I was bummed to see this thread so far down the list. I've loved reading the examples and watching the video clips. Here's my own contribution, perhaps not surprising.
First released in 2002. I began playing (and have not stopped) in early 2017. It kicked off my obsession w shmups, and my namesake.
Dodonpachi Daioujou
DOJ was the perfect intersection of all my gaming ley lines. It is short (23 minutes) but tough as nails. The mechanics of dodging bullets and improving my pattern recognition felt like Dance Dance Revolution pulled off the rails. I already loved puzzle games, and there is a puzzle-like aspect to plotting your routes and learning how to chain the level together in one long combo. I was also getting into deeper into games like Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta, learning how to chain moves and combos together for higher Platinum scores. Daioujou somehow brought so many different pieces together into a brief 23 minute experience.
- the mechanic of
tapping A to Shoot and holding A to Laser + move slower. This strange toggle actually works really well within the confines of the game. Generally you are shooting out rapid-fire bullets to kill popcorn while leading their clouds of bullets off to the side, but you use your concentrated shot on bigger enemies to kill them quicker. Since those enemies usually throw out more complex bullet patterns, the slower movement allows you to tap-dodge through more easily.
Chaining the level. I first started doing this in a sidescrolling skateboard series called OlliOlli. The second game in particular lets you chain the whole stage (using manuals on the flatland), and it was my favorite part of the game. I would replay a level over and over and over, even if it took a few days, and I would get that perfect full-stage trick. It was my favorite part. This is what really got me hooked on DOJ, especially since my copy includes a practice mode.
Chaining gives you about 1 second between hits before the chain drops. When there's a lot of popcorn, you're getting 10 hits
per second, but if you kill that popcorn or that big enemy too quickly (before the next wave appears), then you will likely drop your chain. I've spent many hours patiently chaining a level, examining gaps in my chain, learning the best route, etc. Toggling between Shot and Laser is a huge part of chaining because if you kill popcorn or a bigger enemy too quickly, there may be enough of a gap to drop your chain. There's no turning back. That's it. You either full chained the level or you didn't.
Hypers. Hypers crank up the speed of enemy bullets but also increase your damage and make it
easier to chain. Hits go up, and more hits = higher score. The biggest chains are made by using Hyper at a specific portion of a level. As you build routes, you are trying to line up your hypers in such a way that you can use it when you need it. Doing so successfully allows you to earn insanely large scores. I wasn't trying to play for score, but I do love making long chains through the stages, so Hypers are very useful for that end. Score is a byproduct of this style of play. How are hypers earned? By chaining a lot of hits together and collecting bees (see below)
- What ties all of these together is the
stage layout. I've come to think of shmups as the hidden EXTRA HARD mode for rhythm games. The whole game is one long symphony of specific enemy placements, specific bullet patterns, and multiple chaining paths through the whole thing. Every stage has a flow (in order to accommodate chaining) that is meticulously designed. Every stage is full of moments where I can see where the game designers are trying to push me, but where they've left clever gaps. Bees (a medallion your ship can pick up) are arranged on each stage at a specific place, and if you collect these with a high combo, your Hyper gauge jumps up considerably. So if you're chaining a level well, you get more Hypers, and if you're using Hypers well, then you're getting a higher chain, which means more Hypers. All the while you are cranking up the game difficulty/speed with every Hyper you use.
I could go on and on about the game. The brilliance is how these very simple pieces come together to challenge the player and teach the player how to overcome it. You can go for an easy 1cc and ignore most of these mechanics, but if going for higher scores / full-chains you really see how they all come together
what's that game?
I'm glad
@Tschumi mentioned Tearaway and
mentioned the DS because I think those broke the fourth wall better than any auteur *cough*Kojima*cough* attempts on the big-boy consoles. I first encountered that Trace Memory puzzles in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, but otherwise yeah I was floored by puzzles that used the hardware in that way. Tearaway was similar.