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What gender avatar do you typically choose?

When games give you a choice, what gender do you usually pick?

  • Always male.

    Votes: 95 28.2%
  • Majority male.

    Votes: 72 21.4%
  • Around 50/50 male to female.

    Votes: 65 19.3%
  • Majority female.

    Votes: 77 22.8%
  • Always female.

    Votes: 28 8.3%

  • Total voters


Snake Oil Salesman
When given the choice, what gender character/avatar do you typically play as?

Poll was inspired by me noticing how many female skins are used in Fortnite. I'd say lobbies are 80+% female skins. I'd assume 98+% of its players are male...


Is this a generational thing? I would bet my life that the majority of skins used in Fortnite back in 2017 - 2020 were male. Theories welcome.

EDIT: It appears as though a number of you enjoy looking at attractive female avatars as you game. To that, I pose you this...Why then are your favorite films The Matrix, Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Apocalypse Now etc...? Wouldn't the same rule apply to your favorite films and TV shows?
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In western fantasy rpgs I always play as a guy, either a strong warrior or wise old wizard. Games I play don't really let you pick characters outside of rpgs.

Sometimes I pick the girl, generally in Japanese games, like animal crossing and such.


Depends on voice (actor/actress), customising options, and general look of the characters but majority is female, also because, despite rising in numbers, female characters in games where you can't pick a gender is still less common.


Always male, I think the only times I've ever made females was for the Pawn in Dragon's Dogma and the created character in White Knight Chronicles and in both cases because the lead was male.


It depends on aesthetics and quality voice acting. I don't typically care either way unless the game has a bunch of homoerotic dialogue options, in which case I'd rather roleplay two chicks flirting than two guys flirting.
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Wish there was a choice to chose sex instead, fk gender ideology that is saying all that stuff is fluid, at least in games, those are all artifical characters, they dont change from man to woman/ woman to man and u dont hurt their feelings if u call them wrong pronouns;D
Tiger born from papa tiger and momma tiger, even if its in a barn, its still a fricken baby tiger, no matter if it thinks of itself as a calv ;D


Majority female for me. Especially if there is a character creation. It's easier for me to create a female character than a male (reading : As I am attracted to female, it's easier and more appealing to create a female than a man.)

I hear the roleplay argument to choose a male if your a male yourself, but I have no problem to roleplay female character. As I can roleplay a good or evil character. It's what roleplay is, you play a role not yourself.

In the games I replay often (mainly the Souls), I'd say I usually have around 70 % of my characters being female.
After it's also depend on what I want to roleplay. I currently play a strong bearded dude roaring and swinging its massive axes around in Elden Ring. (But I admit that the main reason I choose a male it's because the roar on female sounds dumb and I wanted to play around with big beard in the character creation)
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I am more interested in games that focuses on the written "character" than an avatar that's entirely a figment of my imagination... so I rarely get to choose the sex, or looks.

And I prefer that way, because I prefer a storytelling in more 3rd person point of view than straight up 1st person storytelling.
Usually a guy, but sometimes a girl, probably around 70/30 split for me. Various factors such as story, outfits, ect play a role in deciding.


When it's a game with a lot of melee fighting i pick male. Half magic/half melee i also pick male. Basically, if there's any physical fighting at all, i pick male. Tanks are melee so also male, especially since male oriented heavy armor usually looks much better and makes more sense. It's just that skinny, petite girls look silly when fighting big, stronger dudes. I know it's fantasy but physical strength and toughness are male attributes, IMO, when the universe uses grounded rules/physics. If the universe is about superhero powers or something, i guess size/weight doesn't matter than much.

When i make a magic user though, i often pick female. These don't rely on strength and can be as skinny or petite as they want while still wrecking havok. Magic users also use cloth armor and robes 99% of the time and these look better on a nice looking female character. Fancy robes on a male character looks weird. Btw, if i'm going to use a female character, it has to be attractive. Though, if the game has female characters that look like activists it's probably the kind of game i wouldn't want to play at all anyway.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Mostly male, but in a few games like Mass Effect and Saints Row I picked the female characters because I liked their voice acting better than the male counterparts.
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First person with great immersion or deep role-playing - man.

I like the immersion and doing proper role-playing. And playing Cyberpunk as a woman is plain weird, I’ve tried it many times but the immersion breaks as soon as she speaks or when hands are shown.

Third person with no or light role-playing - man or woman, I don’t really care.

If the woman is a hot lady I would go with that. I like Tomb Raider even if they’ve tried to tone down the sexiness, UC Lost Legacy was nice as well.
If the man is a proper Schwarzenegger beast or a super-hero I would go with that for the power fantasy thing. I like Kratos even if he’s annoying at times, I like Miles Morales a ton too.


Mostly guys, but it honestly depends. Sometimes the females characters come with perks that better suit my play style, so I go for them.
Don't really care.

It's just cosmetic really.

I just want whatever character I choose to have a developed personality and be well-portrayed.

Take an MMO for instance.

If no matter what you choose, characters don't have any defining characteristics, then what's the point?

I even prefer to be given a well-developed character to play as, so I can follow their story.


Gold Member
I'm not exactly the role-playing type, but I always choose my actual gender* anyway if I have to choose.



Spend an hour deciding the face then, only ever see their back with 3rd person and nothing with first. I usually just mash the next button.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Whatever looks or sounds cool. I preferred what I heard of Cyberpunk's female V so I went with that.


Female if 3rd person, prefer to stare to a sexy girl ass than a male ass, if 1st person i don't care, can't see myself. It's not about roleplaying, i don't give a sh*t, it's about pleasing the eyes. A 3rd character is just as fictional as an instagram influencer.... so.... but sincerely i prefer when no custom character is available if game is story driven
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Majority female. I love women with swords in any medium.

I've never felt the need to be represented with whatever character I'm playing. Like, I realize that I'm not actually inside the TV myself.

If the female characters don't look cool I'll pick something else that does no problem. In Elder Scroll games I usually play as an Argonian lizard dude. Maybe I would play as a Lizard dude more if that was an option in more games.


Faith - Hope - Love
I choose female nearly 100% of the time where possible, especially when there are character creation tools. Fighting games are a completely mixed bag, as I'll just choose whoever has a fun play style. It usually doesn't bother me too much if story-heavy games don't have a female option.

What DOES bother me, though...is when the male options are attractive, and the female options are seemingly purposefully super plain, strange looking, or actually ugly.

Case in point:


I'm sure Jayde Rossi had to be upset with this. :lollipop_tongue:
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