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What did you like as a kid that you grew to hate as an adult?


Gold Member

My friends

My Nan wiping my butt
Violent/bloody games.
Used to get giddy when no one was around, and I could turn on the Blood in Gears of War, and older Mortal Kombat games.

Thought God of War 3 was super fun (Not just the violence, it's a great game)

Now I don't hate them, but I very much avoid them.
I had a rought upbringing, being vague to not trauma-dump.
And after a while, my taste for violent games started to fade away.

I like the fact that some Yakuza games (Maybe all, not sure), give you the option to turn off the blood.
So I can enjoy the arcadey beat em up gameplay, without it feeling too "real".

I like the fact that in Street Fighter 6 you can turn off the bruises and stuff.

(Just to be clear, I don't want violent games to be censored, or whatever. My tastes and artistic freedom of developers, are two completely separate things, and I'm aggressively pro artistic freedom)

I still play violent games, if I really want to play it.
And I don't mind cartoony violence and blood. Like Doom Eternal, for example.



Gold Member
Organized religion. Grew up with a family who would send checks to TV evangelists and we’d drive to big crusades or “healing conventions”. I’d listen to all sorts of Christian rock, rap, and alternative music. I use to think it was fun to attend all these events and watch religious TV shows. As an adult, I didn’t become an atheist or anything. I just can’t stand organized religion.


I was all about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when I was 10 and then Pizza Hut started the Coming Out of their Shells Tour. I was all about this. We went to Pizza Hut every week so I could get the cups, the poster, and the album. I had to have worn that album out I listened to it so much! When Christmas arrived, I got tickets for the Hara Arena Show in Dayton, Ohio and the VHS tape of the show. I loved every minute of it. Now, the music is OK, but it is just terrible.

Junk food/sugary food.

Even if you didn't do it often when younger, there's an age/point in life where you will have to make a hard choice. Either you will continue down the path of destruction or you will decide to do the right thing for your body. The former choice also has a 2X multiplier chance for U.S. medical bills.


Gold Member
Summer. Endless playing and discovery, sprinkled with a bit of school homework. Now it’s having to work in the heat and humidity, which are definitely worse than back then. I may still like it if I didn’t have to work snd had somebody to go on vacation with, but it’s not the case for me.

Sweet, processed, heavily colored junk food. It’s just a trap for kids, and for adults with growing up issues. It’s OK every once in a while, but it’s never as good as your brain thinks it should taste. Why choose disappointment?

Manga. There’s some good ones still, but generally speaking the imagery, the themes, the gratuitous outlandishness, the skin-deep “philosophy”, and the incredible repetitiveness of most of it keeps me away. They’re still the best way for Japanese storytelling to express itself, though; Japanese novels are mostly borderline unreadable for western people due to the dullness of the language.

Studying. Not because I don’t like learning, but because the internet and the everyday problems of adult life have ruined my ability to concentrate and remember.


Nothing really comes to mind. Just that interest comes and goes. Right now I'm not interested to play games. As a teen it's all I focused on. Just a life/responsibilities thing.

Maybe conventions. I used to like going but now, not really. I will go if it's been a while.
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1. Watching sports (NBA,NFL) on television. Just don’t care to use up 2-3 hours of my life watching it.
2. Candy and Soda. Feel like shit eating a candy bar or drinking a Pepsi.
3. Summer has just become this hot unbearable season that I would skip if i could.
4. Rap. Lost all desire to listen to it.
Everything, nearly everything is in reverse when you are an adult.

If you have a passion that you loved as a kid but that is still strong today, then I salute you. That is rare and commendable. The world around you changes and you are changing. Sometimes in the opposite direction.
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Lots of things. Where do I begin?

1) Being outside. Being outside sucks. As a kid I'd play outside all day every day and had a blast doing it and loved it. I still get out to walk and just have a nice meal outside. But otherwise being outside sucks

2) Kind of a continuation of 1, but the beach sucks. It's hot. Sand is hot. The water is gross. I hate having sand all over me and sitting in the sun is stupid.

3) Someone above mentioned watching sports. I watch some football. But in general I find modern sports unwatchable. Partly due to the time commitment, and partly due to the unlikability of modern athletes. If I want sports, at this point in my life I'd rather play a sports video game because I can just enjoy the on field action in a condensed time without the BS.

4) French fries. I still enjoy them from time to time, but in general I prefer getting the vegetable option at a restaurant instead of fries. Fries make me feel bloated and bad

5) Having lots of friends. I had a large friend group in high school and was very active with them. I would be at someone's house every day. Now if I am at anything for more than 2 hours I'm pretty much done and ready to go home. I can't keep up with having a large friend group

6) Summer. As others have said, I really don't care for summer that much. Earlier this year we had a week of moderately hot weather in like May and I turned to my wife and I said "I'm done with summer". Bring on winter. I should really live in Greenland where it's 60 degrees for a high and 40 degrees for a low for most of the year.

7) "Mature JRPG's". This was more of a teenage thing for me where I thought I was cool by playing JRPG's that are considered mature. I can still play those games but I don't like them as much. Give me a game more focused on gameplay and adventure than one focused on story that is trying to be cool and edgy.

8) Swearing. I used to swear a lot. I've really scaled back on cursing since my daughter was born. I think swearing to be "cool" is really stupid.

9) My family. I used to love being around my family (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc). Now they all just annoy me. They're super judgmental and political and I can't stand talking about that politics nonsense. Left or right.

I guess I just want to be left alone.


I used to go crazy for Lucky Charms when I was a kid, but now I can’t stand them. I guess my taste has changed as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve become more into healthier breakfasts.


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Staff Member
I used to go crazy for Lucky Charms when I was a kid, but now I can’t stand them. I guess my taste has changed as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve become more into healthier breakfasts.

Ya there is a lot of things like this. I would say candy. its not like I hate it but I would never eat it and never crave it, that includes chocolate.


Definitely not “hate” but as an adult with children and two dogs, I have no desire to ever get another dog. I’ve had my life long fill of getting up in the middle of the night because someone else needs to pee.



Snow as a kid meant sledding, snowball fights, making a snowman, and the chance of a snow day from school.

Snow as an adult is a nightmare - shovel a driveway full worth of heavy, wet garbage at sunrise just to be able to do your now-worse commute to work. Then, at the end of the day, you have to clean all the snow & ice off your car so you can drive home on even worse roads and shovel your driveway again!
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