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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Is there a limit as far as obesity and P90x? Not asking for me, but asking for people that might be 100 pounds overweight and have problems with high intensity stuff.

Chris R

What kind of resistance bands should I be looking for if I go that method (seems that it would be much cheaper than buying all the weights)

A link from Sports Authority would be nice (only local fitness supply store) :D
rhfb said:
What kind of resistance bands should I be looking for if I go that method (seems that it would be much cheaper than buying all the weights)

A link from Sports Authority would be nice (only local fitness supply store) :D

Something like that would work.. Or you can order the stuff from BeachBody. They have a Super and Ultra kit for $40.00

Ultra is like 40 - 50 lbs

Super appears to be 30-40 lbs.


Been reading more on the nutrition. I may use a different shake/drink after the workout then the P90X drink.. The bars I may just use standard south beach diet ones or something with high protein.

Discount store for protein drinks and whey? Anyone know of a good one?
General Thoughts
Week 3 is out of the way. Was a bit of a nightmare due to a weekend involving trips to London for a dinner/party followed by all day visit to a theme park the next morning. As a result didnt manage to get the Yoga session in, which I am annoyed at. However I guess the recovery week will make up for it, particularly if I go to (non-p90x) yoga class as well.

Did pretty well, particularly given the party/trip to theme park. Really craving carbs - visions of hot buttery pasta float by my head at work most days :p Been trying to mix things up a bit on the cooking front, enjoying the portion approach more than using the meal plan.

Down another kilo, for a total of -3kg (-6.6lb) since the start. :)

Face is starting to look a little tighter, and quad definition is definitely on the up too, which is nice

Flexibility is improving steadily, even given the missed Yoga session. As this is one of the main aims I'm fairly chuffed. Has also made Kenpo X a lot more viable!


I'm due to start the programme this coming Monday, it's time I got my ass back into shape, and this seems like a good way to kickstart some serious physical activity.

I've bought Maximuscle Cyclone - Is this stuff any good? I was also toying with the idea of HGH supps (I'm 31) to help burn fat, and build more lean muscle - Anyone here taking these?
TurtleSnatcher said:

Something like that would work.. Or you can order the stuff from BeachBody. They have a Super and Ultra kit for $40.00

Ultra is like 40 - 50 lbs

Super appears to be 30-40 lbs.


Been reading more on the nutrition. I may use a different shake/drink after the workout then the P90X drink.. The bars I may just use standard south beach diet ones or something with high protein.

Discount store for protein drinks and whey? Anyone know of a good one?

I'm in the UK so can't get the P90x range of supplements but I make my own protein/recovery drink from unflavoured whey protein isolate and ground oats. Works out a lot cheaper in the long run as I bought a 6kg tub of protein powder for £57 and 6kg of oats for £6. Should last me a couple of months so pretty cheap really.

Edit: I flavour the drink with either flavoured water or Options, very nice!
needlejuice said:
I'm due to start the programme this coming Monday, it's time I got my ass back into shape, and this seems like a good way to kickstart some serious physical activity.

I've bought Maximuscle Cyclone - Is this stuff any good? I was also toying with the idea of HGH supps (I'm 31) to help burn fat, and build more lean muscle - Anyone here taking these?

Try Hurricane XS from myprotein.co.uk , its similar enough to cyclone, tasty, and a hell of a lot cheaper.

HGH as in human growth hormone? Steer clear


DeathNote said:
I was checking out on the beachbody website but I decided to cancel. I was like on step 2 of 4 and just x'ed out. Turns out the order went through with no confirmation email. I don't care, cause I want the kit, but it's annoying that you can't check the order status through the web. I copy and pasted the random order number at least. They better not charge tax on moth 2 and 3.

How much was your tax for the first charge? If you held out all the way through all of the adds and whatnot after you buy it there's an option to just pay the full amount straight up. My tax for that was 9.37.
Not really. It probably means you are not getting enough water. Try to increase the water you drink per day by a few glasses and if no change I'd consider going to the doc
Meatpuppet said:
Not really. It probably means you are not getting enough water. Try to increase the water you drink per day by a few glasses and if no change I'd consider going to the doc

Well, I just started it, so I'm not really concerned, but I know it's pretty common with certain diets and such. I didn't hydrate very well yesterday though. I'm going to cross post this in the fitness thread and see if I get some more feedback.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
TurtleSnatcher said:

Something like that would work.. Or you can order the stuff from BeachBody. They have a Super and Ultra kit for $40.00

Ultra is like 40 - 50 lbs

Super appears to be 30-40 lbs.


Been reading more on the nutrition. I may use a different shake/drink after the workout then the P90X drink.. The bars I may just use standard south beach diet ones or something with high protein.

Discount store for protein drinks and whey? Anyone know of a good one?

I use Optimum Nutrition Whey. Natural Vanilla is one of the few without sucralose:


Their recovery drink, the stuff they sip on during the workouts occasionally, and just after, are probably a mixture of sugar, whey, and a bunch of sports science nonsense. Just consume whey and juice. Someone earlier in this thread had a trip to the doctor and his doctor said that the supplements caused irregular blood work.

If you don't know a lot about nutrition, their program is decent. A bit conservative, so if you're overtraining, or not healing enough to at least match last week's weight/repetitions, eat more.

I think the diet is too heavy on carbs, and too light on fat. High carbs are a good thing to focus on around and after workout time.
okay guys I did pretty well in the first week but starting second week I did not know what happened to me, I bonked and gave up on pretty much every workout.

I was following the Fat shredder diet and I must say that I just was so frustrated that I broke the living shit out of my laptop. (Thanks TONY you owe me a 1000 dollar laptop bitch).

Anyways after re reading the nutrition guide it suggests that you might want to switch over to energy booster.

I have make a 5 meal a day diet using the Energy Booster section. I hope this works out I am officially starting again on Monday.


First day today and fuck!!!! Am I supposed to d the ab ripper right after the first routine? Cause I was about to die and couldn't do most of the exercises. I was just flailing like a fish toward the end.


Unregistered007 said:
okay guys I did pretty well in the first week but starting second week I did not know what happened to me, I bonked and gave up on pretty much every workout.

I was following the Fat shredder diet and I must say that I just was so frustrated that I broke the living shit out of my laptop. (Thanks TONY you owe me a 1000 dollar laptop bitch).

Anyways after re reading the nutrition guide it suggests that you might want to switch over to energy booster.

I have make a 5 meal a day diet using the Energy Booster section. I hope this works out I am officially starting again on Monday.
you got mad and damaged your 1,000 notebook?


georgc said:
First day today and fuck!!!! Am I supposed to d the ab ripper right after the first routine? Cause I was about to die and couldn't do most of the exercises. I was just flailing like a fish toward the end.

those already in decent shape might be doing ab ripper after the resistance workouts but I have not.

and I'm still losing weight and feeling good about the program a little over one month in.

I might start at the beginning of phase 3 but, for now, I'm fine skipping the ab ripper program. I'm way too exhausted after an hour of weight training to do anything but shower and veg out.


Dark FaZe said:
Is there a limit as far as obesity and P90x? Not asking for me, but asking for people that might be 100 pounds overweight and have problems with high intensity stuff.

It's doable, but generally the fitness requirements for being able to do the exercises means that P90 would be a better choice until they get their weight down a bit and get a little base fitness. Make them take the P90X fitness test. If they pass, then I guess they can do it.

Doing this workout at 100 pounds overweight would be really hard.


DKnight said:
I'm going to do this, and a friend of mine recommended me to take creatine as a supplement. What do you think?

Creatine's a great supplement. Here's how it works.

Creatine is a compund which people make naturally and is supplemented (ignoring powders) by creatine found in meats. Basically, the fuel for your cells, ATP needs to be recharged after it's used, and creatine is one source for that in the very short term (seconds). By keeping your creatine levels maximally high, your muscles will experience a boost in the amount of energy available to them. When I started taking creatine, my weights went up about 15-20% (this was a while ago). After that, you just have to maintain it with small daily doses.

You'll see a couple of pounds of initial weight gain as your muscles draw in some extra water. It's not unhealthy and makes you look jacked, but make sure to keep yourself hydrated when you start taking it. It has no real side effects outside of that unless you take stupid doses (which provide no additional benefit). Great stuff, everyone should take it.


Unregistered007 said:
by damage you mean destroyed then YES.

Holy Fuck.

one week of poor workouts isn't worth that, man.

glad you're gathering yourself up for next week but don't get so upset if you can't keep up with the videos or do all the moves.

modify, modify, modify.



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Real curious about this, as soon as I fly back up I think I'm gonna start this, I'm mentally prepared for how grueling it can get, but I really want to bulk up more, get a bit more mass, etc.

Coincidentally, someone was just talking about this yesterday - comparing it to the army training he did, it was nothing compared to the P90X he said, and stopped shortly after starting it - ha...


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Man, I never thought I'd be decent at those Fifer Scissors. I can get through them now with only 1 break midway. I hate it, but I love it :D

Even after finishing P90, I still can't do Fifer Scissors or Heels to the Heaven all the way through. They're so hard :lol

I'm starting P90x again in a couple of weeks (when school starts). Pretty pumped :D
So I'm heading to Vegas for work this weekend and won't be back until next weekend but I'm going to start this next weekend when I get back.

I'm pretty excited. I am going to go out shopping the day I get back and buy some alternatives to the Protein Bars/Shakes/Supplements they they want you to buy.

My roommate tells me there is a store that price matches the net and I can just get stuff instantly there. Then Im gonna head to the market and buy good foods and plan out my meals and stuff.

Right now I'm 5'11" - I weight 150lbs. I'm very skinny so I kind of want to bulk up but at the same time I have a good metabolism already and never really have gained weight. I don't eat healthy AT ALL. I eat horribly. I drink a soda pretty much every day and now I'm wanting to stop and get my act in gear.

Vegas will be my last hoorah on enjoying the good foods and stuff so I think thats a fitting ending before I begin my push for good healthy living.

teh_pwn - Thanks for that suggestion I may end up doing that.. 5lbs for that price is awesome. Also has lots of protein.. LOTS. Like 4-5x more then the P90x Shake.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Man, I never thought I'd be decent at those Fifer Scissors. I can get through them now with only 1 break midway. I hate it, but I love it :D

I can do it all the way through but I HATE HATE HATE HATE IT. And screw Tony, he keeps going "Hit my hand" while he himself doesn't do the routine all the way through. Jerk.


Was just skimming over this thread and was wondering: is this workout routine better for building mass or is it just to diet and lose weight?

I'm 17 and weigh 126 pounds (pretty skinny due to high metabolism) and I wanted to bulk up for quite a bit. Missed my chance in the summer but will try to do it this school year. So it this thing worth it or should I just get a gym membership and go there 5 days a week?


Replicant said:
I can do it all the way through but I HATE HATE HATE HATE IT. And screw Tony, he keeps going "Hit my hand" while he himself doesn't do the routine all the way through. Jerk.
You're the out of shape one :p
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Man, I never thought I'd be decent at those Fifer Scissors. I can get through them now with only 1 break midway. I hate it, but I love it :D

word. how something that looks so easy can be so painful at first is incredible. :lol


Sailor said:
Was just skimming over this thread and was wondering: is this workout routine better for building mass or is it just to diet and lose weight?

I'm 17 and weigh 126 pounds (pretty skinny due to high metabolism) and I wanted to bulk up for quite a bit. Missed my chance in the summer but will try to do it this school year. So it this thing worth it or should I just get a gym membership and go there 5 days a week?
Iunno. But the official website has success stories. http://www.beachbody.com/text/products/programs/p90x/popup_dotcom/ss/jonc.html And the before/after pictures show fit people getting abs.

But, IMO, their abs look gross.


Well, even though I was prepared for Yoga X to smack me hard it's totally different doing it. This week has been hard but fun - I'm not sure I've ever been this sore in so many places at once in my life. :lol


i never thought in my life i could do this but i did kenpo x, plyometrics and yoga x without pausing!! AHHHH :D :D :D :D :D


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Sailor said:
Was just skimming over this thread and was wondering: is this workout routine better for building mass or is it just to diet and lose weight?

I'm 17 and weigh 126 pounds (pretty skinny due to high metabolism) and I wanted to bulk up for quite a bit. Missed my chance in the summer but will try to do it this school year. So it this thing worth it or should I just get a gym membership and go there 5 days a week?

I'm honestly getting better workouts from this than I did at the gym. If you know what you're doing at the gym, you can get a better workout, so long as you don't have to wait for weights and wait to spot other people.

This program could be used to bulk too. Just start with their phase 2 diet, and after large resistance exercises, you could eat 3/4 lbs burgers. As the program is in phase 1, you'd lose weight and it doesn't look like you need any of that.


hi guys, like a lot of people here i want to get a nice toned body. Saw the infomercial a lot during vacation and I'm intrigued by it.

I'm 34, I have been getting back in shape since the end of april (kids are 4 and 6 now so I have more time for myself as my wife does, she started running again and doing exercises since september last year and lost about 25 since then she was quite overweight at 185 pounds). I run about 4 miles everyday, do some abs and some free weight (I have a pair of dumbbells) meaning my routine last about 40 minutes. I want to trim my body but not lose too much weight in addition as my wife would not like it. I'm 5'7 and 140 pounds. I have lost about 12 pounds since may without changing my diet and just doing the exercises. During the fall and winter I also have fencing lessons once a week.

What concerns me is the weight loss if I started the p90x program, I want trimmed muscle (and bee able to see nice abs loll) but don'T want to look skinny, would the program fit to me or should i look at something else


ADD New Gen Gamer
Porkepik said:
hi guys, like a lot of people here i want to get a nice toned body. Saw the infomercial a lot during vacation and I'm intrigued by it.

I'm 34, I have been getting back in shape since the end of april (kids are 4 and 6 now so I have more time for myself as my wife does, she started running again and doing exercises since september last year and lost about 25 since then she was quite overweight at 185 pounds). I run about 4 miles everyday, do some abs and some free weight (I have a pair of dumbbells) meaning my routine last about 40 minutes. I want to trim my body but not lose too much weight in addition as my wife would not like it. I'm 5'7 and 140 pounds. I have lost about 12 pounds since may without changing my diet and just doing the exercises. During the fall and winter I also have fencing lessons once a week.

What concerns me is the weight loss if I started the p90x program, I want trimmed muscle (and bee able to see nice abs loll) but don'T want to look skinny, would the program fit to me or should i look at something else

Stick to a normal diet and just follow the classic program. You won't look skinny. If you are not already at an advanced stage physically, you'll gain muscle mass by phase 2 (5 week onwards).



So meaning that I stick to what I eat but do the videos,

on another note I'm french speaking, are the videos easy to listen to or are they talking very fast (i sppose due to it being a training video they are showing the exercise so maybe i worry for nothing). I mostly watch movies in english but I have trouble with some accent sometimes so is he speaking clear enough


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
grumble said:
Creatine's a great supplement. Here's how it works.

Creatine is a compund which people make naturally and is supplemented (ignoring powders) by creatine found in meats. Basically, the fuel for your cells, ATP needs to be recharged after it's used, and creatine is one source for that in the very short term (seconds). By keeping your creatine levels maximally high, your muscles will experience a boost in the amount of energy available to them. When I started taking creatine, my weights went up about 15-20% (this was a while ago). After that, you just have to maintain it with small daily doses.

You'll see a couple of pounds of initial weight gain as your muscles draw in some extra water. It's not unhealthy and makes you look jacked, but make sure to keep yourself hydrated when you start taking it. It has no real side effects outside of that unless you take stupid doses (which provide no additional benefit). Great stuff, everyone should take it.
Thanks. Seems like everybody agrees this is good. I'm going to take it :D


Porkepik said:
So meaning that I stick to what I eat but do the videos,

on another note I'm french speaking, are the videos easy to listen to or are they talking very fast (i sppose due to it being a training video they are showing the exercise so maybe i worry for nothing). I mostly watch movies in english but I have trouble with some accent sometimes so is he speaking clear enough

i think he's very clear (english speaker, here). he might use some obscure idioms and odd jokes during the stretches and cooldown but he's clear when explaining the actual exercises and modifications.


Meatpuppet said:
Try Hurricane XS from myprotein.co.uk , its similar enough to cyclone, tasty, and a hell of a lot cheaper.

HGH as in human growth hormone? Steer clear

Not actual HGH, just some amino acid compound that enhances the natual excretions, which subside with age.

I'll see how I get on with the Cyclone, and if it is going to be too expensive I'll make the switch. Cheers.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Porkepik said:
So meaning that I stick to what I eat but do the videos,

on another note I'm french speaking, are the videos easy to listen to or are they talking very fast (i sppose due to it being a training video they are showing the exercise so maybe i worry for nothing). I mostly watch movies in english but I have trouble with some accent sometimes so is he speaking clear enough

The only time Tony speaks seriously are when he's showing how to do exercises with correct form, and showing common incorrect forms. But it's visual, so you can figure it out. Most of the time he's cracking cheesy jokes, or shouting "Bring it", "burn", "mind over body", "X like!", "I hate it, but I love it".

He also talks whether to start on your right or left side from his perspective, and I find easier just to look at which side they are using.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
One thing a lot of people don't talk about is how this stuff changes your body outside of appearance. I just started a little over a week ago, and I'm gradually waking up earlier and earlier with more energy and concentration. It's 8 am in Austin TX. I used to wake up reluctantly at 9 am, and work until 6:30. On top of that, I'm drinking less coffee because I don't feel like I need it as much.
DKnight said:
Thanks. Seems like everybody agrees this is good. I'm going to take it :D

You might get on better with Creatine Ethyl Ester rather than Creatine Monohydrate as it's easier to absorb for your body. Depends on your preference. Some people sewar by mono, others by CEE.


Started Phase 3 today...Chest&Back(plus Ab Ripper X)

Definitely made progress since last doing these workouts on week 3. Diamond pushups are still very tough, especially during round 2, but i can remember when starting and I couldn't even do 1. And it was funny getting ready to move on to the next exercises and then seeing "Water Break" pop up several times, since the breaks are so sparse in the Phase 2 workouts :lol

Anywho, i'm looking forward to taking my pics on Monday.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Decided to restart from week one. I had finished the first week, and then had the liver enzyme scare so I stopped working out for a while. After that got cleared up, I felt too much time had passed so I just started over. Was definitely much much easier this time than the first time I started though. Probably because I learned to pace myself better.
OmniGamer said:
Started Phase 3 today...Chest&Back(plus Ab Ripper X)

Definitely made progress since last doing these workouts on week 3. Diamond pushups are still very tough, especially during round 2, but i can remember when starting and I couldn't even do 1. And it was funny getting ready to move on to the next exercises and then seeing "Water Break" pop up several times, since the breaks are so sparse in the Phase 2 workouts :lol

Anywho, i'm looking forward to taking my pics on Monday.
Looking forward to seeing your progress.

All the progress pics are really inspiring.
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