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What Worlds do you want to see in Kingdom Hearts III?


Going to avoid Disney bought franchises but would love Robin Hood, jungle book, toy story and the incredibles. Don't want it but frozen seems to be a logical choice if they can get it.

Why not Frozen? Snowy Norway will look AMAZING. They could also use it as a Christmas world maybe.
Why not Frozen? Snowy Norway will look AMAZING. They could also use it as a Christmas world maybe.

Characters of the film were annoying to listen to. Wouldn't be against it and agree it would look great visually. Would happily take it over nightmare before Christmas.



- Gummi Bears: Dunwyn, Gummi Glen, and Castle Igthorne; the Gummi berry juice could be a fun power-up (though limited, I guess cause of how long it lasts for humans/super strength instead of bouncing)
- Sword in the Stone: I want a Mad Madam Mim boss fight where you change into animals.
- Ducktales: mostly for a Magica DeSpell boss fight
- Darkwing Duck: again, mostly for boss fights, lol. Liquidator, Bushroot, Ammonia Pine (yes, seriously), Splatter Phoenix
- Incredibles: with Donald becoming Paperinik and Goofy becoming Super Goof; Edna Mode in Kingdom Hearts would be glorious
- Emperor's New Groove - cause of Yzma
- Black Caludron - with Gurgi as the training dummy to practice skills! (I... I just want to beat the crap out of Gurgi tbh...)
- Wreck-It-Ralph, Princess and the Frog, Zootopia - no comment, just would like to see them.


- Timeless River era: I'd like to see Sora and company romp through some of the classic shorts like Orphan's Benefit, Clock Cleaners, Lonesome Ghosts, etc

I will curse Nomura:

- if Dinosaur or Cars is allowed anywhere near KH

San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6. That city with it's pretty amazing fusion of Tokyo and San Fransico in the KH3 engine would look pretty damn good to play in.


All you guys mentioning Disney's newly acquired IP, like Star Wars and Marvel, forgot one of their earlier acquisitions, The Muppets.


Neo Member
Aladdin and the King of Thieves
Treasure Planet
Toy Story
Emperor's New Groove
Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii) or Moana
Marvel or The Incredibles
The Princess and the Frog
Inside Out
Robin Hood
The Jungle Book
A Sword in the Stone
Star Wars.
A multi planet hoping adventure and Gummi Ship usage. Hopefully they make the human characters look better than they did in Caribbean and Tron(3DS).

The Christmas world in 2 was one of my favorites and because of the mockup music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do-OpxfwPkw

Big Hero 6.
Seems like the city and characters would fit well in Kingdom Hearts. I could see it as the tech world of KH3.


I hate Marvel and I hope KH can stay away from it as far as possible. Satr Wars or any classic Disney world is welcome.


I've wanted Toy Story since KH1, The Incredibles would be awesome too..and Monsters Inc..just gimme all the Pixar!


Would prefer original content, but I doubt that's gonna happen. Definitely don't want Star Wars, though. Tron and PotC felt so out of place already.

Not very up to date on recent Disney content, but Frozen had very good visuals. I think I'm okay with that. It's fantasy too, so it fits.
In terms of new stuff, something Marvel, something Star Wars and Frozen.

BUT. BUT. I could see an argument that you should keep Pixar and extended Disney properties (like SW/Marvel) out of the game and go for classic Disney, in which case just go back to the well of old films and pull neat stuff from there.


It's never going to happen, but a Gargoyles world would be awesome -- exploring Manhattan, and a Heartless boss battle at the Statue of Liberty. Probably too similar to Big Hero 6 though in principle.

Edit: Since Agrabah is practically a given, King of Thieves would be an excellent choice.


I kinda want Star Wars but I'm also super scared on what it'd be.

Treasure Planet would be cool because it's one of those films that everyone forgets about and most thought it was just kind of eh. But I liked it.

Toy Story would be great just to have Sora, Donald and Goofy looking like action figures and dollls.

Frozen is like, confirmed already right? I mean, it makes so much sense to throw it in.

Pocahontas would be nice to see.

Gargoyles would be the best though. Like, have a world gimmick that is day/night. Xanatos as a smug bad guy, maybe even gargoyle Sora, Donald, Goofy?

A Duck Tales/Duckberg world/area would be a nice for the ducks.


This is probably a minority opinion but anything but Star Wars or Marvel

I loved that the first 2 games were mostly classic Disney, it would feel really lame to me to have Sora running around with Spiderman or fighting Darth Vader
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