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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Honestly, even if Trev's reliability has yet to be fully proven by bishoptl (where is he when we need him, seriously), I find the idea that a whole bunch of stuff is considered false just because the code name for a Pokemon game is Rainbow downright histerical. It's a fucking code name, it's not like he said that there's a Star Tropics game / the epic Retro IP we've been waiting for. Just the code name for a Pokemon game, not even what it consists of.
Whether or not his rumors are true, the information isn't really that interesting. Most of it is stuff we've been assuming for a very long time (like cross-gen Zelda) and the 3DS code names are probably just localized games like Rhythm Heaven and Style Savvy.

If it's real, cool! If it's not....oh well.
Honestly, even if Trev's reliability has yet to be fully proven by bishoptl (where is he when we need him, seriously), I find the idea that a whole bunch of stuff is considered false just because the code name for a Pokemon game is Rainbow downright histerical. It's a fucking code name, it's not like he said that there's a Star Tropics game / the epic Retro IP we've been waiting for. Just the code name for a Pokemon game, not even what it consists of.
Oh, who said it was the only reason to think this might be fake? There are several- Rainbow is just the most obvious.

Besides, Rainbow isn't listed as a code name in his report,


Could the codename NStars game be a Nintendo Disney Infinity?

Some sort of game that incorporates every single amiibo in a meaningful way?


So far only one thing has been confirmed from his leaks and that is the Wii U version or Mario and Sonic release date, as the months past we shall see if any of the other hold up, so basically we will know before E3 was this legit or not , unfortunately we all have to be patient


Junior Member
I didn't even realize Trev is posting all his "leaks" to his own website and twitter. This is definitely fake now. Before every Nintendo hardware reveal, some random small time website comes out of nowhere with "insider info." I'll gladly eat crow if I'm wrong but this is pure fanboy fantasy stoking bs.

Do they usually go through the process that Trev is going through here?
I suspect the answer is "No."-


Could the codename NStars game be a Nintendo Disney Infinity?

Some sort of game that incorporates every single amiibo in a meaningful way?

It certainly feels like they could use something like that, my thought it if it's Amiibo Infinity, it will be cross-platform with NX.


I want to believe Caviar F and/or Cadillac are referring to Style Savvy and Rhythm Heaven.

Amazing stuff Trev.

I'm assuming the two casual friendly games have to be two of Picross, RHTB+ and Style Savvy. To me RHTB is a smidge less likely to be in that category. It's more of a niche game and IIRC that holds true with sales also. Perhaps that means those two are retail and RHTB+ is eShop only.

just realized that sony revealed the ps4 on feb 20, 2013

xbone reveal was may 21, 2013

hopefully nintendo reveals the nx somewhere in between that. waiting for e3 would be a big mistake imo

Another insider ITT indicated no fill reveal was coming until E3. When we spoke outside the thread they seemed pretty confident so of there is truth to their claim, I'd say you may want to set your expectations lower for that.

I really want bishoptl to confirm wheter or not your source is reliable or not as soon as possible, damn it.
Anyway, what I can assume from that

- some of those codenames have to be for the usual trio of yet-to-be-localised games, the ones we always mention: Rhythm Heaven, Picross, Style Savvy. Just like DMW2 stands for Disney Magical World 2

Caviar F and Cadillac could really fit both RH and Picross. N-Stars maybe is Style Savvy (I mean, it seems to have a good budget behind, and it's for all ages in a sense)

- Disney Art Academy is really specific. I agree with Hero of Legend here: that's a title we won't have too much problems to verify if it's announced.

EDIT: I just thought that Yokai Watch 2 could be hiding somewhere in there, even if one of the codenames specifies "unannounced".
Also: if Disney Art Academy is without a codename, I suppose this means it should release soon enough (heck, even April I'd say)

Does Style Savvy have a significant budget to be considered big budget by Nintendo? I was under the impression otherwise. Perhaps Shikamaru could shed some light on this for us. For my speculation otherwise, please see my reply to NinjaCoachZ above. I am hopeful though that N-Stars is an unannounced and significant game. I suppose the delineation that this was specifically was unannounced per the list amd the other two codenamed gamss were not gives me hope that this is a game that is a major release and has not been released in any region yet.

ETA: wait, I misspoke here. I guess Torte City, which I forgot about, is the only one that specifically said unannounced. So I suppose that's the only one we are most likely to have not already known about. I still think it's odd that Style Savvy would be referred to as big budget, though, but I have to admit it does sound more like now that the 3 games not listed as unannounced on the list are in fact the 3 localizations we've been expecting.
Man this thread turned really interesting. I saw the video of the 3DS list through someone on Twitter and the Pokemon Rainbow thing set me off because of those rumours 3 years ago.

Disney Art Academy seems out of the blue though and could be the thing to verify that there's some credibility to these leaks, since the codenames for the other games will likely never be confirmed.


Could the codename NStars game be a Nintendo Disney Infinity?

Some sort of game that incorporates every single amiibo in a meaningful way?

It certainly feels like they could use something like that, my thought it if it's Amiibo Infinity, it will be cross-platform with NX.

I think it would have to be cross-platform with NX simply because for most 3DS owners, they do not have access to scanning amiibo into their system, so it would potentially prevent a massive percentage of the userbase from meaningfully being able to play the game. That's the only thing that really gives me pause about there being a 3DS-centric amiibo game, but perhaps it is NX cross-compatible.


Given the effort that Trev is going through to assure us this is all true; either he is legit or he's conducting the greatest troll of all time.


I don't think trev is trolling, or that his source isn't legit. I just hope that the list he got doesn't include any fake stuff Nintendo put in there to know who leaked what if its content ever became public, or his source is fucked.

I didn't know companies did this but if i'm not misremembering a friend told me something like this happened in one of those cboat threads a while ago, maybe someone who was already on gaf and followed those topics can correct me. Anyway i hope Pokémon Rainbow has nothing to do with something like that.

On a side note, i really want Disney Art Academy
Hopefully this is genuine and someone at Nintendo isn't trawling this forum pissing themselves laughing at grown adults trying to figure out what game "Caviar F" might be.


I don't think trev is trolling, or that his source isn't legit. I just hope that the list he got doesn't include any fake stuff Nintendo put in there to know who leaked what if its content ever became public, or his source is fucked.

I didn't know companies did this until a friend told me this happened in one of those cboat threads iirc. And i hope Pokémon Rainbow has nothing to do with something like that.

On a side note, i really want Disney Art Academy
It's what I'd do. Give each group dealing with my shit one piece of fake news to see where the leak is coming from. It is def how CBOAT got popped.
Hah. Hype train is preparing for overdrive mode.

Advice: assume it's fake. These kinds of things usually end up being fake 9.5 times out of ten.

If it ends up being genuine, well, it's part of the .5.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Hopefully this is genuine and someone at Nintendo isn't trawling this forum pissing themselves laughing at grown adults trying to figure out what game "Caviar F" might be.



Hah. Hype train is preparing for overdrive mode.

Advice: assume it's fake. These kinds of things usually end up being fake 9.5 times out of ten.

If it ends up being genuine, well, it's part of the .5.

Every single one of these insider info leaks have been fake, as far as I know. Every real leak from nintendo usually includes pictures or video and those are incredibly few and far in between.
My source informed me that it was ok to reveal that they are an Employee that works for Nintendo of America’s Marketing. This is safe to reveal since Nintendo of America is made up of mostly either marketing or corporate positions.

Nintendo as a company is designed in a way that nobody knows the entire picture of what Nintendo is working besides the few people in upper positions, so any leaker that says they have a Nintendo "source" and seems to be saying everything Nintendo fans want to hear should be a dead giveaway as fake. The people in a position to know NX details are not automatically going to know about different games in development (Strong NDA?), developers really are the only ones that know what they are making, and Nintendo marketing only works with a few projects at a time with marketing budgets usually refer to codenames to keep projects secret.

The proof shown to me was an internal US marketing budget and scheduling overview for 2016 focusing on Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo NX Launch games for 2016 besides Zelda NX and marketing focus remain hidden for now
Wii U $34.5 million marketing budget for 2016 total – Zelda Wii U has $10 million with the possibility of the funding being switched to Zelda NX version depending on launch timing in 2016.
3DS $56.25 million marketing budget for 2016 total

3DS release list 2016:
Spring-Early Summer
Mario and Sonic Rio 2016
Nintendo Selects Wave 1
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Disney Art Academy
Bravely Second
Code Name: “Caviar F” (casual friendly smaller budget game)
Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Code name: “Torte City” big budget unannounced game for all gamers core/all ages
Dragon Quest VII
Code name: “Cadillac” (casual friendly smaller budget game late summer)

3DS Hardware Price Cut
Code name: “N-Stars” big budget game for all ages
Nintendo Selects Wave 2
Code name: “DMW2” possibly Disney Magical World 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Pokémon 20th Anniversary game “Niji” Japanese translation: “Rainbow”

I hate to tell you this, but if this is legitimate information, the leak will be traced, simple as that.

NOA doesn't just hand out fiscal/budgetary information to most of its employees. There is a very specific group of employees that are privy to such pertinent information. In fact, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what department your source works in. How could I possibly know this? Because I also know someone who is privy to such information, and I can guarantee you that they would never have released this information, because they actually like, and want to keep their job.

I hope for your source's sake that someone leaked that information to them, because if they received it directly, it's beddy-bye for your brave little leaker.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I hate to tell you this, but if this is legitimate information, the leak will be traced, simple as that.

NOA doesn't just hand out fiscal/budgetary information to most of its employees. There is a very specific group of employees that are privy to such pertinent information. In fact, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what department your source works in. How could I possibly know this? Because I also know someone who is privy to such information, and I can guarantee you that they would never have released this information, because they actually like, and want to keep their job.

I hope for your source's sake that someone leaked that information to them, because if they received it directly, it's beddy-bye for your brave little leaker.

I think this is correct. I would seriously be concerned for your friend's job unless Nintendo took a drastic turn in policy since Iwata passed away.

Also, N-stars may be the rumored Amiibo RPG/action Skylanders-esque game from months back.


Even if Trev actually is legit, I doubt his source is privy to any pertinent NX information anyway.

I mean, the 'big news' was doubling down on something that fans were already convinced would happen for ages now. It could just as easily have been extrapolated from Nintendo's past messaging, release schedules and forecasts. Like many in this thread already did. The rest of his statements were just as much conjecture as the average post in this thread.

And I personally doubt that a significant Nintendo insider would actually proactively contact a no-name fanblog to do the leaking for him/her. What's the benefit of dropping this kind of info in the lap of such an outlet? Why would they consciously target a random blog with a tiny audience, knowing full well that when the info turns out to be actually relevant, it would be on every gaming blog out there anyway?

I think Trev getting his own ass trolled is more likely than the above scenario of a random Nintendo-fan actually getting inside scoops from one the most secretive companies in the industry.


more likely than the above scenario of a random Nintendo-fan actually getting inside scoops from one the most secretive companies in the industry.

I can say when I had a Nintendo website of my own (with a staff of 40...at age 14 ;___;) I would have plotzed for any such rumor. When we did rumor columns I just conjectured and made things up. I did get to interview Don Bluth, though.


: Periscope of Dawn.

So is this thread mainlly about 3DS and Wii U lineup now?
I think the fact that 3ds is primed for a strong holiday it gives more reason for us to believe the Console NX is launching first this fall. Just look at that rumored fall line up, it doesn't really scream "New Nintrndo handheld launching this fall!!"
Even if Trev actually is legit, I doubt his source is privy to any pertinent NX information anyway.

I mean, the 'big news' was doubling down on something that fans were already convinced would happen for ages now. It could just as easily have been extrapolated from Nintendo's past messaging, release schedules and forecasts. Like many in this thread already did. The rest of his statements were just as much conjecture as the average post in this thread.

And I personally doubt that a significant Nintendo insider would actually proactively contact a no-name fanblog to do the leaking for him/her. What's the benefit of dropping this kind of info in the lap of such an outlet? Why would they consciously target a random blog with a tiny audience, knowing full well that when the info turns out to be actually relevant, it would be on every gaming blog out there anyway?

I think Trev getting his own ass trolled is more likely than the above scenario of a random Nintendo-fan actually getting inside scoops from one the most secretive companies in the industry.

Here's the thing, what he posted is not outside the realms of what certain (but few) employees at NOA would know. The problem is that his source believes that they are safe. If the info is real, his source isn't safe at all, unless someone else at NOA leaked it to his source, which isn't even all that unlikely. I know quite a few people at the Redmond HQ, and they could probably stand to be a bit smarter about containing sensitive information internally between departments. NOA isn't anywhere near as good as NCL at ensuring that one department doesn't know what the other is doing, unfortunately. It's just that most of the time, NOA doesn't have anything worthwhile to leak in the first place.

Going on intuition and experience, I'd wager that trev's source is legit, but not very prudent.


Here's the thing, what he posted is not outside the realms of what certain (but few) employees at NOA would know. The problem is that his source believes that they are safe. If the info is real, his source isn't safe at all, unless someone else at Nintendo leaked it to his source, which isn't even all that unlikely. I know quite a few people at the Redmond HQ, and they could probably stand to be a bit smarter about containing sensitive information internally.

Going on intuition and experience, I'd wager that trev's source of legit, but not very prudent.

The thing that makes it sound legit to me is how the marketing team isn't privy to NX info yet outside of it coming this year and Zelda being on it. I fully believe they'd be given a budget for how much marketing dollars each game this year will get and they were probably told ahead of time that Zelda would be a Wii U and NX game so that marketing could be planned accordingly.

If the marketing team sees a huge lack in Wii U marketing dollars in the fall, it's a big red flag for NX launching and they just aren't given that info yet to avoid leaks.
The thing that makes it sound legit to me is how the marketing team isn't privy to NX info yet outside of it coming this year and Zelda being on it. I fully believe they'd be given a budget for how much marketing dollars each game this year will get and they were probably told ahead of time that Zelda would be a Wii U and NX game so that marketing could be planned accordingly.

If the marketing team sees a huge lack in Wii U marketing dollars in the fall, it's a big red flag for NX launching and they just aren't given that info yet to avoid leaks.

Yeah, there's nothing that makes me question the information other than the fact that the source decided to leak it.


Junior Member
My source informed me that it was ok to reveal that they are an Employee that works for Nintendo of America’s Marketing. This is safe to reveal since Nintendo of America is made up of mostly either marketing or corporate positions.

Nintendo as a company is designed in a way that nobody knows the entire picture of what Nintendo is working besides the few people in upper positions, so any leaker that says they have a Nintendo "source" and seems to be saying everything Nintendo fans want to hear should be a dead giveaway as fake. The people in a position to know NX details are not automatically going to know about different games in development (Strong NDA?), developers really are the only ones that know what they are making, and Nintendo marketing only works with a few projects at a time with marketing budgets usually refer to codenames to keep projects secret.

The proof shown to me was an internal US marketing budget and scheduling overview for 2016 focusing on Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo NX Launch games for 2016 besides Zelda NX and marketing focus remain hidden for now
Wii U $34.5 million marketing budget for 2016 total – Zelda Wii U has $10 million with the possibility of the funding being switched to Zelda NX version depending on launch timing in 2016.
3DS $56.25 million marketing budget for 2016 total

3DS release list 2016:
Spring-Early Summer
Mario and Sonic Rio 2016
Nintendo Selects Wave 1
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Disney Art Academy
Bravely Second
Code Name: “Caviar F” (casual friendly smaller budget game)
Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Code name: “Torte City” big budget unannounced game for all gamers core/all ages
Dragon Quest VII
Code name: “Cadillac” (casual friendly smaller budget game late summer)

3DS Hardware Price Cut
Code name: “N-Stars” big budget game for all ages
Nintendo Selects Wave 2
Code name: “DMW2” possibly Disney Magical World 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Pokémon 20th Anniversary game “Niji” Japanese translation: “Rainbow”
To be honest, this isn't really that gigantic of a line-up as far as Nintendo output. And if Cadillac & Caviar F are Rhythm Heaven Plus & Style Savvy (you can swap the two respective slots if necessary), then those would just be late localizations. But at least in the case of Rhythm Heaven Plus, English versions of the vocal songs would have to be recorded if the previous two localized RH games are any indication, but that wouldn't be too far off from Nintendo hiring voice & Broadway actress Rena Strober for the role of Azura for Fire Emblem Fates. From the looks of this, only the bolded games are new games that are from Nintendo themselves that are unique to this year. The rest of this line-up is mostly third parties picking up the slack, late localizations, or both. Not that it's a bad line-up, but rather an indication of Nintendo moving most of their efforts elsewhere. That's just my take on the matter.

Though Pokémon Rainbow does sound interesting. It could indicate that it may be a celebration of every mainline Pokémon game out so far rather than just a sequel to X & Y, but can also serve as a means to tie up the loose ends of Kalos. It would be quite the send-off game for the 3DS as a whole. Plus the price cut does seem to indicate that Nintendo may try to keep the 3DS on store shelves after the NX Handheld drops. Speaking of, did your source mention a Wii U price drop?


To be honest, this isn't really that gigantic of a line-up as far as Nintendo output. And if Cadillac & Caviar F are Rhythm Heaven Plus & Style Savvy (you can swap the two respective slots if necessary), then those would just be late localizations. From the looks of this, only the bolded games are new games that are from Nintendo themselves that are unique to this year. The rest of this line-up is mostly third parties picking up the slack, late localizations, or both. Not that it's a bad line-up, but rather an indication of Nintendo moving most of their efforts elsewhere. That's just my take on the matter.

Though Pokémon Rainbow does sound interesting. It could indicate that it may be a celebration of every mainline Pokémon game out so far rather than just a sequel to X & Y, but can also serve as a means to tie up the loose ends of Kalos. It would be quite the send-off game for the DS as a whole. Plus the price cut does seem to indicate that Nintendo may try to keep the 3DS on store shelves after the NX Handheld drops. Speaking of, did your source mention a Wii U price drop?

Not sure if you saw N-Stars, but the prevailing theory ITT seems to be that that is Style Savvy and the other two you mentioned would be Picross and RHTB+.


Who did not expected that zelda will be a launched title and will be launched on both consoles?

Also who did not expected that nx will be launched in Nov?


What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources: Now serving crow!
Easy now. This is an NX thread. The 3DS and Wii U lineup being revealed isn't too shocking.

The crow in this thread would be if the console comes first and the handheld enthusiasts crying for a few months or vice versa.

Or the thing ends up being more powerful than speculated and getting FFXV and FFVIIr so drive-by posts "ahaha" get silenced.
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