The sound of my shit hitting the bottom of the toilet which is a bit annoying cause it's a long fucking drop and it's causing a bit of splash back. Now I have a wet arse too.
Other than that I'm listening to old school R&B on the way to work and back.
She keeps doing this to me, megabangers that I must buy her album for... Shut up and kiss me, Chance, New Love Cassette, I'll try to resist this time, because even though the albums are always good I only seem to listen to them a few times...
Cover of an 80s synthpop song, Billy Idol, all it had to do to surpass it was avoid the rap section at the end... granted she doesn't quite have his voice, she's got a hell of a voice but in this case she hasn't got enough, vibrancy
Most AIC fans choose Dirt or Jar Of Flies as their favorite album, and those are amazing albums for sure, but personally, I think self titled/Tripod is their best. I love it so much!