If there isn't enough of a populace to support a separate politics in gaming sub, then doesn't that say everything? Why is a minority then forcing politics into so many threads in the gaming discussion forum? Like I said, I don't want to take away anyone's ability to discuss politics in videogames, if that's their thing. But at the same time I'd like not to have politics shoved down my throat the entire time.
As for the onus being on me to drive the discussion I want, that's all fair and well. But those threads often just spiral into politics anyway. Would the mods allow us to make threads with a rule of no politics? Because that would be great. But I doubt that's going to fly either
If there isn't enough of a populace to support a separate politics in gaming sub, then doesn't that say everything? Why is a minority then forcing politics into so many threads in the gaming discussion forum? Like I said, I don't want to take away anyone's ability to discuss politics in videogames, if that's their thing. But at the same time I'd like not to have politics shoved down my throat the entire time.
As for the onus being on me to drive the discussion I want, that's all fair and well. But those threads often just spiral into politics anyway. Would the mods allow us to make threads with a rule of no politics? Because that would be great. But I doubt that's going to fly either.
Never been a fan of this kind of mentality (no offense intended). If the status quo isn't great, challenge it. I think the forum can be greatly improved by catering to both people who want to discuss politics and those who don't.
And I completely disagree that a cover having two black women on it is automatically pushing an agenda. And I have absolutely no interest in discussing such a "talking point". If anyone wants to discuss that, I'm not trying to take that away from anyone. But it would be nice for those of us not interested in the political side of gaming, to be able to discuss games as games. Currently that's not possible for a lot of videogames (see: The Last of Us 2).
Hence why I'm advocating for splitting the political from the general gaming discussions. It's the best of both worlds and nobody has discussions they're not interested in forced on them.
And then it'll be a couple of hours before the political posts start flooding in again. I've seen this happen a few times in the last few months.
...because they're the villains and the reveal trailer makes it very clear that they're awful people? But it might be better for you to take this discussion to the original thread in Gaming Discussions so as not to derail this one with an unrelated topic.
I just want to reiterate that I'm not trying to attack anyone in this thread. Sorry if anyone does feel I'm attacking their stances, because that's not my intention. I'm trying to keep my posts very neutral, but I do feel very strongly about the situation. It's really impacting my enjoyment of Gaf that at the drop of a hat, a thread I'm participating in can turn political (and very often does). And I'm sure I'm not the only person, seeing as I see complaints about the highly politicized nature of Gaming Discussions quite often.
I think we can reach a decent compromise that suits everyone, even if it is something as simple as marking threads where political discussions are allowed. If the staff feel differently, then fair enough. It's your forum and I'm only a guest here at the end of the day. In that case, I'll happily go on my way and look for another forum where it's less politicized without any drama or hard feelings towards Gaf.
I am like you who doesn't like political stuff in games and I'll actively avoid such threads. One of the reasons I moved over from REE was because every gaming thread there was turning into some political nonsense. If people talked about that stuff in their dedicated threads, that's fine. But bringing it into every other gaming thread is essentially thread derailment and offtopic posting. If this stuff gets moderated correctly, it's not an issue. REE mods didn't deal with this, so it became an issue. I am hopeful that mods here will moderate this aspect correctly....politics in the gaming discussion forum
If only you had a point to begin with, that's the problem.Just because I can get my point across in a single paragraph doesn’t mean I’m a shitposter.
Did Justice ever catch the Bandit?![]()
I take no credit. The hard work is being done by the GAF Staff and community including youRedneckerz
I am simply honored to be part of the community.
The politics in the gaming subforum are really killing my desire to keep coming back, tbh. Like look at the Far Cry New Dawn reveal thread. What should have been a thread to speculate about where they're taking the series next, instead became a thread in which people were REEEEEing about there being black females on the cover and "wokeness" and god knows what else. All based on a single covershot with no context.
Can't have a discussion about AC Odyssey, because it's inevitably going to attract the anti-SJWs. Can't have a discussion about The Last of Us 2, because the anti-SJWs will be there seconds later to complain about the SJW agenda allegedly ruining videogames. Etc etc.
I get that politics in videogames is a hot-button topic for some people and I get that they'd like to be able to discuss it. I'll even say that sometimes there are valid conversations (they're in the minority though). So I'm not advocating for banning these discussions. But I do think they should be relegated to a separate subforum, for the same reason Politics and Off-Topic are separate forums. Not all of us care or want to hear about politics in gaming all the time. I get that it's hard and there will always be spillover from the politics forum into the general gaming forum, but it would go a long way towards making it more tolerable to those of us not interested in either SJW or anti-SJW nonsense. My accounts old, but I've only been active for a few months and Gaf, it's getting a bit much. This is a really nice forum and community with a long history behind it, but it feels like when the Resetera folks left, we traded one set of fanatics for another.
I really think that Gaf should create a gaming politics subforum separate from the general gaming forum. If the staff decides against that, then fine. It's your forum and you can run it how you see fit. I'll then set off and find a new forum where (hopefully) there's less politics and accept that Gaf is not for me, with no hard feelings in that regard.
I specifically didn't register on Resetera because I didn't like the highly politicized nature of that place. Now the gaming forum here is also becoming highly politicized. It makes it really hard for someone who just wants to discuss videogames without all the political drama.
I'll honest, you've been registered on GAF almost as long as me yet you've barely a 10th of my posts and in truth, I'm not that prolific a poster versus some. When you're not even remotely averaging a post a day, it feels a little misplaced to come in and espouse about how toxic the gaming forum is, and its driving you away. Demonstrate you're an active contributor, get an actual avatar and mayhap people might give a bit more credence to your thoughts on matters. As is, you're coming across as a bit of a hollow sniper here demanding a separation of church and state in gaming, but with very little evidence that in doing so the forum is going to significantly benefit from your contributions as a result. Sorry if that comes across as a little harsh, but I call it as I see it.
- snip -
If only you had a point to begin with, that's the problem.
Did Justice ever catch the Bandit?
I am so glad to have people like you around, Cheese. It makes dealing with people like Matt so much more tolerable and it actually makes me consider he is a decent lad.![]()
I registered this account almost 6 years ago, then posted once or twice and subsequently forgot about it. Then a few months ago the whole Jessica Price thing happened, I randomly landed up in a thread on NeoGAF and remembered that I had an account and here I am. Been posting regularly ever since. Would you have prefered that I simply make a second account for no good reason?
I thought we were having a decent discussion in good faith, then you pull out the ages-old "I have more posts than you so suck a chode" line of reasoning. What the hell, dude? Not cool. If there's a rule on NeoGAF along the lines of "you have to have X-average posts per day to be able to discuss the community or make suggestions", please do point me to it.
But I won't waste your time, because we both know that rule doesn't exist because using sheer post count as a metric for a users' value to a community has never, and will never, be a good idea.
I'll be honest, but I have no interest in engaging with someone who values post quantity over the quality and content of someone's posts. I was there when NeoGAF started invaded nag.co.za after it came to light that Miktar was stealing everything, including user titles, to rip off GAF on his own forum. I've been doing this forum thing for a very long time. I outgrew postcount e-penisry more than a decade ago.
Demonstrate you can play the ball, not the man and I might believe you're worth hearing out. Someone who looks at a ridiculous metric like posts-per-day, without any context, and simply decides the person's opinions are worthless based on that, is not someone who I'd be inclined to believe can reason on an adult level. And that I base on past experience of it being mostly children who attempt to clobber each other into submission with their post counts. Sorry if that comes across as a little harsh, but I call it as I see it.
I'm unfortunately going to place you on my ignore list now, because I don't think I can have worthwhile discussions with someone who uses these 'tactics' to try and discredit someone's ideas and opinions. You're welcome to ask someone to message me on your behalf if you ever decide to judge the value of forum contributions on their actual content, not quantity. No hard feelings either way. Have a great rest of your weekend.![]()
What value is the ignore function adding here? IgnoringKadayi over something as benign as that post, which contained some honest feedback, only fosters the echo chamber effect. I think we need to have a serious discussion about it if this is how it is being used.
Don't fret about it Matt. If he wants to ignore me let him. I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
I'm not fretting about your individual case but I'm more questioning the bigger picture of how this contributes to the echo chamber effect when multiple people do it.
Technology. Giving you the power to erase people and forget they exist. Super healthy.
Curious. If someone you are ignoring starts a thread, can you see it?
I'm an advocate for the ignore function tbh. I haven't had reason to use it since the departure, but beforehand I certainly used it to tune out some notable people who just weren't worth engaging with because inevitably doing so would probably result in a witchhunt dogpile and a swift perm ban. If we want a free forum, then we have to respect members rights to elect to ignore people.
I'm just wary of potential big-picture damage it is doing when people shut themselves off from opinions they don't like. Fostering an echo chamber mentality is part of how this place devolved to what it did, and I don't think many of us would call GAF from 2012-2017 a "free" forum. For what it's worth, there are a few posters here whose opinions generally make me cringe, but I'd never consider putting them on ignore.
GAF didn't go the way that it did because people used the ignore function, it went the way it did due to abuses by the moderation team and the culling of dissenting opinions. Ignore function is perfectly ok in my book.
Nah, in a "free forum" users should have the choice to ignore others if they choose to. I personally don't use it but won't force my choices on others.I'm just wary of potential big picture damage it is doing when people shut themselves off from opinions they don't like. Fostering an echo chamber mentality is part of how this place devolved to what it did, and I don't think many of us would call GAF from 2012-2017 a "free" forum. For what it's worth, there are a few posters here whose opinions generally make me cringe, but I'd never consider putting them on ignore.
What if we kept the ignore function but it was subject to mod approval?
Nah, in a "free forum" users should have the choice to ignore others if they choose to. I personally don't use it but won't force my choices on others.
Almost like this place isn’t ban heavy just waiting to get that ass.Whether we can agree on this or not, I just want to say I'm glad we can discuss moderation standards and general forum tools openly![]()
As someone who only joined earlier this year and has like 11 posts; my opinions don't hold much weight. However, I figured I'd throw a little bit of positivity (albeit kinda lame lmfao) anyway. I heard horror stories of this place from various friends and outlets, so I figured I'd give this place a look for myself. Not bad. Maybe it's because all my past forum experiences have also been chaotic, but I really don't mind this place. Will that opinion change? Maybe. But in this moment I'm actually enjoying being here. I haven't genuinely enjoyed being on a forum in quite some time, so it's a nice change.
Welcome. I'm pretty new too, but have enjoyed posting almost every day. When it comes to gaming, I'd rather interact with gamers than read the millionth game preview from a website.As someone who only joined earlier this year and has like 11 posts; my opinions don't hold much weight. However, I figured I'd throw a little bit of positivity (albeit kinda lame lmfao) anyway. I heard horror stories of this place from various friends and outlets, so I figured I'd give this place a look for myself. Not bad. Maybe it's because all my past forum experiences have also been chaotic, but I really don't mind this place. Will that opinion change? Maybe. But in this moment I'm actually enjoying being here. I haven't genuinely enjoyed being on a forum in quite some time, so it's a nice change.
Glad you are here!As someone who only joined earlier this year and has like 11 posts; my opinions don't hold much weight. However, I figured I'd throw a little bit of positivity (albeit kinda lame lmfao) anyway. I heard horror stories of this place from various friends and outlets, so I figured I'd give this place a look for myself. Not bad. Maybe it's because all my past forum experiences have also been chaotic, but I really don't mind this place. Will that opinion change? Maybe. But in this moment I'm actually enjoying being here. I haven't genuinely enjoyed being on a forum in quite some time, so it's a nice change.
You fucker.Just be careful if it’s Christmas time,Musky_Cheese is around and you’re under 18.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯You fucker.
Just be careful if it’s Christmas time,Musky_Cheese is around and you’re under 18.
Whole thread gone. No evidence. Felt like a god.I think it says 'Ignored user;' test it out though. Set me to ignore and see if you can see this thread I made a while back: -
Lmao!His middle name is Richard.
His middle name is Richard.
Every post is weighed by its own merits.As someone who only joined earlier this year and has like 11 posts; my opinions don't hold much weight. However, I figured I'd throw a little bit of positivity (albeit kinda lame lmfao) anyway. I heard horror stories of this place from various friends and outlets, so I figured I'd give this place a look for myself. Not bad. Maybe it's because all my past forum experiences have also been chaotic, but I really don't mind this place. Will that opinion change? Maybe. But in this moment I'm actually enjoying being here. I haven't genuinely enjoyed being on a forum in quite some time, so it's a nice change.
What do people shorten the name Richard to?i dont get the insult
Is ignoring someone not a form of culling dissenting opinion? Perhaps I’m being pedantic, but whether it happens as a result of moderator action or individual action, the end result is the same: the removal of dissenting opinions that would otherwise prevent you from crystallising your opinions based on a limited world view.
I don't need to use Harden against soft-boiledAt this point, I reckon you could probably predict my response to this.
Harden up, cunt.
As someone who only joined earlier this year and has like 11 posts; my opinions don't hold much weight. However, I figured I'd throw a little bit of positivity (albeit kinda lame lmfao) anyway. I heard horror stories of this place from various friends and outlets, so I figured I'd give this place a look for myself. Not bad. Maybe it's because all my past forum experiences have also been chaotic, but I really don't mind this place. Will that opinion change? Maybe. But in this moment I'm actually enjoying being here. I haven't genuinely enjoyed being on a forum in quite some time, so it's a nice change.
Yeah, I’m saying it was a factor, but not the sole one or even anywhere close to the largest one though.
Is ignoring someone not a form of culling dissenting opinion? Perhaps I’m being pedantic, but whether it happens as a result of moderator action or individual action, the end result is the same: the removal of dissenting opinions that would otherwise prevent you from crystallising your opinions based on a limited world view.
I’m happy to disagree on this.