Yeah but only in the matrix. Just ending the story there would've left questions how a God Neo would benefit the outside world.I personally liked all the new Star Wars movies .. but All the moves after the Matrix , suck big time . He basically became Superman in the first movie .. enough said.
Eh, really? Being familiar with Alien and Aliens would've raised issues with the evolution of aliens in covenant and how they spread. And then there's just the dumb actions these characters take.![]()
The flute scene deserves its own hate thread. I suppose it was a "grab my beer" Ridley Scott moment.Alien Covenent, the flute scene lulz.
Prometheus, superb looking trash.
I beg to differ, Striptease is far more sexy in Demi Moore nuance, and the film itself is a decent Burt Reynolds vehicle where he at least made it an entertaining film to watch.Striptease is way worse
That's one of the cool things about Alien. You get this sense that humanity stumbled into something beyond its understanding. Creating a series to give you clear answers about what was going on just seems to drain the fun out of that mystery.Mind you, I was never big on the idea of explaining everything regarding the Xenomorphs and Space Jockeys/Engineers. Horror is usually more effective when you don’t explain too much about the origin of the threat. But if you’re going to do prequels with the intent to provide answers, well then maybe some actual answers would be appreciated. Instead, I think the prequels left most fans with even more questions.
The flute scene deserves its own hate thread.
I liked it. Much better than Star Wars Retconned By Reddit from JJ Lensflare.I know 99% everyone here would say TLJ is the biggest cinematic disappointment of all time,
Indeed, I can't think of creatures or characters that have been de-mystified over decades in Hollywood story telling that have turned out for the better. Obi-Wan is coming up soon and Darth Vader in the future...That's one of the cool things about Alien. You get this sense that humanity stumbled into something beyond its understanding. Creating a series to give you clear answers about what was going on just seems to drain the fun out of that mystery.
And it was more Furiosa's story than Max's...Mad Max Fury Road
I guess I was overhyped. It's a good movie with cool action scenes. But I didn't like Tom Hardy as Max and I hated the ending.
Didn't Reloaded and Revolutions prepare you for that?![]()
I know 99% everyone here would say TLJ is the biggest cinematic disappointment of all time
Then everyone is wrong because they don't remember:
I think more people would be willing to rewatch Dragonball Evolution then The Last Airbender.Wouldn't Dragonball Evolution be a bigger disappointment when contrasted their popular shows?
bladerunner 2049
not exactly a bad movie, but it didnt hit the mark for me, and didnt match up with the praise i heard for it
the last jedi, on the other hand, is one of my favorite SW movies. i was very pleasantly surprised by it after the hate it received.
The Matrix shouldn't have been a trilogy, IMO. The first was as far as it needed to go. The new one was a bit heavy on the retcon to push a social narrative.More so than the second one? My expectations were so much higher going into the second than they were the newest one.
For me, the answer is Yoga Hosers
Kevin Smith is my favorite director. He lost the plot in his later works after becoming a full blown wake and baker, but there was always a sense of charm and whimsy and wit to everything he did where I still managed to find a way to defend his work. I actually enjoyed Jersey Girl and Red State and even Tusk enough for their own merit. Heck, I thought Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and Cop Out were okay
Yoga Hosers was the movie though that I just felt my fanboyism leave my body entirely... I've only tried it once but maaaaaan was that not good
They tried to fix that with the video game and the third movie(the 2013 one).![]()
What did they do to mah boy Riddick adding all this prophecy around him...![]()
You didnt like Spiderman Homecoming?Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Star Wars Episode IX - Rise of the Skywalker
The Matrix Resurrections
Terminator: Dark Fate
Man of Steel
Batman Vs Superman
Justice League (both versions)
Wonder Woman 84
The Batman
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Black Widow
Captain Marvel
Avengers Age of Ultron
Black Panther
Thor: The Dark World
Coming 2 America
I'm sure there is more![]()
Strangely i didnt have sky high expectations for Indy 4 so i wasnt really that letdown by it. After Indy 3 i realized that the first two movies were lightning in a bottle and especially with an old Ford they were never going to be able to duplicate the magic.I can‘t believe Indiana Jones 4 wasn‘t the first answer here.
I have been disappointed here and there but usually I go in with certain expectations (like Matrix 4 for instance). But nothing prepared me for the shitshow that was Indy 4.
Oh, and Terminator 3.
Didn't like?You didnt like Spiderman Homecoming?
Oh yeah, WW84, what a huge clusterfuck that was. Especially after the amazing trailer that i rewatched a hundred times. Then i saw the movie and i was like WTF is THIS???
Stay away from the Robocop remake too.Total Recall remake.
No no, that be Fist of the North Star(sic) movie which gave us stuff like this.(Yes it's real.)Wouldn't Dragonball Evolution be a bigger disappointment when contrasted their popular shows?
When you start thinking like this, it's time to stop paying attention to the casual market and start checking out some A24 films.the whole movie industry has been one big fucking letdown for longer than I can remember with few exceptions
those are the exceptionsWhen you start thinking like this, it's time to stop paying attention to the casual market and start checking out some A24 films.