Gotta get down on that booty eating, son.
fml had to jump pages with that didn't it?
Feces and Urine are waste products being expelled from your body, you shouldn't spread them around afterward by not washing.
You missed some waste products. There's also carbon dioxide and sweat, and lets throw in hair and dead skin that is sloughed off regularly, while we're at it. Do you prevent those waste products from contaminating people and surfaces with which you interact on a daily basis? And before you tell me that the contaminants I just listed aren't dangerous, I want to remind you that they're as dangerous as the perceived feces particles that remain on a person's hand after they have touched the opposite side of a piece of toilet paper that was used to wipe said feces from they're ass.
Clearly quite a few of you don't believe in it. What does this have to do with children? Other than the fact children have a much weaker immune system than their parents, preparing your kids food with your fecal matter particles all in it isn't sanity nor is it healthy for children.
The problem with people that wash their hands is that most of them do not know how to do it properly so germs and fecal particles are still there.
Gotta get down on that booty eating, son.
fml had to jump pages with that didn't it?
They don't transmit bacteria and infectious diseases as easily as Feces and Urine do though. This isn't even an entirely scientific debate I am having, because I am not a germaphobe, it's just common courtesy to not spread shit and piss around when it is so easy to wash it off.
The problem with people that wash their hands is that most of them do not know how to do it properly so germs and fecal particles are still there.
First of all, I wash my hands before preparing food.
Second of all, regarding the context of our dialog, it would only be dangerous if the food being prepared had been intended to be consumed raw.
Pro-tip while I am at it, close the lid before you flush shit down the toilet if you are scared of fecal particulates spewing out of your toilet and settling on and around your bathroom. After watching the Mythbusters episode where they showed that there were shit particulates on a toothbrush just from flushing the toilet, and from having the toothbrush out in open air, I made a point in closing the lid before I flush.
also Myth Busters did a segment on the poo particle thing and found the particles were even on their toothbrushes (regardless of location within the bathroom). You're literally brushing your teeth with microscopic shit.
You don't wash your toothbrush before using it?
You missed some waste products. There's also carbon dioxide and sweat, and lets throw in hair and dead skin that is sloughed off regularly, while we're at it. Do you prevent those waste products from contaminating people and surfaces with which you interact on a daily basis? And before you tell me that the contaminants I just listed aren't dangerous, I want to remind you that they're as dangerous as the perceived feces particles that remain on a person's hand after they have touched the opposite side of a piece of toilet paper that was used to wipe said feces from they're ass.
Why bother washing your hands before preparing food? You seem to care enough about transmitting germs there even though most of them would be cooked out by the time you were done.
Maybe you should skip washing hands before preparing food, I'm sure no one will mind just as no one minds you not washing after taking a shit since, as you just said, ignorance is bliss.
Until they get sick
And when you wash your hands after taking a shit you also get those off your hands!
The second part is just scientifically wrong.
I was under the impression that people didn't generally go about shoving their fingers into their mouths unless they were eating, hence why I only do it when I prepare food or eat, myself.
That's a very bold claim. I'll believe it when you provide a source for it.
That's a very bold claim. I'll believe it when you provide a source for it.
I was under the impression that people didn't generally go about shoving their fingers into their mouths unless they were eating, hence why I only do it when I prepare food or eat, myself.
That's a very bold claim. I'll believe it when you provide a source for it.
is soap needed when washing your hand? or just water is good enough?
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
I was under the impression that people didn't generally go about shoving their fingers into their mouths unless they were eating, hence why I only do it when I prepare food or eat, myself.
Because of you Jumpluff and feces are now irrevocably linked in my mind
Why do you wash your hands before you eat?
That's a great question. Participating in this debate has made me realize that's it's pretty much a waste of soap and water. Thanks for facilitating my enlightenment, ConvenientBox!
That's a great question. Participating in this debate has made me realize that's it's pretty much a waste of soap and water. Thanks for facilitating my enlightenment, ConvenientBox!
Fixed that for you....why is this thread so long? LIKE THIS IS PRETTY BASIC. IF YOU GO TO THE BATHROOM YOU SHOULD WASH YOUR HANDS.
I'm just wondering where you cross the line.
You missed some waste products. There's also carbon dioxide and sweat, and lets throw in hair and dead skin that is sloughed off regularly, while we're at it. Do you prevent those waste products from contaminating people and surfaces with which you interact on a daily basis? And before you tell me that the contaminants I just listed aren't dangerous, I want to remind you that they're as dangerous as the perceived feces particles that remain on a person's hand after they have touched the opposite side of a piece of toilet paper that was used to wipe said feces from they're ass.
Just went to the bathroom the other day and this guy taking a shit just leaves without washing his hands. Why are people so lazy about washing their shit covered hands?
I don't know about you, but I don't get shit all over my hands when I wipe.
Let me pose a question to you all;
If you were to get a piece of shit residue on your arm, would you go to the bathroom and get toilet paper to wipe it off? No, you'd probably rinse it and soap it. People don't do so with their asses. I wish bidet's were as common in the U.S. as they are in some parts of Europe.
What?Some people just don't give a shit about hygiene. There's a defence force on GAF too for pissing in your bathroom floor and not washing your hands. Just avoid them like the ebola.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
Yes and apparently it's a massive DF not just a few crazies. Search for the threads, they are long.
People also aren't using their asses to open doors, prepare food, greet people, etc.
or are they
I really wish I had never opened this thread.
The problem with people that wash their hands is that most of them do not know how to do it properly so germs and fecal particles are still there.
I gotta get in into the heads to understand how lazy/disgusting some people can be. And it isn't as if you have to go out of your way to wash up, the infrastructure is there, every bathroom has the means to wash - at that point it's just trying to prove a point.
Yep. And I often fake it in public if I know no one is actually close enough to see. I just turn the water on and splash it around for a little bit with a single finger then grab a towel or use the drier.