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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Yeah...I need to do these in the evening. I did half of Chest and Back this morning and I had to stop because if I kept on going, I wouldn't have been able to do anything at work.


o man, so my friend told me about this workout, and he said it'd even make relatively in shape ppl cry, and i took that as a challenge (i'm 5'11", 158 pounds, 11% body fat). and my god, i just completed the first week, and it was damned hard. i almost want to give up, but am plowing ahead just for the challenge.


ice cream said:
So if just follow this whole thing I;ll lose my fat and become toned? No need to day anyt other running etc?
if you do the doubles you won't have any time for running. there's more than enough cardio anyway, so yes! You will lose lots of bodyfat.
Okay so I'm really scared about breaking my door frame with the pull up bar. I don't want to get the resistance bands since I have some variable dumbbells. Do I just follow whatever motion the resistance bands guy is doing with the dumbbells or do I have to change it a bit?


Neo Member
I'm looking to start this like many others here, but I'm a little stuck looking for a pull-up bar. Looking for a no-install bar that can work on a door with 4.5-5 inch moldings. So far all my searches have come up with ones that work on moldings up to about 3 inches. Anyone have any product recommendations?
Jamesfrom818 said:
Okay so I'm really scared about breaking my door frame with the pull up bar. I don't want to get the resistance bands since I have some variable dumbbells. Do I just follow whatever motion the resistance bands guy is doing with the dumbbells or do I have to change it a bit?
I have the Iron Gym bar and I don't feel that there is any danger of it breaking anything. But who knows?

There's a drawback to each approach. The resistance bands don't offer the same kind of range of motion and consistancy that free weighs do, although some people seem to prefer them, probably because they're lower impact.

I use variable weights sometimes, and it's hard. As you get more experienced with the program, it becomes more important to keep the pace with Tony and "the kids," which is hard if you have the unscrew weights all the time.

With the resistance bands, you can generally do the same exercise. I can think of maybe 3 exercises in the first half that you have to alter slightly.


faunatic said:
I'm looking to start this like many others here, but I'm a little stuck looking for a pull-up bar. Looking for a no-install bar that can work on a door with 4.5-5 inch moldings. So far all my searches have come up with ones that work on moldings up to about 3 inches. Anyone have any product recommendations?

I haven't found one if it exists :( I'm starting with the resistance bands (for pull ups only) and will eventually just buy a power tower once I prove to myself that I'll stick with it. If you happen to find one let me know though since I have the same problem.
Goddam, following Legs & Back w/ Ab Ripper X is a fucking crime. I couldn't keep my legs up in the air for most of the exercises : /

Whatever, almost done with week one and I can already see the beginnings of a six pack :O


I'm thinking of starting this program, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stick to it for at least a little while. Is it really necessary to stick to the nutrition program? I like eating whatever I want(Don't really eat junk food). I really love eating carbs, and would find it very difficult to eat enough protein, unless 80% of it comes from whey, which is pretty expensive.

Come to think of it I have quite a large bag of whey protein here, how long do these things last? I can't find an expiry date on it anywhere...


Dipper145 said:
I'm thinking of starting this program, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stick to it for at least a little while. Is it really necessary to stick to the nutrition program? I like eating whatever I want(Don't really eat junk food). I really love eating carbs, and would find it very difficult to eat enough protein, unless 80% of it comes from whey, which is pretty expensive.

Come to think of it I have quite a large bag of whey protein here, how long do these things last? I can't find an expiry date on it anywhere...

It really depends on what you want to get from the program. If you want to get stronger, then you need to eat protein. In simple terms protein is the stuff that muscles are made of, and if you don't give the body the bricks it can't build a house. Some easy foods I recommend for eating are omelettes, beef jerky, chili, chicken breasts, tuna salad and protein shakes and bars.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you need to eat in a caloric deficit, and you need to avoid excess carbs (i.e. carbs that are not around a workout or during breakfast) and fat.

In a program as demanding as P90X, I would eat right and not waste my time. You'll cripple your results otherwise, but it's your call if you can accept that. you will also find the workouts tougher if you don't eat right, since your body won't have what it needs to recover and improve.
Okay so I finally completed 1 chest and back and I think I did a terrible job of pacing myself. I did the first 3 push up exercises fine but I was completely gassed after that. 30 dropped to 25 then dropped to 20. After that I could barely get 10 off. Maybe the mini workout I did in the morning had something to do with it.

I think I should take the rest of this week getting my body used to moving around again. I spent the past 3 weeks not really doing much. This is certainly not a program to start straight from the couch.


grumble said:
It really depends on what you want to get from the program. If you want to get stronger, then you need to eat protein. In simple terms protein is the stuff that muscles are made of, and if you don't give the body the bricks it can't build a house. Some easy foods I recommend for eating are omelettes, beef jerky, chili, chicken breasts, tuna salad and protein shakes and bars.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you need to eat in a caloric deficit, and you need to avoid excess carbs (i.e. carbs that are not around a workout or during breakfast) and fat.

In a program
In a program as demanding as P90X, I would eat right and not waste my time. You'll cripple your results otherwise, but it's your call if you can accept that. you will also find the workouts tougher if you don't eat right, since your body won't have what it needs to recover and improve.
I definately don't need to lose any weight. Okay maybe like 5 pounds, but I'd rather just eat like a monster while doing this to get as much out of it as I can. I know a little bit about needing to eat lots of protein and stuff, and I will of course try to eat as much protein as I can. I just find it difficult to get the amount of protein needed even with just eating as much protein rich food as I can. So I'll have to get some protein bars / whey protein stuff.

I have a big bag thing of whey protein, how does one know if it has gone bad?


So is there any way to do this without a pull-up bar? I'm pretty heavy (225 lbs and 6'4) and I don't like the idea of door frame pull up bars.

Also, I think I know the answer to this already but..... is this high impact on your feet? The reason I ask is because I had 2 foot surgeries recently and I'm going to start walking soon but the doctor told me that it wouldn't be smart to do a lot of lateral movement and high impact stuff for another 6 months.


YagizY said:
So is there any way to do this without a pull-up bar? I'm pretty heavy (225 lbs and 6'4) and I don't like the idea of door frame pull up bars.

I was doing pullups with a door frame bar back when I was 260+, so you shouldn't have any problems.


YagizY said:
So is there any way to do this without a pull-up bar? I'm pretty heavy (225 lbs and 6'4) and I don't like the idea of door frame pull up bars.

As Thaedolus says, you should be fine - physics is a wonderful thing!

That said, you're supposed to be able to do the same exercises with resistance bands and a door attachment. The videos show how to work with the bands for each step of the way so there shouldn't be any missing out other than the difference between the bands and the bar.

I'm going to be trying this out first since the molding on my door frame is too wide to work with a bar. I'll report back with what I find once I start up.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Dipper145 said:
I'm thinking of starting this program, and I'm hoping I'll be able to stick to it for at least a little while. Is it really necessary to stick to the nutrition program? I like eating whatever I want(Don't really eat junk food). I really love eating carbs, and would find it very difficult to eat enough protein, unless 80% of it comes from whey, which is pretty expensive.

Come to think of it I have quite a large bag of whey protein here, how long do these things last? I can't find an expiry date on it anywhere...

I am eating normally and I am still able to lose weight.

If you are not terribly overweight in the first place, then I'd suggest you eat normally, as you are probably already eating at close to maintenance level, so the tough training will automatically push you to a caloric deficit. Trust me, you'll need the energy to train hard.

Just make sure to avoid the unhealthy stuff and you'll do fine, though other people who do follow the diet may have faster results initially. Remember, the program is tough and lasts 90 days, so you'll still be able to reach your weight loss goals by the end, so long as you do not over eat.

A lot of people are overly concerned about carbs, but there have been medical studies suggesting that the source of caloric intake has nothing to do with weight loss, and only the net caloric intake is important. It is just that it is far easier to take in excess calories through carbs than protein based foods. Just be careful with how much you eat and you'll be fine.

You still need proteins for recovery and muscle building though, but a normal diet usually has more than enough for that.


So after seeing this thread bobbing in the front page for a while now, and watching a bunch of youtube videos I'm thinking about jumping in. I have a pretty physical job that keeps me in decent shape, but I'd like to have some more definition. I just wonder if all the time and effort is worth it in the end.

After that 90 days, how many people keep going with the program? I did hardcore Tae-Bo back in the day for a while and got pretty good results, but it almost seemed like it alienated people. I already don't smoke/drink/do drugs or eat unhealthy stuff, so it was just like one extra step of percieved elitism. Sort of like, if you're the only fit person in your friend group and are the guy ordering a water and salad without the dressing while everyone gets burgers, there's a level of alienation there.

I also wonder about the motivating factors. How much of it is socially based and how much of it is personal? I find that a lot of my behavior is improved socially (ie, keeping the apartment clean) in the sense that if I don't have external motivation it's difficult to proceed.


i freaking LOVE plyometrics and kempo x! its so much fun! the first time doing plyo i thought tony was going to kill me, but now im on week 3 things changed and i love doing it more than any other workout! Yoga X still fucking sucks..
Wendo said:
So after seeing this thread bobbing in the front page for a while now, and watching a bunch of youtube videos I'm thinking about jumping in. I have a pretty physical job that keeps me in decent shape, but I'd like to have some more definition. I just wonder if all the time and effort is worth it in the end.

After that 90 days, how many people keep going with the program? I did hardcore Tae-Bo back in the day for a while and got pretty good results, but it almost seemed like it alienated people. I already don't smoke/drink/do drugs or eat unhealthy stuff, so it was just like one extra step of percieved elitism. Sort of like, if you're the only fit person in your friend group and are the guy ordering a water and salad without the dressing while everyone gets burgers, there's a level of alienation there.

I also wonder about the motivating factors. How much of it is socially based and how much of it is personal? I find that a lot of my behavior is improved socially (ie, keeping the apartment clean) in the sense that if I don't have external motivation it's difficult to proceed.

What is stopping you from eating a burger once in a while? If you hang out with friends who eat burgers every week, then, try to make them change their habit. You're not a masochist in the end, they are.


ryutaro's mama said:
Just finished Plyometrics for the first time.


I had to pause like 3 times throughout.

But surprisingly, I've never felt more motivated... :)

yeah, that's the crazy thing. i got plyo coming up tonight (4th time) and I'm, somehow, looking forward to it despite it being so crazy and hardcore.

it kills me every time. I'm sore. I'm out of breath. I'm in a flop sweat. but afterward, i just feel so pumped up and so good about what I did (or tried to do. still struggling mightily with jump knee tucks).

I've now lost around 12 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. Still got a ways to go but it's a testament to the program's variety that I've been doing this for nearly a month and I'm not sick of it at all. if anything, I enjoy it more now than before.


Wendo said:
So after seeing this thread bobbing in the front page for a while now, and watching a bunch of youtube videos I'm thinking about jumping in. I have a pretty physical job that keeps me in decent shape, but I'd like to have some more definition. I just wonder if all the time and effort is worth it in the end.

After that 90 days, how many people keep going with the program? I did hardcore Tae-Bo back in the day for a while and got pretty good results, but it almost seemed like it alienated people. I already don't smoke/drink/do drugs or eat unhealthy stuff, so it was just like one extra step of percieved elitism. Sort of like, if you're the only fit person in your friend group and are the guy ordering a water and salad without the dressing while everyone gets burgers, there's a level of alienation there.

I also wonder about the motivating factors. How much of it is socially based and how much of it is personal? I find that a lot of my behavior is improved socially (ie, keeping the apartment clean) in the sense that if I don't have external motivation it's difficult to proceed.

I'd say your social problems don't really stem from your diet and activity level. If your fitness level and strict dedication to a calorie restriction are alienating your friends, then you may want to examine if your attitude is an issue. People can feel very sensitive when someone they know is schooling them in terms of fitness and discipline, so you have to be very careful to never mention it and to make sure that they feel comfortable with being unhealthy in front of you. One superior smile and you could lose a friend.

I guess you could invite them to join you in working out; most people like to work out occasionally, though rarely is it with the regularity and the planning to achieve good results. With you there as a positive influence, they might stick to it, but again, you can't push it. With a program as demanding an unconventional as P90X and friends who sound like they would just be pissed off if they felt you were lording it over them, just don't mention it.

It does sound like you don't drink/smoke/eat junk food, which can be tough. If your friends have made that a part of their lives, then you may want to look into either drinking socially (i.e. one drink) or avoiding situation where the lifestyle differences will be aparent. You may want to try to get new friends who share your interests.

As for motivation, only the outliers in our society get everything from internal motivation, often for unhealthy reasons because they are driven. The average person needs to be externally motivated, to see some kind of immediate reward for correct behaviour to continue it, that's normal. The carrot and the stick.

As for P90X, it's worthwhile to do, though don't overdo it if you have a physical job already, and you'll have to eat a little more if you're actually eating plain salad and water.
Why do you dudes do it in the evenings? Just not enough time in the morning?


Fun question: in Ab Ripper X, when doing the reverse bicycle, do you do just 25 or do you finish the 2 or 3 extra ones "the kids" do because Tony's count is off? I always do my own count and stop at 25 and then feel like a loser... but not as much of a loser as when I don't finish those Fifer scissors. That's maybe the only exercise in Phase 1 that I can't do all the way through. I found out if I put my hands under my butt it becomes incredibly easier, so I promptly stopped doing that.
Battersea Power Station said:
Why do you dudes do it in the evenings? Just not enough time in the morning?


Fun question: in Ab Ripper X, when doing the reverse bicycle, do you do just 25 or do you finish the 2 or 3 extra ones "the kids" do because Tony's count is off? I always do my own count and stop at 25 and then feel like a loser... but not as much of a loser as when I don't finish those Fifer scissors. That's maybe the only exercise in Phase 1 that I can't do all the way through. I found out if I put my hands under my butt it becomes incredibly easier, so I promptly stopped doing that.

Ha ha, I try and do the extra ones but I always get so pissed that his count is off, especially during bicycles or full body crunches. What a bastard!

I try and work out in the morning, but sometimes it's just too hard to get out of bed and do it first thing. I just don't like feeling rushed in the morning. On days I can get up at 6 it's fine, but that is more the exception than the rule.


After a few days of P90X...

Stage 1 - Alright, time to exercise this shit up!

Stage 2 - Warm up's making me sweat.

Stage 3 - Oh god damn it.

Stage 4 - Fuck me!

Stage 5 - Sweet a break, but I hurt!

Stage 6 - FUUUUUUUUUUU----

Stage 7 - UUUUUUUUUU----

Stage 8 - Bonus rounds? Umm... UUUUUUUU---

Stage 9 - I'm done, I should've done regular P90; I can't do this anymore!!

Stage 10 - *hour later* fuck YES. Can't wait for tomorrow...

I'm doing lean, so no signs of Plyometrics, but Core Synergistics really hit me hard the first day. Those D-rolls... !##!@$. I need to get lighter. I'll do a proper one yet!


Jugendstil said:
Ha ha, I try and do the extra ones but I always get so pissed that his count is off, especially during bicycles or full body crunches. What a bastard!

I try and work out in the morning, but sometimes it's just too hard to get out of bed and do it first thing. I just don't like feeling rushed in the morning. On days I can get up at 6 it's fine, but that is more the exception than the rule.

:lol :lol Me too. I do this exercise so often now that I remember when Tony would miscount and I'd go "You SUCK Tony! That's not 19 anymore. And you don't even go through the whole routine!!"

I always do AbRipperX at night. Because in the morning my joints are just too stiff after waking up.


Just finished Day 2 (Classic track). Saw all the great things about Plyometrics and was pretty pumped to do it... until I was about 15 minutes in. I have some serious work to do, but I managed to push through it. It's worth it though, Plyometrics burns some serious calories.
General Thoughts
Week 2 done and dusted. Hamstring flexibility is much improved, groin and hip flexibility fairly rubbish though. Kenpo works a lot better when you can actuall kick higher than shin height :p Some of the exercises seem a bit off, particularly Conden Crouching Curls, or whatever they are called in the programme. I've tried with heavier and lighter weight, and neither make me feel like I am working any muscles! I assume I am doing it wrong.

Hungry quite a bit, and had two lapses thanks to having meals out (house meal + rugby awards ceremony). Will be more disciplined this coming week. Have discovered that tuna mayo is much more palatable when made 50-50 with flaked smoked mackerel.

Static at 88kg, no fluctuations

Abs are a bit more visible, calves more defined, and the arm veins are a lot more noticible now

Need to get more sleep. Averaging 6hrs a night (getting up at 6:00am or so for the workout) and its making me a bit irritable and unproductive.


In the middle of week 3 and I feel like I have less energy then in week 1. I thought this got easier...

I may sign up on the official forums and try to get some morale support! This program beats you down. Damn.


phinious said:
In the middle of week 3 and I feel like I have less energy then in week 1. I thought this got easier...

I may sign up on the official forums and try to get some morale support! This program beats you down. Damn.

you eating enough? if you're already slim, pick up the carbs a bit. have snacks throughout the day, regardless of weight (healthy snacks, of course)
phinious said:
In the middle of week 3 and I feel like I have less energy then in week 1. I thought this got easier...

I may sign up on the official forums and try to get some morale support! This program beats you down. Damn.

I'm in my third week and I woke up this morning and i couldn't get out of bed as I was so tired. Eventually got up a couple of hours later and had my breakfast and then my mid morning snack and felt a lot better.

It was Plyo last night and that always makes me knackered although not usually as bad as this. Only 3 more workouts until my week off and hopefully that'll let my body recuperate.
J Tourettes said:
I'm in my third week and I woke up this morning and i couldn't get out of bed as I was so tired. Eventually got up a couple of hours later and had my breakfast and then my mid morning snack and felt a lot better.

It was Plyo last night and that always makes me knackered although not usually as bad as this. Only 3 more workouts until my week off and hopefully that'll let my body recuperate.
so you dont take a week off right you just do "easyier" workouts right?
Battersea Power Station said:
Why do you dudes do it in the evenings? Just not enough time in the morning?

I've always worked out at night. I wake up for work at 5:30 as is, there's no way I'm going to wake up at 4 just to work out. It's probably not ideal either, but I like to put in a tiny power nap before I work out. I feel I have a lot more energy to get more out of a workout... and for P90x I need all the energy I can get.

Anyways, started my 2nd week last night. Unfortunately I was away this weekend and ate pretty badly. But hey, I got 40 minutes into the Chest & Back routine before I felt like I had to puke :D PROGRESS!


lbcyalater said:
so you dont take a week off right you just do "easyier" workouts right?

yoga ain't easy :) but, yes. stretching, core, yoga for the 4th week.

no plyo. no resitance training.


I actually think week 4 is gonna be more grueling then weeks 1-3. Yoga is the worst! Oh man, if I can get through this I can do anything. Im gonna post pics after week 4, so 1.5 weeks to go. Ill finally have to learn how to post pictures I guess...


LCfiner said:
you eating enough? if you're already slim, pick up the carbs a bit. have snacks throughout the day, regardless of weight (healthy snacks, of course)

I feel like Im eating enough. Im following the nutrition guide pretty closely. Although I cheated with some real pizza last weekend!

I feel slightly hungry all day, but no major hunger pangs.


phinious said:
I feel like Im eating enough. Im following the nutrition guide pretty closely. Although I cheated with some real pizza last weekend!

I feel slightly hungry all day, but no major hunger pangs.

hmm, you might be right to sign up at the official forums. you shouldn't have less energy now than week 1 assuming you're sleeping enough and eating enough. they might be able to better help you figure out the requirements of your diet.


Yoga is the only workout that gets me. Plyo I find pretty easy, due to running long distances beforehand.

In mid week 4 now, lost a bit of fat on my stomach (wasn't that much there to begin with), arms seem more muscular. I've missed about 1 or 2 days a week, but I'm trying to stick with it the best I can. Also, my endurance playing squash is a lot better now, I see an improvement in my game each week.
Enjoying my second week of regular P90. I have already started to add extra workouts like the Fat Burner Express in the evening to increase the program intensity. I am glad I started on the P90 and not the P90X. The X would have killed me. Hopefully I can bump things to phase two a week or so early. Maybe even by the end I will work in the occasional P90X routine.

I am really glad I found this thread. The scheduling and pace of the P90 program is exactly what I needed to get off my ass and get back into shape. I wake up everyday at 7 and do a video before work. Lost 5lbs in the first week, I feel so much better about myself and more energetic already. I will finish this!


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Well I confirmed that that protein drink crap that came with the program plus all the intense working out was playing hell with with my liver enzymes. Freaked my doctor out but once I stopped drinking the stuff and took a three day break from working out they went back down to near normal levels.

Ill continue the workout, but im not drinking the protein nonsense anymore.
missbreedsiddx said:
Well I confirmed that that protein drink crap that came with the program plus all the intense working out was playing hell with with my liver enzymes. Freaked my doctor out but once I stopped drinking the stuff and took a three day break from working out they went back down to near normal levels.

Ill continue the workout, but im not drinking the protein nonsense anymore.
What is the protein "crap?" i.e. what else is in it?

I use GNC Whey Protein and haven't noticed any problems, but I'm very paranoid about taking "substances." I try to find whatever is the most natural (or at least whatever can best fool me into believing it's natural).

With that criteria in mind, what protein powder and protein bar would you fellows recommend?
Anyone here posting pictures of their progress, or is everyone too afraid? I'm not in terrible shape [6'3" 202 lbs.] because I play basketball three times weekly and do some lifting about twice a week, but I want to do this go get cut up. I've never had a six-pack, and I don't like how small my arms look [IMO], so I'll probably start this next week. :)
If things keeping going as well as they have I will post all my pics (day 1,30,60 and 90) at the end of my P90 which is much more about weight loss thing for me now than getting "ripped"


RJNavarrete said:
Anyone here posting pictures of their progress, or is everyone too afraid? I'm not in terrible shape [6'3" 202 lbs.] because I play basketball three times weekly and do some lifting about twice a week, but I want to do this go get cut up. I've never had a six-pack, and I don't like how small my arms look [IMO], so I'll probably start this next week. :)

I posted one of the pics I took from my Day 30 set...no one cared :lol

I'm just under a week away from my day 60 mark.
Ok guys, so I'm planning on starting the routine in about 2 weeks. I have a couple questions, though.

1) If I have carpet on my living room, do I still need a yoga mat at all?
2) I'm on a budget, so spending the least amount of money is a priority. With that in mind, what weight dumbbells do I need? (I'll be using these instead of resistance bands)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I finished day 2 on classics, and this stuff is the real deal. My body pretty much gave up around 40 minutes into Plyometrics, except for a couple of exercises. Every muscle around my ass is sore, and I usually don't get sore until the day after exercises.

I'm going to have to do two rounds I think (6 months) to get completely fit.

Also my iron levels were low a couple of weeks ago. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common mineral deficiency in the world, and it can severely impact energy levels because it lowers the amount of oxygen that each cell gets, and thus reduces energy. If you're not feeling more energized after a couple of hours, your body is missing something. The workouts are painful, but after that subsides the exercise induced endorphins should kick in.
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