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What does Microsoft's July event need to do/show in order to make you buy in?

Nintendo is doing everything in their power to sell the Switch.
Sony is doing everything in their power to sell the PS5.
Microsoft Xbox division, divides its energies between Series X, XboxOne and Gamepass.

If MS doesn't care to sell Series X, why should the customers care?
Looking forward to seeing what all there 1st Party Studios are working on, I hope we won't be disappointed.. Would also like to see something which backs up the "most powerful console" narrative they have been pushing a lot recently, MS seem very confident in this, show us why.
Looking forward to seeing what all there 1st Party Studios are working on, I hope we won't be disappointed.. Would also like to see something which backs up the "most powerful console" narrative they have been pushing a lot recently, MS seem very confident in this, show us why.
For quite some time, there had been a small group of gamers who wanted an overpriced console at launch, mitigated by a cheap sku at the same time for the peasants.

If nothing else, Xbox is granting them their wish. We will see if this experiment pans out.
Then again, lockhart isn't announced yet.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo is doing everything in their power to sell the Switch.
Sony is doing everything in their power to sell the PS5.
Microsoft Xbox division, divides its energies between Series X, XboxOne and Gamepass.

If MS doesn't care to sell Series X, why should the customers care?
Buy in doesn't exclusively mean buying the XSX. Having a Game Pass subscription for PC, or buying Lockhart counts as well.


Fable has to look REALLY good. Halo needs to be REALLY good. Something new needs look REALLY good. Add more titles to the BC catalog.


If I’m going to buy a Series X next year (launch ain’t happening) then I need to see 8-10 games (including in the near future) that I can’t play elsewhere that I’m really interested in. No other feature is a substitute for this.

Unfortunately the XBO didn't manage to achieve that across the entire generation, in the end I feel that I’ve probably only missed out on 2 or 3 games, which isn't enough to persuade me to part with the cash for the box.
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The original xbox was just a high end pc so naturaly it received many pc ports not present on other systems as well as a large amount of exclusives and sega titles to fight back against sony .
It was a gen ahead of ps2 and it just had high quality titles
Also xbox live.

The 360 continued to improve everything and given the one year head start devs ported a lot of quality titles over and it just became the more popular us centric system that was also more liked by devs and just had the better third party support also due to its robust online that the ps3 was lagging behind.

The xone was a disaster from the start and lost all its audience just look at the install base and also lost a lot of dev support.
Its almost not mentioned anymore and xonex is the only system the media uses as a base line.

So far what i saw from xsx is as weak as it can get.
The ps5 presentation was lets be real weak too but it made me understand what to expect the first year in terms of games. First party games.

So far xsx didnt convince me to buy in and if the rumors are real about a 200 to 300 scarlet , that with gamepass will be more than enough for me as i will mostly play on ps5 and this way i will be able to play all xbox exclusives for pretty much free.

In short me and probably most people judging by the socail media reactions already settled for ps5.

Microsoft i feel has only this one chance in july to blow the world away.
And it will take a lot more then halo.

If they fail it will become a service with gamepass being offered on multiple plattforms hell even maybe on ps5.


Gold Member
Said this before in the other thread with the same topic: Not much, really. MS is already objectively better than Sony in anything but first party output. Since I don't like Sony IPs, MS can easily win me over by showing two or three exciting first party titles for the first year of XSX. I hope that won't be too hard for them.
Nintendo is doing everything in their power to sell the Switch.
Sony is doing everything in their power to sell the PS5.
Microsoft Xbox division, divides its energies between Series X, XboxOne and Gamepass.

If MS doesn't care to sell Series X, why should the customers care?

Its a single continuous ecosystem. All of the XB1 console family will transition to the Series family. Gamepass/Xcloud just allows you to continue your gaming onto any device that is not your console because we arent always at our console.

I travel a lot for work. I cant carry my consoles with me... but my laptop is always with me. Gamepass with xcloud is a great option and opportunity to keep me in their ecosystem. I think that makes sense.


The price being higher than I'm comfortable paying is the only dealbreaker for me at this point.


As long as they continue making their games multiplatform, I don't think there'll be any reason compelling enough for me to buy an Xbox. That doesn't mean that they can't still get some money from me however.

Anyway, I still have a year or so of Game Pass left from back when you could upgrade to ultimate for a dollar.

Personally I've found the Xbox platform dull overall for quite a while now, so I guess they just need to show enough things that I find interesting so I can start getting a bit excited about their platform, and possibly to get me to continue my Game Pass subscription after it runs out in a year.
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A From Software exclusive is the only way I'd buy an Xbox. They can't make better games than Sony so moneyhatting From would be the only way.
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Announce AAA 3rd party day 1 GamePass release.

Microsoft have said many times it's the world's most powerful Console. So i want the games to really show me this.
Really just the status quo they’ve been on, plus some.

Show me more Xcloud, give me a better rounded Xbox Live subscription. With GamePass, Xcloud, and everything MS offeres having online play tied to Live is just pointless now.

Enhance owning multiple systems in a house hold and sharing content.

Show me cool games to play.


"What would Xbox need to show you this coming July to make you buy into their console?"

For most NeoGAF users only a photo of their family taken hostage by Microsoft would work,
So not true. If MS does an event inspired by this:

The moment I see Phil Spencer in that outfit I'll say "FUCK SONY, I'm buying an XSX!"
Nothing. I already bought into the best Gaming Ecosystem on the planet.


As someone whose completely skipped Xbone this gen I'm really looking forward to seeing more of XSX. I want to see Halo back to it's glory days and a strong showing of first party titles.. particularly from Obsidian. If they have a killer A/Rpg in the works thats releasing within the first year that'd be fucking awesome.

Gamepass I think already has it guaranteed that I'll be picking up an XSX - I have it on PC and it's already pretty great.
A bigger focus on multiplayer and/or innovation in game design. Sony completely dropped the ball there during the PS5 event. If it seems like MS has a more future forward direction, I'll jump ship.

(Though, I still have to see Sony's last showing before they announce price as well)
Announce AAA 3rd party day 1 GamePass release.

Microsoft have said many times it's the world's most powerful Console. So i want the games to really show me this.


I would love to see some focus on the single player aspect of Halo. Not interested in the mp aspect at all. IF the game has a good 10-15 hours of solid single player action i am interested.

Fable remake would be huge.
Want to see some Grim dawn to, its one of the best action rpg loot games out there and i believe it will be exclusive to Microsoft.

I just hope they don't flood the show with 50 games, and flash them one after the other. I would rather see a hand full of games with extended play times.

Quality over quantity.

Also hoping for the new From software game to make a a showing but that's on both systems so will probaly get that on ps5.

Last but not least Lockheart price, PLEASE BE GOOD. As long as it can run the wisp game and grimdawn at 60 fps i am sold.


Bring back the PGR franchise. I don’t mind remakes. It’s one of my favourite set of games. Xbox, for the last generation, has no exclusives that make me seriously consider a purchase. The usual Gears and Halo games have no appeal to me. I don’t buy similar sorts of games on PS4 or switch.


Nothing, they need just put away xbox and go like SEGA, put their games to playstation or nintendo consoles
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Their BC strategy and Halo MCC and Forza has already brought me in. Game pass is a great bonus. Now I want to be wowed by Halo Infinite in both single player and campaign. Forza and Fable and any surprises would be a nice bonus.

Sony would have to remaster the first 2 Socom games’ MP and do a whole lot of BC work for me to consider switching back.


I'm not going to buy an Xbox regardless since I use Xbox Game Pass on PC, but for Microsoft to impress me, I want them to release something truly impressive.

Microsoft has a lot of good games (gears 5, forza horizon, etc.) but they don't have any "essential" games, in my opinion. I don't see anything near God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Horizon, Spiderman, etc. Give me really interesting and impressive new IP's.

My expectations for the event are pretty low, the only two things I'm really looking forward to are Fable and Elden Ring (which I'm hoping shows up). Would love to be pleasantly surprised though!


Some interesting JRPGs and top notch exclusives in general, and they have to be XBOX exclusives, not PC too. My pc is powerful enough that I don't need to buy an optional console to play them. Until then I will be fine with PC, nintendo, and playstation.
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I don't think i'll ever buy an xbox console after the 3RL B.S, but i'm interested in the conference a lot because i got a good gaming PC, so i'll support them with purchasing the games or gamepass.


Given that they have all these terrible flops power but aren't bothering to use it for the first 1-2 years, I think I'll just go with PS5.
Besides, I don't trust them not to have a shit launch lineup, or at least one I'm not interested in.

Hell, I may even skip both at first and just buy a Switch.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
At this point I don't think I ever will next gen. I have a gaming PC, and all of the exclusives will also come to it. The next PlayStation will have a UHD bluray drive and be plenty powerful, and you just know they're going to have tons of killer exclusives like they always do.

I also have no interest in Live!. Of the probably 20 people I know who play games regularly none of them give a shit about Live!. We're all on PSN and Steam.

One thing that maybe could influence me a little is a complete overhaul of the interface. Every time I fire up the Xbox (which is rare) I am like "wait why is this over here? This button does what? Where are my games? Am I am in the store right now or are these ads or the Game Pass stuff?". They really, really need to streamline that interface and the entire experience really. It's like a badly designed app from 1999 or something. Even kind of looks like one.
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Gold Member
Given that sites like digital foundry exist, "sizzle reel" trailers simply don't come anywhere near close enough to cut it anymore.

Just talk about the tech, compare last and current gen visuals, show some actual gameplay (in 4K, 60 fps), tell us what the roadmap is, maybe some first party info.

Sell the fucking console to us Jesus Christ!!!
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