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What were your biggest movie letdowns? (besides The Last Jedi)

Ulysses 31

I personally liked all the new Star Wars movies .. but All the moves after the Matrix , suck big time . He basically became Superman in the first movie .. enough said.
Yeah but only in the matrix. Just ending the story there would've left questions how a God Neo would benefit the outside world.


Eh, really? Being familiar with Alien and Aliens would've raised issues with the evolution of aliens in covenant and how they spread. And then there's just the dumb actions these characters take. 👀

Can’t speak for Mike, but I could see it being due to several factors:

1) Prometheus ends with the set up of Shaw with David seeking out the Engineers’ home world. Alien: Covenant treats this like an afterthought.
2) Speaking of the Engineers, their motivations are never further explored. Why did they go from leaving an invitation to humanity in ancient times to wanting to destroy them now? Guess we’ll never know.
3) The mural of a Xenomorph-like creature is seen in Prometheus. This is never elaborated on and this raises a lot of fan confusion and debate on the Xenomorphs’ evolution, the significance of the creature that appears at the end of Prometheus, if David really did even create the Xenomorphs or they existed already or there were variations with unclear differences, etc.
4) the black goo isn’t really defined better from what little we already knew in Prometheus. The ooze in Ninja Turtles was better defined for fucks sake.

Mind you, I was never big on the idea of explaining everything regarding the Xenomorphs and Space Jockeys/Engineers. Horror is usually more effective when you don’t explain too much about the origin of the threat. But if you’re going to do prequels with the intent to provide answers, well then maybe some actual answers would be appreciated. Instead, I think the prequels left most fans with even more questions.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
This film was hugely disappointing. Bit of background first on why I thought this, I'm not only a student of history, but 14th and 15th century England and France, especially the hundred year war, is my specialist subject. So it goes without saying that I was hyped for this film.

What a let down. First of all, the film was very confused. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be. It wanted to be based on Shakespeare Henry IV and Henry V, but didn't use any of Shakespeare's writings? But then the historical accuracy was also absolutely gash and insulting to both the French and the English.

Poor. Very poor. 4/10.



not tag worthy
So glad boy boy that there are only 2 Alien Films (heard there. Might be a third but incomplete), only two robocops amazing also thank goodness for only two predators. One point break. Yup. Thank good ness oh and two god fathers. Indiana Jones a trilogy and they didn’t make jaws in 3D or some random remakes in the Caribbean.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I didn't have particularly high hopes for The Matrix Resurrections but I didn't expect it to be quite as fucking terrible as it was.

Only watched Boyhood last year and that was pretty bad given it's a Linklater movie with critical acclaim.

I still don't understand why people like Drag me to Hell so much, it kinda blows.


Mind you, I was never big on the idea of explaining everything regarding the Xenomorphs and Space Jockeys/Engineers. Horror is usually more effective when you don’t explain too much about the origin of the threat. But if you’re going to do prequels with the intent to provide answers, well then maybe some actual answers would be appreciated. Instead, I think the prequels left most fans with even more questions.
That's one of the cool things about Alien. You get this sense that humanity stumbled into something beyond its understanding. Creating a series to give you clear answers about what was going on just seems to drain the fun out of that mystery.

Ulysses 31

That's one of the cool things about Alien. You get this sense that humanity stumbled into something beyond its understanding. Creating a series to give you clear answers about what was going on just seems to drain the fun out of that mystery.
Indeed, I can't think of creatures or characters that have been de-mystified over decades in Hollywood story telling that have turned out for the better. Obi-Wan is coming up soon and Darth Vader in the future... 👀


bladerunner 2049

not exactly a bad movie, but it didnt hit the mark for me, and didnt match up with the praise i heard for it

the last jedi, on the other hand, is one of my favorite SW movies. i was very pleasantly surprised by it after the hate it received.

Season 11 Friends GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

I've still yet to watch Bladerunner 2: Cyberpunk Boogaloo

The hype... I just don't know how it can live up

I actually own it on 4k bluray

Maybe tonight is the night 🤔


For me, the answer is Yoga Hosers

Kevin Smith is my favorite director. He lost the plot in his later works after becoming a full blown wake and baker, but there was always a sense of charm and whimsy and wit to everything he did where I still managed to find a way to defend his work. I actually enjoyed Jersey Girl and Red State and even Tusk enough for their own merit. Heck, I thought Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and Cop Out were okay

Yoga Hosers was the movie though that I just felt my fanboyism leave my body entirely... I've only tried it once but maaaaaan was that not good


For me, the answer is Yoga Hosers

Kevin Smith is my favorite director. He lost the plot in his later works after becoming a full blown wake and baker, but there was always a sense of charm and whimsy and wit to everything he did where I still managed to find a way to defend his work. I actually enjoyed Jersey Girl and Red State and even Tusk enough for their own merit. Heck, I thought Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and Cop Out were okay

Yoga Hosers was the movie though that I just felt my fanboyism leave my body entirely... I've only tried it once but maaaaaan was that not good

Wtf..I never heard of this, watched half of that trailer, that’s probably the worst minute of media I’ve seen in a long time. What happened to Kevin Smith.

What did they do to mah boy Riddick adding all this prophecy around him... 👀
They tried to fix that with the video game and the third movie(the 2013 one).


The video game was incredible, and it would have been a pretty damn good 2013 movie if they had kept the tone of the first half of the film, which was Riddick trying to survive on a deadly planet with just a knife and his skills. However for some reason it felt like suits interfered with the second half and we instead received a retread of the first film, just worse in every possible way.

My biggest movie letdown in the past few years after thinking it over for a while(not worst movie, keep this in mind) is Spiderman: No Way Home. Every lesson MCU Peter was supposed to learn in Far From Home was dropped in favor of him making even more of the same mistakes to set up for some odd 3 movie origin story to please whiny fans complaining about him being Iron Man's protégé. I've gone further into this on the official spoiler thread, but the events of Far From Home was supposed to teach Peter two things: Not to trust everyone you meet so easily, and also to grow and become your own man and not rely on older parental types for help too much. Peter was lied to in multiple ways in FFH from multiple people. Even if you want to claim it was just one person lying to him in that movie, his trust should have been shaken up to the point where he shouldn't go back to trusting new people so easily and inviting them to his apartment. Also, he had to learn the other exact same lesson again regarding being his own man in NWH.

No Way Home did to Far From Home what Rise of Skywalker did to the Last Jedi, except the obvious difference is that no one is noticing this on the marvel side due to them injecting nostalgic cameos correctly with respect to each character, and also that those last two Star Wars films were both bad in their own ways. Hopefully after the honeymoon period wears off with NWH, people will look back and realize how much of a letdown it really was for MCU Peter's character once you take away the cameo aspect. Or maybe they never will and FFH will forever be known as the movie that did nothing at all for Peter's character arc except for the final 3 minute after credit scene. I just want to state that No Way Home isn't a bad film, it's just a letdown of a film masked under fanservice.

I also agree here with the takes about The Thing(2011). The first one was one of my top 5 all time movies. I do believe the talks that there was a better script and more practical effects.


Gold Member
I havent seen all the recent SW movies, but many I've seen are pure junk. That first big one that came out years back was dogshit. It was literally a remake of the first movie from the 70s. I thought Solo was decent. Didnt see Rogue One and people said thats a good one. I saw bits of the 2000 era movies. Terrible.... except the part where Samuel Jackson gets whisked through the window! lol

3:10 to Yuma is trash too. One of the worst western movies I've seen, and the final scene with the mega shootout was stupid. I never saw the original movie, but it was so obvious that Russell Crowe was going to be another one of his gritty anti-hero semi good guy roles and the loud guy guarding him was going to get killed.

As OP said, aside from Matrix 1, the other 2 that followed were terrible. I didn't see the recent one so not sure about that one. But the third movie was literally a video game shoot em up of mechs vs aliens. There was big hype with those albino twins in one of the movies. They were barely in it.

Margin Call is a niche film, but given the cast, it's a business movie and the reviews I though it would be a good movie. Bought a BR copy in a bargain bin for $9.99. The worst business movie I've seen. So boring, nothing happens even though it's supposed to be a frantic middle of the night margin call event. Trust me, nothing exciting happens.
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WW84. THe first WW was a surprise hit for me, loved it. The second one was near unwatchable.
The 2nd fantastic beasts. Again, the first one i loved loved loved. The second was yikes


Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Star Wars Episode IX - Rise of the Skywalker
The Matrix Resurrections
Terminator: Dark Fate
Man of Steel
Batman Vs Superman
Justice League (both versions)
Wonder Woman 84
The Batman
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Black Widow
Captain Marvel
Avengers Age of Ultron
Black Panther
Thor: The Dark World
Coming 2 America

I'm sure there is more 🤔
You didnt like Spiderman Homecoming?

Oh yeah, WW84, what a huge clusterfuck that was. Especially after the amazing trailer that i rewatched a hundred times. Then i saw the movie and i was like WTF is THIS???


I can‘t believe Indiana Jones 4 wasn‘t the first answer here.

I have been disappointed here and there but usually I go in with certain expectations (like Matrix 4 for instance). But nothing prepared me for the shitshow that was Indy 4.

Oh, and Terminator 3.
Strangely i didnt have sky high expectations for Indy 4 so i wasnt really that letdown by it. After Indy 3 i realized that the first two movies were lightning in a bottle and especially with an old Ford they were never going to be able to duplicate the magic.

Same with Terminator 3. I was just excited to see Arnie as the Terminator again and if the movie was even half decent i would be satisfied. It actually turned out a bit better than i expected.


Gold Member
Shit. I havent seen WW84 yet. First one was good even though I typically dont like superhero movies unless it's Bale Batman movies.

Even though everyone trashed 84, I still want to watch it when it comes to NF.

Oh ya, another horrible movie. Terminator Dark Fate. Worst Terminator movie I've seen by a mile (I didn't see Genesys though so not sure if it' better or worse than that one).

Blade 3. First movie was awesome but had some bad special effects. The second movie I dont remember but I must had thought it was ok because I dont remember anything. The third movie there's only two things I remember. 1. Wesley Snipes is hardly in it. 2. The movie is a comedy flick with Ryan Reynolds cracking jokes and one liners every minute. Totally different vibe than the first Blade movie.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You didnt like Spiderman Homecoming?

Oh yeah, WW84, what a huge clusterfuck that was. Especially after the amazing trailer that i rewatched a hundred times. Then i saw the movie and i was like WTF is THIS???
Didn't like?
Nah didn't say I didn't like it, it's a okay film
Have the limited Edition 4K Steelbook

but it was a disappointment for me as a Spider-Man film.
I still laugh at that running scene, it's so bad


advanced basic bitch
Sucker Punch is one for me. I was super hyped for it based on Synders work on 300 and Watchmen. Turns out Synder was a two-trick pony and everything he's done afterward has been mediocre or garbage tier.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Valerian - such a great comic and the 5th element movie which is essentially valerian is incredible. I just think the casting killed this film. Lauraline was completely off in my opinion.
Prometheus- just seemed dumb when it looked cool.

Avatar - good tech demo for 3D but dumb movie.
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