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What is your favourite Mario Kart?


super mario kart

Probably mainly for nostalgia, but i definitely had the most fun with this game. I remember trying to beat the best times in nintendo power, whenever they had challenges for best time trial times. I remember thinking i was the shit when i beat the first track's best time. (luigi's course?). I must have tried about a million times.


This was a lot harder than I thought it would be; 64 and DD are so very close it's not funny. I agree that 64 had "it" -- there was just something about it that kept us playing for hours upon hours. DD has done the same thing, but not to the same extent. I think the biggest difference is the multiplayer maps. 64's are better than DD's IMO, but if DD had a better Block map then I might say DD > 64. DD's Block map just felt "blah."

So, here are my picks:

1) MK 64
2) MK DD!! (a very close 2nd)
3) SMK (a distant 3rd)


Mistaken iRobbery!
Mario Kart SNES. Didn't like Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart Double Dash. If Nintendo can release Mario Kart SNES with online play, I'm there!




Double Dash for the circuit, co-op circuit and multi-racing.

Super Mario Kart for the battle mode. I never cared for the stages on 64 or DD.
I LOVE(D) Super Mario Kart.

I HATE, HATE, HATED, Mario Kart 64. That game was an abortion.

I LOVE Mario Kart: Double Dash. Not as much as the orginal, since it has elements of that 64 turd in it (though completely fixed), but all around it is just a totally solid game that is undeniably Nintendo.


The original is easily my favorite. I spent many an hour battling it out on Track 4. The low number of defensive items caused us to be creative in our schemes to avoid red shells. MK64 was fun, but the glitches turned competetive circuit racing into an exercise in frusteration. As for MKDD!!, I really enjoy the racing, but I think there are issues with the battle levels.

Also, SMK had the feather.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I think the series has steadily improved the racing experience, although I'm not sure about the battles.

In terms of racing, I'd say MKDD > MK64 > MKSC > SMK

In terms of battles... MK64 > MKDD > MKSC > SMK ... mainly because the four player option REALLY improves things.


dog$ said:
The point of races is to win.
The way to win races is to go faster than everyone else.
Therefore, the point of races is to go fast.
Therefore, the point of racing games is to go fast.
In kart games, NOTHING "goes fast".
Since you're putting around in a lil kart amongst large backdrops, there is 0% sense of real speed in any kart racing game.
And since I experience 0% sense of speed in a kart racer, I have 0% reason to play the lousy things.

If you want sense of speed turn on a fan.


Double Dash is my favourite for racing...I simply enjoyed going through all the circuits. Saving the big 16 Race runs for Multiplayer, as a choice, but it's definitely been an awesome experience thus far. Haven't played much Multiplayer, but had a lot of fun with Bomb-Omb Battle 2-Player on the Nintendo GameCube stage...my cousin and I must have played that thing 20 times. Also had some four player races, which really were a blast, and plenty of enjoyment was to be had.

MK64...I honestly played almost NO battle of that game, as far as I can personally remember, so I don't have overly large amounts of fond memories of that part of the game, or the racing for that matter. I had more fun with MK:SC, which I have and enjoy immensely.


AniHawk said:
My favorite was MK64. So many memories.

Deffinetly. What makes it more sad is my long time playing with brother is in the army right now, so we can't play DD.


I like DD the most, but it should've been so much better. 8 more tracks, 4-player Grand Prix, challenging single-player and better battle tracks would've made it the perfect game. In saying that though, the staff ghosts in every track make the time trial mode very replayable, and the two people in each kart idea is genius. I quite often play the game with my brother and our girlfriends, them in the back of the karts, and it's awesome.


I kicked ass at the original. I love it to bits. MK64 was alright and Super Circuit was better. I think Double Dash brings in some well-needed elements while eliminating others (namely jump).

Super Circuit (because it had SMK tracks :O)
Double Dash


robojimbo said:
The only thing I really hate about MKDD is how the items have come to dominate the game. In SMK, I'd say it was 70% driving skill, 30% items. MK64: 50%, 50%, and in MKDD you could argue 30% driving and 70% item. Thanks to the constant item pickups, the much improved red turtleshell A.I., inability to hold anything behind you (to block), the special items, and the item tiers based on place (even though you can still get fucking blue shells in 2nd place) it's almost impossible to keep a first place lead with driving skill alone. I've been beat by people that don't even know how to fucking powerslide because they get blue shells and lightning ever other item. It keeps the game more fun and competitive between the hardcore and casuals alike, I'll admit, but sometimes it's just too damn much.

So in any case, I'd say it goes MK64, SMK, MK:SC, MKDD and they're all very close.
Great post. The complete dominance of items over driving skill is what disappointed me most about MK: DD.


Unconfirmed Member
Teddman said:
Great post. The complete dominance of items over driving skill is what disappointed me most about MK: DD.

Switch Item settings to "Light" in the options menu. Though I agree with you, the blue shell is far to frequent.


Wow!! Some great replies, although the overall opinion seems to be....

"We have no fucking idea which version we prefer !!"

And whichever joker said Crash Team Racing can just get lost!

How about Diddy Kong Racing? How does that match up? Again, at the time of it's release it was hailed as far superiour to MK64, but I'm afraid I probably played MK 64 about 10 times as much...
Broshnat said:
How about Diddy Kong Racing? How does that match up? Again, at the time of it's release it was hailed as far superiour to MK64, but I'm afraid I probably played MK 64 about 10 times as much...

Ha, how did it measure up to MK64? IT FUCKING ANNIHILATED IT. Diddy Kong was so far ahead of it in every possible way, and some parts of the game (levels, atmosphere) made me like it above all other cart racing games, the original SMK included.


Error Macro said:
Ha, how did it measure up to MK64? IT FUCKING ANNIHILATED IT. Diddy Kong was so far ahead of it in every possible way, and some parts of the game (levels, atmosphere) made me like it above all other cart racing games, the original SMK included.

Hmmmm.... fair enough, but I'd have to disagree I'm afraid !
Mario Kart 64.

Multiplayer just fucking rocked. Period.

I really would have liked a remake of this game with a constant 60 FPS. Heaven! The single player sucked though because the A.I. characters just cheated constantly. Mushrooms and Gold mush rooms were almost useless as you be boosting and the A.I character would just pass you a few seconds later. And they could catch up from anywhere just about.

Mario Kart DD was a huge improvement in the single player department and quite fun in multiplayer. I didn't like the lack of a jump and the instant respawning as soon as you fell of the track (rather then let you fall to the lower part of the track or fall for "awhile"). Plus the kart's controls are really dumbed down and way too easy to do powerslides. Is it possible to even spin out? I really enjoyed the character's specific special items, having to shoot backwards to stop incoming attacks or powersliding out of the way and the more competitive feel of the races - you were always close together like the original MK or SC and bashing into each other rather then being so isolated in MK64.
currently my favorite is Mario Kart, but that becuase i haven't played any Mario kart game since the SNES. I will say, I did LOVE the demo of Mario Kart Double Dash that Played at Best Buys.
I really loved MK:DD... second best in my opinion.

The best is hands down Mario Kart: Super Circuit. So many tracks and I loved trying to get S ranks.


Well, in regards to the items in DD I have to say when I first started playing the game I felt they where stressed a little bit too much. I gave the game A LOT of play time and I now have the feeling that is exactly what makes the game what it is, and the ammount of items and how hectic the game gets was carefully tought of and in the end works to the game's funfactor favour. This is a game that grows on you. Its balanced in such a way that it rewards skill and has a lot of depth, but it still remains challenging and umpredictable. I just love it and cannot wait to see what its dev team come up with next. Plus two people controlling the cart is just brilliant and fun fun FUN.


Did anybody notice that the japanese version of Mario Kart 64 and the American version controlled just a little bit different? I imported the japanese version and played it to death and then whe i bought the US version i sucked cause it wasn't the same. but maybe its just me...

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I had some great fun with Mario Kart 64 4 player mode. Like drohne, I didnt think too highly of the game. But I still managed to have a blast with its multiplayer mode.

Havent played MK: DD yet, but all this talk about it makes me want to try it out.
MK:DD was a bit disappointing at first, I think. By the time I got to the higher CCs and unlocked the All-Cup mode, however, I was completely won over.

I remember people complaining that the courses were too wide, but it's made up for by the upped item usage. While I do think the game "cheats" with that at times, overall I think it worked very well. The game is hectic in a way the other games in the series simply just aren't.

I would have killed for more tracks and more battle arenas... but what is there is good. I absolutely love that DK Mountain track.


If you always carry a couple of items then you shouldn't get hit by anything (Get a shell or banana, switch characters, get something else, and only fire weapons right before a new question block i fyou're coming first). Three red shells are always a bitch, but you can always block two of them and either dodge the last one or get hit once. Spikey shells are the biggest annoyance, but usually you're either far enough ahead so it doesn't matter, or close enough to be able to brake and make the second place guy get hit too. You usually only get a couple every game anyway. If you're really a good player then you should win every single race against less experienced people, no excuses.


Oh yeah, and Diddy Kong Racing is the best single-player kart game, bar none. Best SP racing game in my opinion.

Ranger X

Diddy Kong Racing is right next to Super Mario Kart and beat all the rest of MarioKart series or other game of the same genre imo.
The original: Super Mario Kart.

The racing was more technically challenging and while it didn't have the fine analog control and gee-whiz 3D visuals of the sequels, it just provided more overall tightness and fun. Not saying the others suck, but they are significantly toned down for a wider audience, IMO.

if SMK = VF2 then MK64 = Tekken and MK: DD = Tekken Tag ... or something like that.
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