Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus
So damn true, especially Prometheus.
Quantum of Solace too.
Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus
Oh god yes, the monster movie where absolutely nothing happens. Terrible!You're thinking of 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Part of the same Cloververse, but a different film altogether. 10CL was great, boosted by Goodman, but Cloverfield was the crappy 'found footage' film set in NYC.
Yep. The trailers made it look like a pretty decent setup, but the actual film flopped massively. I remember taking my girlfriend at the time to see it in the cinema. When the credits began to roll, the entire audience yelled for a refund. I don't blame them.Oh god yes, the monster movie where absolutely nothing happens. Terrible!
But I liked 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Overwhelmingly pretentious, poorly paced, utterly mediocre action, overreliance on goofy practical effects giving it a cheap feel, completely forgettable characters and an aggressively bad plot. With every scene you can feel Nolan sitting in the editing booth twirling his non-existing moustache saying "Nja nja njaaaa, I am so SMART".
Those last 30 minutes or so are so profoundly bad that it boggles my mind that anyone would still hold Chris Nolan in the highest regard. Nolan has heard too many people tell him he is smart and it's getting to him. Dude needs to stop sniffing his own farts and go back to making actually good movies.
Tenet is the definite proof that Nolan sucks as an action director. He was so in love with his idea of characters interacting with eachother in two temporal realities that he failed to see that creating action scenes from that idea didn't work. When a good movie is also a mind twister, that's a good reason to watch it again. In the case of Tenet ... nah, I'd rather do something more fun and worthwhile like washing the dishes or cleaning up the shed.
This, DKR is so bad and was such a let down. Ill also add:Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus
1. Space Leia was an awesome on screen awakening of her power. "There is another" indeed.It had it's moments, the bad outweighed the good.
Space Leia was dumb as fuck, made no sense.
Luke dying, fuck that shit.
Han dying, stupid as fuck.
No one OG character got a good send off.
Also nobody cares about the new characters apart from Poe, as he can act. The leads were awful. Also fuck Boyega for his rant against a massive pay-cheque when all he had to do was shout "REY!". He was fine in the shitty role given to him but to backstab the people who did online. Nah dude, enjoy your SW money, you'll never be in anything as big again.
I cared more about the bomber girl that sacrificed herself to hit the ship at the start.
Kingdom of Heaven. At a time where tons of historical movie epics were being made, I was really excited for it and found it to be a total bore. Maybe I should go back and watch it again, it’s been years.
Alien: Covenant. I really liked Prometheus and found this to be total shit.
The Hangover 2 and 3. Should’ve known a comedy couldn’t recapture the magic, but they just rehashed the same stuff.
1. Space Leia was an awesome on screen awakening of her power. "There is another" indeed.
2. Luke going out through afterimage projectioning? Also awesome.
3. Snuffing Han is Force Awakens (Ford wanted him dead since Return anyways).
Finn was halfway towards being a full character at the end of TLJ before Rise Of Skywalker kneecapped him back to shouting "Rey!" like a bitch.
Saw it on NF. That movie had so many sweeping panoramic shots of CGI I give an A+ to quality, but a D- for too many of them.blade runner 2049, expectations were way too high. its still a good movie tho.
Talking about the director's cut?Kingdom of Heaven. At a time where tons of historical movie epics were being made, I was really excited for it and found it to be a total bore. Maybe I should go back and watch it again, it’s been years.
Ditto for me buddy.blade runner 2049, expectations were way too high. its still a good movie tho.
Lets be honest though, The Last Jedi was a huge letdown for everyone.
Leia used the force to fly through space......It wasn’t for me and plenty of people, but:
And she could go faster than the Raddus' thrusters.Leia used the force to fly through space......
Leia used the force to fly through space......
Using the Force to push something, yeah totally new for Star Wars…..
But really, can we just not? I hate discussing SW now because holy shit some of the TLJ haters on Gaf (not necessarily you) are just too much, like holy fuck there was a movie you didn’t like. Wowee. A few of them even started to derail the new Thor trailer thread they just can’t stop talking about a movie that came out over four years ago.
It’s like one might initially think, “was the prequel haters so persistent that they drove Jake Lloyd crazy and gave Ahmed Best suicidal depression for a year?” and then one only has to look at a lot of the fanbase’s behavior online to confirm, oh yeah, they’re that obsessed.
Like on YouTube back when the movie came out, somebody replied to me on a comment telling me in a full paragraph to end my life because I like TLJ and they didn’t. Like, goddamn, this person did not know me personally, has no idea what my mental state is, and is willing to risk a potentially depressed person’s life just to state in extreme measures they did not like a Star Wars movie,
It’s just a movie, Internet. Stop being bitches about it.
Kingdom of Heaven. At a time where tons of historical movie epics were being made, I was really excited for it and found it to be a total bore. Maybe I should go back and watch it again, it’s been years.
I think my expectations for Indy 4 were pretty low thats why i didnt end up being letdown...too much. I also liked the scifi angle, i wish that would continue for future Indy films. No more religious mysticism please.Some of you mentioned the last Indiana Jones. 100% agree. That film came out in 2008 and Harrison Ford was already an old man and could barely move. His acting is so bad in that movies and now (including SW), but cant blame him. The guy was 66 years old when it came out. His days of fast paced action scenes died decades ago.
I havent kept up with the new Indy movie, but I have to assume he'll be some kind of treasure hunting mentor, while a young cast do the main scenes. If they make him be the main star still jumping around and dangling from cliffs at age 80 it'll be a sad sight to see.
I was a fan of the casting for Roland and Randell Flagg. But yeah that movie was a huge disappointmentThe Dark Tower
as a fan of the books, I had pretty low expectations for the film. it somehow managed to still floor me with how terrible it was.
I thought it was fantastic. Big fan of the director and Dune definitely didn’t disappointAnyone here watch the new Dune movie? Anyone think it was a let down? Got great reviews. Long ass movie. Will watch it when it hits NF (hopefully).
Land of the Dead
Loved (and still love) Romero's "Dead" trilogy and waited forever for this movie. I was so sure he was going to deliver but unfortunately the movie was rather shit and then he'd go on to make even worse zombie movies after. =P
Anyone here watch the new Dune movie? Anyone think it was a let down? Got great reviews. Long ass movie. Will watch it when it hits NF (hopefully).
What did you think of the third film?Star Trek Into Darkness
What the hell was that stupid film supposed to be? Awful.
I thought it was a massive let down. Won’t bother with the second one.Anyone here watch the new Dune movie? Anyone think it was a let down? Got great reviews. Long ass movie. Will watch it when it hits NF (hopefully).
A Star Wars film.Star Trek Into Darkness
What the hell was that stupid film supposed to be? Awful.