside some kind of hermetically sealed dome. How else could they guarantee that flies are the only living organisms in the park?

That brings up other questions, too... like, why would you intentionally introduce flies into the environment but not other insects / birds / etc?

Did they actually say this in the episodes? I thought 'living organisms' implied humans as well.
The flies thing is another piece of evidence in support of Westworld being inside some kind of hermetically sealed dome. How else could they guarantee that flies are the only living organisms in the park?

That brings up other questions, too... like, why would you intentionally introduce flies into the environment but not other insects / birds / etc?
From Wikipedia
Drosophila melanogaster, a fruit fly, has long been used as a model organism in research because of the ease with which it can be bred and reared in the laboratory, its small genome, and the fact that many of its genes have counterparts in higher eukaryotes. A large number of genetic studies have been undertaken based on this species; these have had a profound impact on the study of gene expression, gene regulatory mechanisms and mutation. Other studies have investigated physiology, microbial pathogenesis and development among other research topics
The use of flies could tie in with that clause of the T&S about all biological matter being property of Delos


Rodent Whores
Oh wow that could totally be used as a plot device at some point to reveal that someone is a host.

Yeah that's along the lines of what I thought the flies might mean, I couldn't have worded it that well so thanks

It also works as a cool visual metaphor for a bug in the software.


Rodent Whores
Okay, that's very specific. We'll probably get an answer why flies are allowed.

They're probably not "allowed". They just got in one day and it's hard as fuck to exterminate them all. One of the technicians even said how sloppy hygiene probably contributes to the fly problem since there are lots of corpses around every day.


Has it been discussed before that the hosts don't react to the MiB like they react to other guests? They shoot at him and respond to the negative things he says, usually Hosts don't act even remotely hostile towards guests and will just stop and ignore anything mean said, theres also that scene where a guest guns down Teddy at the saloon and none of the hosts even seem to notice/care.

He was also far away from the central area, which we know is the beginner area. He is basically in the level 80 area where even the bunnies will kill you.
perhaps Ed Harris' character is related to Anthony Hopkins. Whether or not he is I think he's far more than just a ultra rich customer. There's some personal connection there between him and Westworld that allows him to fuck around for however long he feels like it.


Why.. I.. Uh.. well...


Maybe that's why they're keeping everyone's bodily fluids.....

Yeah that was an interesting question. Adds to my theory the hosts are some kind of transfer device for human conscious. See also Ford remarking that we may even be able to resurrect the dead someday. I think that may be their ultimate goal.


Yeah that was an interesting question. Adds to my theory the hosts are some kind of transfer device for human conscious. See also Ford remarking that we may even be able to resurrect the dead someday. I think that may be their ultimate goal.

That could drastically change the meaning of some of the flashbacks. What if Thandie's memory of being attacked with that child is actually something that happebed to her as a guest of the park? Then, all of Delos' legal mumbo jumbo kicks in and she's their property after she dies. Maybe it's all covered up somehow, maybe not, but now her conciousness has been put into a Host that was modeled after her. This all assumes that not all employees are in the know.


That could drastically change the meaning of some of the flashbacks. What if Thandie's memory of being attacked with that child is actually something that happebed to her as a guest of the park? Then, all of Delos' legal mumbo jumbo kicks in and she's their property after she dies. Maybe it's all covered up somehow, maybe not, but now her conciousness has been put into a Host that was modeled after her. This all assumes that not all employees are in the know.

Wasn't she noticeably absent from the supposed flashback scenes? if what you're saying has any weight what happened to her must take place around the supposed incident 30 years ago.


Junior Member
Well yeah isn't the obvious end goal to create a robot version of ourselves? That's why their called hosts. A host machine for human consciousness.

From m-w

a : a living animal or plant on or in which a parasite lives
b : the larger, stronger, or dominant member of a commensal or symbiotic pair
c : an individual into which a tissue, part, or embryo is transplanted from another

The hosts developing their own sentient consciousness is going to put a damper on all that. Essentially then you have the danger of another consciousness fighting with your own within the circuitry. Or would your programmed consciousness really be you or an entirely different being with the traits and memories of your former self, but would evolve into a completely different being. People can change though too.

I've long thought about this exact possibility, and whether or not the result would really be you. It kind of becomes a spiritual discussion too, if there is a soul, and if it could be transferred mechanically. And even if you don't believe is souls could a robot body and programming actually be you or is it just an imitation. Theoretically say if they could reproduce your brain synthetically or through cloning, would that still even be you? So yeah existentialism and all that and if an individual can in fact exist beyond an individual plane.
Well yeah isn't the obvious end goal to create a robot version of ourselves? That's why their called hosts. A host machine for human consciousness.

From m-w

a : a living animal or plant on or in which a parasite lives
b : the larger, stronger, or dominant member of a commensal or symbiotic pair
c : an individual into which a tissue, part, or embryo is transplanted from another

The hosts developing their own sentient consciousness is going to put a damper on all that. Essentially then you have the danger of another consciousness fighting with your own within the circuitry. Or would your programmed consciousness really be you or an entirely different being with the traits and memories of your former self, but would evolve into a completely different being. People can change though too.

I've long thought about this exact possibility, and whether or not the result would really be you. It kind of becomes a spiritual discussion too, if there is a soul, and if it could be transferred mechanically. And even if you don't believe is souls could a robot body and programming actually be you or is it just an imitation. Theoretically say if they could reproduce your brain synthetically or through cloning, would that still even be you? So yeah existentialism and all that and if an individual can in fact exist beyond an individual plane.
You must have loved SOMA.
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