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What went wrong with Halo 2?


Gold Member
Deku Tree said:
They could be worse, but their nothing like in the e3 video and they can do some pretty dumb things.

Speaking of that, did anyone hear "I was so busy kicking ass, I forgot to take names". A jab at Reggie? :lol
Die Squirrel Die said:
It does seem from the LE DVD that the project wasn't exactly the best managed in the history of the world. It seemed that it took them a long time to get into their sights that they actually had a game to make at the end of the day.

This is what really annoyed the heck out of me simply because it's something I'm going through right now at my job. I have a person managing a project into the ground, and won't the team do what needs to be done due to the inability to fess up that we're on the wrong track and also due to pride and ego. (Also the fact that this team hasn't had a deliverable in 2 years). I could feel the frustration of the Bungie team as they were sitting around waiting for the green light and the leadership to give them the needed focus. The major decisions weren't up to them, but that how things go on these big project teams. Trust me I speak from experience (and I'm not even in the gaming industry).
ManaByte said:
Speaking of that, did anyone hear "I was so busy kicking ass, I forgot to take names". A jab at Reggie? :lol

I noted that.

The use of The Reason for their behind the scenes dvd is criminal. I hate that song

Yes that was awful.

The only thing that's dissapointed me about Halo2 is the LE "tin" (I use those "__" as sneeringly as possible. In fact, let me add "tin, pah!" as well).


rollin' in the gutter
MrparisSM said:
Oh well, people are going to bitch and complain about this game until the end of time. 1. because it's the sequel to Halo 2. because it had the biggest first day sales of all time and 3. because it's exclusive to Xbox.

You forgot the real reason for bitching.

There's no final level.


Gold Member
Apharmd Battler said:
This is what really annoyed the heck out of me simply because it's something I'm going through right now at my job. I have a person managing a project into the ground, and won't the team do what needs to be done due to the inability to fess up that we're on the wrong track and also due to pride and ego.

That happens at far too many places, but that's a whole other thread subject.


Great game, amazing multiplayer.

Dissapointed by:

Stupid as hell ending to single player campaign

Still has the annoying 'Where's the damn exit to this room!' syndrome on occasion in single player, still an improvement on the original

too bad about the huge amount of stuff they cut.

Overall still worth it due to multiplay, visuals, and added tweaks to gameplay (hijacking vehicles and dual wield rocks).


Gold Member
Azih said:
too bad about the huge amount of stuff they cut.

I haven't watched the LE DVD yet, so can someone please post a real (non-conspiracy theory) list of the things that Microsoft forced Bungie to remove from the game? Aside from the buggy of course.
ManaByte said:
I haven't watched the LE DVD yet, so can someone please post a real (non-conspiracy theory) list of the things that Microsoft forced Bungie to remove from the game? Aside from the buggy of course.

The ATV/buggy/whatever looked cool, even if it was totally useless. Maybe they can DLC it later just for shits and giggles.

Anyway IIRC the flamethrower was cut (again).
There was a human hovership type thingy.

There were a couple of other things but not a hell of a lot.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head. I think the reality is that there wasn't so much actual stuff cut as it was people expecting the vast majority of the game to be on earth and imagining that there was a lot of stuff that was cut.


well not really...yet
ManaByte said:
Speaking of that, did anyone hear "I was so busy kicking ass, I forgot to take names". A jab at Reggie? :lol
haha yah heard it and laughed out loud


ManaByte said:
I haven't watched the LE DVD yet, so can someone please post a real (non-conspiracy theory) list of the things that Microsoft forced Bungie to remove from the game? Aside from the buggy of course.

I haven't watched the whole DVD yet, but judging by what I saw, everything they cut out was simply due to time, balance, or lack of fun. Though according to an Entertainment Weekly article, Microsoft lawyers did force them to change a Covenant character's name because it "sounded Muslim."


ManaByte said:
I haven't watched the LE DVD yet, so can someone please post a real (non-conspiracy theory) list of the things that Microsoft forced Bungie to remove from the game? Aside from the buggy of course.
I'm talking mostly about the missing vehicles, with the buggy being a big part of that. But you're right, most of my reaction probably has to do with me expecting the game to be mostly on Earth and not the mix of Earth/new Halo/various spaceships that it was.


well not really...yet
Was talking about this earlier in irc, but I wouldve freakin LOVED being able to control the Scarab, especially in a huge multiplayer environment.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Halo 2 >>> Halo >>> *

E3 demo level would have been boring to play after I watched the damn movie 400 times. Don't forget this is also in Africa. In 500 years, Africa might not be still up to par with the rest of the world, but compare it to now... It makes sense.


ManaByte said:
please post a real (non-conspiracy theory) list of the things that Microsoft forced Bungie to remove from the game? Aside from the buggy of course.
There is plenty of stuff that is missing, but no way to determine whether they were forced to remove it, whether they ran out of time, or whether it got taken out because they didn't think that it was "working" to make the game fun. The goofball that wrote this editorial just thinks that Evil Micro$oft made them take out everything....which is complete speculation.


Apharmed Battler has hit on my feelings. I watched the DVD and was a little shocked after doing the math. It sounds like they really worked on this game all of 9-11 months. I kept hearing how Halo1 was great and was only done in 9 months, imagine how great Halo2 will be with 3 years. Halo2 is very good but I think Bungie has let the stardom go to their head or they are poor managers of projects. I'm not disappointed in the game at all, I'm a little disappointed that these guys waited till their nuts were in a vise before they got going.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
someone did point out on the legendary credit roll it says "Coming February 9th" not sure if it's true or not, but what's coming february 9th?


hyperbolically metafictive
if you're interested in how the game changed over the course of its development, what was cut, and why, you should really watch the LE dvd. it's surprisingly frank about that stuff. seems cuts were mainly due to overambition and deadlines. perhaps poor planning as well, though given how well the game actually turned out, the planning can't have been that poor. and thankfully bungie had enough sense to cut neat-sounding ideas that just weren't fun in practice.


I didn't read this whole thread, but I noticed the LE disc Making of Halo 2 feature has been mentioned.

If you haven't watched it, watch it first before talking about Halo 2. It practically explains everything and shows exactly how much the original post is off base.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bleh, I don't agree with that guy at all...

First of all, he is simply bitching about the fact that it isn't an all out Earth battle. The ads were intended to "fool" people in the same way Kojima hid Raiden (though, I don't think it was a good idea). I don't believe they ever intended the game to be all about the Covenant invasion (though that was certainly meant to play a small role).

Fact is, if you go back and actually read a lot of the information about the game, Bungie said that the game would end up visiting other Halos as well as the Covenant homeworld. That's what they were saying back when the game was newly announced and that's what happened. They didn't just decide to throw that stuff in there for shits and giggles.

He makes too many assumptions about what really occured, and I think he is way off base on most of it.

What's his deal with the power lines, though? That first section of the city is Old Mombasa, and while we couldn't possibly predict what a city might look like around the year the game suppoedly takes place, the city is noted to be older. The other portion seems much more up to date. I happened to enjoy those city levels quite a bit. They were linear in progression, but then again, most of Halo was as well. What does he think you DO in Halo anyways? Run around freely? It's a point to point game...

I just rewatched the E3 2003 demo today, and quite frankly, I see little in there that didn't make it into the final game (from a gameplay and visual perspective). The actual level isn't present, but I believe the E3 demo was simply intended to demonstrate what the game will play like. That demonstration was accurate.

I do feel that Bungie's new found stardom may have had a negative impact on the game. I also believe that their existance as Microsoft's top team resulted in that cliffhanger of an ending.

Thing is, I really think the game is fantastic (both in multi and single player). The level design is great, the action is great, the mechanics are better than ever, and everything comes together in a tight package. The game is more complete feeling that Halo 1 and was more enjoyable (outside of the ending).

Do cut features really matter that much? I think it was a mistake on Bungie's part to discuss the ideas that they did so early on. Ideas like that are common when developing a new game, but the public generally never gets wind of those features and won't complain when they aren't there. Still, those extra features DO NOT make the game. Most of the missing features mean nothing to me and have had no impact on my experience.

There are a few of those features that I would have enjoyed, of course. For example, sprinting was an idea that would have been great. While the game certainly can't compare quality wise, Killzone's sprinting feature works damn well. Being able to quickly rush for cover or to run in for a melee attack is great and fits perfectly within Halo's gameplay systems.

Halo 2 is a great game that stands well above your average first person shooter. It's one of the best FPS games I've ever played. I mean, I'm a bit annoyed that the game ended with a cliffhanger as I actually wanted to know what happens...but if Far Cry had also ended with a cliffhanger (and hell, there might have been one...but I don't remember clearly), I sure as shit wouldn't have cared. Oh no, I wonder what crazy adventure await generic man next?!

Still, the split really suprises me. Some people really hate the single player game...while others absolutely love it. It's very bizarre...

Oh, and for those that think that Bungie just sat around for a while before starting the game...please consider the amount of time required for content generation in other games. Retro Studios admitted that, as of E3 2002, only the very first level of Metroid Prime was complete. The rest were simply ideas or early models and such. The vast majority of the (ultra detailed) levels were created between E3 2002 and the time leading up to the launch later that year. Remember where Half-Life 2 was back around September 2003? Yeah, it wasn't even close to being finished (as confirmed by that new Gamespot article). Most of the actual game was assembled and completed after that point. The ideas and general direction were in place, but the levels weren't even close to being finished.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
quadriplegicjon said:
wait. so people were hyped from a shitty level ?

People didn't play the level...

The level was simply a collection of features designed to demonstrate the game. It was mostly a cinematic affair that got people hyped for the game. The gameplay shown in that trailer was not the gameplay that made Halo special...

Not only that, people had seen that section many times over. Of course it COULD have been integrated, but really, what's so incredibly special about that level? It looks nice and did a good job showing off the kind of stuff that was being worked on, but it is just a small section.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
quadriplegicjon said:
oh.. i thought a bunch of journalists got to play the level .

No, I mean people as a whole. That level was playable, you could say, but it wasn't public and virtually everyone playing the final game most likely never touched that level themselves.

Still, what's so important about it? That's what I don't understand...

Almost every gameplay element made the final cut and most of the technology did as well. The final game has many levels that play much better than what that cinematic interlude suggested.


I had thought that too. According to the dvd it was all a scripted demo
It wasn't exactly scripted - they were playing through it live, but it wasn't nearly as free-form as it first appeared (they had to do certain sequences in a particular order, and the AI drivers were on a linear set of waypoints (they were free to drive between them as they saw fit, so they could avoid debris, and whatnot, but they were programmed to go through a particular set of points to make sure the 'narrative' of the demo worked - they had to be in the right place for the brutes dropping out of the phantoms, for instance), etc), so it wouldn't really have worked as a proper level.

And frankly, compared to the Mombasa levels in the actual game, it looked, well, a bit crap, really.


quadriplegicjon said:
oh.. i thought a bunch of journalists got to play the level .
Nope. IGN had a great article up a few months back that discussed it, basically, Bungie had to prove that the demo was real-time on the last day of the show. So they let journalists "call the shots" to prove that it was interactive, but the Bungie guys still controlled everything.

edit: I found it.
The whole "staged demo" fiasco continued through the end of E3. Because many believed it wasn't a true demo, there was a risk that Halo 2 wouldn't be considered eligible for E3 awards from various sites. See, most sites have a rule that they only give awards to games that they can play or are played by someone else -- as opposed to trailers.

At the last minute, literally as E3 was shutting down, various editors were gathered in the Halo 2 theater for a personal demo. Where the more public demo was a bit linear and was controlled behind the curtain our final demo was a bit different. We were actually allowed to offer suggestions on what to do. "Hey, toss a grenade into the medical tent." Sure enough, Master Chief can do that and kill his own wounded men. Throughout the demo we chimed in with a few variations just to make sure the game didn't explode. Thankfully, it worked just fine. That controversy was put to rest, but most overall Game of E3 awards went to Half-Life 2 anyway.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing about the AI drivers...

My younger sibling just played through half the game today and she opted to try the gunner seat during all warthog runs. It was quite interesting to see the AI at work...

Overall, the driver AI is really quite impressive and is something that really hasn't been done in a game before (being able to realistically navigate complex, obstacle filled terrain while allow combat to occur efficiently). They worked out very very well almost the entire time in several different levels.

There were exactly THREE times that the AI got stuck on something, and it usually involved an object that landed in front of a pathway and nearly blocking it. In each of the three cases, though, the AI managed to find a way out. There was one point where it pulled up to a dead wraith tank that blocked a passage. It tried to pass it by slowing down and driving up to the left, but couldn't quite make it. Then, it backed up and started to drive in that same direction only to stop and sit for about 5-10 seconds. Then, it promptly reversed the warthog and turned hard to the right and found its way through the open passage way. Similar events occured during the other two times. The AI was able to successfully navigate every object tossed in its path...

On that note, each of the warthogs and those riding in them managed to survive to the end of each and every scene involving them. Heck, in the highway tunnels, BOTH warthogs and a ghost managed to survive the entire ride. Impressive.
levious said:
IAWTP if only to get you to shut the hell up.

edit: I will say that it was nearly... hypocritical how Bungie both showed gamer's awe in the E3 booth with that fucking terrible Hoobastank song playing, and then went right on to proclaim that the level wasn't fun (which is now being chimed by the usual folk in this thread). It's pretty sad that the same people who watched that video time and time again, and went nuts for it all those months back are now proclaiming that it was terrible, just to fit their argument.

The Earth level(s) is personally my favorite in the whole game, and while I am disappointed with having to play in the Library, having to fight the stupid fucking Flood, and getting slapped with the "ending", Halo 2 is still a fucking god awesome game, and complaining about Africa having powerlines in the year 2552 isn't going to help your argument one bit.


i wish Bungie would just stop it with the cyrptic hints. i'm so damn tired of this stuff, especially the conspiracy theories. they mean well and all, but remember ilovebees? remember August 24th? "OMG EARLY RELEASE." "DUDE IT IS TEH DOWNLOADABLE DEMO."

alternatively, the whole of the internet could chill the fuck out and realize that it's only going to result in another tease, but i'm going with the more likely of the two options.


Justin Bailey

------ ------
Catchpenny said:
I haven't played Halo 2, but it's pretty obvious that its biggest "problem" is living up to the incredibly unrealistic expectations that some people had for the game.
So Halo 2 pulled a Mario Sunshine?


That was a good read. I think he definitely hit on some of the reasons that I was disappointed in the game. It's still a good game, just not great imo.


Mike Works said:

edit: I will say that it was nearly... hypocritical how Bungie both showed gamer's awe in the E3 booth with that fucking terrible Hoobastank song playing, and then went right on to proclaim that the level wasn't fun (which is now being chimed by the usual folk in this thread). It's pretty sad that the same people who watched that video time and time again, and went nuts for it all those months back are now proclaiming that it was terrible, just to fit their argument.


It was a great demo at showing all the new features the game would employ. But it wasn't much of a game. Seperate the two and you'll find your answer.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm still making my way through the first level (the space station or whatever) and so far I'm not so thrilled at how Halo1-esque it is.

Didn't they say this game was going ot have real-time lighting/shadowing, deformable terrain, the ability to peak around corners, etc?


works for Gamestop (lol)
demon said:
I'm still making my way through the first level (the space station or whatever) and so far I'm not so thrilled at how Halo1-esque it is.

Didn't they say this game was going ot have real-time lighting/shadowing, deformable terrain, the ability to peak around corners, etc?

It was also suppose to have melee combo attacks and spriting, as well as a bunch of other stuff. I'm gonna have to re-read the November 2002 EGM issue again...or whatever issue it was with the huge Halo 2 preview


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
But I'm right about the final game not having real-time shadowing anymore, right? Sucks.


Wario64 said:
It was also suppose to have melee combo attacks and spriting, as well as a bunch of other stuff. I'm gonna have to re-read the November 2002 EGM issue again...or whatever issue it was with the huge Halo 2 preview
I remember when I sat down to play Halo 2 at E3 this year, I asked the Bungie guys how to sprint. They gave me this weird look, and I restated the question. Then, as if talking down to a child, they informed me that there was no sprinting, and backed it up with a look that indicated they didn't have a clue as to what I meant.


I think sprinting and melee combos might have been cool, but might have really messed with the multiplayer mode. A true combo means that a series of attacks has to be near-unstoppable after the first hit.....is it really fair to let someone nail an opponent three times in a row with a fairly powerful attack? If someone can sprint towards you at full speed at do a 3-hit melee combo that kills you (or very nearly does), then it introduces a lot of balance issues. And how do you activate a sprint on a controller that already has all of its buttons in use?

I have to agree though, that from the video it appears like the whole development of the game was not very well-managed. I am very surprised that they decided to put together such a negative portrayal. I guess they thought all the gloom n' doom would make the feature more "dramatic"...


border said:
I think sprinting and melee combos might have been cool, but might have really messed with the multiplayer mode. A true combo means that a series of attacks has to be near-unstoppable after the first hit.....is it really fair to let someone nail you three times in a row with a fairly powerful attack?

I have to agree though, that from the video it appears like the whole development of the game was not very well-managed. I am very surprised that they decided to put together such a negative portrayal. I guess they thought all the gloom n' doom would make the feature more "dramatic"...

I'm glad they were as honest about it as they were. I thought the most telling bit was the moment of introspection where they were wondering if they could continue making games 'the Bungie way', because their production philosophy just doesn't seem to be working out as well as it used to. Halo 2 is the second game where they've had to rush to assemble a playable game out of the assets they had in the latter half of the production cycle. It's reassuring to see that they realize this isn't a good thing, which gives me hope that they'll actually address the problem.


border said:
I have to agree though, that from the video it appears like the whole development of the game was not very well-managed. I am very surprised that they decided to put together such a negative portrayal. I guess they thought all the gloom n' doom would make the feature more "dramatic"...
Or they thought it'd be clever to include an hour of damage control with every copy of the LE they sold.

By the way, there was speculation that sprint would be activated by holding the analog stick at its threshold for a certain time limit, say, five or six seconds. That way, it wouldn't activate till you pushed the stick forward (and were moving as fast as you could, not creeping) for five seconds, which would likely only occur if you were trying to traverse a distance. Any other input (strafing, turning) would cause the timer to reset, and you could only move in a straight line while dashing.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Does the setting really matter that much? Earth, not earth your still running around shooting covenant. Whats the big deal?
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