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What went wrong with Halo 2?

FYI I didn't write this, it was someone at bungie.net who got banned shortly afterwards. It's and interesting read though.

Make of this what you will, but maybe I said something a little too close to the truth and someone nervous. My original post on the bungie forums got 42 replies within 50 minutes and then the topic was locked. Shortly after that I was blacklisted (banned) from the forums. Keep in mind the bungie forums are automatically censored, so curse words appear as "-blam-", so I know I wasn't banned for language. I'll try to restate this word for word as best as possible, but I can't reference my original post because it has since been removed.

The game of Halo 2 as it exists now is not what bungie initially intended for it to be, nor is this close to the final product they worked three years on to complete. Lets start with the Halo 2 cinematic trailer (released in september of 2002). MC is on a ship and you can hear random chatter over his comm as he walks down a corridor: notice you'll hear things like "that's not enough to stop an assault carrier" and "its like the god damn apocolypse". They have called for reinforcements and the reinforcements are MC alone -- one man, exciting enough that it still gives me goosebumps. So then master chief ejects from the ships air lock and makes his dive towards earth. What do you see? A whole continent saturated with fire and nuclear explosions. That does seem pretty apocolyptic.

Now lets move on to the E3 demo (released in may 2003). MC flies into New Mombasa on a pelican with the sarge and a few ODSTs. When he exits the pelican, yes, it would appear to be a full-scale invasion of earth. Wounded soldiers all around, huge covenant artillery blasting buildings, etc... exciting! He makes his run through the city and then mans the gun on the back of the gauss hog. He rolls through New Mombasa with a couple marines, you see a few other hogs rolling around, streets intersecting in and out of one another, passages that lead to other areas... its a battle on a pretty large scale. A convenant invasion of earth.

Compare these situations to the actual game of Halo 2. Where is the "god damn apocolypse"? Earth isnt even being invaded. A few small covenant platoons go to earth for one reason or another and thats it. There isnt even a hint of earth being invaded in halo 2 until the very end, then the game ends. You can see earth from space station cairo and its untouched. When it comes to all this missing storyline, what went wrong? What changed? Who intervened?

The -single- level that does take place on earth is -OBVIOUSLY- a last minute change. Notice some similarities between this earth level and the new mombasa level from the E3 demo. MC still flies in on a pelican with the sarge and some marines, not ODSTs this time. If you really pay attention you can see the marines in the pelican doing the exact same movements as the ODSTs in the E3 demo -EXACTLY-. one marine shoves a clip into his rifle while another puts on his helmet, the same as the ODSTs in the E3 demo. Sarge even says the same stuff except this time he has a little monologue about 'regret'. Also notice at the start of this level, there is no text on screen telling you where you are headed. No mention of the city name, date or location. How odd is that? When the game starts and you see the opening cinematic, you get a date and you are told exactly what you are seeing; the covenant high charity. Even in the new mombasa level on the E3 demo, you are given the same information. Strangely enough this information is missing in the actual game. Minor inconsistencies like this can only mean a handful of things. This level was added at the last minute to replace the new mombasa level because the direction of the game had taken a serious change in direction because of something or someone. Load up the outskirts level and point your view to the rooftops and tell me what you see. You might not be looking for them but you'll see power lines. You have got to be kidding me. Its the year 2552... Power lines?! Things like this, the inconsistencies and missing -important- cinematic information just do not happen when you spend three years developing a game. It simply does not happen. You do not "hype" a game up to be an awesome showdown on earth between the humans and covenant and then make the -single- earth level in the game complete garbage. My god is that level ever so linear and boring. From point A to point B. Its not the "god damn apocolypse" its a god damn conspiracy.

Simply put, Microsoft is greedy. Microsoft made bungie change the direction of the game and gave it that awful cliffhanger ending. They ran out of time because they had to take out a lot of the content that was already in the game and replace it with whatever they could. Propbably why you end up playing as the arbiter so much. Its all filler for the missing content. Watch the limited edition DVD and check out the segment on the mongoose (the human atv). They say it was buggy and didnt handle properly, watch the video and decide for yourself, it was perfectly fine. There are a few misleading statements from bungie employees in this dvd. Its not their fault, they are just covering for microsoft. Like when they say that the new mombasa E3 level was the first thing they worked on. That is utter BS. All the vehicles had their physics and mass properties already. The character models and animations were finished. There were cinematics and scripted dialogue from all the real voice actors. There was an entire level designed. Don't tell me they spent the next year and a half to design the 6 other awful levels we got. Even with all the bug testing and all that, is not reasonable. 60+ people were working on the campaign mode while 4 people worked on the multiplayer. Too many things just dont add up. Nothing about it makes any sense at all. If there is truth in the fact that the E3 new mombasa level was the first thing they worked on... which already had so many features already implemented, what in the **** did they do with all that time in between may 2003 and november 9th?

Read any publication online or in real life dealing with halo 2 before its release. Whenever someone from bungie spoke about the game, the focus was earth. The cinematic trailer, focus: earth. The E3 demo, focus: earth. It was all supposed to be about earth. Would bungie intentionally mislead us to think that is was going to be all about earth and then smack us in the face with an awful game like this? I dont think so. You cant say that what i expected halo 2 to be was just what i had in my head. It is what we were -lead- to believe and what we were told it would be. This isnt me being disappointed because I believed too much hype -- this is me being disappointed because for one reason or another, "we" didnt the the game of halo 2 that was "promised" to us.

Think about it... the E3 gameplay demo was released in may of 2003, almost a full year a half before the release of the game. The new mombasa level was brilliant. They didnt have to keep the scripting for the level, just the level itself. Why take it out? Why not put as much as you can into halo 2 including that level, because it definitely had a place in the game. Oh, im sorry. It had a place in the game as it was originally conceived, but not the greedy stripped down micro$oft half-assed version that we got.

In conclusion... what do you think went wrong? You're a fool if you think they just couldnt fit one more level into the game, they could have put the game on two discs and added 20 (we wish) more levels very easily, and microsoft has the money for that. Don't tell me it was because of hardware issues, because its only a map. And dont tell me that you cant include a rocket hog or a personnel transport hog in the game because of hardware issues either, if you can support one vehicle, you can support another. You're being mislead in a number of ways to hide the fact that you've been shafted out of $55 for a game that is shorter than the original and far less enjoyable (aside form the multiplayer which is spectacular). Bungie wanted to give us everything we had hoped for, its just a shame we'll never get to see the godliness of what they had in store for us.

Go to www.bungie.net and look at the title for the halo 2 forums. They are called new mombasa. A level that doesnt even exist in the game (now). What kind of reasoning is there for that? Should that be reserved for halo 3 *cough* when you -might- actually get a chance to catch a glimpse of the city. Rubbish. Bungie said many times halo 2 would bringe closure and there would be no halo 3. Bungie also said they would "never specify a release date for halo 2 until we are certain we could release a finished product." That statement was on their main website the day that the release date was accounced. So why would they set a date for themselves where they knew they wouldnt finish in time and be forced to take out all kinds of content? They wouldn't.


"why take it out?"

I have a feeling some things were taken out of multiplayer so you can download it ($$$$) later.

Where's the ATV though?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The writer jumps to far too many conclusions (sometimes things are taken out due to time contraints or just stylistic decisions), but he has a decent point.


What the eff is he talking about? Okay, it's obvious they cut alot of shit out, and decided to take a major turn in the story, at first it seems it's this big invasion on Earth but they changed that. I don't know why, but they did, it's probably filling in the gaps for the inevitable Halo 3.

Bungie DID state that it wouldn't be just set on Earth, they never claimed how much of it would be set on Earth. They said that, it'd be set in other places aswell, such as Gas Giants, another Halo, and then take the battle to the Covenant (such as visiting a Covenant homeworld, High Charity anyone?). This is what they claimed when they first announced the game. They obviously changed alot, but the main difference now is, Earth, at the beginning is not suffering from a full-scale attack and towards the end, it is. They obviously ran out of time. They claimed that it would add closure to the series but obviously due to time issues, they couldn't, they had to cut alot of things (just like the original), thus it is shorter, and feels more rushed than the original, but that doesn't make it a bad game. It's probably the best single player experience I've had in ages. Absolute phenominal sci-fi. I think alot of people in this game went in hoping for this amazing battle to save Earth (as the idiotic marketers marketed it as) but what they got was something different, it's less fighting with fellow marines now, and I love it. I'm so glad they made Halo 2 like this, the direction it went in is otherworldy, I'm fucking tired of seeing war torn cities, I wanna see different, unique, surreal places like they did with Halo 2.


For anyone too lazy too read all that nonsense, this is basically 1600 words of "Boo hoo, why isn't the E3 demo in the final game," followed by a bunch of conspiracy theories. He claims that the Arbiter levels are "filler" to make up for stuff that got taken out due to time constraints. Huh? "We don't have time to finish this level, so let's create an entirely new level!"

Other complaints such as the "unrealistic" power lines in Old Mombasa are specifically addressed in the Making Of DVD. The ATV wasn't "buggy", it was just fucking useless. You can tell that from the videos. Oh boy, a lightweight vehicle that leaves the rider completely exposed to gunfire.....with neither the Warthog's durability nor the Ghost's maneuverability! People lamenting its exclusion are insane.

1600 words. That is longer than 95% of the papers I do for school. What a waste of time =P I love how he assumes that he must be very close to the truth just because they banned him and deleted his post. Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you called them liars and said their game was awful (over and over again).


hyperbolically metafictive
only linkin park and michelle rodriguez are permitted to play the REAL version of halo 2. BUNGIE HOLLYWOOD CONSPIRACY


no he's pretty much right, market pressures never used to dictate bungie releases. the old school staff is probably too enamored with being treated like rock stars to care that they've fucking sold out though.

recall that it was market pressures that took the true focus of the original halo (tactical multiplayer combat) and shelved it until forever as well.

sell your xbox, it's all over.


well not really...yet
That e3 demo was pretty cool. Whatever though, im satisfied completely with 96% of the entire campaign, but it is leaving me a bitter after taste on the whole...


Gold Member
border said:
For anyone too lazy too read all that nonsense, this is basically 1600 words of "Boo hoo, why isn't the E3 demo in the final game," followed by a bunch of conspiracy theories. He claims that the Arbiter levels are "filler" to make up for stuff that got taken out due to time constraints. Huh? "We don't have time to finish this level, so let's create an entirely new level!"

Other complaints such as the "unrealistic" power lines in Old Mombasa are specifically addressed in the Making Of DVD. The ATV wasn't "buggy", it was just fucking useless. You can tell that from the videos. Oh boy, a lightweight vehicle that leaves the rider completely exposed to gunfire.....with neither the Warthog's durability nor the Ghost's maneuverability! People lamenting its exclusion are insane.

1600 words. That is longer than 95% of the papers I do for school. What a waste of time =P

Lakitu said:
What the eff is he talking about? Okay, it's obvious they cut alot of shit out, and decided to take a major turn in the story, at first it seems it's this big invasion on Earth but they changed that. I don't know why, but they did, it's probably filling in the gaps for the inevitable Halo 3.

My theory is that the E3 demo was just that, a demo made specifically for E3 to show off the new gameplay elements but it had nothing to do with the actual storyline of Halo 2 as they wanted to keep the story as secret as long as possible. The best way to preserve the story is the make an impressive demo to show off the game, but not the story.


border said:
For anyone too lazy too read all that nonsense, this is basically 1600 words of "Boo hoo, why isn't the E3 demo in the final game," followed by a bunch of conspiracy theories.

i figured, thats why I didnt bother reading it after I saw "FYI I didn't write this.."

well then why post it? any points in it can't even be debated with the original poster. I guess I should go to the ign forums and randomly post people's opinions on games in here.



Sam Houser fucked my wife
I'm curious.

1) Why would the game go from being crap to being awesome if it took place on earth?

2) Why would Microsoft force Bungie to change it? The idiotic poster claims they're greedy, but that's completely non-sequitir without some other claim.


I am sure it was just a matter of M$ saying the game had to go gold by date X. Period. The most likely forced some minor redesign and forced them to pull levels and change the story accordingly. While it sucks for fans of the series, it happens with almost every major game that is released. It happened on a few of the games I worked on, and it sucks to have levels pulled that are 85%, but you have to make your date if you wanna get paid.
As stated in the making of CD, the e3 demo was just that, just a demo, not a game. Bungie set out to make a fun game with a story that was better than the originals. Mission Accomplished. Bitchers go home.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If it all took place on earth, I bet the game would just repeat the same architecture over and over like the original Halo, and fans will still be bitching :p

I'm glad I don't care about Halo's story. Halo 2 is an awesome game to me and one of my favorites for this generation


Gold Member
MrAngryFace said:
As stated in the making of CD, the e3 demo was just that, just a demo, not a game. Bungie set out to make a fun game with a story that was better than the originals. Mission Accomplished. Bitchers go home.


There are moments in Halo 1 where you're like: "Holy shit, that's cool."

While in Halo 2 there are multiple moments where you're like "Holy flaming piles of monkey shit Batman, that's fucking awesome."


Wario64 said:
If it all took place on earth, I bet the game would just repeat the same architecture over and over like the original Halo, and fans will still be bitching :p

Exactly. Bungie did a great job with level variety in Halo 2.


Gold Member
Alf-Life said:

Uh, that person either wasn't paying attention in Halo 2 or had the volume off while playing the game:

2) If you read the books, the intro to Halo 2 leaves some questions, such as:

A) The Covenant fleet that destroyed Reach was massive.

B) In the intro, the General was questioning the Earth invasion and why the covenant fleet was so small

The size of the invasion fleet is explained in the game, in one of the first fucking levels:

Minor spoiler for anyone who hasn't played the first half hour:
The fleet was so small because the Covenant didn't expect to find humans on Earth.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Tortfeasor said:
I am sure it was just a matter of M$ saying the game had to go gold by date X. Period.
Changing the entire direction of the game would cost lots of extra money and prolong the development time. So that makes no sense.
I haven't played Halo 2, but it's pretty obvious that its biggest "problem" is living up to the incredibly unrealistic expectations that some people had for the game.
ManaByte said:
Uh, that person either wasn't paying attention in Halo 2 or had the volume off while playing the game:

The size of the invasion fleet is explained in the game, in one of the first fucking levels:

Minor spoiler for anyone who hasn't played the first half hour:
The fleet was so small because the Covenant didn't expect to find humans on Earth.

No thats not entirely true. In First Strike the Covenant had a massive fleet (500+ ships) prepared.


Well if someone could get a screen cap of that part of the credits? No way in hell am I going to endure the pain that is Legendary just to see that :p


Gold Member
M1t7rAnd7r said:
No thats not entirely true. In First Strike the Covenant had a massive fleet (500+ ships) prepared.

I don't care what some book says. In the game Cortana explains why the fleet was so small because she intercepted communications from the Covenant
where they were surprised to find humans on earth.


Lakitu said:
Well if someone could get a screen cap of that part of the credits? No way in hell am I going to endure the pain that is Legendary just to see that :p

I'm only up to Delta Halo so far, and now the weekend's almost over, I don't think I'll have much time during the week (plus HL2's coming :D)... but if anyone's completed Legendary, can someone at least make sure about the "coming Feb 9th" thing?

Halo 3 would be amazing, but I've a feeling it might just be new MP maps :(


A look at the special DVD included with the L.E. version of Halo 2 explains this:
Joseph Staten: "When we got back from E3 2003 -- we ran into a big problem. We had wowed the show attendees with our live, game level demo; but when we tried to load a Beta of that same level onto a regular Xbox, it couldn't handle it. We had been running all of the trailers and previous footage, including the E3 2003 New Mombasa level demo from our Xbox dev kits, which in actuality, are more powerful that commercial Xboxes -- something that we had not taken into consideration. So, all of the real-time reflections, lighting and shadows had to be removed from the gameplay portions of the game and put into some of the cut-scenes." Later on, he says this: "At one point, we had a Pelican dropship that was creating and casting more real-time shadows than the Xbox could deal with, processing wise."


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I think it will be an in-expensive add-on disk...containing the last 10-12 levels that completes the story

I don't think people would be coming up with such strange theories if they were completely satisfied with the single player campaign.

Seth C

ManaByte said:
The fleet was so small because the Covenant didn't expect to find humans on Earth.

Regret didn't know, but I have a feeling Truth did. Even better is the reason he didn't expect humans to be there, and that is because earth is "the ark."


that steve balmer thing was bullshit, he just made an example out of his ass to demonstrate some new feature of ms office.


The closing credits in Halo 2 are not "realtime". They are a large Bink Video file. There is only one "Credits" video file on the disc, and there is nothing in there about February 9. You do the math. This is just a stupid rumor meant to take advantage of people's shock at the game's finale.

I have finished Halo 2 in Legendary, and don't remember seeing any kind of notice about February 9, but then again it was like 4 AM and I wasn't watching the credits very closely. I can't verify or deny from experience, but anybody that wants to can go to GameFAQs and download a Save Game file that starts at the final checkpoint of the final level in Legendary. Even then it'll probably take you quite some time to take down Tartarus ;)


good credit (by proxy)
Personally, I believe that Bungie themselves took levels out when they realized that the xbox wasn't powerful enough for them to do what they wanted to do. As soon as they had to cut down the graphics, and they couldn't do stealth, and etc, they decided to make a Halo 3 for the next xbox where they could wow everyone, and change/take out a lot of the levels/story for Halo 2. It doesn't really bother me at all, I might have made the same decision if I were them. I personally would much rather have a full-fledged all out Halo 3 on xbox 2 where they can achieve everything they wanted, then a complete Halo 2 that ends the series, where a lot of the stuff they intended to have in the game got cut out.

To say that game is awful though because things got cut(just like any game) is ridiculous.
ManaByte said:
I don't care what some book says. In the game Cortana explains why the fleet was so small because she intercepted communications from the Covenant
where they were surprised to find humans on earth.

Bungie says that their story IS the books.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
briefcasemanx said:
Personally, I believe that Bungie themselves took levels out when they realized that the xbox wasn't powerful enough for them to do what they wanted to do. As soon as they had to cut down the graphics, and they couldn't do stealth, and etc, they decided to make a Halo 3 for the next xbox where they could wow everyone, and change/take out a lot of the levels/story for Halo 2. It doesn't really bother me at all, I might have made the same decision if I were them. I personally would much rather have a full-fledged all out Halo 3 on xbox 2 where they can achieve everything they wanted, then a complete Halo 2 that ends the series, where a lot of the stuff they intended to have in the game got cut out.

To say that game is awful though because things got cut(just like any game) is ridiculous.

i agree with you .. i think thats what happened..


Gold Member
M1t7rAnd7r said:
Bungie says that their story IS the books.

Then they need to clarify which is canon and which is not. The game, that millions upon millions will play, or the books that only the hardcore fanboys will read. Because it sounds like the books are contradicting what the game says.
ManaByte said:
Then they need to clarify which is canon and which is not. The game, that millions upon millions will play, or the books that only the hardcore fanboys will read. Because it sounds like the books are contradicting what the game says.

Or, the story had to be changed to fit the demands.


border said:
The closing credits in Halo 2 are not "realtime". They are a large Bink Video file. There is only one "Credits" video file on the disc, and there is nothing in there about February 9. You do the math. This is just a stupid rumor meant to take advantage of people's shock at the game's finale.

It would be child's play to superimpose the 'realtime' message about 'February 9th' over the Bink playback, and if there is something like that present, I'm almost positive that it would have been done that way. Otherwise, anyone with a modded Xbox and a little persistence would have been able to extract the credits video and see the Easter egg in question without beating it on Legendary, and being aware of this, I think the guys at Bungie would've taken that little bit of extra time to make sure that people couldn't 'cheat' to find it. ;)


Gold Member
M1t7rAnd7r said:
Or, the story had to be changed to fit the demands.

Can someone please post the giant rolleyes?

Doc Holliday said:
Heheh this reminds me of the MGS2 fiasco!


The only thing changed in MGS2 was one cutscene that was cut out towards the end of the game.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
border said:
The closing credits in Halo 2 are not "realtime". They are a large Bink Video file. There is only one "Credits" video file on the disc, and there is nothing in there about February 9. You do the math. This is just a stupid rumor meant to take advantage of people's shock at the game's finale.

I have finished Halo 2 in Legendary, and don't remember seeing any kind of notice about February 9, but then again it was like 4 AM and I wasn't watching the credits very closely. I can't verify or deny from experience, but anybody that wants to can go to GameFAQs and download a Save Game file that starts at the final checkpoint of the final level in Legendary. Even then it'll probably take you quite some time to take down Tartarus ;)

It's probably not coming out until February 11th in France. :lol


Then they need to clarify which is canon and which is not. The game, that millions upon millions will play, or the books that only the hardcore fanboys will read. Because it sounds like the books are contradicting what the game says.

From what I last heard, the books are part of canon as the authors collaborate with Bungie to make sure all of their details in the books are accurate with the story. It was even recommended at one point by Bungie that people read First Strike before playing Halo 2. I doubt so many people on this board would have done that if the books had no signifigance to Halo 2 whatsoever.
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