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What Worlds do you want to see in Kingdom Hearts III?

Nomura and the team get early access to films for that reason specifically. Or rather, they get material enough to incorporate it if they want. I'm certain that they have Moana assets already, considering that the Disney Infinity playset was more than half done months ago.

That's true, though it'd probably depend movie to movie. Infinity needs less lead time, whereas I assume KH3 would have had it's worlds fairly well decided on back when Zootopia still had the 'predator collar' plot. It's a matter of whether they made slots for unreleased movies or not. Obviously, summons are far easier to do, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Maui or some ZPD summon show up.
I'm on the fence about a Star Wars world, but I think Darth Vader as an optional super boss would be doooooooooope as fuck.

Have you seen the Darth Sidious v Darth Maul fight in Clone Wars? He wouldn't even need to have the power of Darkness to wreck utter havok. A Sidious/Vader match in the Coluseum would be awesome.
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