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What do you when you're too bored to want to play any games?


To be honest I have far too little time for me-things these days. Work, family, kids, house, yard take up like 90% of my time.

Sometimes I’m just not into playing a game though and then I:

play the guitar and make music
read a book
watch a movie or TV show
work on a Unity game
listen to music
take a walk
listen to a podcast
do some work in the aquariums
watch something on youtube
surf GAF
check the news

…or a combination of those things.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
To be honest I have far too little time for me-things these days. Work, family, kids, house, yard take up like 90% of my time.

Sometimes I’m just not into playing a game though and then I:

play the guitar and make music
read a book
watch a movie or TV show
work on a Unity game
listen to music
take a walk
listen to a podcast
do some work in the aquariums
watch something on youtube
surf GAF
check the news

…or a combination of those things.
Post that Unity game or what. :messenger_grinning:


Watch TV. read books, train and workout anything else really, i haven't been playing for a couple of weeks now after replaying games i had already completed, the lack of new games in recent years has taught me to do this lol, Saints Row next month should lure me back.


Golden Boy
I havent played a videogame in over a month.
Today i then asked my wife, who is currently in a Star Wars phase, if she wants to check out Jedi Fallen Order with me, and so we did.

Sometimes a break is nice and needed.
In the meantime, watch some Netflix, or something.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Wrong thread and it’s nothing special, more of a drawing exercise and coding practice than a proper game at this point. The fun thing is that I’m making it with help from the kids, they come up with ideas for new enemies.
Sounds like a lot of fun. Post it some day on the other thread if you feel like, I'm always curious to see indie projects.


I think you're talking about a situation where you want to feel like playing a video game, but you just don't.
In these situations, I just force myself to start playing, and then things fall into place. Sometimes action, then motivation.



I didn’t put on the lights and scaffolding on the top as it’s designed to look like a set. I prefer it this way instead.

No way! Is this still available?


When the gaming fatigue hits hard, i usually switch to watching tv shows or ASMR vids on Youtube for that extra kick of relaxation,


Hard to Kill
Yeah it happens to all of us I think...I usually consume other medias like books or TV shows either some that I like from my childhood or brand new...I had a period when comedians help me get occupied like jimmy carr or Louis CK...Sometimes Animes will help cather, I discovered Berserk about 3 or 4 years ago and it has become one of my favorite franchise.


I try to culture myself with broadway plays. Then 15-30 minutes later, I switch to walkthroughs of classic games on Youtube. That Spiderman Web of Shadows intro with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata playing was really good.


1. Lists help
2. be okay with not wanting to play anything (stress yourself out over it doesn't help things)
3. switch off any distraction (phone included), close any background programs (if on PC)
4. choose a game you really like or liked and play something familiar
5. routines help (as with anything), but it's important to small with small steps, like having one dedicated evening per week where you play for 30minutes without any distraction. increase incremental the more comfortable yo get with a routine.
If I want to play but don't have anything specific in mind I find myself firing up some classic retro games like Wonderboy In Monster Land, Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario World, EarthBound or something.
Watch anime, hit the bars, hit the gym, hang with friends. Gaming is my favorite hobby but not my only. It's good to be well rounded in a plethora of areas. Always will recommend the gym as one.


I read. Mostly fiction because many books tell stories (and in a way) most video games don't and can't because of the risks of high production values.

Try out mainstream novels and niche novels both.

If you really want something else than the typical fictional, read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy – think of Faulkner with a twist and more bleak and apocalyptic.


Sit in the dark by myself and have an existential crisis while slow metal music is playing in the background.

Alternatively I just put on Power Rangers on Netflix.
Just wait it out and don't play at all for a while. Trust me, you'll get an urge to play games again after a while. If anything is stressing you out, than try to deal with it aswell. Gaming is so much more enjoyable when your in a relaxed mind state.
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Can you still buy that set or were they like limited time thing? I’ve been binge watching Seinfeld for like months over and over when I can’t decide what to watch. It’s my go-to feel good show. I just can’t get bored of it
Looks like the Seinfeld LEGO set, as well as Friends and Sesame Street are recently discontinued now in case you were unable to pick it up before.


I'm never bored..
If I'm not gaming I'm usually practicing guitar, texting with my girl, cooking or cleaning my apartment (I went half a year without my own kitchen and now that I have one I'm taking mad care of it)
Maybe buy better games.

I don't spend money on trash games I don't feel like playing.

That said, your drive to play certain games can be very much a function of the moment. Like, after finishing an absolutely top-tier game like The Witcher 3 or GOW, I often feel like this. But I generally get myself out of it by forcing myself to pick up some smaller indie game in my backlog that's been rave-reviewed. Those smaller, finely crafted experiences surely can whet your appetite again.


There is definitely a boredom that sets in when absorbing content. It reminds me of that episode of Lexx where you either entertain people or are forced to be the audience. You sometimes have to create something.


Boredom, or at least learning to tolerate being bored, is a good thing. Not every moment of your life has to be filled with external stimuli. Learning to sit quietly and just be mindful of the moment is valuable. Your paralysis comes from the need to evaluate too many choices. You see it as a problem because you see time as something that must be filled.

Put 5 games you want to play in a hat. Pick one at random. Force yourself to play it for one hour without alt tabbing, background noise, or glancing at a second screen. Focus on enjoying the game. Repeat every time you are bored and gradually you will feel more confident in picking a game or choosing not to play at all.
I get into Amazon, and buy more games. Then you get that delicious wait for the dopamine hit of the package(s) arriving to your home. You open the new games, barely play them, get bored and wonder what to do, and then repeat the cycle.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I don't really have an answer because I don't really have that happen to me. I have a wide variety of games that I keep on hand so that I can play according to my mood.

If I'm just too tired or can't be bothered to load everything up and get started I usually just sit down and read one of my books though.
honestly OP the older I've gotten the more time I've spent trying to find something I can get into

mostly I just talk to people online or look for stuff to play


Maybe this is just me but there are times where i'm so bored and tired that i have no drive to play anything in my steam library, or ANYTHING. Whether it be because of choice paralysis, being drained after a whole session of a game, or just not feeling up to it. I just lay on my bed and sort of.... think. Sometimes i just go off and take a walk because ofc. Or go onto YT and watch a video.

From time to time....take a blue pill.

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