On PC, PS4, XBO... Smartphones ?
it's all about the definition of hardware.
Imagine they did that with the Wii. You could say the hardware, and innovation was the wiimote and sensor bar rathr than what was inside the box right ? Now what if they had release that as an add on for PS3, X360 and PC, with games dedicated to that add on + a nintendo account system running on them. You could still say this is using a Nintendo hardware, with innovative features, except anyone would have access to it for the price of a controller. (For the Wii it wouldn't have worked as good cause it was justly aiming non gamers)
Bigger market for Nintendo, and other hardware manufacturers wouldn't mind. It's just more content for their hardware. Actually they would fight to not be out of the loop.
Sorry i'm just having fun with that idea but ..it makes sense somewhat.