Getting married. Watch and learn kids. 99% you will learn the hard way.
You're not wrong, but just because you've either got a lot of work to do or a mess to clean up doesn't mean that's all marriage brings. I don't know what state your marriage is in, but I hope you learn to find the joy in it because my wife is the best thing I ever found.
Most of my friends have been getting married lately and it's had me wondering if I'm missing out. What do you find to be the most difficult thing about marriage?
The worst thing you could ever do is get married to check it out or see what you've been missing. Have you ever brought a puppy home? Have you experienced the nonstop barks and whines of a puppy separated from its litter for the first time? That is what it will be like after the honeymoon period settles. I'm talking about the first time you two have a disagreement. The first time you disappoint her or let her down with your decision making. There will be no peace in the house until you learn to resolve and settle. It will test the boundaries of your love. Marriage is about deciding to be committed to this other person, and contrary to what most will say in this modern time it is a decision you make all the way back before you said your vows.
When you marry someone you can love and be committed to, there are a lot of great things about marriage--in addition to sex. You've no longer running through life alone. A lot of things you did with friends, you now get to do with your spouse, and it's different and it's better than doing them with friends because your spouse is in it for you just as much as they're in it for themselves, meaning if there's some event you wanted to go to, your friends might have let you miss it and laughed at you whereas your spouse is likely to try to help you get to that thing. My wife knows I love to go fishing, and if there's a possibility I might not get to go for some random reason, she will tie on her boots, put on her warm outdoor clothing, crawl out into the outdoors with me, and we'll launch the boat and go fishing. She is there with me every step, and she is my support in every battle or fight. We've each lost family that was really close and a crucial part of our childhoods: friends might call once or a couple of times to check in on you, but a spouse sits there with you through it all, cooks you a meal to make sure you're eating, and surprises you with a new video game when you're ready to try to have a little fun again.
The best things about a spouse, and this is getting a little biblical, is that it is the literal tipping point in life when a man no longer looks to his parents for support but instead will turn to his spouse for physical and emotional support.