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What gender avatar do you typically choose?

When games give you a choice, what gender do you usually pick?

  • Always male.

    Votes: 95 28.2%
  • Majority male.

    Votes: 72 21.4%
  • Around 50/50 male to female.

    Votes: 65 19.3%
  • Majority female.

    Votes: 77 22.8%
  • Always female.

    Votes: 28 8.3%

  • Total voters
When given the choice, what gender character/avatar do you typically play as?

Poll was inspired by me noticing how many female skins are used in Fortnite. I'd say lobbies are 80+% female skins. I'd assume 98+% of its players are male...


Is this a generational thing? I would bet my life that the majority of skins used in Fortnite back in 2017 - 2020 were male. Theories welcome.

But honestly depend of the game.


Male because I'm male......I've no desire to trans myself,although I gather that is rather popular with the kids these days......also,only two genders in your poll is highly transphobic OP. /s


Wish there was a choice to chose sex instead, fk gender ideology that is saying all that stuff is fluid, at least in games, those are all artifical characters, they dont change from man to woman/ woman to man and u dont hurt their feelings if u call them wrong pronouns;D
Tiger born from papa tiger and momma tiger, even if its in a barn, its still a fricken baby tiger, no matter if it thinks of itself as a calv ;D
Were you having a stroke when you wrote this?


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I pick whatever body type that doesn't come with a bra.


Since my childhood I'd often end up picking the character nobody else wanted, usually the "girl". It kind of payed off in some games like fighters because I'd have a deeper understanding of the character(s) and have a good edge against my competition. In beat 'em ups it was the same deal, usually a harder experience since the ladies were often stated weaker but quicker. I love rpgs with a party because I have a nice variety of characters to pick from. Create a charater games I always go female. MP games I usually/always go female, especially Fartnite. I'm totally content with myself a like to see things from a different perspective. For me all games are escapist fantasy, I want to get as far away from irl as possible, live another life.

In table top games I also play females/futanari. Playing with my friends and family we learned pretty early on that I'd get bored with a dude quickly and look to make a new character, I tried what I did in videogames and it just clicked, never had an issue since. It actually bugs me and my girl when games, usually western, make the ladies as bland or even ugly. I don't hate them or anything but we enjoy idealistic beauty and feminine designs.


It depends on the art style of the game.

In some games male avatar look like shit, in other it's the female. I pick whichever is the most appealing to me.

The only exception to that is MMOs, there I always pick a male avatar I can identify with.
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Gold Member
Female characters unless they are butt ugly, then male.
So I guess "majority female" as answer in the poll.
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Always play a human male fighter in D&D. If possible, play a paladin and play him like a totally self-important and unlikeable douche who only cares about himself and his personal opinion of what his god wants, which is just a psychological projection of what he wants. This is the only true way to game.


Gold Member
50/50 it depends on a few things, sometimes it's the armour divide. For example Monster Hunter I often look up the male/female sets before I create a hunter as they are radically diffrent.


It all depends on a few factors, I went femshep in mass effect because I preferred her voice actor.
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Used to make myself years ago, which got kinda lame. I’ll make a woman 90% of the time, because women are beautiful.
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I usually pick a female to be honest, most games have a male protagonist so it’s nice to mix it up when given the option.
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I would say majority male. It doesn't really matter to me, unless the game is story driven and the character talks. At that point I choose male because most of my choices would be weird as a woman.


Gold Member

I usually create multiple characters, on Elden Ring, for example, I created 2 males (one is a faith build and the other is a dex) and 2 females (int build and str build).
Why limit yourself to a gender spectrum or binary when you have a 5 dimensions of time and space to be whatever whenever:


I move up and down, left and right, before and after all at the same time or in no time at all! I bend gender fluidly and in all possible dimensions, I am the Magellan of gendering.
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In most cases I choose female. If I'm goimg to be starring at my character's ass, it might as well be a good ass.

Exemption* to the rule are:
  1. When it doesn't mater and you never see your character. (Ex. Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap, Souls games)
  2. When the game expects you to role play, and I'm expected to establish a romance with a selection of dudes.
  3. When the female option is ugly.
I'm curious how many girls actually choose a male character when given the choice.
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Depends on the game. When I played FF14 it was male and when I had played a bit of Tera it was female of course.
Most games I play as female. Just like the looks more. However, if there are romance options, then I always go male. I love to project myself as the guy as I romance the hot chicks.

I am a virgin beta male, btw.


It's pretty random, on average I probably alternate. Generally has more to do with whatever look or style I'm feeling, or if there are fictional characters in recent memory I like to base my character on.

In Souls-type games I definetely tend towards Berserk characters.


Gold Member
For me it depends on the voice acting in many instances. For example:

AC: Valhalla: male Eivor
AC: Odyssey: Kassandra
ME Legendary Edition: Female Shepherd
Cyberpunk 2077: Male V (although female voice actor was not bad)
Usually a geezer. I’m not really a fan of make your own character games though. I would prefer a pre designed and well thought out character from the get go. Either male, female, or trans cis poly gender, it doesn’t matter if it’s right for the game.
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70-80% of the time I use a male avatar. Only in certain games, esp ones where all the male avatars are ugly, will I choose a girl avatar.

For example, racing as a hot chick in Forza Horizon 5, is more appealing than as an ugly bland male avatar.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I choose female nearly 100% of the time where possible, especially when there are character creation tools. Fighting games are a completely mixed bag, as I'll just choose whoever has a fun play style. It usually doesn't bother me too much if story-heavy games don't have a female option.

What DOES bother me, though...is when the male options are attractive, and the female options are seemingly purposefully super plain, strange looking, or actually ugly.

Case in point:


I'm sure Jayde Rossi had to be upset with this. :lollipop_tongue:

I hate that too. The default male Shepard in the ME trilogy looked great, but it was hard as hell to make even an acceptable looking FemShep. I always go female when the choice is offered. It makes it more immersive and my character more relatable to me.


I usually default to a dude. I also like the play as non humans when that's an option.
But really depends on the game, how good the character creator is or if it's pre defined characters, how much voice acting there is and how good the voices are (main reason I picked Kassandra in Odyssey was that the voice acting for the dude was hilariously bad), etc

Usually a geezer. I’m not really a fan of make your own character games though. I would prefer a pre designed and well thought out character from the get go. Either male, female, or trans cis poly gender, it doesn’t matter if it’s right for the game.

Lol me too. I often make old characters, I guess because I usually find older character more interesting and the vast majority of games have young protagonists


Gold Member
I choose female nearly 100% of the time where possible, especially when there are character creation tools. Fighting games are a completely mixed bag, as I'll just choose whoever has a fun play style. It usually doesn't bother me too much if story-heavy games don't have a female option.

What DOES bother me, though...is when the male options are attractive, and the female options are seemingly purposefully super plain, strange looking, or actually ugly.

Case in point:


I'm sure Jayde Rossi had to be upset with this. :lollipop_tongue:
There is clearly an ideology that hates women.


I tend to use female. Mass Effect and Assassin's' Creed Odyssey were far better playing as a female I think.


If it's third person, and the female avatar is hot, and I can dress her scantily clad, I play as a female. I'd much rather stare at a hot girl's ass running around on screen then the beefy back of a dude.

guys who play games as woman so they can “see a girls ass” sounds like BS to me. You end up spending the rest of the game forming romantic relationships with men.

That’s gay. You’re gay.

You clearly never played Mass Effect as a lesbian.
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Gold Member
Started choosing females in World of Warcraft as they just took up less space especially in raids and on mounts

Plus some earlier shooters the female hitbox was actually smaller


I pick female avatar in VR games to look down at my own boobs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Insert joke here about all we see in VR are just floating hands.)
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