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What is your biggest single regret in life?



In all seriousness, I am grateful to be happy how things have turned out in my life. If I were to change any negative things in my life then I wouldn’t be where I am today.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I have mainly made good choices, but I dated one girl that I wish I hadn't. The relationship was bad and unhealthy and she was a lying deceiver.


Being a "proud slacker" in high school. It was like a badge of honor for me to not live up to my potential, not take schoolwork/future plans seriously, and do zero extracurricular activities. I just existed, talked shit with my buddies all day, and then went home and played video games.

I finally got my shit together senior year, got a girlfriend, and worked an after-school job, so life improved a lot. But my sophomore and junior years were complete wastes, and I still think about that a lot. My self-esteem plummeted to the point where it still affects me somewhat today. I think that who you are during those crucial adolescent years really has an impact on you for the rest of your life to some degree.


Should have let that stripper stick her finger in my ass. I didn't know her and the whole thing felt rushed.

Learn from my mistakes op.

In all seriousness, dropping out of HS. But at the same time my life wouldn't be as awsome as it is... So maybe drop out if it feels right
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It's funny that the people most likely to have bought (and likely spent) bitcoin way back when were just using it to buy drugs on Silk Road.
Not buying bitcoin 10 years ago.
Deleting my bitcoin wallet because it "was stupid and it wasn't going anywhere" a few months after I started mining, I had about 260 bitcoin, roughly $16 worth at the time, which is now worth about $15 mill.... fml.

99% of people would have sold the moment thay made a 10x. Only select few held for so long. I wouldn’t feel bad about it


99% of people would have sold the moment thay made a 10x. Only select few held for so long. I wouldn’t feel bad about it
Yeah, the only people getting shit rich off of it were the true believers or the people who bought and forgot about it...and still have access to the coins.
I'm only 30 but I would have to say going to college. At the time I only had enough money to either spend on college or buy a car. I decided to do the former because people were telling me doing a 2 year course in a community college was cheap and then I could transfer my credits and finish with another 2 years at another college.

After the two years I didn't have the money to do another two years and I also fell into a depression when a family member died right before my graduation, so my motivation went right out the window. So it was kind of a waste and I'm still paying off the debt for it like so many others. To boot what I went to school for, programming, I'm pretty sure I could've taught myself with enough motivation.

I didn't really make any friends or anything in college either, and no chick wanted to date a dude who didn't have a car and needed rides to college, so it's not like I gained anything out of it socially either.

Honestly if I had gotten a car when I was 19/20 instead it probably wouldn't have taken me until I was 23 to finally get laid lol.

I mean I can't go back and change it, and I don't know if I would anyway because I'm in a pretty good place right now, but yeah. College is overated, unless maybe you have rich parents and can go to a party college.


Lil’ Gobbie
About 10 yrs ago There was this zombie mulch game on your browser that you could exploit for Home Depot coupons - playing it would give you a $10, $15, and $20 coupon that worked in the self checkout to minimize suspicion. On top of that Someone on slickdeals created a program so that it would auto play to generate coupons automatically. I got several hundreds of dollars worth of free shit from home Depot but I stopped because I started to feel bad. I regret feeling bad and not getting thousands of dollars of free shit.


Not really a regret, but when I was in my later teens and 20's I was pretty badly affected by depression stemming from family issues that my growth as an individual was pretty badly stunted and it took a while for me to get myself oriented in life.
I definitely suffered from depression off and on starting at probably age 15 well into my early 20s. My parents thought I could just "snap out of it" and would get mad at me for moping around and being angsty. They couldn't relate because they never experienced it and both had great high school experiences.

Now that I have a son, I hope that my experiences as a teen can at least be useful in some way by being able to empathize and help him if he experiences anything similar to what I went through.


I used to regret things but now I look at them as life experiences. Being bitter about the past is useless you can only move forward. Now if I could go back in time would I give my younger self advice? Sure. But we all makes mistakes and as long as they aren’t life altering like say going to prison or something along those lines you will always have tomorrow to look forward too.


I mean I can't go back and change it, and I don't know if I would anyway because I'm in a pretty good place right now, but yeah. College is overated, unless maybe you have rich parents and can go to a party college.
In the old days you had to go to college because there was no internet and no easy access to good lectures and good study materials.
These days you can find almost anything online for free or for cheap.

College is either a waste of money for most people or a way to accumulate social credits to gain admittance to higher strata of society and/or certain highly paid professions.


Being a "proud slacker" in high school. It was like a badge of honor for me to not live up to my potential, not take schoolwork/future plans seriously, and do zero extracurricular activities. I just existed, talked shit with my buddies all day, and then went home and played video games.

I finally got my shit together senior year, got a girlfriend, and worked an after-school job, so life improved a lot. But my sophomore and junior years were complete wastes, and I still think about that a lot. My self-esteem plummeted to the point where it still affects me somewhat today. I think that who you are during those crucial adolescent years really has an impact on you for the rest of your life to some degree.

Same, except it took me until my mid 20's to start getting my shit together (now with 30 I'm still working on it, to be honest)
My terrible grades in high school really limited my options afterwards, ended up getting a shitty degree from a shitty place in field which I realized too late that I didn't really like .

Now I'm the generic adult telling kids to pay attention in school or they'll regret it.


I'd say for me it would be going through my teens not drinking or smoking and then close to the end, ended up doing both.

That and not going to most classes my first year of college. Had to move out before the results came in as my Father would have murdered me.

About 10+ years later went back when working and spent my own money doing it, he was at the graduation.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Not buying into Bitcoin when I had the chance. I had a friend recommend it to me when they were just under $200 a piece and I thought about buying 5 or 6, but ultimately decided that it was too risky.

I kick my own ass everytime I see it mentioned now.
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not really. just reminiscing thoughts on what could have done or been done. i think that, and i got this from my gorgeous boss, that regret is like a rocking chair. you think about it and then forget, going back and forth.

Dark Star

I knew about Bitcoin in 2015 and pretty much only wanted to buy some for dat secret legal herb transaction. Then it blew tf up in like 2017 and I totally missed out on some easy money profit. That being said, I currently have had 0.1 BTC since 2017 and I'm just HODLING on for dear life (hehe reddit lingo). TBH it's still a great time to jump in because it might skyrocket to 100k by 2022 (I guess, I'm not a financial guru or anything so take my estimate with a grain of salt). It's still a big regret and missed opportunity for many people, though.

My main other regret is more spiritual: using my fists over my words. I'm no martial artist, but I've been in a few fights in my younger years and I'm not proud of any of it (well... maybe a couple of those guys deserved it and had it coming...). But really immature stuff that could have been settled if I just calmed down and tried regulating my emotions. I'm pretty chill nowadays and tend to go with the flow, but sometimes I find myself wide awake at night replaying those memories from my school years in my head, and it haunts me. Spread love, not violence. Thankfully I've never been in trouble with the law or police or anything like that, just petty school boy detention shit, my record is clean.
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Not much really, it would have been great to have not lost the first story I wrote in grade 5. I do sometimes wonder if my teacher had kept it.
Otherwise mine are more wishes, like meeting my wife earlier or knowing back then what I know about myself and the world today.


I knew about Bitcoin in 2015 and pretty much only wanted to buy some for dat secret legal herb transaction. Then it blew tf up in like 2017 and I totally missed out on some easy money profit. That being said, I currently have had 0.1 BTC since 2017 and I'm just HODLING on for dear life (hehe reddit lingo). TBH it's still a great time to jump in because it might skyrocket to 100k by 2022 (I guess, I'm not a financial guru or anything so take my estimate with a grain of salt). It's still a big regret and missed opportunity for many people, though.

My main other regret is more spiritual: using my fists over my words. I'm no martial artist, but I've been in a few fights in my younger years and I'm not proud of any of it (well... maybe a couple of those guys deserved it and had it coming...). But really immature stuff that could have been settled if I just calmed down and tried regulating my emotions. I'm pretty chill nowadays and tend to go with the flow, but sometimes I find myself wide awake at night replaying those memories from my school years in my head, and it haunts me. Spread love, not violence. Thankfully I've never been in trouble with the law or police or anything like that, just petty school boy detention shit, my record is clean.
It blew up in 2017 but also crashed hard immediately afterward. A lot of people probably panic sold back then. Including some really salty bastards who bought at $10K+ then sold for huge losses, only to now look at the price and want to commit seppuku.


Going to a different Y2K NYE party in 1999 over one I was already at with a group of my friends. It's a long story, but it started a chain reaction of events that would take until 2006 to get out of. Oh what I could've done with that time!
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Everyone who has been on/lurking Gaf for more than ten years including EviLore EviLore should be multi-millionaires now.

But we ignored the advice of fellow gaffers, who told all of us to put $100 in bitcoin, back when it was $0.50 a coin.

I went to do it, then saw i had to give them my passport details and noped out.

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