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What went wrong with Halo 2?


Teh Hamburglar said:
How many people enjoyed playing Raiden instead of Snake in MGS2? :lol

I hated Raiden with every fiber of my being. The only thing similar about the 2 games is the switching of characters. It would have been the same if you had switched from Chief to an effeminate pretty boy. I guess the Arbiter could be effeminate by Elite standards, but hard for us to tell since he is an alien.
Most of the people I've heard bitching about having to play as the Arbiter are partial to 'realistic' shooters and don't really like science fiction much to begin with, I've noticed. They're the ones that say they can 'relate' to Master Chief because he's 'teh uber-Marine of teh FUTURE!!!!11!'

I was talking about Halo 2 with a coworker at lunch here, and he started bitching about "how the game went all sci-fi".

Me: "uh, what, the game is set 500 years in the future, of course it's gonna be 'all sci-fi'"
Him: "what"
Me: "you've been fighting ALIENS with LASERS the whole game, why is it so 'sci-fi' to suddenly play as one"
Him: "i dunno, it just seems gay and unrealistic"

The dude loves Tom Clancy games, though, and thinks Splinter Cell is the greatest achievement of all mankind. He also listens to 80's butt metal in an endless loop all day, so maybe I'm giving him too much credit.


rollin' in the gutter
Soul4ger said:
Coming next: Halo Red and Halo Blue.

Play as Earth in Red, Covenant in Blue. I don't know what you'll be able to trade over system link, though.

It will take the world by storm! :lol


I think he just didn't like playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Covenant/Gravemind side of the story. When it's just Master chief kicking ass with the aliens as nothing more than targets/opponents it's more of a 'war' story than a 'sci-fi' story.
I guess that makes sense. I *will* agree that the SP campaign had too many and too long of cutscenes. I can almost sympathize with his complaint in that case: less story; more asskicking!


Azih said:
I think he just didn't like playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Covenant/Gravemind side of the story. When it's just Master chief kicking ass with the aliens as nothing more than targets/opponents it's more of a 'war' story than a 'sci-fi' story.

Yeah, humanizing your enemies in a game by showing their side of the story is a horrible, horrible trend. Hell, if developers keep on churning out crap like this, people might actually start to think about their enemies in the real world as human beings next, rather than faceless targets to be killed without remorse! Society would crumble! After all, we all know how videogames influence people--just look at all the killing sprees Doom alone is responsible for! :p

It also saddens me that imagination might have to be sacrificed in games in order to better appeal to the archetypal Tom Clancy-loving, sci-fi hating 'mainstream gamer'. :p


"How many people enjoyed playing Raiden instead of Snake in MGS2?"

I had no problem with it. Its still Snakes style of gameplay,whats the big deal?

Sometimes you guys go all crazy over stuff,always needing a reason to bitch.
The game was pretty good overall, which in the end is what counts.


The arbiter was groovy, but I have to agree that we needed more time with the Chief. Yeah, yeah...generic cyborg soldier #117 (heh, book pun). But the armor is nifty, the cortana dialogue is good stuff, and hell...he's a marine.

Gotta disagree about the cutscenes. Loved loved loved the cuscenes. We needed more game at the end...but keep the story, please :D
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