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What game are you currently playing?


Biggest Trails Stan
I also finally spent some time with Luigi's Mansion 2. I'm in the middle of Haunted Towers. There is a lot to like about the game but I do remember why I dropped it so quickly on the 3DS. The mission structure just kills the game flow for me and the controls can be a little janky due to being designed around the system only having one slide pad (analogue stick).

I got the HD Remaster too. I couldn't get into the 3DS Version due to the controls

I'm at the final mansion and I have to go back to finishing the game. This mission I'm on is where you have to suck up all the ghosts under a invisible time limit. It's just tedious at times and I'll eventually go back to the game but that mission especially annoyed the shit out of me. Since I either kept on dying or that invisible time limit ran out


Silent Hill 2 Remake
Roaming around the hospital. The game gets scarier with each location.

Parasite Eve
Haven't played too much but love what I've seen so far. PE2 is one of my favourite games, but this is my first time with the original.
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