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What gender avatar do you typically choose?

When games give you a choice, what gender do you usually pick?

  • Always male.

    Votes: 95 28.2%
  • Majority male.

    Votes: 72 21.4%
  • Around 50/50 male to female.

    Votes: 65 19.3%
  • Majority female.

    Votes: 77 22.8%
  • Always female.

    Votes: 28 8.3%

  • Total voters


Female if she's hot and not overweight or with short purple hair. ;) Male character in most cases.
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Gold Member
A dude that looks like a lady. It adds another layer to most games as I watch that sweet ass but then struggle with why it arouses me.


Gold Member
Depends on various things. If I play through a game again I will pick the opposite. I do tend to pick females for mage builds in RPGs, and males for pure melee, but even that's not always the case.

For Far Cry 6 I picked male Dani, so in Far Cry 7 for example, I'm likely to pick the female lead. Picked male for Monster Hunter World and female for Rise.

I'll probably pick male for starting out in Saints Row.
I choose chaos.








I forgot to mention that these guys answer “i always play as a female” then defend their choice by referencing one or two games that allow lesbian interactions. Usually Mass Effect.

I ain’t judging bro you do you

I haven't counted, but I think it's more common for games to have same sex romance options for exactly that reason.

Full disclosure I fuck anything that moves.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
About 50/50 at least in story based games. I usually approach it as an RP, like who do I want this story to be about.

I feel silly trying to make a self-insert character that looks like me in a story based game or something where you play a role.

Now if we're talking about like some multiplayer game where you just make a character as an avatar, I will usually do a white dude who vaguely looks like me.


Mainly male.

Male by default, but occasionally I will make a female character to chase originality.

Elden Ring, for example:
First character was me.
Second was an old man with an eye patch.
Third was a female
Fourth was a male again

Certain builds in games lend themselves to different body types. Big strong character? Male. Going for the sleight, nimble type? Female works just fine.
First person with great immersion or deep role-playing - man.

I like the immersion and doing proper role-playing. And playing Cyberpunk as a woman is plain weird, I’ve tried it many times but the immersion breaks as soon as she speaks or when hands are shown.

Third person with no or light role-playing - man or woman, I don’t really care.

If the woman is a hot lady I would go with that. I like Tomb Raider even if they’ve tried to tone down the sexiness, UC Lost Legacy was nice as well.
If the man is a proper Schwarzenegger beast or a super-hero I would go with that for the power fantasy thing. I like Kratos even if he’s annoying at times, I like Miles Morales a ton too.
In cyberpunk case: i dont wanna play a shorty boy and the way the camera is angled in dialogue it always seems that V is on the short side. FemV it is then.


Gold Member
It appears as though a number of you enjoy looking at attractive female avatars as you game. To that, I pose you this...Why then are your favorite films The Matrix, Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Apocalypse Now etc...? Wouldn't the same rule apply to your favorite films and TV shows?

They want to watch them, not listen to them.
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Whatever I feel like picking at the time. My mom was so surprised that I played as a female, Claire Redfield in OG RE2 when it's like second nature to me and don't even question it


In games like Call of Duty MP and Warzone I go for a female character due to them appearing thin. Even though hit boxes are the same across all characters, I think psychologically it makes them harder to hit than a bulkier character that may encourage you to maintain your aim.


In RPGs, it is based on the character in my head. Skyrim, WoW, cyberpunk,etc. I have made characters with both genders.

If it's like sifu or pokemon, where it really doesn't make a difference. I just go with the dude.


In games like Call of Duty MP and Warzone I go for a female character due to them appearing thin. Even though hit boxes are the same across all characters, I think psychologically it makes them harder to hit than a bulkier character that may encourage you to maintain your aim.
I noticed in battlefield. If you play as a woman. Others are more likely to pick you up, as well.
I play both. It depends on the game. It would be weird to play a female character in a game with romance, so I'd pick a male in those games.


this is a video game forum why does anything here matter
Because I’m sick and tired of hearing about gender and all type of nonsense that’s matters to nobody but a personal decision. If a game allows character creation create the character you want to play with. Nobody else gives a shit.


Male or female, depends on the mood. Sometimes girls have more fun, like in the 80's song. Sometimes it is nice to make a male character and think "yeah I would smash that"
Aren't genders illegal now?
Only in USA. I have read they even have kids saying and behaving like cats and dogs... I am not sure if it is real or just typical "think of the children American over reaction"


EDIT: It appears as though a number of you enjoy looking at attractive female avatars as you game. To that, I pose you this...Why then are your favorite films The Matrix, Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Apocalypse Now etc...? Wouldn't the same rule apply to your favorite films and TV shows?
Movies with female leads aren’t as good. Female actresses either aren’t as good at acting or don’t get scripts as good and the action isn’t powerful enough. Simple as that really.

I’d love to watch movies where an actress was acting as good as Leonardo Dicaprio in an awesome movie with awesome and brutal action while looking as hot as the sun.
If those movies exist then please list them!

I think the closest we’ve got is Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson, both are good actresses and they’re beautiful and get reasonably good scripts in movies with decent action. And I do watch their movies.
Depends on how sexy/horny the character creator lets me get. Fallout? Male. Fallout with Mods? Female.

Movies with female leads aren’t as good. Female actresses either aren’t as good at acting or don’t get scripts as good and the action isn’t powerful enough. Simple as that really.

I’d love to watch movies where an actress was acting as good as Leonardo Dicaprio in an awesome movie with awesome and brutal action while looking as hot as the sun.
If those movies exist then please list them!

I think the closest we’ve got is Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson, both are good actresses and they’re beautiful and get reasonably good scripts in movies with decent action. And I do watch their movies.
Woah woah woah back the fuck up!

I'll dish on shoddy gender ideology anytime but I feel like you need to watch more than mainstream Hollywood movies. Hell even watch old/older Hollywood. Hell just watch Cate Blanchett in any movie and tell me she's not as good as any of the male greats. Watch Charlize Theron in Monster, and then watch her in Fury Road. Tilda Swinton. Meryl Streep. And these are just the famous alive ones, not counting all the indie and classic cinema women. Lawrence and Johansson don't even register on the list of actresses who can act their ass off. True, skilled actresses aren't always the most physically attractive, but they are female leads, and they do star in good movies. Your extra qualifier of them needing to look beautiful is your pref so no problem, but it makes your original statement disingenuous. Action is a whole other can of worms entirely.

Take a took at some old school Hong Kong action, it's all about having the right athletic background, and the right action crew:



Depends on how sexy/horny the character creator lets me get. Fallout? Male. Fallout with Mods? Female.

Woah woah woah back the fuck up!

I'll dish on shoddy gender ideology anytime but I feel like you need to watch more than mainstream Hollywood movies. Hell even watch old/older Hollywood. Hell just watch Cate Blanchett in any movie and tell me she's not as good as any of the male greats. Watch Charlize Theron in Monster, and then watch her in Fury Road. Tilda Swinton. Meryl Streep. And these are just the famous alive ones, not counting all the indie and classic cinema women. Lawrence and Johansson don't even register on the list of actresses who can act their ass off. True, skilled actresses aren't always the most physically attractive, but they are female leads, and they do star in good movies. Your extra qualifier of them needing to look beautiful is your pref so no problem, but it makes your original statement disingenuous. Action is a whole other can of worms entirely.

Take a took at some old school Hong Kong action, it's all about having the right athletic background, and the right action crew:

I know Kate Blanchett and Meryl Streep can act but I’m not into dramas and how cool is the action in a movie where they play the main character?

Charlize Theron is a good pick though, I can agree there, loved The Old Guard. But beautiful actress who can act well and handle brutal action is a rare thing unfortunately.


Golden Boy
When i can play a hot sloot i choose female most of the time. Cyberpunk for example.
If no hottie then i go for a buff male or something
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Anyone who rocks a girl gaf avatar is a simp who should go out and touch grass tbh

As far as the actual serious question, I always choose to play as men if I have the choice. I just have an easier time immersing myself.
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Usually the one that looks the coolest to me.
for example, in a game like monster hunter, male armor looks much better than tyhe female one, at least to me. Reason being that i always prefer full armor, and with female characters, most of the time they lose the cool helmets.


If I can choose I always choose female. Dunno why, but always have, always will.

I did however in Cyberpunk opt for a pee-pee and was very upset by the lack of decent footlong sized options.


A male because I don't wanna play as a whiny bitch or a female that's pretending to be a man and grunting all the time like female Eivor. But I enjoyed being a lesbian in Life is Strange.

Ben Stiller GIF


I think I'm about 50/50, but it really depends.

If the male option looks like some boring dude we've seen a thousand times before in other games, I'll choose the female option.

It also depends on the acting. Like, in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Kassandra's acting was way better than Alexios.

In games like Fortnite where you aren't necessarily playing a campaign or there's no acting, I just kind of have a mix of whatever I like. I have my avatars and skins on random shuffle through a handful of favorites. Though I'm not going to lie, my favorite skin in that game is a giant hot dog.
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