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What are your top 10 Capcom games?


1. Sweet Home
One of the best horror rpg and on the NES on top of that! Inspiration for RE

2. Warriors of Fate
Best beat-em-up I've played. Truly epic

3. SF2 Turbo
4. Vampire Savior
5. Tech Romancer
6. Gargoyle's Quest
7. Rockman 3
8. Third Strike
9. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (cps3)
10. Resident Evil 1


Also OP's list was awesome until he list that horrible crap called God Hand.


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
On mobile, so going to list for now, but I have some reasonings of course.

10.) Dino Crisis 2
09.) Resident Evil 5
08.) Resident Evil Revelations 2
07.) Dino Crisis
06.) Resident Evil 3
05.) Clock Tower 3
04.) Resident Evil 2
03.) Haunting Ground
02.) Resident Evil REmake
01.) Resident Evil 4

But some of these are SO close. Some are super close behind. May switch around some in the future. Things like Sweet Home, RE6, Zero, etc, are close.


1. REmake
2. Resident Evil 2
3. Gunsmoke (NES)
4. Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers (NES)
5. Strider HD (2014 remake)
6. Dino Crisis
7. Mega Man 3
8. Toy Story (SNES)
9. Willow (NES)
10. Super Street Fighter II

My list looks pretty different than everyone else's. I never got around to Okami or Viewtiful Joe.


1. RE4
2. UMVC3
3. Super Turbo
4. Ultra Street Fighter IV
5. Megaman 2
6. Megaman 3
7. Megaman 9
8. REmake
9. RE2
10. Mahvel 2

Honestly hard to choose just 10. All 10 of the games above are GOAT tier.
I don't have any order for them. Viewtiful Joe is #1, Mega Man X is somewhere, Okami is pretty high up, and I would put Mega Man Zero 3 on there. Third Strike as best fighting game.

It doesn't surprise me to come in here and find that Viewtiful Joe 2 remains underplayed and overlooked.

Not putting together a full list, but VJ1 is a very clear first and Okami is a very clear second.

It's not really as memorable as the first game, and people tend to only list one game from each franchise. There's no moment in Viewtiful Joe 2 that really makes you think "this is better than the first game." Unless you count the Chambers, since the first game didn't have those.
1. Resident Evil Remake - The real definite Mikami masterpiece. The atmosphere and profound game structure easily beat RE4.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap - Best 2D Zelda game with great mechanics and the best overworld after Majora's Mask.
3. Resident Evil 2 - Super fun level design, nice eery atmosphere and great replayability.
4. Killer 7 - When Mikami pushed for Suda doing whatever the hell he wants. Must have for any Lynch-esuqe mystery fan.
5. Okami - Beauty.
6. Godhand - Probably the best Mikami action game. 15 hours of pure variety and challenge.
7. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
8. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
9. Resident Evil 4
10. Devil May Cry

I haven't really been invested with Capcom before PS1, despite wanting to get into their previous lineups. Not sure whenever that might happen, in particular Megaman as a series whole isn't very inviting. Among the later ,,big ones" I probably only didn't play Onimusha yet.

Astral Dog

Oh my, while dissapointing years after Kamiya and Co. left and Inafune started his outsourcing/westernization phase, Capcom has created some of the very best videogames ever made, truly a group of genuis.

1.Resident Evil 4.
2. Devil May Cry 3.
3. Devil May Cry
4. Resident Evil remake.
5.Megaman (overall series)
6.Resident Evil 2 and CV.(to stop writting more RE games)
7. DMC 4.
8. Dead Rising 2.
9. Okami


Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Little Nemo: Dream Master
Resident Evil 3
Ghouls 'n Ghosts

Can't think of any more at the moment. Most others I haven't played enough yet.

Yeeessss. I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was gonna list this game in their top 10. :p
1. Street Fighter III: Third Strike - I'm not good at fighting games like actual good players are, but I always loved this game. The animations are stunning. The music is the best in any fighting game that I've ever played outside of SFII. The gameplay feels so fluid to me, and I think I'm better at this than any other fighting game outside of Last Blade 2.

2. Street Fighter 2 - I put the original here because I played the hell out of it on SNES and in the arcades as a young kid, and it's the progenitor of so many other games that I love.

3. Mega Man 7 - Weird choice for my first MM game, I know, but again, I put so many hours into it on SNES that I just have too much nostalgia for this game. I can still find all the RUSH letters, etc., without a guide, and I haven't played it in years. Also, Shade Man's theme = best theme for any level in any Mega Man platformer.

4. Cannon Spike - Boy, did we play the crap out of this in college. I love it in all its pure arcadey splendor.

5. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter - Another nostalgic favorite; we used to take turns at the bowling alley playing this one.

6. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - I love this game, I love the character list, most of whom I don't know or who are from games that I love, but that don't get enough love (hi, Batsu!).

7. Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fight 2001 - We sunk a whole lot of time into this on Dreamcast back in the day. That wide roster + the chance to play as Hibiki (even if she was so nerfed from LB2) really did it for me. Plus it made me appreciate the awesomeness of playing as Rock Howard enough so that when I finally acquired Fatal Fury: MOTW, I was sufficiently hyped to play.

8. X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - This is the best side-scrolling beat-'em-up that no one ever talks about as far as I'm concerned. I love this game so much.

9. Marvel Super Heroes - I used to play this along with NBA Live 2000 late into the night in my first year of college. I had a Saturn first, but by the time that 2001/2002 rolled around, I had bought a cheap PSOne and was only able to find this game on that console. Sure, it was the worse version, but who cared? I played against the computer on the highest level enough that rolling over my friends and dorm-mates who would sit down to play was easy. So easy, they quit playing this with me.

10. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - Love this game. I got to be the best of the worst players online! It made me happy enough with my true skill level at fighting games.

I didn't get to talk about Project Justice, Gunbird 2, MSH: War of the Gems, Final Fight, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, or any of the other Capcom stuff that I love and that they don't make anymore because they're now the RE, SF, MH factory.
Damn, your first OP pic made me realize I'm going to have to restrain myself to not pick at least three Resident Evil games, but maybe I won't want to.


Resident Evil 4 + Resident Evil 2 + RE:Make - these do it for me, big time. Just thinking about that makes me realize how much I like the series even though I often forget about it and don't usually rank any of them in my general top 10

Breath of Fire II - I always slept on the BoF series when SNES was in it's full swing with JRPGs and didn't actually appreciate this one until years later with the GBA port. I wasn't rushing it, couldn't believe I was so blind/dense before, it made me love the series, and this one has stayed my favorite. I could probably easily put both 3 & 4 on here nowadays.

Strider 2014 - I love techno ninjas, Strider is such an awesome character, I love metroidvania-style interconnected overworlds and this was one of my favorite games that year... I think it finally gave me close to the game I wanted, every time I played

Bionic Commando NES - this is probably the game that made me know and care what Capcom was. The music, the core mechanic, and the unsaid (for us) nazi killer motif is burned into my young brain's fictional fabric.

Ghouls N Ghosts - got into the series with the Genesis port and was always one of my favorite games on the system. It's what made me a G&G fan, easily.

Cannon Spike - I was in full fan service swing after getting stuff like Marvel Vs Capcom at home on Dreamcast, and I wish I still owned this game soo much. It was clearly something a bit hastily thrown together compared to other stuff Capcom's made, but this is exactly my type of game, and I'd love a sequel that makes full use of modern twin stick shooter mentality.

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - went with the compilation because I don't want to split hairs and that's how I finally got to own them for myself anyway. Before that it was just a decade of drooling over import screenshots in Gamefan ala Rondo of Blood, since I never saw them in arcades here. Beat 'em up, fantasy, pseudo RPG elements and beautiful CPS2... imagine if we'd ever seen one of these on CPS3, though?

I saw someone pick Oracle of Ages/Seasons, so I'm going to add:

Zelda: Minish Cap - beautiful 2D, a bit unorthodox and limited handheld structure compared to NES/ALttP/Awakening but old-school Zelda is my thing, so this was my thing.

I think that's all unless I start padding. Never finished Okami. BC Rearmed or DMC3 when I had them (tumultuous time in life), to rank them like I probably would... quality PS4 availability would be nice (also for Asura's Wrath). So many shmups and beat 'em ups I only got to play on rare occasions that I wish I had more experience with.


Can't think of a full Top 10 right now, but the Top 5 is this:

1. Resident Evil (1997)
2. Resident Evil (2002)
3. Resident Evil 4
4. Devil May Cry
5. Resident Evil 2


I'll follow their rule of one game per franchise:

1. Devil May Cry (2001)
2. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
5. Viewtiful Joe
6. God Hand
7. Dino Crisis 2
8. Marvel vs Capcom 2
9. Killer 7
10. Capcom vs SNK 2


No order.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Street Fighter X Tekken
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 4
Saturday Night Slammasters
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
Capcom Vs. SNK 2

Honorable Mentions:
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Final Fight 3


The handful of mainline Resident Evil games before the 4th. The first Onimusha was ok as well. Nothing else comes to mind.

EDIT: Forgot Dinocrisis.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Oh man, this is gonna be a tough one. I'll probably forget some games here and there. I'm not a big RE guy and haven't played DMC games past 2 so in case you are wondering why I left those out.

1. Mega Man 3
2. Mega Man 2
3. Street Fighter IV (any version)
4. Marvel vs. Capcom 2
5. DuckTales
6. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
7. Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
8. Breath of Fire 3
9. God Hand
10. Mega Man X


1. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate HD (WiiU) - I bought a terrible console just to play this on a controller and HDTV with online play rather than a dinky little handheld device with no online play. Justified the $350 price tag honestly, this game is fucking crack if you like Japanese action and mutliplayer. I just wish Capcom realized no one in the US wants to play action games on handhelds :|
2. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (ARC) - the only Street Fighter game worth playing imo and best music, animation and art in any fighting game
3. Resident Evil Remake (GCN)
4. Devil May Cry 3 SE (PS2)
5. Capcom vs. SNK 2 (ARC)
6. Resident Evil 2 (PS1/N64)
7. Mega Man X (SNES)
8. Devil May Cry 4 (PC)
9. Resident Evil: Code Veronica HD (PS3)
- I realize RE3 is universally known as a better game, but I really enjoyed this remaster and Claire is my favorite RE character so fuckit.
10. Onimusha 2 (PS2)

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Capcom used to be god tier.


Picking one game per franchise and not giving too much thought into the ranking:

1. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
3. Ultra Street Fighter IV
4. Asura's Wrath
5. Resident Evil 4
6. Mega Man 2
7. Viewtiful Joe
8. Killer7
9. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
10. Okami


Resident Evil 4
Onimusha 2
Devil May Cry
Viewtiful Joe
The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
Killer 7

Out of the games I have played, and I obviously haven't played them all


1.Dragon's Dogma
2.Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
3.Megaman X4
4.Street Fighter IV series
5.Breath of fire III
6.3rd Strike
7.Devel may Cry remake
8.Viewtiful Joe
9.Breath of Fire IV
10.Alpha 3
ohhh good thread!

1. resident evil psx (non-directors cut)
2. megaman one nes
3. street fighter II championship edition arcade coin-up
4. resident evil 2 psx
5. gamecube resident evil 4 (ps2 had bland colors)
6. gamecube resident evil 1
7. gamecube resident evil 0
8. omnimusha warlards ps2
9. megaman 2
10. section Z nes
1. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

2. Chaos Legion

3. E.X. Troopers

4. Haunting Ground

5. Genma Onimusha

6. Devil May Cry (ps2)

7. Resident Evil Remake (GC)

8. Final Fight

9. Clocktower 3

10. Monster Hunter Tri.


One per series:

1. Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
My absolute favorite Capcom series. Great characters and soundtrack. And...

2. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
... is just as good! Shu Takumi is the man. One of the most underrated games out there.

3. Mega Man 2
Gotta have the Blue Bomber somewhere.

4. DuckTales
One of the most iconic NES games, and for a good reason.

5. Street Fighter II
Still my favorite Street Fighter to this day. I don't even have nostalgia for it, I just love the sprite art.
1. RE4 - Greatest action game ever made.
2. RE2 - Best old RE.
3. Devil May Cry 3 - the best DMC and my favorite hack and slash action game.
4. Okami - the closest anyone has come to being as good as a 3D Zelda game.
5. Street Fighter 2 CE - Cause you have to have it on the list.
6. RE:CV - Love this game, one of the best in the series.
7. Mega Man 2 - still the best mega man game.
8. RE1 and Remake - I am going to put them together, both amazing in their own ways.
9. Zelda Oracle games - Wonderful handheld zelda games.
10.RE5 - Excellent follow up to RE4.


In no particular order

Resident Evil
Megaman X
UN Squadron
Street Fighter 2
Final Fight
Devil May Cry
Power Stone
Duck Tales
Ghost 'n Goblins


get some go again
1. breath of fire 3
2. resident evil 4
3. resident evil remake
4. resident evil 3
5. marvel vs capcom
6 ultimate marvel vs capcom 3
7. breath of fire 4
8. breath of fire 2
9. final fight
10. megaman 2


Hates quality gaming
Bionic Commando NES, Magic Sword, 3rd Strike, 19XX, Battle Circuit, Vampire Savior, Jojo's Heritage for the Future, Puzzle Fighter, Capcom SNK 1, Megaman 2.

Too many fighters for my tastes now. I haven't played any of them in years. Nostalgia weighs heavy on this list overall.

If Mars Matrix is allowed, then Progear should be as well (but neither are developed by Capcom, so I keep them separate here (and if they are allowed, let them bump off the last two games I have in the initial list)).

To think that there was a time when I'd buy a game just for it having a Capcom logo on the cover.
1. Mega Man 2
2. Mega Man Legends
3. Mega Man X4
4. DMC3
5.Street Fighter 2
6.Viewtiful Joe
7.Dragons Dogma DA
8.Legends 2
10. God Hand
honorable mention RE4


1. Resident Evil 4
2. God Hand
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (either original or Trials and Tribulations)
4. Ghost Trick
5. DMC3 SE
6. Viewtiful Joe
7. Mega Man Zero 3
7. Resident Evil Remake
8. Marvel vs. Capcom 2
9. Bionic Commando Rearmed
10. Street Fighter (pick any "definitive" entry)

That's my list, with just one game from each series (exception of RE because the two styles are so different).

Dr. Buni

Ghost Trick
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Mega Man X
Mega Man X4
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 9
Mega Man Zero 3
Dragon's Dogma

Interesting to see Mega Man 2 still is the most overrated game in the series.


PowerStone is the best thing to ever come from capcom imo. You can pick the first or second game doesn't make a difference.

I loved the transformation of the stages and the weapons. I also liked the art style and the art that played throughout the story modes of the characters. And the in game graphics were hella good on dreamcast.

This honestly would be the game of forever for me. Not ffviiR, not shenmue, or even Crash. It would be powerstone. Current gen only maybe UE4 idk fuxkin do it Capcom!

The last game I really liked from them was Lost Planet. Game was fun and gorgeous on 360. Thats a long time ago 😔


1 Monster Hunter Tri
2 Monster Hunter 1
3 Monster Hunter Dos
4 Monster Hunter FU
5 Monster Hunter 4U
6 Monster Hunter 3U
7 Dragons Dogma
8 Demons Crest


1. Resident Evil

Remake or Original it doesn't matter. This was a the series that sold me on the PlayStation. I was enthralled playing this game from beginning to end.​

2. Mega Man 2

The colorful graphics and music, along with the tight control, made this a game a treat. It was the first platformer after SMB1 that really hooked me on the platform, which was flooded with mediocre entries of that genre.​

3. Street Fighter II

I'm giving the original the nod since I spent so much quarters and enjoyed the last years of the arcade scene. This game was everywhere! Laundromats, movie theaters, 7/11. We'll never get another like this culturally.​

4. Mega Man X

Much has been written about how genius this game is. I thought the series got diluted in subsequent versions, but this one still remains fresh today.​

5. Ghouls and Ghost

I remember the punish prequel, the arcade version, which I saw someone CC to my amazement, and the Genesis version. I still haven't completed a loop of this, but I've always loved the series and this is the best game in it.​

6. Duck Tales

I've always been a Disney fan and Capcom's early NES games were a treat. This is the best one. It's basically a sightly different take on Mega Man with new jumping mechanics. One of the best soundtracks of the era as well.​

7. Alien Versus Predator

As much as loved Final Fight, Capcom's beat em ups never got better than AvP. The introduction of ranged weapons, SFII style specials, and distinct characters keeps you busy.​

8. Demon's Crest

Insanely expensive in the used market, and neglected during it's original release, late in the SNES lifecycle. DC was darker than the previous Gargoyle games, but offered much more options and huge levels. There is some backtracking a la Metroid, but ti's done well.​

9. DMC3

While DMC4 has the best combat, the lack of environmental variety and enemies hurt it. DMC3 was a huge step forward in the series, refining its battle system, and upping the difficulty.
10. Dead Rising

The game that sold me on the 360. Lightweight reviewers complained about the punishing save system and time limit, but it was perfect. I never connected to most open world games, but the mall in DR was a fun place to explore.​


Neo Member
1. Monster Hunter Series
2. Mega Man X
3. Ace Attorney Series
4. Resident Evil Series
5. Devil May Cry Series
6. Rival Schools
7. X-Men VS Street Fighter
8. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
9. Ducktales
10. Commando
Hard list to do, but limiting to one game per series because some would just dominate the list. No specific order.

Vampire Savior
Street Fighter 2: Championship Edition
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
Resident Evil 2
Asura's Wrath
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Dead Rising 2
Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite
Dino Crisis

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
1. marvel vs capcom 2 - its mahvel baybee

2.dungeons & dragons shadow over mystara - my favorite beat em up of all time awesome character progression and tons of secrets to find

3. dragons dogma - it feels like a open world version of shadow over mystara and tower of doom this is by far my favorite open world rpg

4. dead rising - one of my top games of last generation the first dead rising is a god damn master piece

5.resident evil 2 - took everything great about re 1 and added much more action this game is way more fast paced and still my favorite of the entire re series and i am super hyped for the re2make

6. demons crest - took everything that gargoyles quest 1 and 2 did and perfected it capcom needs to bring the whole gng universe back including the gargoyles quest games

7. mega man 2 - was my entry point into the series and my nostalgia will place it at this point on the list over any other in the franchise

8.ghouls n ghosts - my favorite of the gng series i feel its the most balanced of the games not to hard not to easy

9.street fighter 2 - the day the 7-11 on my route home from school got this was amazing spent my entire lunch money on it fighting my friends that machine and the soon to come mk 2 machine stole a lot of lunches from me i mean look at this fucking thing

10. gun.smoke - still one of my favorite vert shooters of all time

Jay Sosa

1. Resident Evil 2 - So freaking brilliant, the music, the story, the characters, the gameplay - perfect

2 . Killer 7 - The perfect example that some games are art (in a more traditional sense, obviously all games are to some degree). Too bad that Sudo never managed to recapture that brilliance. Granted it's almost impossible to top K7.

3. Breath of Fire 3 - one of my favorite classic RPGs, almost as good as Suikoden 2 and PS 4. Almost.

4. Resident Evil - I think it is hard for the younger generation to understand how amazing it was to play this for the first time (kinda like with the original Tomb Raider); It was a complete unique and new experience.

5. Gargoyle's Quest - How they managed to put a game this awesome on a Gameboy Cartridge is beyond me. Some parts I still remember so vividly like I played it yesterday.

6. Dino Crisis 2

Probably the most fun I had with any Capcom game when it comes to pure gameplay. The combo system was brilliant.

7. Okami - To be honest I'm running out of superlatives. Loved every minute of it.

8. God Hand

Really don't like these types of games but the combat system and crazy story made it a very fun ride

9. Resident Evil 4.

Great game but unfortunately it led to the series becoming more and more action-orientated. Plus the story was shit. (yes I loved the crazy ass storylines up to Resident Evil 4, sue me)

10. Ducktales - Well it's a game starring Donald Duck, what more can I say

BOF 5 - very innovative, hated it at first but then it clicked
REmake - This should be the blueprint for how to make an amazing remake. Still just a remake though
Mickey Mouse Magical Quest - better than DT..but Donald is my man..or duck..or whatever.
Resident Evil 5

And I know I would love the fuck out of the Ace Attorney series but amazingly I have yet to play even one. Don't ask me why.


1) Mega Man 2 - My first Capcom game, and was the one that put permanently on my radar. Also what made it so I'd be so far in the hole for MM and never came out.

2) Mega Man X2 - After several years of iterative NES games, Capcom surprised with a 16-bit take that wasn't just "the same, but prettier", but also redefined the formula by introducing more vertical level design and interesting mechanics like wall-jumping and dashing. X2 is just probably my favorite of the bunch, beating the original by a smidge.

3) Viewtiful Joe - The game that really made Hideki Kamiya into a name I'd always remember. Still my absolute favorite of all the games he's directed, thus far.

4) Devil May Cry - Who would've thought that the interesting demo that was included in Code Veronica X would become something that would evolve into such an obsession? It was a game that defined what action games could be like for me, and I still love it a lot.

5) Monster Hunter 4U - Probably the only "recent" game on this list, but it's well deserved. So much content, and was a welcome "return to form" after the third generation did more to lose my interest.

6) Devil May Cry 3(SE) - Trails after the original on this list, but only because while it didn't "invent" quite as much as the progenitor, it redefined and saved the series when it needed it after DMC2. Such a great battle system.

7) Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Alpha 2 came about in my life at a time when I was actually starting to become much more hardcore about fighting games, and Alpha 2 was probably one of the best examples to learn from. Also a very solid entrant in the series, overall.

8) Mega Man Zero 3 - Easily my favorite of the Zero series, but I really didn't get a chance to appreciate the game until a couple of years after it came out. Still has a very fun battle system, and was a great way to really "wrap up" a number of plot threads in the X/Zero series on the same token.

9) Breath of Fire 2 - Beats out the third game by just a small margin, in my eyes. Was the game that made me believe that "hey, Capcom can do RPGs, too!".

10) God Hand - Favorite game that Mikami has made yet, for me, and what I would consider the best Clover Studios release. Great battle system, "tough but fair" difficulty and memorable characters that had me laughing almost the entire time.
1. Mega Man X4
2. Mega Man X
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney-Trials and Tribulations
4. Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace
5. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Mega Man ZX Advent
8. Mega Man Zero 3
9. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
10. Mega Man 9

Von Koz

Neo Member
1) Resident Evil (PSone)
2) Bionic Commando (NES)
3) Breath of Fire 3 (PSone)
4) Mega Man X (SNES)
5) Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PSone)
6) Resident Evil 2 (PSone)
7) Bionic Commando 2009 (PS3)
8) Resident Evil Remake (GameCube)
9) Willow (NES)
10) Strider (NES)

Surprised I haven't seen more Mega Man Legends on these lists.


Devil May Cry 3
Dead Rising
Street Fighter 2
Viewtiful Joe
Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
Resident Evil 4
Phoenix Wright
Ghost Trick
Super Castlevania IV
1. Resident Evil 4
2. Mega Man 2
3. Ghouls ‘N Ghosts
4. Mega Man 9
5. Marvel vs Capcom 2
6. Mega Man X
7. Resident Evil 2
8. Ultra Street Fighter 4
9. Power Stone 2
10. Bionic Commando

I'm sure I forgot a ton but these are the ones that sprung to my mind.
Devil May Cry 3
Dead Rising
Street Fighter 2
Viewtiful Joe
Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
Resident Evil 4
Phoenix Wright
Ghost Trick
Super Castlevania IV



To be fair, Super Castlevania is so good it deserves a spot on any top 10 list, even if the company in question didn't make it.

Yeeessss. I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was gonna list this game in their top 10. :p

It's a great game, I love it :)


What game is this? :0

Armored Warriors for arcade. Concept was like Cyborg Justice for Genesis, in that you could equip the robot appendages of your defeated foes as you go. If you had multiple players, they could combine into one giant mech (as seen in that pic).
1: Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
2: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (this one is tough because I love all of the games in the series equally)
3: Mega Man 3
4: Marvel vs. Capcom
5: Resident Evil 4
6: Mega Man X
7: Ultra Street Fighter IV
8: Marvel vs. Capcom 2
9: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
10: X-Men vs. Street Fighter
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