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What is Losing Water Weight?

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Ive always heard the term but what does it mean?

Ive done research and it says to actually drink MORE water to lose "water weight" and I notice it being related to what people lose on the first stages of a diet.

Is it really water?

or mebbe less salt or something?

any ideas?


I believe the general principle is that if you don't hydrate properly, your body will conserve water, thereby adding weight. If you drink proper amounts of, well, water I guess (or anything that's water-based) you'll equalize the system and any excess water in your system will be sent packing.
well some of my friends in HS were wrestlers and they always wore trashbags and crap and ate grapefruit.

I just dont know why its called water weight if all it is is the body losing regular weight through less calories?
When I was in wrestling I was actually able to shed about 5 pounds a night, but that was actually all through sweat and using up water to hydrate my cells, not actual body mass. If you ever notice this, you don't piss as much as you drink, and thats water weight.


xsarien said:
I believe the general principle is that if you don't hydrate properly, your body will conserve water, thereby adding weight. If you drink proper amounts of, well, water I guess (or anything that's water-based) you'll equalize the system and any excess water in your system will be sent packing.

Yep...more water in, more water out. And in terms of bodybuilding competitions, BB'ers always try to get rid of as much water the last day or two before appearing on stage to give them that extremely ripped and vascular look. If you retain water under the skin, it gives you a more puffy/blurry look to your muscles.

El Papa

My body weight fluctuates quite a bit because of water weigth. I drink 3-4 liters of water a day and when I do stenuous activity like playing basketball or running, I sweat like mad. I also piss like crazy.


Setec Astronomer
ZombieSupaStar said:
I just dont know why its called water weight if all it is is the body losing regular weight through less calories?
The weight you see on the scale is the total of everything in your body. Fat, muscle, blood, bones, everything. Although when people usually refer to "losing weight" they really mean fat reduction, but with "water weight" you're specifically refering to the added mass from excess water in your body.
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