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What does Microsoft's July event need to do/show in order to make you buy in?


This forum (and the general gaming community) prefers Playstation. What would Xbox need to show you this coming July to make you buy into their console. I am not necessarily asking what it will take for you to jump from PlayStation to Xbox, but at the very least make you more intrigued in the product and make you more likely to buy it.

I ask this question because on paper, Xbox is offering so much already. This is mainly coming from GamePass, which is such a ridiculous deal. This is coming from someone who only owns a PS4 and a Switch. While I can obviously tell GamePass (BTW is it one or two words?!) is a great value, it really has not made me want to buy into an Xbox.

For me, they need to break my preconceived notions about them. They need to make me believe that they can make highly polished triple A games that are also available on Gamepass. Gears 5 was their most recent Triple A release, and did not really gather my attention at all. My biggest hope from their July event is Perfect Dark. While I have never played this IP, I know that it can be made into a big stealth game, one of my favorite types of games. If this is shown off and looks amazing, along with other quality exclusives, then Microsoft will have at least piqued my interest.

What about you?


2-3 singleplayer games is not enough to give up superior hardware, elite controller and gamepass. I spend way more time on multiplayer games and multiplats. I have had every console but this gen i might skip Sony and go pc + xbox. (i have a big house and kids so having 4 pc`s around the house is not an option)


If it's just a game showcase, they have to look next gen. For me, I'd like to see action adventures, platformers, JRPGs, RPGs, third person games.

If they're going to tell us more about the SX, I'd like to know more about the auto-4k and auto-hdr for BC. Is it automatically applied to any game, or just a few ones through patches? Also, I'd like to know more about the UI and UX if possible.
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For me, Xbox Game Studios needs to establish exactly who they are as a publisher. For years, Microsoft struggled to find a cohesive identity for its first party games. While Sony and Nintendo have clear, concise visions of who they are as game makers that echo throughout all their products, Microsoft was always that company who simply did anything and everything, and did it well, but not well enough to consistently put out masterpieces on the level of the other two. An issue compounded by the Xbox One's poor first party support, with what little Microsoft did publish, mostly giving off a "Diet Sony" vibe.

Going forward, Xbox needs to establish a clear voice in their games, and establish an identity that's unique from its contemporaries. Putting your own stamp on a game is way more likely to lead to success than just aimlessly aping whatever's popular at the moment.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
they’d need to show some incredible looking single player experience to make me even think about buying an XSX.

I’m predominantly a single player gamer as I get older and have less time for multiplayer. It was the single player exclusive experiences on PS4 this generation that made me happy with my purchase. I would not be adverse to having both consoles but MS need to sell me on something unique. I’m looking forward to seeing what they have on offer.


Neo Member
I think the Xbox philosophy is that most/all? First party games will be available on gamepass, which is also on PC.
I have a pc with Xbox, and game pass now.
I have an hdmi running from my pc to my tv- so I can shift whatever games to that screen and use an Xbox controller on the tv.

SO- for people like me- what can they do to make me buy the new hardware?

change their philosophy on console generations. Have console exclusive games that only play on the XSX- and make them amazing. They need to take their loads of money and be determined to establish 2 new holy shit IP’s this generation that are total game changers- the same way halo was when it first came out.

No easy task- but that would do it for sure.
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* 449 or less
* All around good presentation of games that I want, from "AAA" to some nice more indie stuff by Inxile and Double fine.
At least 5 fully next gen only games, with a fully fleshed out single player focused experience, intriguing and original plot ideas that have clearly had a lot of effort put into them, ideally in the horror or action adventure genres, and played in third person.

Also, they need to be stated to be XSX only, and NOT coming to PC.

I’m getting a new laptop anyway next year, so there is no reason to also get an XSX when I’ll already be owning a platform the games will be releasing on. It would just be a waste of £400+.
Halo infinite, on same quality, scope as breath of the wild.

Alternatively they can show 2-3 games at horizon: zero dawn level. Like how Sony rolls.


Several (at least 2) new AAA gaming franchises that mark help transition MS over from the over-milked cows that are Gears and Halo, let those guys rest for a while after the next installment then perhaps bring them back in 6-7 years time. A really good Forza Motorsport could also do it (I'm just a sucker for anything racing simulator-y).


are in a big trouble
The problem is didn't they say they'll be no exclusives to the next gen for the first two years.

So if you can get the next Halo or forza on the Xbox One do you think people will rush outside and buy the new system?

I'm old skool in the sense when I buy a new system I want games only on that system. The fact they're going to do it is strange. As for what they need to do eh better exclusives 😂


I've made up my mind long time ago - MS has done amazing things for their costumers in the last few years with GP, Xbox One X with its 4K UHD player and the best 3rd party performance, Elite Controller, BC and recently a pretty good first part stuff (I liked Ori 2, Gears 5, Sea of Thieves more than pretty much every recent PS4 exclusive except for God of War). Everything I have read/heard about XSX suits me justs fine. I will never go back to PC gaming so it is Day One for me, no matter how much it costs.


Unconfirmed Member
A Halo game that looks like Halo this time would do it for me. Bring back the sandbox gameplay and 3 way encounters. All missions like the silent cartographer rather than Cod style Halo 5. Bring back the flood. It's not Halo without them.

It would be nice to see them make at least some use of Rare's back catalogue of ips. The old Banjo games or original Perfect Dark would be prime candidates for a Quake 2 RTX style Ray tracing upgrade.

A full next gen Fable would be nice. Keep all the quirkiness and charm and don't just make it a grinding /crafting exercise with a skill tree like every other modern RPG. Monlyneux back on board for bonus points.

Something to really show off ray tracing as a gameplay mechanic rather than just a visual improvement. A game like the old Thief series would be great where you have to be aware of indirect lighting as well as primary light sources.

More improvements with backwards compatibility, more games in a higher resolution and possibly framerate. It'll be interesting to see how they can retroactively improve the framerate and add HDR to old games.

The PS5 reveal showed what's possible with the baseline hardware for the coming generation so something that shows off the pretty significant power difference between the two would be nice to see as well.


For me, I think it all comes down to Halo.
An incredible Halo showing almost guarantees that I pick either the XsX or the rumoured XsS up at launch. For me personally, there isn't a shooter available on the market that plays anything like classic Halo. It's something unique that isn't easily replaced by another shooter elsewhere.

For me to actually keep the console, and not just sell it on in three or four months after I'm done with Halo Infinite, MS need to keep a steady stream of great console exclusives coming to GamePass.

I'd like MS to be quite transparent in their presentation and show off all the MS exclusives that we'll get to see in the first 12 months of the console. If there are enough decent exclusive games then I'll likely keep the console.


This forum (and the general gaming community) prefers Playstation. What would Xbox need to show you this coming July to make you buy into their console. I am not necessarily asking what it will take for you to jump from PlayStation to Xbox, but at the very least make you more intrigued in the product and make you more likely to buy it.

I ask this question because on paper, Xbox is offering so much already. This is mainly coming from GamePass, which is such a ridiculous deal. This is coming from someone who only owns a PS4 and a Switch. While I can obviously tell GamePass (BTW is it one or two words?!) is a great value, it really has not made me want to buy into an Xbox.

For me, they need to break my preconceived notions about them. They need to make me believe that they can make highly polished triple A games that are also available on Gamepass. Gears 5 was their most recent Triple A release, and did not really gather my attention at all. My biggest hope from their July event is Perfect Dark. While I have never played this IP, I know that it can be made into a big stealth game, one of my favorite types of games. If this is shown off and looks amazing, along with other quality exclusives, then Microsoft will have at least piqued my interest.

What about you?

I want to see some games made for XSX and the zen2 / SSD and push boundaries, want to see high quality not filler for game pass.

Any game that is on ps4 for ps5 I see as a pig with new lipstick. Same for xb1 to XSX.


Nothing, I’ll have a pc that’ll be better than next gen consoles eventually so I’ll be able to play the games there if I want. They had two games this gen that I was interested in that eventually came to other platforms and they didn’t even end up being that good.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
For me, they mostly need to show that they're committed to quality single player games. I want to see some of these get made

Ryse 2
Alan Wake 2 or Quantum Break 2
Forza Horizon 5 (a given)
Fable (if it's more like TW3)
Lost Odyssey 2
Perfect Dark (3rd person)

Or new IPs that have good campaigns

Also Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 have to be good


A few new Japanese exclusives (not timed) would be a good start.

If not that then i hope they show some new IPs that hopefully interest me.

I'm also curious about the new Fable game. I never liked the art style of the old games but a new one in a hopefully different style could be interesting.
I think the big 3 we know about are probably better than the stuff Sony has shown off as casual games are not my thing

What we will definitely see
Forza -being a real step change
Halo infinity- basically not like the last one
Hellblade 2 - gameplay

The cherry’s
Perfect dark -the initiative
New fable -playground
New ninja Gaiden - jap studio

Just those 6 are pretty strong and you still have the likes of obsidian and others

Going to be a fun show


I have gamepass on pc so i guess i am already in. As far as the console goes why would i buy it when i get all their games day 1 on gamepass? Gamepass is a fantastic service not sure how long they will keep up with it but hey great stuff for us.


They need to not just show some great exclusives, but show it will continue for the life of the generation consistently.

Both Xbox 360 and Xbox One died in the second half of the generation.


It's tough because Sony's first parties are so stellar that I basically have to buy a PS5. So Xbox has to persuade me to shell out another £500 on top, it's a hard sell.

At a minimum they need to show a commitment to 60 fps games (and for that to somehow filter down to third parties) and for their new first parties to show stuff of real promise.

I hope they can because I'm quite pissed off with Sony for prioritising 4k over 60 fps. I doubt they will though.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Nothing, I have a PC, but I'm really keen to see what the studios they acquired have been up to.


A Halo game that looks like Halo this time would do it for me. Bring back the sandbox gameplay and 3 way encounters. All missions like the silent cartographer rather than Cod style Halo 5. Bring back the flood. It's not Halo without them.

It would be nice to see them make at least some use of Rare's back catalogue of ips. The old Banjo games or original Perfect Dark would be prime candidates for a Quake 2 RTX style Ray tracing upgrade.

A full next gen Fable would be nice. Keep all the quirkiness and charm and don't just make it a grinding /crafting exercise with a skill tree like every other modern RPG. Monlyneux back on board for bonus points.

Something to really show off ray tracing as a gameplay mechanic rather than just a visual improvement. A game like the old Thief series would be great where you have to be aware of indirect lighting as well as primary light sources.

More improvements with backwards compatibility, more games in a higher resolution and possibly framerate. It'll be interesting to see how they can retroactively improve the framerate and add HDR to old games.

The PS5 reveal showed what's possible with the baseline hardware for the coming generation so something that shows off the pretty significant power difference between the two would be nice to see as well.

It's not a significant power difference though, if it were I'd be much more inclined to go Xbox.

There's also the currently unknown factor of how the PS5 SSD impacts graphics, which developers have really been talking up. That could yet completely wipe out the Xboxs advantage.


The question is “buy in to what”? Buy an Xsex? Buy an xb1x or Lockhart? Buy gamepass for use on PC?

The criteria for each of these options is different.

Talking about Xsex purchase specifically:

I’d need to see a good lineup of launch games which are designed and built for Xsex.

Halo will be there ... that could be ok to great depending on what 343 has been doing. But that is also on 3 other platforms so I don’t necessarily need to buy an Xsex.

Forza will be there - it’ll be fine too I imagine. Again though, if I want that I don’t need to get an Xsex.

Other than that - they need to show something at launch which is new, takes advantage of Xsex and is high quality.

3rd party indies won’t do it for me - at least not the couple of exclusives we’ve seen.

Also, while I’d like to know about incoming games - stuff which is more than a year away isn’t interesting to me either (to be honest 6 months is enough). I’d rather get more small events of games they can show “coming soon” like Nintendo does.

I want to see it and get it within a timescale that capitalises on the hype - I don’t want to be teased for stuff that is years away. I just forget those announcements like they didn’t exist.

If they show a solid set of games and they’re on xb1 I might well get a cheap xb1x to play them - especially if Sony don’t have a solid launch lineup.

I usually don’t bother with MS PC games -I prefer the equivalent games made by other companies on PC.
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1) The new Halo needs to be Halo. Bring back the combat dialog, the readable AI, big encounters and SCALE, and most importantly, the best gameplay.
2) Some Japanese games paid by MS (I want to see them funding Japanese talent and get their games)
3) New big games
4) Next gen experiences, focus on the new console

Not liking the approach of releasing all the games on console and PC. I don't think MS will change strategy but this is ruining it for me. This leads to the console disappearing in the future, all going to PC or cloud gaming and saying goodbye to generations.


To convince you to buy a hardware you don't really need to play the games? July is just another step they have lots of work to do.


Top of my list is actually whether there is blanket upscaling to 4K on all the previous Xbox games. Then the new stuff. 😂


Something that I need to play at launch. Sony's reveal video didn't really convince me I need a PS5 at launch, it's up to Microsoft to try and convince me. From what we've seen thus far I'm doubtful but maybe there will be some surprises.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Nothing, since I know how many games are there on my Backlog and even X1x is in the last breath with newer games, so I will play them on XSX. If they pull out again country TIERs I am out and buying PS5. Because OG XB1 was here, officially sold after a fucking year. Not that I care with OG XB1.
I simply need games that interest me enough to want to buy the console. That is it.

I’m very keen to see what MS are doing and really really hope we’ll see some proper gameplay demos rather than just short trailers like Sony did. I want to see more next-gen!! It is the most exciting gen transition for me since Dreamcast and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Just gimme some games!! I’m hyped about getting into Xbox as I think the XSX is a beautiful console and very powerful but there is almost nothing exclusive to Xbox One that makes me want to buy the console so I’m really hoping that is going to change on the SX.

I mean Forza Horizon interests me slightly, so does Sunset Overdrive and maybe Gears 5 but none of them draw me in anywhere near enough to justify the purchase.


What got me to buy a 360 and pass on their other consoles were the exclusive jRPGs (though most of them ended up timed exclusives). I'm probably just not their customer.


That I can play Jet Set Radio Future. I know I can on the 360 lol.

I will buy an xbox in a few years for cheap so I can play my old classics and any decent exclusives. Id like one in classic xbox case for nostalgia but I actually like the look of the new xbox tbh


With MS releasing all their xbox studio games still on xbox one, they really need to give me some reason to jump to XSX NOW. Show me the difference between XBOX ONE and XSX version for a game.
Don't tell me its just a small res and fps bump. We need to see that there is a generational leap.


Lockhart, 299$. Make it happen and I will buy in for game pass. Could get three years of gamepass right now for 3.5 euros a month.
There is little they can do to get me to get an Xbox series X. They sealed their fate when they decided to bring every first party game to PC, so I see no point in getting one. I have no interest in gamepass or xcloud, I'd rather just buy the games I want to play instead of having a subscription, especially since nowadays I have limited time to play videogames, but also because I like to own the games I play. The only compelling reason I would have to buy one would be for bc compatibility, and that is because I never had an og Xbox or 360 growing up, and there are many exclusive games from those consoles that I want to play. However, not all of them are available in bc. If they can figure out 100% compatibility, then I might consider it... Once it drops in price.
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