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What game are you currently playing?


I'm so bummed MP3 got 60 fps patch but not 4k on Xbox. Game could've looked phenomenal but the iq is pretty terrible as it stands.

Spiderman 2- I think they made the gadgets too overpowered in the game which trivializes combat to a degree.

I'm still playing and I'm close to the end (70-something on save, while the completion screen on PS5 main menu says it's 80-something), but damn, I couldn't help but feel that Spider-Man 2 is subpar in comparison to the first game

That being said, maybe I'm just being tired of the same formula? So I fully understand it might be a "me" problem

OP gadgets are one of the things, but I also think they dragged boss fights by requiring to defeat the boss 3 to 4 times in a row before finally winning the fight. While I actually enjoyed this on Final Fantasy XVI, here I was just dreading it any time it happened. Most of the encounters were recycled and forcing to do literally the same thing X times in a row, quite often in the same location

My other problem was recycled setting. I know that New York is a massive part of Spider-Man's identity, but come on... We already played on majority of this map in SM1, SM1 DLCs and Miles Morales. And of course there is also a matter of MJ's missions. I've played 3 of them so far and each weren't good. I thought people were exaggerating but man, they were awful. I would honestly much preferred to see scenes with Kraven showing fights with villains who were killed offscreen than playing these bizarre stealth / shootery levels
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Top 3 so far from the huge Autumn sale:
Ride 5: Loved 4 and 5 is more fun due to improved physics. Was 3x the price of the other games on sale yet very happy.

TRON RUN/r: More fun than I expected and as a huge tron fan: worth it! Perfect for short steamdeck sessions.

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre: Excellent twin-stick rpg shooter by someone working out their mental issues while making it. Pounding metal kicks while you do unholy things.
NeverYouMind NeverYouMind To your earlier question, now that I've played a bit more. The social media aspect is way reduced. They have a "Longevity" meter (I don't recall if it was in the last game) which depletes a certain amount after every fight (depending on how much you got dinged up) and it's basically like a retirement meter. If you want to become a GOAT, there's a checklist of things you must do before it runs out (like win 20 fights, become UFC champion, earn x number of million $ as prize money etc).


You know what.

This game is a-ok. The sports-broadcast style presentation is the best in the franchise so far and the hits feel crunchy as fuuuuck.

Wow, the presentation is giving me Fight Night flashbacks. I am playing too much stuff right now to put any time into it, but when my backlog clears I will grab a copy.
Finished Ys VIII. The epilogue was damn long. Great game. This is how RPGs should be made. The narrative is engrossing. It starts as a simple attempt to escape an island and turns into so much more. Seeds of plot are planted early and later surprise you with fruit.

I spent 57 hours, getting all but a handful of trophies just by playing naturally. The remaining ones are for completing all hunts and raids. No thanks.

I want more Falcom (this was my first) and Trails of Cold Steel was my plan for today. Then I noticed that my local shop received a sealed Shin Megami Tensei V steel book edition. I picked that up and gave it a try.

Persona 5 is a masterpiece, so I presumed I would enjoy this. I’m not very far in, but it’s such a stark contrast from Ys that I don’t know if I am mentally open to this type of game at the moment. The call of Falcom’s story crafting is too strong. I need a strong narrative, and so far this just feels like an indie game.
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CoD: World at War on the Xbox 360. It's pretty good so far. Still early on. I like the old WWII games. I had tried another WWII shooter recently, MoH Frontline, but I was put off by the lack of checkpoints, which meant I had to replay a 20 minute level if I died near the end. WaW has a good checkpoint system, which I appreciate.
CoD: World at War on the Xbox 360. It's pretty good so far. Still early on. I like the old WWII games. I had tried another WWII shooter recently, MoH Frontline, but I was put off by the lack of checkpoints, which meant I had to replay a 20 minute level if I died near the end. WaW has a good checkpoint system, which I appreciate.

Mostly good. The game is kinda janky in a spin-off kind of way, it just feels different than other CoD games. The game is basically highs and lows in the franchise.


Still chugging along through Cyberpunk (had to restart after the 2.0 patch dropped) (pc)
Star Ocean: The Divine Force (ps5)
Disco Elysium - I think this is a masterpiece and I'm really enjoying it (ps5)
BG3 (pc) (back burner as I want to enjoy it properly - full days of play at a time so when I actually take leave etc)


Control series x. Clunky but lovely 80s atmosphere - David Lynch, Stephen King (Dead Zone, Firestarter), the Shining...

Force Unleashed (never finished it on 360), now rebought digital on seres x because the disc had a crack in the transparent part and I fear it could break inside the drive. Gameplay gets more fun the more you play.

Also playing it in parallel on the Vita. It's a slightly different game.

Gran Turismo 6 on ps3

Finally just started Life on Mars, new indie game, on the Sega Mega Drive. It's like metroid in a way. Fun but some grinding in order to raise money to upgrade weapons and shields.
Just finished Life on Mars for the Sega Mega Drive -> https://kai-magazine-software.fwsca...s_(New_European_cover)/p4398489_21781096.aspx

Honestly, great game but because it is a cart, it is very pricy. They should sell the rom for $15 (when on sale)
Found Sunset Overdrive at Gamestop for $3 so I gave it another go, this time on the Series X, since the first time I played it it was on Steam. I have a much better impression this time around! The game feels like a video gamey game and the campy cheesy tone enhances that more lolz. Add in the punk rock OST and the storyline, and you've got a winner! I also dig the style meter thing that encourages variety in gameplay. I will admit, the game does sort of feel repetitive if played for too long. But perhaps playing in burts and or trying out the online in between the single player may remedy that. I want to reinstall the Steam ver to try out the online at some point if possible


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I started playing Jusant in response to that Digital Foundry topic and it's a real chill game, having fun with the climbing. Also glad they have accessibility options to make it easier and remove the stamina aspect if it starts to get bothersome.


Well, I've finished Spider-Man 2. My impressions in a few posts above is basically how I still feel about it. Wasn't a big fan of the ending too

I also just started playing Gothic Classic on Switch. I have about 2 hours on my playtrough and wandering around Old Camp, so I barely scratched the surface, but it looks like a really solid port. Gothic is one of my favorite games and I played it so many times on PC, so revisiting it on Switch is definitely an interesting experience. New controls retain the "janky" feeling of the original and feel a bit overwhelming at a first sight, but after getting used to it they work surprisingly well


I ended up finishing the story of Onechanbara Z2 Chaos (PC). Really fun ass game. Very mashy but fun. A lot of mechanics and stuff to mess around with. One of the core mechanics is called Cool Combination. And it's damn near impossible to pull off without a ring (an accessory) that makes it easier to pull off, it is a necessity if you want to do damage and do cool moves. Upgrading weapons helps with you kill enemies faster. There's a bunch of moves you get as well. You can customize all four of the characters. The replay value I like is pretty good too considering it isn't a long game that doesn't overstay its welcome, which is refreshing. The one problem is that it doesn't feel like it's properly balanced with its enemies and bosses, which iirc Origins did a bit better and streamlined their gameplay mechanics. The dub and story aren't great but they're what you're playing the game for. I do think though this is still a damn good game and I do put it above Senran Kagura Burst ReNewal just based off its aesthetics, fanservice, and mechanics. But I think I slightly prefer Origins over this, but I have to put more time into this to figure out where I stand between the two. (8/10)


Gold Member
My co-worker and I started playing Final Fantasy XIV a couple of days ago. I just unlocked the White Mage class, and he's working on unlocking the Dark Knight class.


Gold Member

From the devs of Rabi-Ribi. While it's not a sequel if you liked Rabi-Ribi you should definitely give this one a try. Has a demo!

Also, shattered my worldview less than an hour in.


I finished Alan Wake 2 (PC) last night and enjoyed the majority of it. The inventory system needs a rework, in my opinion, accessing stuff whilst in combat required precision timing and a bit of luck.
Really wish the game had a Photo Mode. Some amazing visuals in there.
Great soundtrack too.
I doubt I'll go back for stashes I missed/to explore but I'll go back for some DLC.

During the Steam sale I picked up a Castlevania game but the full title escapes me. I'll start that tonight.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What a fun little game. Nice relaxed game between all the shootey shootey bang bang games I've been playing recently.



Finished Superliminal yesterday.
A Short puzzle game themed around perspective and optical illusions, it was really awesome with some truly mindbending stuff in it. It's the sort of puzzle game where the Puzzles themselves aren't particularly hard (I don't think it ever took me more then 3-4 minutes to figure out what to do) but you can't help to be impressed with how clever and unique a lot of them are.

Tried Rogue Legacy 2 on a whim and really enjoying it so far (though I'm only on my third run)


Resident Evil Director's Cut
Died a few times playing advanced mode. Pesky hunters. Just heading into the lab area.

I bought Dead Island 2 last week so might install and play that over the weekend.


Gonna try and get the platinum for Spider-Man 2 (PS5) this weekend, already 60% done. It has been very easy so far but just a bit of a time sink. Once that's done, I'll return to Wanted: Dead (XSX), as I am 80% done with the game. Might install Hogwarts (XSX) or Starfield (XSX) after that, not sure. Playing catch-up on all the 2023 releases that I bought and haven't had time to start.
After finishing Ys VIII, I floundered a bit. Spent a few hours in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and it felt as boring as it did when I tried it at release. Tried Shin Megami Tensei V, and it is a ridiculous grind. The entire game seems designed around it. I could see myself playing it one day, but not now.

I realized that, after Ys VIII, I wouldn’t be satisfied with anything but more Falcom. So I fired up Trails of Cold Steel for the first time and I am hooked. I really enjoy how every line of dialogue in Falcom’s games seems worth reading. It makes talking to the NPCs feel satisfying, and not a chore like many other games. The amount of effort put into writing all this dialogue knowing that many people won’t even see it is impressive.
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Pretty much only playing Grounded these days. Me and my friend were at the very end, tried to protect the cells during the embiggening process, failed a few times and decided to do some more exploring and battle some bosses that came with the updates. I also had this spontaneous idea to build a base around the trunk of the tree, just a bit above the ground and so far it is by far my favourite base location because you can easily build zip lines to all the locations on the map. Seriously, I have said it million times but this might be my favourite game of all time.
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Started playing BG3 with my wife almost two weeks ago. It's everything they say.

I need something to play when we're both not available for bg. I started playing last blade on ngp and it's disappointing so far. The animation and control is nice. But it's weirdly easy. And either the system is a bit simplistic or maybe I'm not getting it. The worst is that the parry seems to be a key part but doing that against a computer is not fun or interesting.

I almost played panzer general on a road trip but it appears my psone croaked. I have to get that fixed.
After finishing Ys VIII, I floundered a bit. Spent a few hours in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and it felt as boring as it did when I tried it at release. Tried Shin Megami Tensei V, and it is a ridiculous grind. The entire game seems designed around it. I could see myself playing it one day, but not now.

I realized that, after Ys VIII, I wouldn’t be satisfied with anything but more Falcom. So I fired up Trails of Cold Steel for the first time and I am hooked. I really enjoy how every line of dialogue in Falcom’s games seems worth reading. It makes talking to the NPCs feel satisfying, and not a chore like many other games. The amount of effort put into writing all this dialogue knowing that many people won’t even see it is impressive.

Dude what are you saying? This makes me want to neglect my pile of unplayed games and get into Ys VIII and IX. It sounds like the exact opposite of Xenoblade sidequests where I can't mash the buttons fast enough to skip all the worthless empty dialogue.
Ys VIII and IX. It sounds like the exact opposite of Xenoblade sidequests where I can't mash the buttons fast enough to skip all the worthless empty dialogue
Well, it is. As you say, the Xenoblade dialogue is completely hollow. It’s like how people read notifications just to remove the notification icon. Meanwhile, I am specifically seeking out every villager in Cold Steel to see what they have to say. Also, they keep their dialogue relevant to whatever events are happening.
I’ve been feeling nostalgic for old COD since MWIII is trash and I wasted $70 because of the classic maps.

I played through COD4, MW2, MW3, Infinite Warfare (the difference in quality between MP and SP is crazy and the SP deserves way more love), and Black Ops. I really only have Black Ops 2 left but after 5 straight games I might have to push it back.

I tried to go back and play The Darkness but that game is unplayable IMO in 2023.

I’m very much in a shooter mood though so I think I might boot Bulletstorm or Gears 3 (finished 1/2 a few months ago).

Other then that I’m still playing BF2042 and BF1 multiplayer and slowly working through Phantom Liberty.
AC Mirage

Damn, that game is legit. As a long time AC fan I was left disappointed by Odyssey and Valhalla but this one is back to form… for me a least. Amazing game. Hope Ubisoft will continue doing these smaller ones every now and then.


Still on Blasphemous 2.

I was all ready to throw in the towel on the game when I hit Benedicta of the Endless Orison . I died 5 or 6 times in a row and never got their health bar to even 50%.

Tried it again this morning, and beat it first time, no problem. Must've just been tired yesterday!


I platted Spider-Man 2 (PS5), it was good overall. Tonight I'll try to beat Wanted: Dead (XSX), and also continue my platinum run of The Last of Us (PS5).
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