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What is the biggest "holy crap!" moment you're expecting from E3?

This thread has made me realize that I am not nearly as excited for Uncharted 4 as I was expecting. When it was first announced, I was like "Fuck yeah!" But since Amy Hennig and the other director left, my excitement has dwindled considerably. I realize that isn't very fair, but it's just the way I feel. :/ Maybe the game will impress me at E3 and get me back to being excited.

I think the biggest "Wow, fuck yes" moment for me will probably be Zelda U assuming they reveal it. If Mario Kart 8 is anything to go by, it'll look awesome. I know it's a racer vs a more open adventure type game, but still. Very interested to see if they keep the art style of the tech demo or do something else. Seeing The Last Guardian for PS4 would make me sooo happy as well.


FF15 and KH3 exclusive on the PS4 so as not to be held back
like FF13
. Square to continue pondering a PC version however.
Oh yeah, I'm expecting Kingdom Hearts III to be awesome. I'm also hoping for a Fossil Fighters 3 localization announcement, though I'm not getting my hopes up.


Membero Americo
Project Nagano is Metal Gear Rising 2: Revengeance Harder, exclusive to Xbox One. GAF blows up.
Its the best way to introduce it. Have the opening few seconds be the actual trailer from E3 2004 (I think it was 2004), and then as the Phantom lands, and it goes from cinematic to gameplay, it moves onto the updated HD remake/graphics.

Oh and this time its an actual level in the game. Full on.

This would be amazing. It would feel so full circle if they got Joe Staten to do the intro/demo.
The Last Guardian release date
Crash bandicoot made by naughty dog
Spyro made by insomniac (with the same sort of art style as the original)
Half life 3 release date
Beyond Good and evil 2 release date
Uncharted PS4 trailer or gameplay
Mirrors edge 2 gameplay
A new Syphon Filter announced
God of War 4 trailer
Battlefield bad company 3 trailer and release date
Red Dead Redemption sequel teaser or trailer
Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay

Pretty much none of this will happen but I can dream can't I?



When Sig Asmussen, Amy Hemming, Justin Richmond and Seth Killian walk onto Microsoft's stage to announce their new exclusive titles hosted by Jeff Rubenstein.


Nintendo announcing a new handheld (showing off a proper Zelda/Metroid/long-forgotten IP) would be quite something.
Price cut ($350/ 375?)
Shenmue 3
Next Gen GTA V revealed on their stage
Morpheus update with OLED screen
PlayStation Plus adding free Sony movie/tv rentals for users
"Driveclub is available from tomorrow/ next week/ very soon" (wishful thinking I fear)
Uncharted teaser with gameplay

Xbox One
Kinect game that uses hardware well
Perfect Dark sequel
Halo 5 gameplay
Xbox One Games with Gold reveal, Ryse first up in August
Select apps not locked behind the paywall
Unknown game by new MS owned studio

Wii U
1st or 2nd party sports game that doesn't have Mii's in it.
Hyrule Warriors info

Aisha Tyler


After Rockstar Games announce GTAV for PS4, GTAV DLC, GTA: Las Venturas for Vita they say there is one more thing they would like to show; a short trailer reveals that Agent still exist and it will be released for PS4 Winter 2015.

It looks like there is some confusion going on, security is trying to prevent a guy dressed as Crash from going on stage, they start to drag him out of there. Two guys go on stage and ask them to let him go, that he is allowed to come up on stage, those two guys are Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin they announce that a new Crash title is on the works at their new formed studio.

Lights go out. The silhouette of a guy holding a crowbar is shown. GabeN gets on stage together with someone from Sony and they talk about VR. Sony announces Project Morpheus support for PC and Gabe announces a partnership to release HL³ as a VR game for PC and PS4, release date is 2016.

It looks like they are going to wrap it up and as the presenter is leaving the stage, someone from the crowd yells "TLG!?". He turns back and say that he had actually forget about it and that he is going to contact SCEJ live and settle this once and for all. A guy from SCEJ is show on the screen and he is asked if TLG is still in production. He says that the only current project they can talk about that is in development there is Demon's Souls 2 for Vita and that they are not working on TLG anymore. The presenter says that it is really a shame that TLG has been canceled. "Cancelled?" the guy from japans ask, "No, its hasn't been cancelled. Production has stooped because the project has been completed, the copies are already been made and the game releases in July. Did you receive out letter?"

What happens after that no one remembers exactly, everyone went to the streets, crime rate reached an all time high, not only PS4s were out of stock but also guns, Republicans and Democrats got together and pressured Barack Obama to go on TV an threaten Japan unless more PS4 stock was sent to NA. China announced they had permanently lift the ban on consoles but a new law was put in place that made it illegal for any PS4 to leave their territory. In Brazil the price of a PS4 went up to $2500 and the World Cup had to be put on hold until they solved the situation. It was business as usual in New Zealand, aside from the fact that they were receiving threats from all over the globe to let go of their huge stock of PS4s.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Nintendo announces that Zelda 5 Swords is the game that they have been working on for the Wii U and everyone is like "holy crap, Nintendo must really hate it's fans".


One or two unknown AAA games announced. Released in 2015 or 16.

Tons of 5 year old indie games announced for the newest consoles.


The Last Guardian release date
Crash bandicoot made by naughty dog
Spyro made by insomniac (with the same sort of art style as the original)
Half life 3 release date
Beyond Good and evil 2 release date
Uncharted PS4 trailer or gameplay
Mirrors edge 2 gameplay
A new Syphon Filter announced
God of War 4 trailer
Battlefield bad company 3 trailer and release date
Red Dead Redemption sequel teaser or trailer
Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay

Pretty much none of this will happen but I can dream can't I?


Nothing would prepare the world for that many megatons, Neogaf servers alone would collapse into a black hole.


The next Quantic Dream game would be another candidate, but that is probably E3 2015 tbh.

If they can deliver a PS4 game with visuals that exceed the Dark Sorcerer demo, I think that'll be worth a "holy crap" from me. If it actually looks like a fun, qualty game, it'll rate a "holy shyte, I just jizzed myself" type of reaction.
After Rockstar Games announce GTAV for PS4, GTAV DLC, GTA: Las Venturas for Vita they say there is one more thing they would like to show; a short trailer reveals that Agent still exist and it will be released for PS4 Winter 2015.

It looks like there is some confusion going on, security is trying to prevent a guy dressed as Crash from going on stage, they start to drag him out of there. Two guys go on stage and ask them to let him go, that he is allowed to come up on stage, those two guys are Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin they announce that a new Crash title is on the works at their new formed studio.

Lights go out. The silhouette of a guy holding a crowbar is shown. GabeN gets on stage together with someone from Sony and they talk about VR. Sony announces Project Morpheus support for PC and Gabe announces a partnership to release HL³ as a VR game for PC and PS4, release date is 2016.

It looks like they are going to wrap it up and as the presenter is leaving the stage, someone from the crowd yells "TLG!?". He turns back and say that he had actually forget about it and that he is going to contact SCEJ live and settle this once and for all. A guy from SCEJ is show on the screen and he is asked if TLG is still in production. He says that the only current project they can talk about that is in development there is Demon's Souls 2 for Vita and that they are not working on TLG anymore. The presenter says that it is really a shame that TLG has been canceled. "Cancelled?" the guy from japans ask, "No, its hasn't been cancelled. Production has stooped because the project has been completed, the copies are already been made and the game releases in July. Did you receive out letter?"

What happens after that no one remembers exactly, everyone went to the streets, crime rate reached an all time high, not only PS4s were out of stock but also guns, Republicans and Democrats got together and pressured Barack Obama to go on TV an threaten Japan unless more PS4 stock was sent to NA. China announced they had permanently lift the ban on consoles but a new law was put in place that made it illegal for any PS4 to leave their territory. In Brazil the price of a PS4 went up to $2500 and the World Cup had to be put on hold until they solved the situation. It was business as usual in New Zealand, aside from the fact that they were receiving threats from all over the globe to let go of their huge stock of PS4s.

Aonuma already said that when they show Zelda U off at first people won't realize it is Zelda until the end but that everyone will understand the direction.
That gets me super hyped.


- Demons Souls 2 for PS4. Only reason that would make me buy that console.
- Valve learns to count to 3 and announces: Half life 3, Portal 3 and L4D 3.
Plz Gaben, plz.
- New Metroid/F zero for Wii U
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