Haha. Yeah, I had the same reaction; I have this internal rhythm when I read, where there's a mental beat as I reach the end of a sentence; if I have a particularly long sentence then I start to feel unmoored, as if I were trying to swim the length of a swimming pool without taking a breath, so reading Seiobo forced me to change how I was reading; instead I had to focus on different aspects of the punctuation to find my pauses, which I suppose if we're following the swimming metaphor would be finding places to take breaths in the middle of a lap in an impossibly long pool; this is something I found frustrating at first, but somehow clicked with me as I continued to reading it, at which point I was caught up in its rhythms.
At least you are have the decency to include some form of punctuation to indicate a break in thought or shift in perspective I can't even imagine trying to read this otherwise like the time I read that Pitchfork review of Radiohead's Kid A full of pretentious wankery about having never seen a shooting star before despite 25 years of planetary rotation passes through the paths of comets and never once witnessing the burning debris scratch across the night sky like the band Radiohead and their music forming a lazy disco light spilling artificial constellations inside the aluminum cove of the makeshift stage with butterscotch lamps along the walls of the tight city square bleeding upward into the cobalt sky and striking an artificial and perfect wizard's cap for all to see I mean that review is literally just a bunch of bullshit like that going on and on about what an emotional and psychological experience it is to listen to Kid A which sounds a bit like a clouded brain trying to recall an alien abduction as the band loses faith in itself destroys itself and subsequently rebuilds itself into a perfect entity I swear to god the reviewer finally equates the experience of listening to the album to witnessing the stillborn birth of a child while simultaneously having the opportunity to see her play in the afterlife on IMAX which let me tell you is grade A bullshit no questions asked so even though I sort of like that album the very fact that such a review exists makes me not even want to listen to it again and certainly never support such a lazy website with advertisement revenue.