Why do you think they put sinks and soap in bathrooms? To give it a homey atmosphere?
Wash your damn hands, it's not particularly taxing.
Wash your damn hands, it's not particularly taxing.
Why do you think they put sinks and soap in bathrooms? To give it a homey atmosphere?
Wash your damn hands, it's not particularly taxing.
They also put handrails, baby changing stations and tampon dispensers. Not everything in a bathroom has to be used on every visit.
Or living in the sewers.
Hell, I think kids can be given some leeway (well, in a sense) for being young and dumb. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of us had a period where we got lazy or didn't think, say, washing after peeing was a big deal. By adulthood you should better understand why it matters however.My six year old washes his hands after using the restroom without being told to.
Each of those has a specific purpose (you're disabled or otherwise have difficulty getting up, you have a baby, you have a period and need emergency tampons)... just as the soap and water is for you to wash your fucking hands! Which is really a good idea after touching an area where urine comes from and tends to be a prime breeding area for bacteria, nevermind where feces comes out come on now.They also put handrails, baby changing stations and tampon dispensers. Not everything in a bathroom has to be used on every visit.
So not only you have disgusting habits, but you gloat about it too. Yes, people are rightfully grossed out by your lack of basic hygiene. I can't stress the word basic enough.You guys are so funny. I'm seriously laughing at each of the responses so far. Like, wow, way to take something I don't even think about and turn it into some form of criminalized terrorism.
What's the big deal with that? It's not like I piss on my hands or rub the head while doing it.
They also put handrails, baby changing stations and tampon dispensers. Not everything in a bathroom has to be used on every visit.
what the fuck? I wonder if you even flush your toilet now.
Couldn't agree more. I can't even begin to fathom.Fuck people who don't wash their hands after taking a shit/piss/both
For fucks sake seriously
Yep. And I often fake it in public if I know no one is actually close enough to see. I just turn the water on and splash it around for a little bit with a single finger then grab a towel or use the drier.
A friend of mine says he takes a shower whenever he poops. I can't imagine the hassle there.
Ok, even if you don't want to wash your hands after going to the bathroom, you could consider how dirty your hands get in general throughout the day. It's not just about the bathroom, your hands touch filth all day everyday.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
You definitely can, but you will spread more germs around, that is certain. Plus it's just kind of rude to touch general use door handles after using the bathroom without washing your hands. In your own home, yeah ok whatever but at least in work/public.The world around us is pretty stable. You can go a day without washing your hands, I promise.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
One thing I've learned while working in retail is ALWAYS use hand sanitizer whenever you can.
I thought that not being entirely hygienic resulted in a stronger immunity system (although I do lack a source for this atm). Although I always wash hands after visiting the bathroom I don't overdo it like some people who washes after using the doorway handle in a public place.Take comfort in the fact that they wont live as long and be sick more often than hygenic people.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
The best part is that he caught Ebola by not washing his hands. Ironic.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
This thread is amazing, can't believe people are defending not washing your hands after going to the toilet.
Say you have a touch of gastroenteritis that you may or not yet know about, any bacteria which has been transferred to your hands will then be transferred to the toilet door handles, thus everybody that uses that toilet runs the risk of contracting it. That makes you a selfish prick.
To those that proudly don't wash, I suggest you mention it to your co-workers and judge their reaction. Better yet next time you're at the doctors causally mention that you don't think washing your hands after using the toilet is necessary, I wonder if they'll agree with you.
Edit: The only thing that's disgusting in this thread is the elitism and righteousness.
I'm curious if the pro-wash side washes there hands at home, when you are alone, after taking a piss?
Or what if you are at home, alone, take a dump, and then there is no more soap in the dispenser. Are you bothered enough to get the big refillable beast from under the sink and fill the dispenser back up?
Edit: The only thing that's disgusting in this thread is the elitism and righteousness.
Edit: The only thing that's disgusting in this thread is the elitism and righteousness.
You would have to be severely immunocompromised to attain gastroenteritis from touching a door handle.
Edit: The only thing that's disgusting in this thread is the elitism and righteousness.