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What went wrong with Halo 2?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
SHog, I Wasn't talking about the story...Im talking about how the trailer and the final game were very different.


ManaByte said:

The only thing changed in MGS2 was one cutscene that was cut out towards the end of the game.
I think he means the fact that you play as Raiden or that thing in the end,
that The Patriots have been dead for 100 years.


B E N K E said:
I've heard the thing about 9 february elsewhere. DLC seems reasonable or an announcement about Halo 3.

Frankie said it's extremely unlikely that there will ever be any DLC for Campaign mode.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm pretty sure that konami showed altered footage that showed you playing as snake against fortune in the latter part of the game. All they had to do was change which model they used while recording the footage. This is probably what he is reffering to.


Gold Member
Mooreberg said:
I'm pretty sure that konami showed altered footage that showed you playing as snake against fortune in the latter part of the game. All they had to do was change which model they used while recording the footage. This is probably what he is reffering to.

And it was done to keep Raiden a secret. IIRC Kojima has said as much.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I dont care either way...Im enjoying SP so far, and i didnt notice that the e3 level wasn't in the game till i read the article. I'm a little worried about the length of the game, but hey there is always multi. Ill try and finish this sucka just in time for HL 2, MP2, and Mgs3 :p


Ryu said:
From what I last heard, the books are part of canon as the authors collaborate with Bungie to make sure all of their details in the books are accurate with the story. It was even recommended at one point by Bungie that people read First Strike before playing Halo 2. I doubt so many people on this board would have done that if the books had no signifigance to Halo 2 whatsoever.

Regardless, if there's anything in the games that contradicts the books, it's the games that should be taken as canon and not vice-versa. Halo began with the games, while the novels are merchandising tie-ins. Had the games been based on a series of novels, then the events as depicted in the books would take precedence over anything taking place in the games.
w/e, that X02 trailer and the E3 2k3 dem's f*ing rocked, it looked like they spent so much time on that. It had tons of detail. What a waste


You know what that big rant reminds me off ? "Wah Wah, how come MGS2 wasn't just 3 hours of snake on the tanker wah wah, kojima made us think the game had snake and it didn't so eat my balls etc."

Except that's not really it at all , Sure the game is shorter then the first halo but every level in the sequel is actually a different stage wheras there were only 4 levels in the first game that you play through 2 or even 3 times, and only 2 of those stages were any good.

Watch the making of halo 2 dvd and you'll find out that the E3 2003 demo was pretty much a playable proof of concept , it showed off all the new features in the game.

About the only thing I'll give this guy is that the original trailer of cheif free falling out of the ship gave you the impression that he'd somehow just made it back from the first halo just in time to stop the covenent from destroying earth. Bungie admits with 11 months to shipping the product that they kind of had a brain fart and redid alot of stuff in the game story and gameplay wise. It's their product let them do with it what they will.

The way the ending was presented wasn't a huge letdown for me, maybe the scope of what was supposed to happen next was too large to do on Xbox 1 ? Who knows, all I know is that now I'll play alot of multiplayer.


Chili Con Carnage!
Mombassa is a hell of a lot more detailed than the e3 demo'd earth city, it got scrapped because it was lifeless (its on the special edition dvd) not denying they cut things after e3, but that level was never would have been in the game.

The crappy stuff that people moan about not being in, like the ATV and the extra warthogs and the melee combos, they arent in becuase they sucked, its easy to cram new stuff into a sequel, but whats the point if it just doesnt meet the standard of the rest of the game?

I totally get the calls for an end to the story, who wouldnt want one after that ending? But other than that it certainly seems to me that most if not all the cuts & changes made were made to keep the gameplay tight.
Ghost said:
Mombassa is a hell of a lot more detailed than the e3 demo'd earth city, it got scrapped because it was lifeless (its on the special edition dvd) not denying they cut things after e3, but that level was never would have been in the game.

Lifeless? Most people would rather have that then what we have now. That demo was anything but lifeless.

Kon Tiki


"Hey, is this Bungie? You forgot about Earth"


Chili Con Carnage!
M1t7rAnd7r said:
Ghost said:
Mombassa is a hell of a lot more detailed than the e3 demo'd earth city, it got scrapped because it was lifeless (its on the special edition dvd) not denying they cut things after e3, but that level was never would have been in the game.

Lifeless? Most people would rather have that then what we have now. That demo was anything but lifeless.

I suggest you watch it again, the city was basically a set of concrete blocks. (New) Mombasa has architecture modelled on the actual Kenyan city, updated with a modern vibe (see the bridge, the towers, etc etc) Mombassa IS a much more detailed city.
The effects in the E3 Demo had a more "saving the earth" theme. i.e.: lightning, animations, music... You could tell they had spent alot of time on that level to make it fun while they could've been spending more time on an actual level in the game.


Chili Con Carnage!
The first line after that e3 demo on the making of Halo 2 is "the game wasnt fun..."

Who to believe....bungie or a junior member....HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
M1t7rAnd7r said:
The effects in the E3 Demo had a more "saving the earth" theme. i.e.: lightning, animations, music... You could tell they had spent alot of time on that level to make it fun while they could've been spending more time on an actual level in the game.

not to mention that that was the level that got the hype train going. In the future all gaming houses should stage game demos that are specially made to be all the more intense/fun.. and then exclude these from the game.

M1t7rAnd7r's aboujt waste of resources is something I agree with. I find myself thinking that about MP2E's multi mode whenever I hear it get panned? Any dev time to do multi could have been spent doing 1p.


Re: the supposed "coming feb 9th" on the Legendary ending, is it true ilovebees.com has got a new countdown? I never got into all the ilovebees stuff.


Bishman said:
Joseph Staten: "When we got back from E3 2003 -- we ran into a big problem. We had wowed the show attendees with our live, game level demo; but when we tried to load a Beta of that same level onto a regular Xbox, it couldn't handle it. We had been running all of the trailers and previous footage, including the E3 2003 New Mombasa level demo from our Xbox dev kits, which in actuality, are more powerful that commercial Xboxes -- something that we had not taken into consideration.

That sounds insanely stupid. How could they not know that the Devkit is more powerful than a regular Xbox? Jeez, Bungie. :p


Chili Con Carnage!
TheGreenGiant said:
not to mention that that was the level that got the hype train going. In the future all gaming houses should stage game demos that are specially made to be all the more intense/fun.. and then exclude these from the game.

M1t7rAnd7r's aboujt waste of resources is something I agree with. I find myself thinking that about MP2E's multi mode whenever I hear it get panned? Any dev time to do multi could have been spent doing 1p.

Obviously they intended it to be in the game when they made it (the level at least, most of the content would have been impractical (and dull if you'd already seen the demo)) THEY CHANGED IT AFTER E3 BECAUSE IT WAS SHITE!

Your idea of being locked into releasing whatever you show at a game conference is a much better idea than actually improving games. :rolleyes

Edit: To answer a question, yes there is a new timer on ilovebees.com, but its counting down to the year 2552 (the year in which the game is set)

Sorry i see this thread is necessary for getting out some random hate, i'll let you all get on with it.
jett said:
That sounds insanely stupid. How could they not know that the Devkit is more powerful than a regular Xbox? Jeez, Bungie. :p

Well it's not. It's just got twice the memory. Just as stupid, yes, but it's not because of "power" per se.

BTW, that confirms my earlier suspicion that the reason for the pop in of the textures is due to lack of of memory.
Ghost said:
Obviously they intended it to be in the game when they made it (the level at least, most of the content would have been impractical (and dull if you'd already seen the demo)) THEY CHANGED IT AFTER E3 BECAUSE IT WAS SHITE!

Your idea of being locked into releasing whatever you show at a game conference is a much better idea than actually improving games. :rolleyes

Sorry i see this thread is necessary for getting out some random hate, i'll let you all get on with it.

the e3 demo was way fucking better than the actual level
Shogmaster said:
Well it's not. It's just got twice the memory. Just as stupid, yes, but it's not because of "power" per se.

BTW, that confirms my earlier suspicion that the reason for the pop in of the textures is due to lack of of memory.

the pop in textures are a result of the levels not being loaded


M1t7rAnd7r said:
the e3 demo was way fucking better than the actual level

You mean "actual levels," and when exactly did you get a chance to play the NON-public e3 demo?


jett said:
That sounds insanely stupid. How could they not know that the Devkit is more powerful than a regular Xbox? Jeez, Bungie. :p

Or is it all a clever and extremely eloborate rouse to hide the fact that Halo 3 is coming on Feb 9th :eek: :D
M1t7rAnd7r said:
the pop in textures are a result of the levels not being loaded

I think it's streaming in textures as needed because there isn't enough RAM to hold all the normal maps and textures at the same time.
M1t7rAnd7r said:

Bungie FAQ said:
NintendoNo1 asks: I see textures popping on cutscenes. Is something wrong with my copy of the game?

No, those textures popping in are part of the small price you pay for no loading times. Since they use the game-engine, we are loading geometry and textures from all over the game, different levels, scenarios and creatures, as well as dialog and music. We could have made it into video, and streamed it from the disk, but then there would have been loading times. We felt this was much better for the gameplay experience.

Isn't that pretty much what I said?


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
what's wrong with halo 2? nothing's wrong

as for cutting stuff and redesign, welcome to game development - at some point you have lock content and finish the game
GashPrex said:
what's wrong with halo 2? nothing's wrong

as for cutting stuff and redesign, welcome to game development - at some point you have lock content and finish the game

Absolutely, Halo 2 is an AWESOME game. What makes me wonder is why they spent so much time on e3 when they could have been doing something else.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
They obviously didn't waste their time on the e3 demo, which was always supposed to be a demo - considering most of it's assets were used in the final game.


M1t7rAnd7r said:
Absolutely, Halo 2 is an AWESOME game. What makes me wonder is why they spent so much time on e3 when they could have been doing something else.

I think they were hoping that the E3 demo would turn out to be another 'Silent Cartographer' (='killer level that was designed to demo the game, but is so good that finds its way into the commercial release and becomes a fan fave'), but what they actually ended up with turned out to be 'just a demo' after all--it looked good and could be used to 'sell' the game to an audience, but it didn't have legs, so to speak.
ManaByte said:
My theory is that the E3 demo was just that, a demo made specifically for E3 to show off the new gameplay elements but it had nothing to do with the actual storyline of Halo 2 as they wanted to keep the story as secret as long as possible. The best way to preserve the story is the make an impressive demo to show off the game, but not the story.

Agreed. There was an article inlast months XBN that discussed the making of Halo1 and in it is discussed how Silent Cartogrpher was the demo level they used to demo Halo many moons ago. It so happens that the level wasn't even supposed to be in the final game but time ran shourt and they need to do something so the decision was made to put the demo level into the game to make ship date and have more content. I'm paraphasing but I'm sure someone in this forum has read it and can point a link to an actual copy of this article.

I kinda see where this guy is coming from, but I think he took to a rabid extreme level of cluttered frustration. It's obvious from watching the bonus DVD that Bungie has spent a lot of time spinning their wheels and for some reason the development of this game was rushed to make the Nov 9th date. I myself was a little upset that the overall project seemed to be managed by te seat of its pants (or at least it appeared that way to me). maybe it was done so not to stifle creativity, maybe the project manager didn't have a clue. Keep in mind the Bungie was this little developer that produced undergrounf hits like Myth and Marathon, and utter cack like Oni. Halo is what put them in the the gaming limelight so to speak and maybe it was too much, too fast. I liken it to the Wachowski brothers. They did some good stuff like Bound and Assasins, but the Matrix became this huge cultural phenomenon and put them on the Hollywood "a" list. At least Halo 2 didn't suck as bad 'Reloaded' and 'Revolutions' <I kid, I kid>.

But we've seen this alot lately in the industry, developers have all these wonderful ideas and spend a great deal of time refining ideas and working on concepts. <cough> Fable <cough>. Then the final product is not what we've read about for over a great span of time and everybody get all excited. Then when developers do time something massive and innovative the project is sometime too big or dynamic to be ble to test and debug every single aspect <cough> Morrowind <cough>.

Bungie had a lot of ideas but push came to shove and they had to ship something. And what they did ship was a VERY good game with an absolutely fantasitc overall package (i.e. Online play, Bungie.net integration). There were thing that I'm miffed that weren't in there (i.e. online and LAN co-op), but nothing that would make me be totally dissatisfied with the purchase. I think more fovus was demanded, but I don't work for bungie, and I at least feel confident enough to know that they wouldn't have shipped something awful to fans if they didn't feel that it was up to thier expectations.

On a side note, I think M$ must really be turning the screws on it's developers. It seems that M$ gave Big Blue and Bungie friendly ultimatums. And look at what hapen to True Fantasy Live Online and Psychonauts. M$ must be tighten their belt and telling some developers to put up or shut up. But what the heck do I know, this is all my own personal rampant speculation.........
It does seem from the LE DVD that the project wasn't exactly the best managed in the history of the world. It seemed that it took them a long time to get into their sights that they actually had a game to make at the end of the day.


Some of this makes sense. I remember Bungie stating that Halo 2 would be the LAST Halo and that this would conclude the series. I'm sure Microsoft seeing how big the game was going to be, and that they would be stupid to cut it off after only 2 games, made Bungie change the game somewhat. All this is very understandable though, and I for one am glad they did it, if it insures that we'll get a Halo 3 on Xbox 2! Also who ever typed that is totally full of shit, in NO way is this game "crap", and the "earth" levels on the street are NOT boring! Oh well, people are going to bitch and complain about this game until the end of time. 1. because it's the sequel to Halo 2. because it had the biggest first day sales of all time and 3. because it's exclusive to Xbox.


Is anyone enjoying the return to the librarys? I've got my hands full as I'm facing off against them on the Heroic setting. Damn is it ever intense. I'm simply loving it. Its got that Doom style play play within it. Run and gun one minute, then cloaking for a few seconds to make if to another room and scout ahead to see what youre up against. Simply errie and plenty of fun.

Btw,those growls the Flood make give me the creeps,damn. The shrieking sounds are horrifying.
Die Squirrel Die said:
It does seem from the LE DVD that the project wasn't exactly the best managed in the history of the world. It seemed that it took them a long time to get into their sights that they actually had a game to make at the end of the day.

i also got the impression they really hadn't accomplished anything in '02

Deku Tree

Tellaerin said:
I think they were hoping that the E3 demo would turn out to be another 'Silent Cartographer' (='killer level that was designed to demo the game, but is so good that finds its way into the commercial release and becomes a fan fave'), but what they actually ended up with turned out to be 'just a demo' after all--it looked good and could be used to 'sell' the game to an audience, but it didn't have legs, so to speak.

The parts of the e3 demo that looked like actual gameplay were good. The major part of the e3 demo for me was riding around in the back of an AI controlled warthog. In the e3 demo though they obviously weren't using the AI. The thing is, from my experience with it, the AI drivers are terrible. They could be worse, but their nothing like in the e3 video and they can do some pretty dumb things. I found it always much better to drive and let the AI soldier shoot.

Besides, if you watch the LE DVD they say somethings which suggest they totally reworked the story in the last year. They say in 2003 the game was going to be '9 levels' and it ended in a totally different way.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
What's wrong with Halo 2? In my opinion, not a damn thing. Would I have liked the single player campaign to be longer? Sure, but what's there is damn good, and it's obvious Bungie went for quality over quantity and I applaud them for it. Besides, the multiplayer is going to be keeping alot of people busy for a L-O-N-G time.

People will find a reason to complain about anything - it's what make web forums go 'round. The simple fact of the matter is that this game is getting universally great reviews for a reason. Alright, now to try this sucker on Legendary... :D
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