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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Can anyone tell me what the easiest/quickest way to post pics on here would be? Id like to share my phase 1 progress pics on Sunday, but I have no idea how. I fail at internet. Maybe Ill finally get a avatar toO!
Hey guys I have a questions, I changed my diet to Energy Booster.

Now I am feeling a bit too full.

what should I cut down to feel fresh and sharp.

My carbs are all from whole wheat.

here is my basic 5 meal plan for the last 3 days:


1. 250 mil Skim Milk + 2 pack of quick oatmeal with reduced sugar.

2. 6 oz Veal + 270 g Celery + whole wheat bun.

3. 6oz chicken breast + whole wheat bun + celery

4. Orange/Apple/banana (one fruit) + 1 TBSP Peanut Butter.


5. Shake (30)g Whey Isolate + Skim Milk (250 ml) + 1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

also I am 225, 6'1 and close to 25% body fat.
Going to try the Ab Ripper from the vanilla P90 today. Downloaded it to check it out and see what this thing is all about. Will report back after I shower. :D


I've just finished 5 weeks of Phase 1 and I've gotten great results so far, I haven't been taking pictures though but I may start now.

I thought the recovery week was going to be relaxing until I had a skim through the core synergistics disc, it looks brutal!

We need a gif of that crazy faced turn Tony does on the intro to Kenpo X :lol he looks like a Terminator


Balboa said:
We need a gif of that crazy faced turn Tony does on the intro to Kenpo X :lol he looks like a Terminator

Yeah, that face is weird

Btw, I did Cardio-X for the first time a couple of times last week...he mentions that Jason(goatee guy in Ab Ripper X), and Vanessa(red head chick in Kenpo X) are engaged(at least at the time of filiming). I wouldn't have pegged them as a couple at all.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm probably going to have to buy new dumbbells soon.

I've got 10, 15, and 25 lbs. The first week I was doing pretty much all 10 lbs. My second week, almost exclusively 15 lbs except 10 for the kick back triceps. And the 15 lbs almost felt too light.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Near the end of my second week.

It's starting to get a little easy, so I'm adding some Cardio X on weekends to speed up the fat burning.

I also started doing Ab Ripper before Legs/Back. I remember last week I gave up immediately on Ab Ripper after legs because those wall squats made the first few moves in Ab Ripper impossible.


Hmm......for some reason I can actually do the full Mason Twist routine quite easily in the past few days. Should I increase the amount that I do to get better result?


blargh. I’ve been sick with a head cold since thursday and haven’t been able to finish this week properly. hopefully I can get back on the horse tomorrow and finish off last week’s legs and back routine.

@Midgar. the book is only necessary to tell you what disks to do on what days (if you want to do the routine as suggested). However, you can certainly get that info online.

I got the whole set with the books on Amazaon marketplace for 80 CDN.


So I'm starting up on Wednesday; I have all my equipment in order, and I just need to get my food straightened out.

I watched a bit of the chest and back routine, and it seemed pretty good. Do you guys have any recomendations for pacing yourself? I was planning on being pretty conservative through the first half so that I could get a good idea of what I'm capable of and then really pushing it through the second half. Would that work out, or should i try and keep things steadier throughout?
Replicant said:
Hmm......for some reason I can actually do the full Mason Twist routine quite easily in the past few days. Should I increase the amount that I do to get better result?
You should be able to modify with different height and angles of your legs and upper body. Try extending your legs farther or raising them higher.


Ugh...pretty disappointed with these pics. I think a lot of details get flattened/washed out, because i can see more details when i look in the mirror(upper quad/hip flexor definition, for instance). Overall i'm kinda depressed...the rate of change seems so glacial, despite busting my ass and doing my best to eat right, getting plenty of sleep, etc. Guess you just can't beat shitty genes and cellular inferiority.[/emo]

Anyway, here's a few pics, click the thumbnails for larger view

And here are some direct Day 1-to-Day 60 shots

Stats(Day 1/Day 60)

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 244lbs/234lbs. Net Loss of 10lbs (lots of ups and downs in between, I hit 232 a couple of times in the last week)
Waist(Belly): 42"/39.5". Net Loss of 2 and a half inches

Hope you guys are having better progress...I don't know what else to do besides an all out cardio blast for the next 30 days. The only area i'm pleased with is my Back progress.

I see my body every day though, so i'm curious to hear feedback from an external set of eyes.
Javaman said:
That Ab ripper must have been too much for him. RIP RJNavarrete :(
Haha, nah man it was great. I'm still feeling some of the effects today as I did a half Ab Ripper set yesterday too. Finally got the whole P90X, so I'll be starting that tonight. :D :D

Can't wait to start!


@ Omnigamer, yeah the back obviously has the most visible improvement. but it’s still a good overall improvement for only 60 days! losing a couple inches on the waist is nothing to sneeze at.

keep it up!
UGH I totally fell off the wagon hard last week while I was on vacation, but I am finally moving to Phase 2 of P90 at the end of this week. I got the encouragement I needed when out of the blue my boyfriend told me it looked like I really had lost some weight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Boonoo said:
So I'm starting up on Wednesday; I have all my equipment in order, and I just need to get my food straightened out.

I watched a bit of the chest and back routine, and it seemed pretty good. Do you guys have any recomendations for pacing yourself? I was planning on being pretty conservative through the first half so that I could get a good idea of what I'm capable of and then really pushing it through the second half. Would that work out, or should i try and keep things steadier throughout?

My recommendation for the first few days, especially if you aren't in good shape already, is to expect to be absolutely worn out. Expect to pause frequently while gasping for air.

After the first couple of days, the body seems to make some adjustments, and pausing is only necessary if you want to give yourself extra time to learn the moves, or do as many repetitions as them.

For Chest/Back, I could only do a few pullups the first set. After that I couldn't do any. If you have bands, try using those to simulate the pullups. Tony explains a few ways to do this. An important detail that I missed until week 2 is that you need to hold the band for a couple of seconds at the peak of the simulated pullup to work the muscle harder.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
OmniGamer said:
Hope you guys are having better progress...I don't know what else to do besides an all out cardio blast for the next 30 days. The only area i'm pleased with is my Back progress.

I see my body every day though, so i'm curious to hear feedback from an external set of eyes.

I do see some improvements in muscle definition, especially the back. So it probably means you've lost more than 10 lbs of fat, and gained muscle.

Look at it as a metabolic investment. With more muscle, you burn more calories per day, and it enables you to have the endurance for more cardio. If you want to speed up fat loss, I'd tilt the diet a little more heavy on protein, continue the program, and add CardioX/Kempo/Plyometrics here and there.

I've only been on 2 weeks. My weight is holding, but my waist size is about 1/2 " smaller. I'm adding CardioX on weekends to speed up fat loss. But I started this expecting to do 2 rounds to reach my goal (25 lbs fat loss, 15-20 lbs muscle gain).
LCfiner said:
blargh. I’ve been sick with a head cold since thursday and haven’t been able to finish this week properly. hopefully I can get back on the horse tomorrow and finish off last week’s legs and back routine.

@Midgar. the book is only necessary to tell you what disks to do on what days (if you want to do the routine as suggested). However, you can certainly get that info online.

I got the whole set with the books on Amazaon marketplace for 80 CDN.

thanks i was looking to pay less than 100. Ordering NOW!!!! Woohoo!


Anyone have any idea on where to pick up the regular P90 in Australia? I've seen a few places that sell P90X, but the regular one is only available on the official website and ships to NA :/
LCfiner said:
@ Omnigamer, yeah the back obviously has the most visible improvement. but it’s still a good overall improvement for only 60 days! losing a couple inches on the waist is nothing to sneeze at.

keep it up!
agreed maybe use some more weight (if you can)

my hand has finally healed up so im jumping back in. :D
Plyometrics after basketball is the worst thing ever. :lol :lol
Gonna have to cut back on basketball to once a week. I'll probably align my Yoga or Kenpo with my basketball day... Probably Thursdays [Yoga]. :D


Those are some good before and after pics, but I'd give it that last 30 days to really see the true effect. My other thought is maybe you aren't getting quite enough cardio, but good results 2/3 of the way through, I bet you'll see more of what you want to see once that 90th day hits.
Just read the first and last page, fellas, and I've got a couple of simple questions:

I've got an extremely hyper metabolism (I have <3% body fat) and would like to become reasonably fit for my martial arts training (stopped for a year, would like to get back into it). Is this program for me, or is it weight loss primarily.

If I do get into it, what do I need?


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I just did the first workout. Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X.
Chest and Back went ok, I guess. My reps were kinda low, but I pushed through to the end. Ab ripper, though, destroyed me. I think I need to focus more on just getting the form down and slowly building reps with it. I was flopping all over the place.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Just read the first and last page, fellas, and I've got a couple of simple questions:

I've got an extremely hyper metabolism (I have <3% body fat) and would like to become reasonably fit for my martial arts training (stopped for a year, would like to get back into it). Is this program for me, or is it weight loss primarily.

If I do get into it, what do I need?

You'll definitely have to bulk up, and, no, this program isn't for weight loss at all. It's a fitness workout.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Just read the first and last page, fellas, and I've got a couple of simple questions:

I've got an extremely hyper metabolism (I have <3% body fat) and would like to become reasonably fit for my martial arts training (stopped for a year, would like to get back into it). Is this program for me, or is it weight loss primarily.

If I do get into it, what do I need?
sounds unhealthy
I went away to visit my friend at college this past weekend. It did not make the workout yesterday easy in the slightest. Luckily I won't be traveling for all of September so I can focus on p90x. Crazy how just a single weekend away will kill you
I am on day 23 of P90 with a few skipped days (camping trip) and I just started being able to do the Ab Ripper 200 a few weeks ahead of schedule. It is so nice to feel progress so early on. I remember doing the Ab Ripper 100 for the first time and barely being able to do the bicycles such a short time ago. I am really glad I found this thread.


Thanks for all of the comments guys...i'm definitely going to try to work in some additional cardio when I can.

Besides the visuals, I am pleased with my overall progress and improvements.


Omni, you have made visible progress to me. Just remember you cant target fat loss, so it may take awhile to get results where you want them. Im gonna post my pics soon too. I likst 4-5 lbs in 30 days, my belt notches have gone down by 2! I look alot better in the mirror. Hopefully the pics will reveal that. ill try to post mine Sat. morning. After 8 years of sitting on my butt, this is great!
phinious said:
Omni, you have made visible progress to me. Just remember you cant target fat loss, so it may take awhile to get results where you want them. Im gonna post my pics soon too. I likst 4-5 lbs in 30 days, my belt notches have gone down by 2! I look alot better in the mirror. Hopefully the pics will reveal that. ill try to post mine Sat. morning. After 8 years of sitting on my butt, this is great!

Just this weekend I noticed I went down a belt notch, such a great feeling.


Funny I've heard alot about P90X the last few weeks from my wife's cousin. He swears by it, got into serious shape following the program. Figures there would be a thread on here about it. Nice resource.
Has anyone made the pear and granola muffin recipe? I made them last night and you end up with ten but you're only supposed to have one for breakfast. Will they be ok to freeze as I doubt they'll be very nice after sitting in a box for over a week!
i have been prepping for starting this now for around 3 weeks.
i've done a gradual diet change from my normal fairly decent diet, to a more protein rather than carb heavy diet.
I also did ab ripper x each day for about 10days.
i started fully last night on the Chest/Back and Ab Ripper X

Today i did Pylometrics, and i busted my ass big time trying to keep up!

Anyhow i have recorded my stats and we'll see how i go..... good fella this Tony.

And by the way, anyone else have a small uncle to use......LOL!!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Boonoo said:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I just did the first workout. Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X.
Chest and Back went ok, I guess. My reps were kinda low, but I pushed through to the end. Ab ripper, though, destroyed me. I think I need to focus more on just getting the form down and slowly building reps with it. I was flopping all over the place.

I think just about everyone gets destroyed by ab ripper at first. But it's amazing how fast you can improve. Don't worry about doing as many as them for the first couple of weeks. Instead try doing about 10 reps of every exercise in as best form as possible. For moves that have easier versions, start with those. And on legs/back day, do Ab Ripper first, because after the wall squats from legs/back, you won't be able to do the first 4 exercises in ab ripper.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
FlightOfHeaven said:
Just read the first and last page, fellas, and I've got a couple of simple questions:

I've got an extremely hyper metabolism (I have <3% body fat) and would like to become reasonably fit for my martial arts training (stopped for a year, would like to get back into it). Is this program for me, or is it weight loss primarily.

If I do get into it, what do I need?

You can bulk on this program, but you'll have to change it. I would do classics and remove cardio and replace them with rest days. On weights, lift enough weight to fail around 5-6 reps. In their nutrition program, immediately go to phase III diet (which is very high carb, protein), and maybe add some fat. 3% body fat sounds like a medical problem too, if you haven't looked into already I would.

You need:
1. Dumbbells (they say or bands, but several exercises lose effectiveness with bands). Depending on how strong you are, start with 10, 15, 20, 25.
2. Iron Gym or P90x pullup bar. Attaches and detaches from your door frame.
3. Yoga mat.
4. Towels.
5. Perfect pushup, or some sort of pushup mount.


teh_pwn said:
You can bulk on this program, but you'll have to change it. I would do classics and remove cardio and replace them with rest days. On weights, lift enough weight to fail around 5-6 reps. In their nutrition program, immediately go to phase III diet (which is very high carb, protein), and maybe add some fat. 3% body fat sounds like a medical problem too, if you haven't looked into already I would.

You need:
1. Dumbbells (they say or bands, but several exercises lose effectiveness with bands). Depending on how strong you are, start with 10, 15, 20, 25.
2. Iron Gym or P90x pullup bar. Attaches and detaches from your door frame.
3. Yoga mat.
4. Towels.
5. Perfect pushup, or some sort of pushup mount.

Thanks for the breakdown. I saw this bar (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GLNDZG/?tag=neogaf0e-20) at the store, will that suffice for the p90x bar?


You can use something like this bar that doesn't need to be screwed in. I've been using and liking it. But the one you posted should work fine. Although for the close grip pull ups you'll probably just have to grab the metal if the pads don't slide.

Also, for those of you that workout in the morning do you eat anything beforehand? I made a protein shake with a banana and some cucumber, but should I do something with more carbs?


Boonoo said:
You can use something like this bar that doesn't need to be screwed in. I've been using and liking it. But the one you posted should work fine. Although for the close grip pull ups you'll probably just have to grab the metal if the pads don't slide.

Thanks, I like yours a lot better. What type of dumbbells did you purchase if you don't mind me asking.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I3rand0 said:
Thanks for the breakdown. I saw this bar (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GLNDZG/?tag=neogaf0e-20) at the store, will that suffice for the p90x bar?

This is what I have:


Works great, so long as it fits your door. Measure it if you're considering this one. It's similar to the P90x one that's more expensive.

Also check the frame at the top of your door. Pull down on it, make sure there aren't cracks/squeaks (rotten wood). If there aren't, it most likely will have 0 problems.

On another topic, I'm going to have to work on my afternoon diet during work. My metabolism is way higher than before, and I'm getting home at 6pm starving. I try drinking little juice/whey before workouts, but I don't think it's doing the job.

I'm starting.. Finally. Tomorrow in fact.

Today I went out and bought a supplement and some protein whey (the stuff someone linked last page).

I also went out to Walmart and stocked up on nothing but whole wheat foods and good proteins like chicken breasts and salmon filets and stuff. I also grabbed some fruits and some veggies. Gonna need to go back out and grab me some baby carrots and stuff to munch on.

Instead of protein bars I decided to do Kashi Bars which have about 7-8g of protein in each and probably taste better and are cheaper. They will do.

I'm gonna start tomorrow morning on the diet.. I bought Egg Whites in those cartons and stuff. I do need to run to a sporting good store tomorrow and grab a few more things like heart rate monitor and what not.

I'm excited and dedicated. I'm most worried about the food and printed off a few copies of the food chart so I can make sure i stay on track with it.

I want serious results so I want to take it to the 1000th degree in regards to making sure I stay on track. My last 'good' meal was at Macaroni Grill, Penne Rustica. Here's to a new me in a few months hopefully!

I have a really skinny build. I'm 5'11" and weigh only 150lbs. I'm hoping to lean up and add a little bit of muscle and just overall have more energy since I'm out of energy by the end of my work day and want to nap.
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