The Outer Worlds.
Pretty fun little Fallout clone, dialogue and some of the stories really shine. Runs awesome on my PC and I'm streaming it to Deck using Sunshine/Moonlight when I don't feel like sitting in my office.
The Outer Worlds is the new Bioshock Infinite. Everyone says it's mediocre and overrated, but I thought it was excellent. Surely not as groundbreaking or large in scope as a mainline Fallout game, but still felt like one. The small, focused size and narrative, as well as the gunplay were the game's greatest strengths.
Still FFXVI.
Like 50 hours into the game it's like someone came into the office one day and was like
"hey, what if we make the reminding side quests not be shit"
And the whole team was like
I get why they saved the best sidequests for last, the payoff was great. But it doesn't make up for all the trash sidequests early on, how they dump them on you in between big story beats. And worst of all, they are all still some variation of "run here and talk to this person, then run back" and "kill this mob". Very MMO-like in a bad way, that I don't want from a mainline single player FF game.
Still working through Metroid Prime Remastered. I've nearly ragequit twice from dying and losing progress but I'm committed to beating it before Sea of Stars releases.
Good luck and enjoy. Sea of Stars will still be there when you are ready, so chill out and have fun on Tallon IV. A game like Metroid Prime comes around but once in a long time. Don't rush it.