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What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?


Gold Member
Slowly losing the dreams of my childhood and becoming someone I didn't want to be when I was younger.

Lots of regret about earlier choices in life and wondering where it all went wrong.

What I desire most isn't money, power or fame. It's to undo stuff in the past.
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Some trauma before the age of 4 or 5.

But nothing beats spending the night with Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage .

On a more serious note. Having a severe anxiety disorder makes a lot of everyday moment to moment "scary"

And like I mentioned in the near death thread I almost overdosed on some substances. If not for a friend having a bad feeling I'm not sure I would've woken up. Which to fair should fall under "a scary circumstance" Doesn't feel that way though.

Oh one time I had that condition where half my face lost it's muscles or whatever so yeah THAT scared the living shit out of me.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I was driving home from work, trying to beat a major storm home. The drive was about 30 mins normally. I exited the interstate and a small funnel formed directly in front of me and went over my car. The whole thing was rocking and it flipped one of my windshield wipers. That was the edge of the storm and I still had half the trip left. 70mph winds and absolutely zero visibility. My mind kept thinking about the small tornado. I was scared I would drive directly into a much bigger one. I eventually made it into town and there were power lines and trees down, blocking lots of roads. I took any possible back route to my place and eventually made it there. Ran inside and waited for the rest of the storm to pass.

Closest to death I've ever felt. We had another storm last year with 90mph winds but I was safe and sound in my basement for that one. Messed up the exterior of the house pretty badly. We've still got some repairs to get done this summer because of it. But at least, we were all safe for that one.

Mother nature is no joke.


Slowly losing the dreams of my childhood and becoming someone I didn't want to be when I was younger.

Lots of regret about earlier choices in life and wondering where it all went wrong.

What I desire most isn't money, power or fame. It's to undo stuff in the past.

Same here brother. Shit keeps me up more times then I care for.. You have my sympathies <3
I was driving home from work, trying to beat a major storm home. The drive was about 30 mins normally. I exited the interstate and a small funnel formed directly in front of me and went over my car. The whole thing was rocking and it flipped one of my windshield wipers. That was the edge of the storm and I still had half the trip left. 70mph winds and absolutely zero visibility. My mind kept thinking about the small tornado. I was scared I would drive directly into a much bigger one. I eventually made it into town and there were power lines and trees down, blocking lots of roads. I took any possible back route to my place and eventually made it there. Ran inside and waited for the rest of the storm to pass.

Closest to death I've ever felt. We had another storm last year with 90mph winds but I was safe and sound in my basement for that one. Messed up the exterior of the house pretty badly. We've still got some repairs to get done this summer because of it. But at least, we were all safe for that one.

Mother nature is no joke.
Don't watch this if it will bring back bad memories, but I actually just saw this video earlier this week. It's pretty insane the things that mother nature can do. Glad you made it out okay.


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Don't watch this if it will bring back bad memories, but I actually just saw this video earlier this week. It's pretty insane the things that mother nature can do. Glad you made it out okay.

I watch weather stuff all the time. It's less about reliving the experience more about being smarter and understanding the danger. Living in tornado alley is no joke. I'm just grateful that I'm not in the south where it's much, much worse.
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Slowly losing the dreams of my childhood and becoming someone I didn't want to be when I was younger.

Lots of regret about earlier choices in life and wondering where it all went wrong.

What I desire most isn't money, power or fame. It's to undo stuff in the past.
You can always right the path. It's never too late to be who you wanted to be. And the desire to undo can be energy to make new with what's ahead. Good luck my friend.
I watch weather stuff all the time. It's less about reliving the experience more about being smarter and understanding the danger. Living in tornado alley is no joke. I'm just grateful that I'm not in the south where it's much, much worse.
Yeah I hear that. I thought it was cool to know they have rigs that dig in the ground to stay secure. I also didn't know Northern Alabama gets so fucked like that lol


This is my post from 3 years ago and nothing comes close

I had supernatural event happen right in front of me that blew my fucking mind, with witnesses, still give me chills.

Completely altered my mindset in an instant.

I was at home with my girlfriend in bed and this voice said something into my ear while me and my gf were talking. Not in any language I know. Her voice was struggling, pleading tone. I felt air in my ear.

I turned to my gf completely in fear. "Tell me that didnt happen. Please."

She fucking repeated the sound that "woman" made. She burst into tears and ran out of the room.

Her sister came into the room. "What did you do?"


We don't do drugs, weren't sleepy or drunk. We're boring. We slept in the living room for almost a month. My gf is a biology teacher and had absolutely zero belief in supernatural things. We've tried to convince ourselves for years it didn't happen.

Not sure what it was, but I believe it was someone trying to communicate from beyond. The reason is there felt like a real barrier between our world and hers to sound out the words. She really had something to say and it just didn't translate.

It was something like "Soooooellllllaa-taaasss."


We still talk about it from time to time. It gave my gf nightmares.
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I was driving home from work, trying to beat a major storm home. The drive was about 30 mins normally. I exited the interstate and a small funnel formed directly in front of me and went over my car. The whole thing was rocking and it flipped one of my windshield wipers. That was the edge of the storm and I still had half the trip left. 70mph winds and absolutely zero visibility. My mind kept thinking about the small tornado. I was scared I would drive directly into a much bigger one. I eventually made it into town and there were power lines and trees down, blocking lots of roads. I took any possible back route to my place and eventually made it there. Ran inside and waited for the rest of the storm to pass.

Closest to death I've ever felt. We had another storm last year with 90mph winds but I was safe and sound in my basement for that one. Messed up the exterior of the house pretty badly. We've still got some repairs to get done this summer because of it. But at least, we were all safe for that one.

Mother nature is no joke.

Man that's wild. You're in the Louisiana area no? Worst stuff over here in regards to storms are the occasional trees falling over or some roof tiles flying of ...


Like 2 months ago I went to the big city for the first time in like 3 years (I live in a remote town).
Went to the mall with some friends to watch Avatar and we decided to grab a bite first. Right as we were having lunch there was this big heist style robbery at the Mac/Apple Store involving 10 armed dudes in white coveralls which eventually ended up in a shootout against some off duty cops that happened to be around.

Now, all of this happened like 2 floors bellow where I was so ultimately I was never in any danger But those first seconds as the shooting started, no one knew what was going on and everyone at the food court was in a panic and ducking under their tables was pretty damn scary. Because you don't know if it's a robbery, some mass shooting, some gang related incident with bullets flying around, etc.

I'll stay in my remote town, thx.
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Snapping my femur in half and having the bone pierce my skin, I remember laughin from the shock while staring at the bone covered in blood protuding from my thigh.

Getting robbed at gunpoint and not knowing if the robber was crazy enough to kill me right there and then (he looked extremely drugged) thankfully he just took my shit.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Like 2 months ago I went to the big city for the first time in like 3 years (I live in a remote town).
Went to the mall with some friends to watch Avatar and we decided to grab a bite first. Right as we were having lunch there was this big heist style robbery at the Mac Store involving 10 armed dudes in white coveralls which eventually ended up in a shootout against some off duty cops that happened to be around.

Now, all of this happened like 2 floors bellow where I was so ultimately I was never in any danger But those first seconds as the shooting started, no one knew what was going on and everyone at the food court was in a panic and ducking under their tables was pretty damn scary. Because you don't know if it's a robbery, some mass shooting, some gang related incident with bullets flying around, etc.

I'll stay in my remote town, thx.
The big city? There's only one? 10 armed guys to rob a makeup store? 🤣 I think I saw that movie. Stay in your podunk town but make sure to invite GAF to you and your cousins wedding.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I was on a long trip back home with friends. Must have been 2 or 3 AM. Georgia I think. Driving down the interstate we heard a wild noise, I guess the best way to describe it was two trains running alongside one another. I turned off the road and just drove into the dark. A huge tornado passed behind us.

I'll never forget how the lightning around it lit up the night, and how it tore up the ground behind us. It just destroyed everything.

People joke about that 90's movie Twister. And I get it. But when you have seen one close it stops being a joke.


The big city? There's only one? 10 armed guys to rob a makeup store? 🤣 I think I saw that movie. Stay in your podunk town but make sure to invite GAF to you and your cousins wedding.

In my country there is only 1 really big city (7+ million people), the others are pretty small (next one is like 1 million).

I guess I should have said "Apple store", except here they are called "mac online"

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
In my country there is only 1 really big city (7+ million people), the others are pretty small (next one is like 1 million).

I guess I should have said "Apple store", except here they are called "mac online"
Mac is cosmetic brand here in the states
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Fools idol

Lost control of my 500 bhp Turbo Hayabusa bike at 120 mph. Luckily for me I went clean off a bridge into a lake. The bike was totalled but I was fine. That was me done with superbikes for life.
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Lost control of my 500 bhp Turbo Hayabusa bike at 120 mph. Luckily for me I went clean off a bridge into a lake. The bike was totalled but I was fine. That was me done with superbikes for life.
Badass. But you should have been on fire while you flew off the bridge. That would have been awesome.
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Patrick S.

Watching the birth of my kid. You have a million fears during childbirth. When everything turned out to be fine, it turned into the happiest moment in my life.

Failing 8th grade and having to go home and tell my dad. He wasn't into physical punishment, but the disappointed look and the following few days of silence were really tough.

Accidentally shutting off a UPS system while wrangling with a hard to reach network interface card at the back of a server without noticing, and causing a downtime at a really bad time.

Waking up to police banging on my door and pointing a gun in my face because they thought I was involved in human trafficking. Wrong door...
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Gold Member
I fell down the steps with a baby in my arms. It was about 7 steps. I fell backwards, held the baby high, and let my elbows take the blunt force of the fall. Thankfully the baby was just fine, but I was scared. I didn’t care what hurt on me. I checked him over and his doctor said he was fine. I’m extra careful when going down any stairs.
The list is long...

Sleep paralysis as a child.


Being robbed at gun point.

Being held captive in a hostage situation.

Being robbed at machete point.

Finding my mother's lifeless body in her bedroom, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth. She was murdered. I think that last one is easily the most terrified I've ever been. It still terrifies me to this day, and will haunt me for the rest of my life.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I fell down the steps with a baby in my arms. It was about 7 steps. I fell backwards, held the baby high, and let my elbows take the blunt force of the fall. Thankfully the baby was just fine, but I was scared. I didn’t care what hurt on me. I checked him over and his doctor said he was fine. I’m extra careful when going down any stairs.
How did that happen If you're extra careful?


Getting a herniated disc and thinking I'd never be able to walk again. (👈 drama queen)
That's my answer as well. A couple of disks in my neck had herniated at some point and I only found out in the ER when I went in for something unrelated.

Took about 8 months to be able to walk without a cane.
The list is long...

Sleep paralysis as a child.


Being robbed at gun point.

Being held captive in a hostage situation.

Being robbed at machete point.

Finding my mother's lifeless body in her bedroom, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth. She was murdered. I think that last one is easily the most terrified I've ever been. It still terrifies me to this day, and will haunt me for the rest of my life.

My sympathies there, a school friend of mine had the same thing but his mother's killer was an ex business partner and they know it is him but just cannot get enough evidence/courts to convict the bastard many years later. Condolences and hopefully the worst is behind you. Respect.


When my wife gave birth to our first child and started having bleeding issues. It turns out that it wasn’t anything too serious thanks to modern medicine (she would have died 100 years ago easy) but they need to act and act now. However, no one told me the first part about it not being too serious… until the fourth day of us being in the hospital. I would ask things and got evasive answers (that probably weren’t but I was too scared and tired to see it).

I didn’t sleep on moment for those 4 days. Not one. I literally thought she was going to die the first day and most of the second.

terrible feeling


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
A patient came to my office, with anaphylactic shock, because the patient did not know he was allergic to penicillin... He fainted in my office and couldn't breathe, so I injected him with adrenaline and he survived, But her friends were outside.

I was alone in this moment.
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My sympathies there, a school friend of mine had the same thing but his mother's killer was an ex business partner and they know it is him but just cannot get enough evidence/courts to convict the bastard many years later. Condolences and hopefully the worst is behind you. Respect.
Thank you, that means a lot.

I truly hope your friend and his family gets the justice they rightly deserve. May his mother rest in peace.


Gold Member
How did that happen If you're extra careful?
Parts of your socks can slip or a part can slip on the carpet. Things like that. I think it was a worn piece of carpet. My heel slipped, so I was able to fall completely backwards. IMO it needs to happen to someone before they realize where/how it happens.
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