Halo is Back
I know its popular to hate on jaystation right now but he really is s walking talking piece of garbage.
Anyone doing thatface in the thumbnail.
yesterday i watched MauLer do a takedown on this guy's famous video
it was no joking one of the dumbest and substance-free "movie critiques" i have ever watched
Mauler is the shit. His GOT videos were some nice therapy after the abuse of season 8Mauler is hilarious, I was dying during his TLJ rage vid (the 2 hour one)
Sean Penn’s bastard son
Jenny Nicholson. what a dumb fucking shill
Any and all “reacts to” tubers.
theyre like the reddit reposters of youtube.
So anybody like Angry Joe?1. People who don't get to the point of the video title immediately.
2. People who think they're funny and make jokes and gags and other shit. You're not funny , and I'm not here to laugh, I wanna see you do the thing you claimed you'd do.
3. People who talk about their personal life like their diy video is a blog. I don't care.
4. Any kind of schtick.
5. Overenthusiastic people.
This absolutely rustles my jimmiesMy favorite are when they claim to be reacting live and clearly have seen the trailer/whatever beforehand and prepared talking points
Asmongold - simply because he shows up in all my recommended sections for years and I think maybe once years ago I clicked on one to see why it was always recommended to me and that was a mistake. And I've never been a wow player or video watcher.
Do you have a youtube channel?I know its popular to hate on jaystation right now but he really is s walking talking piece of garbage.