Yes, yes, yes.
Also, there's no such thing as a "pro-wash" side. There's civilized human society, and ignorant anti-science savages.
Yeah, like it's some sort of debate with some middle ground. Jesus...
Ugh. That reminds me, a few months ago, I did some contractual work for a regular employer of mine, but the laptop and keyboard I had used on previous assignments had been given to another employee. On the other hand, a few other employees had been laid off, so I was given a keyboard from some dude I remembered from a past assignment. I have no idea about his bathroom hygiene, but the keyboard was so bloody filthy I didn't want to touch it.
And I'm not some princess either. My keyboard at home is a bit dirty from all the small crumbs over the years (I have a bad habit of snacking while on the computer ^^). Even if I'm careful not to spread crumbs, it still happens, and over the years they've become noticeable. Luckily they're all "dry" crumbs (like from toasts or whatever) and the rest is just dust, but even using the air cans don't help that much.
But compared to this guy's work keyboard, my home keyboard was pristine. I've never been so grossed out by a piece of computer equipment before, but I begged my supervisor to get another keyboard. Dark gunky stains (probably coffee... I hope it's coffee but that's still nasty) all over, chunks of food, etc. Fortunately my supervisor laughed in agreement when he took one look at the keyboard in question and offered another one. I have no idea how the former employee managed to spread such filth, since he didn't work there that long. *shudders*