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What weaknesses / strengths do you expect from PS3?


Gattsu25 said:
a dumbshit who comes up with retarded consipracy theories usually involving Gamespot.

On Topic:

This has to be a joke thread! none of the future consoles will have any weaknesses

Hmmm, well I don't know who that is. *looks up* and I don't remember stating any conspiracy theories. I was merely stating my opinion. And if someone has a prob. with that they can kiss my naturally black ass.


gofreak said:
I was really thinking of CPUs with that comment..the emotion engine was leagues ahead of any cpu in pc land at the time. I'm not as familiar with how PS2 stacked up to the graphics cards of the time, though I would think that PS2 as a unit would outperform a PC of the time as a unit.

Well like I said, it all comes down to price. A 300 dollar PC back then and now would get owned by a PS2.

But its a good guess to say the pc would out due the PS2 (Offcourse price would be more then a PS2 at 299.99). Remember that software for the ps2 was programmed from the ground up for the ps2. For the PC, it's the lowest common denominator. Quake 3 had a good amount of geometry peaking over the million polygon mark (don't remember the count but it was a little over a million). Geforce2 ran it at 100+ FPS at 1078x768a resolution in high qaulity. Compare it to the PS2 version. (Offcourse its not fair comparison cause its a port yadda yadda).

One thing that sux about pc graphics is that videocards die before their time, always. Not even reaching their prime. Look at the GC and Resident Evil 4, the console is certainly getting its prime time. Looking at the XBOX, that geforce 3 (plus 2x V-power) is certainly going further then the original geforce 3 was pushed.


MrparisSM said:
You think Sony did a really good job with PS2?? It didnt' even have on-board anti-aliasing. The PS2 architecture is shit compared to the Gamecube and Xbox. I really don't see them pulling off anything amazing this time around either...
Boy, you are such a **** SONY-hater, it's not even funny anymore! Sad!


Junior Member
I am really hoping that it will feature head tracking with the eyetoy to control the camera in racing and flight sims. If they dont hurry up and do that with the PS2.


Axsider said:
Boy, you are such a **** SONY-hater, it's not even funny anymore! Sad!

After reading this post I took a look at your post history. I think you cancel him out.


I expect a lot of number crunching performance and the same memory problems that Sony has historically had with all their platforms where the memory is fast, yet not plentiful. They truly do buy their memory from a store where the memory prices never go down - or offer volume discounts.



(Today, 11:55 AM)
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Haha, what the hell? Been nibbling on EviLore's ear for that privilege?


- brand
- software support
- backwards compatibility

- dev costs
- poor online service

- may end up using minority medium (bluray)
- manufacturing reliability
- price


From this generation alone....

-Great third party support
-Massive processing potential
-Will include online
-Will more than likely include four controllers ports this time around, all wireless
-Dual Shock 3.

-I suspect it'll have all that CPU power but the graphics won't be able to keep up. Kind of like the Xbox. The graphics will more likely be inferior to the Revolution and the Xenon.
-Dual Shock 3.
-The processing power will be moot, WYSIWYG >>> all. The console that can do the most onscreen will say to hell with the console's ability. So those expecting something glorifying will once again be disappointing.
-It'll compete with the Revolution, a console no one will no much about until next E3, whereas Sony is revealing the console in March, as of now.

I could go on on both sides, but you get the idea.
The PS2 was saddled with a fucked up display chip, 2 controller ports, and a very low amount of video ram. It's strength is the speed it can stream data from the DVD and it's fill rate.

That said, I've got high hopes for the PS3. If they can get Blu Ray in there it will be a hell of a bonus.

After this next generation of Xbox 2, PS3, Revolution, the industry is going to have to suck it up and change to a one console market. Dev costs and time are rising too high to support 3 machines. As well, at that level all 3 will have what will be near identical technology to the eyes of most people. We may as well have one standard that lasts for 6 years or so and have the hardware manufacturers build their own models of that standard.


Catalyst said:
From this generation alone....

-Will more than likely include four controllers ports this time around, all wireless

I see nothing that indicates they will go with 4 ports next time. Multitaps = $$$ and hell the PS systems have an asthetically pleasing 2 controller look. When I think PS brand I think 2 controller ports and I don't really see that changing.

-I suspect it'll have all that CPU power but the graphics won't be able to keep up. Kind of like the Xbox. The graphics will more likely be inferior to the Revolution and the Xenon.
-The processing power will be moot, WYSIWYG >>> all. The console that can do the most onscreen will say to hell with the console's ability. So those expecting something glorifying will once again be disappointing.

I really believe that if the PS3 doesn't launch with the best graphics on the market Sony will have people killing themselves in shame. They're putting so much on the line for the system it better be doing the most amazing things on the market even if it's 'cheating' underneath the system to do them.


Will start substantiating his hate
The adoption of OpenGL isn't going to magically make the PS3 easy to develop for. Building on the work of others just gives Sony a place to start. PSP is a simpler design, uses an OpenGL like API, comes with many dev libraries... yet developers are still complaining because it's not working as intended. PS3 will be much worse.


Warm Machine said:
The PS2 was saddled with a fucked up display chip, 2 controller ports, and a very low amount of video ram. It's strength is the speed it can stream data from the DVD and it's fill rate.
Gamecube has even less VRAM and compares favourably with PS2s texture and screen resolution. How would you explain that?


Fafracer forever
cybamerc said:
The adoption of OpenGL isn't going to magically make the PS3 easy to develop for. Building on the work of others just gives Sony a place to start. PSP is a simpler design, uses an OpenGL like API, comes with many dev libraries... yet developers are still complaining because it's not working as intended.
Ehm - first, care to name the complaints of "not working as intended" or the devs who are complaining about them?
Secondly - if you actually believe that there ever was ANY early dev environment for any console, that did not generate any complaints, you're living very far detached from reality.

The only real issue with PSP development has been with the late arrival of final hardware - but that has nothing to do with development environment itself.

[quote="mrklaw']So what do people expect from PS3? We seem to know about Cell, but what graphics tech do you expect to be associated with it? Will Sony drop the ball by missing out things like pixel shaders, or other now fundamental features, instead happy to plough their own furrow?
And bearing in mind Sony seeming happy to ignore the PC graphics card power struggle and architecture paths, does anyone expect anything really left-field? A new way of doing things?[/quote]
At this point I no longer expect anything particularly left-field. Some more recent rumours do suggest possible surprises, but not really in the way most people expect.

Anyway - if Sony diverted from fragment shaders I wouldn't consider that dropping the ball in the least, there are tried and tested alternatives with known performance and other characteristics. Personally some of those might be entertaining to see implemented - I don't know if economical or wise, but just entertaining for seeing those less keen on adapting cry&complain about it. :)

But ok to summarize...
- probably the highest amount of general purpose processing power.
- probably the most memory
- highest capacity optical-media
- probably default paper spec winner
- possibility of IBM development tools
- still unanswered questions about programmability that could proove detrimental to potential performance
- depends on who is ultimately in charge of GPU design, but I worry about overengineering at expense of certain basics
- possibility of IBM development tools

I know this is all vague but I'm basing it on actual vague info out there, and I wanted to stay away from non-hw issues, which are more opinions then anything.
And no, the IBM thing isn't a typo - it could be both + and -, in a big way.


Likely no reason to own for year after launch. I really hope not but I bracing myself that there will not even be B-rated rpgs like Eternal Ring at launch this round :('


Major Advantage: raw horsepower
Major Disadvantage: crap libraries and tools

..sorta like PS2 & PSP (and unlike PS1). The development environment will improve over time though, but I don't doubt Xenon & Revolution will have the more friendly and efficent toolsets early on.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
PSP has hardly crappy libraries and development wise the situation is MUCH better than early PlayStation 2 development (the architecture is morfe developer friendly than PlayStation 2 while you can still apply quite a bit of the experience you got from developing PlayStation 2 engines).

Perhaps you are forgetting how tough was early PlayStation 2 development ;).


Panajev2001a said:
PSP has hardly crappy libraries and development wise the situation is MUCH better than early PlayStation 2 development (the architecture is morfe developer friendly than PlayStation 2 while you can still apply quite a bit of the experience you got from developing PlayStation 2 engines).

Perhaps you are forgetting how tough was early PlayStation 2 development ;).
Sure, but that's partially due to hardware design and developers being already comfortable with the spec level. Given that PSP uses an Open GL based development environment, and it's hardly new technology (in the general capability sense, it is cutting edge for portables) I'm really not sure why developers like Koei are having such problems? If SCEI can't supply an effiecent bug free dev suite for the Open GL backed PSP in a timely fashion, how are things going to go with the OpenMax backed PS3, where everything suddenly becomes bleeding edge an immeasurably more advanced? :/


Weaknesses:Loading times, # of controller ports, Memory card speed.

And frankly I wouldn't shed a tear if the Dual Shock design was retired for the next generation.

Strengths: Absolutely huge support, great games in all genres, Rockstar, great graphics (maybe lose the patented Sony jaggy even).

Unknown: online gaming.


Fafracer forever
jarrod said:
Sure, but that's partially due to hardware design and developers being already comfortable with the spec level.
There is no butts.
The issues with hardware kits running late aside, PSP has dev. environment in line with that of GCN.
PS2 at similar point in life had a severely broken HW emulator, a command line debugger and a buggy set of libraries that was missing more things that it provided.

PS2's only advantage would be early availability of hw-kits - but then that was never considered an advantage when XBox got it's real-hw extremely late either.

Ranger X

DrLazy said:
All I want is 4 controller ports and some tighter control sticks. PLEASE GOD FOUR CONTROLLER PORTS.

I can't believe people wishing for that. It always amaze me. You all must be Nbots or something.
What's the use to invest in 4 controller port (and probably influence the price of the console) for the 4-5 games that will use it?? And what's more, almost any 4 player split-screen games the screens are too small and it sucks.
Man buy yourself a multitap if you play some 4 player games. I prefer 2 controller port and playing splitscreen in 2 with other people splitscreen in 2 online.

" the more controller ports the better "? lololololololololol


mrklaw said:
I think Sony did a really good job of the architecture of the PS2. Sure, they overegged some sections (like fill rate), and there are weakspots elsewhere (complex multiprocessor, buffer memory issues etc). But overall I think its a brave bit of engineering.

Oh yes, let's decompress textures from the main 32MB of memory, and then send them over a narrow ass bus with all kinds of other stuff, which goes to a GPU (only having 4MB of memory.) Don't give me that "well it's PER FRAME blah blah" business. FLAWED ARCHITECTURE. The proof is in the pudding; that is, what you see on the screen. That's not to say PS2 games always have bad graphics, but it's a shame that with all the money they put into it, they couldn't come up with something better for texturing. Thankfully console developers are much more artistically gifted than most PC developers, so that's a major advantage for the PS2 right there.

I can't believe I fought against people like Deadmeat (crazy as he many be) when he bashed the PS2. He was closer to being right than wrong. PS2 has had awful texturing since the start. As for geometry and lighting, there have been some interesting things, but these games will not age well.

Who knows what to expect, but what I would personally LIKE to see is Sony not wasting so much money on a customized architecture, and come up with something that is much easier for developers to learn.


Banstick Emeritus
Well, Rockstar's Houser confirmed that the next GTA's hitting on PS3. You can keep your fancy mip-map frappery - that's all I need. :D


bishoptl said:
Well, Rockstar's Houser confirmed that the next GTA's hitting on PS3. You can keep your fancy mip-map frappery - that's all I need. :D

I've heard this before, do you have the interview or a link to it... must read it for myself so the fapping can begin.


There's plenty of games that completely and totally rock with four players/single screen. Wrestling games, sports games, party games. It's just... WHY NOT SONY?


If this early on, the next GTA has basically been confirmed for the PS3, you can bet it'll be a launch title. +1 Sony.


Fafalada said:
There is no butts.
The issues with hardware kits running late aside, PSP has dev. environment in line with that of GCN.
Currently? Are you calling Takazumi Tomoike a liar? :p
Wyzdom said:
I can't believe people wishing for that. It always amaze me. You all must be Nbots or something.

" the more controller ports the better "? lololololololololol

Think about everything that you can hook up to a system. A wheel, a gun, regular controllers, bongos, dance pads, etc. Why not have 2 control ports for controllers and 2 free for whatever else? The more controller ports the better so you don't have to plug shit in and unplug it for each and every game.

4 controller ports have been pretty well standard since '96


Warm Machine said:
Think about everything that you can hook up to a system. A wheel, a gun, regular controllers, bongos, dance pads, etc. Why not have 2 control ports for controllers and 2 free for whatever else? The more controller ports the better so you don't have to plug shit in and unplug it for each and every game.

4 controller ports have been pretty well standard since '96


"You saw the purple pleasure machine in GTA:SA, now experience it in the flesh. Get a Duel Headed Purple Anaconda if you pre-order GTA PS3 today."


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod said:
If SCEI can't supply an effiecent bug free dev suite for the Open GL backed PSP in a timely fashion...
Truly bug free? Has any dev suite actually managed that? Is the GCN dev suite bug free, since that's the comparison Faf made?

What Faf is saying doesn't exactly run counter to what Koei is saying. Koei's PSP dev team have had approx. 6 months with the dev kit, that's not exactly a lot of time to produce a game, regardless of how accessible the hardware dev suite is.


kaching said:
Truly bug free? Has any dev suite actually managed that? Is the GCN dev suite bug free, since that's the comparison Faf made?

What Faf is saying doesn't exactly run counter to what Koei is saying. Koei's PSP dev team have had approx. 6 months with the dev kit, that's not exactly a lot of time to produce a game, regardless of how accessible the hardware dev suite is.
Sure but they said their difficulties came (in part) from the dev suit itself, not the 6 month crunch. They aren't producing a game from scratch after all, it's based of DW4 PS2.

Is the GC kit buggy? Have developers had similar complaints, even in the earliest stages of it's lifetime? I dunno... Sony just doesn't have the best track record when it comes to development environment... I'm not sure why someone would think it'll be different with the relatively alien architectured PS3.


Diablos said:
Oh yes, let's decompress textures from the main 32MB of memory, and then send them over a narrow ass bus with all kinds of other stuff, which goes to a GPU (only having 4MB of memory.) Don't give me that "well it's PER FRAME blah blah" business. FLAWED ARCHITECTURE. The proof is in the pudding; that is, what you see on the screen. That's not to say PS2 games always have bad graphics, but it's a shame that with all the money they put into it, they couldn't come up with something better for texturing. Thankfully console developers are much more artistically gifted than most PC developers, so that's a major advantage for the PS2 right there.

I can't believe I fought against people like Deadmeat (crazy as he many be) when he bashed the PS2. He was closer to being right than wrong. PS2 has had awful texturing since the start. As for geometry and lighting, there have been some interesting things, but these games will not age well.

Who knows what to expect, but what I would personally LIKE to see is Sony not wasting so much money on a customized architecture, and come up with something that is much easier for developers to learn.

Well thats your opinion, and i disagree. You want Sony to simply follow what others are doing, even if that is not the best route forward? You are dismissing something simply for being different? Thats pretty shortsighted.

The whole of the PS2s architecture seems designed from the ground up to push large amounts of relatively static data through to the screen very quickly. The 32MB holds your main graphics etc, which you then transfer to the very fast but expensive embedded ram over a very fast bus. Seems pretty good to me. Sure there may be some areas that it isn't great, but its a first shot, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they expand on that original concept.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod - One developer's comments aren't enough to immediately put the PSP dev suite at the same level as the original PS2 dev suite. The overall tenor of developer response to the PSP dev suite has certainly been far more positive than the response to the initial PS2 dev suite. You can't simply latch onto the early dev environment of the PS2 as the definition of the trend in Sony's Playstation dev efforts.
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