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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Boogie9IGN said:
whooooooooooa I just tried to stand up after sitting at work for a few hours and my body just felt like mush. I also forgot to mention that during plyo yesterday, I kept hearing soft pops whenever I was bending/kicking my legs a lot. That doesn't seem too normal :lol

I fear for ab ripper x today, fuuuuuuuuu

So today you have arms, shoulders and abs. It won't be as bad... At least it wasn't for me. Your body is going to hurt even more tomorrow, though.
Just finished yoga and I am able to touch the ground for nearly all the moves. :D Such a huge difference from my first week, where I was barely able to touch my shin. Even the dreaded warrior 3 is much easier and I can finally stretch my floating leg perfectly straight.


Masta_Killah said:
Just finished yoga and I am able to touch the ground for nearly all the moves. :D Such a huge difference from my first week, where I was barely able to touch my shin. Even the dreaded warrior 3 is much easier and I can finally stretch my floating leg perfectly straight.

Great! Congrats man! It feels awesome when you see the progress you've made.

Tonight will be my first Yoga X. Can't wait!
A.Romero said:
Great! Congrats man! It feels awesome when you see the progress you've made.

Tonight will be my first Yoga X. Can't wait!

Thnx and good luck with yoga. Don't get discourage and keep pushing through.

Also, anyone doing a diet, make sure you eat a lot of healthy food. I've plateaued for the last 2 weeks so I've had to kick up my food intake. Also, general rule for food is healthy food will be large portions, while junk food will be very small in serving size. Right now I'm having my 3rd meal of the day which consist of 2 3 oz tilapia strips, 2 cups of veggies, and a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. All that is only around 5-600 calories. I'm having a hard time trying to fit in all the food I eat throughout the day as I am still somewhat full by the next meal. :lol


Oh man, arms and shoulders was the easiest so far. I guess it's cause they were the exercises I did most when I used to go to the gym.

I still can't finish ab ripper x though ):


3rd Session of Plyo. Couldn't complete the whole thing (despite being able to do so the past 2 times). I think it's because I'm sick, and my energy is just sapped (plus, because of a very hectic morning and afternoon, I didn't get to eat....anything, really). So, I got about 45 minutes in before my body just gave out. I literally couldn't do the exercises, just didn't have the energy anymore. Hopefully I'll get better soon. On a side note, I checked my weight today. Lost 7 pounds! :D
datruth29 said:
3rd Session of Plyo. Couldn't complete the whole thing (despite being able to do so the past 2 times). I think it's because I'm sick, and my energy is just sapped (plus, because of a very hectic morning and afternoon, I didn't get to eat....anything, really). So, I got about 45 minutes in before my body just gave out. I literally couldn't do the exercises, just didn't have the energy anymore. Hopefully I'll get better soon. On a side note, I checked my weight today. Lost 7 pounds! :D

Grats man! Same thing happened to me with plyo on my 2nd or 3rd week. I bonked bad and nearly collapsed. :lol Stopped after doing the initial 30 minutes(the brutal portion :lol).


Masta_Killah said:
Grats man! Same thing happened to me with plyo on my 2nd or 3rd week. I bonked bad and nearly collapsed. :lol Stopped after doing the initial 30 minutes(the brutal portion :lol).
Yeah, that first 30 is man fire @_@. Honestly, I would say that I technically stopped at 30. I kept on going for a little while, but I put practically NOTHING into any of the movements. I think I knew I was down during the leapfrong squats, and I got to my knees. I looked up, and so Tony and crew jumping. A sweat dropped from my face, I said "Lets do this!" and jumped!....and realized I didn't move a god damn bit XD At that point I was like "...Fuck this" and fast forwarded to the stretching portion to finish off my day.
datruth29 said:
Yeah, that first 30 is man fire @_@. Honestly, I would say that I technically stopped at 30. I kept on going for a little while, but I put practically NOTHING into any of the movements. I think I knew I was down during the leapfrong squats, and I got to my knees. I looked up, and so Tony and crew jumping. A sweat dropped from my face, I said "Lets do this!" and jumped!....and realized I didn't move a god damn bit XD At that point I was like "...Fuck this" and fast forwarded to the stretching portion to finish off my day.

Yeah, this happens to me once in a while. Occurs more often during yoga. I'm thinking my low carb diet has something to do with me bonking, which is understandable. I now use a pre-workout drink during my workouts to prevent myself from crashing. For the most part, it works. I only crash now if I haven't eaten anything.

A tip for plyo: you don't need to squat all the way down. I worked myself towards the ground over the past 5 weeks. My first few times doing plyo though, I would just make sure I bent my knees and feel the burn.


I did cardio X and ab ripper X right after. Cardio X is super easy for me now. The first time I did ab ripper X, i didn maybe 10 minutes and stopped, the second time, I finished it but did 12 reps instead of 25 for most.. this time, i did 25 reps on ALL except the heels to the heavens where i managed to do 8 and i did about 20 scissors. This was on pace with Tony too (no pause). My goal is do all 25 reps on all next time.

Heels to the heavens and scissors are by far the hardest.

And yes, I know there's never a time where you do ab ripper and cardio back to back but i'm doing a custom program.


Here's something i'm curious about...does anyone find themselves sometimes, like, anticipating to "crap out" during a set, due to the repetition of the dialog? Like a mental callback to a previous workout triggered by certain dialog, and you knew you were dead tired or drained then, so you kind of anticipate that feeling again at a certain point of the routine? And/or conversely waiting/wanting to hear a certain soundbyte because that's your personal "ok, the worst part is over" point?


OmniGamer said:
Here's something i'm curious about...does anyone find themselves sometimes, like, anticipating to "crap out" during a set, due to the repetition of the dialog? Like a mental callback to a previous workout triggered by certain dialog, and you were dead tired or drained then, so you kind of anticipate that feeling again at a certain point of the routine? And/or conversely waiting/wanting to hear a certain soundbyte because that's your personal "ok, the worst part is over" point?

Mute it and play the rocky 3 soundtrack instead when you know the moves :p
OmniGamer said:
Here's something i'm curious about...does anyone find themselves sometimes, like, anticipating to "crap out" during a set, due to the repetition of the dialog? Like a mental callback to a previous workout triggered by certain dialog, and you knew you were dead tired or drained then, so you kind of anticipate that feeling again at a certain point of the routine? And/or conversely waiting/wanting to hear a certain soundbyte because that's your personal "ok, the worst part is over" point?

Tony's chatter actually pushes me more to do a set. When he says to flex the foot during scissors or to fight for height, I'm giving it my all and trying to do what is being said. I try to have fun with the workouts. If I start tuning out and just view it as mindless work, then I'll end up quitting. It's the reason why I quit the gym. Tuning out and doing the same thing over and over gets boring unless you have someone pushing you to keep on going.


Need some advice on getting a energy drink for working. I've been looking online for some tips, but I rather trust some local gaffers advice. I'm trying to lose weight and not put on massive gains. I mainly need it as an energy boaster to keep me going in the middle of workouts. Does anybody have any suggestions, or good online sources to read?
Sup guys, first post in here

datruth29 said:
Need some advice on getting a energy drink for working. I've been looking online for some tips, but I rather trust some local gaffers advice. I'm trying to lose weight and not put on massive gains. I mainly need it as an energy boaster to keep me going in the middle of workouts. Does anybody have any suggestions, or good online sources to read?

Honestly going through your posts I want to offer a suggestion, eat more before trying anything, also I didn't see it but how much sleep are you getting? You shouldn't need an energy drink during a workout. Ever.


datruth29 said:
Need some advice on getting a energy drink for working. I've been looking online for some tips, but I rather trust some local gaffers advice. I'm trying to lose weight and not put on massive gains. I mainly need it as an energy boaster to keep me going in the middle of workouts. Does anybody have any suggestions, or good online sources to read?

Fuck that shit man, it's horrible for you. Following the p90x diet, you'll have enough energy and eat properly. Honestly, keep away from energy drinks.
Clydefrog said:
"like a Pterodactyl backing out of trouble! CAW! CAW!" :lol gets me every time

Yeah, Tony says some awesome shit :lol Me and my suitemates always repeated his quotes.

"Sci-Sor! Ged dit?" :lol

The P90x diet has helped me incredibly. I don't have the time of the day to devote to a full P90x work out, so between my "abridged" routine and my diet, I've lost a lot of weight.

I haven't touched this shit in months so I need to get back in shape before spring break. I miss my abs fuck.

Kenpo X is so easy I don't even bother to do it anymore. It really does nothing for me. Plyo is the only one that I still struggle with. Even Ab Ripper, which assraped me the first week, I can do it beginning to end without missing a single rep. The last ab one is so brutal but oh so satisfying.


He's annoying at times, especially with that heavy breathing thing he does at the end of yoga x when you're trying to relax

Kenpo X is so easy I don't even bother to do it anymore

Try it with 5 pounds in each hand
datruth29 said:
Need some advice on getting a energy drink for working. I've been looking online for some tips, but I rather trust some local gaffers advice. I'm trying to lose weight and not put on massive gains. I mainly need it as an energy boaster to keep me going in the middle of workouts. Does anybody have any suggestions, or good online sources to read?

I use N.O. Xplode pre-workout mix. My friend's swear by Black Powder.

You can also make a recovery drink and use it throughout your workout to get that energy spike since they're loaded with sugar/carbs.

I'll probably start to cut back on the pre-workout drink now that I've increased my carb intake(I was under the fat shredder portion).


zero margin said:
Sup guys, first post in here

Honestly going through your posts I want to offer a suggestion, eat more before trying anything, also I didn't see it but how much sleep are you getting? You shouldn't need an energy drink during a workout. Ever.
I'm try to get about 6 hours of sleep a day. Anymore then that, and I'm severly limiting the amount of time I have during the day. And normally I try to maintain good eating habits (making sure I eat between 2-4 hours a day, small meals, light snacks in between, lean meats, etc.) I think that today I just had issues because circumstances didn't permit me to eat anything for most of the day, and I'm a little sick as well.

Koam, why exactly should I avoid energy drinks? Is there any supplements that would help me (and not just with providing energy through the exercise, but in general), or should I just not even be worrying about that?


datruth29 said:
Koam, why exactly should I avoid energy drinks? Is there any supplements that would help me (and not just with providing energy through the exercise, but in general), or should I just not even be worrying about that?

High calories, high sugar. It's better to get your energy sources elsewhere. Have a snack an hour before a workout, it will help.


Well, I think I'm kinda opening up for the Yoga as well. Today was my Yoga day. As I posted earlier... I dreaded doing this boring thing for 1 and half hour. gulp. However with my daughter in bed early on, I was able to start at 10p.. so just got done around 11:30p.

I decided to focus on the move itself, rather than "watching them how to do that" which I did for past 2 weeks... what a difference. I think it's more on the "mind set".... and really focusing on the present moment, what you are doing, and not really thinking about how many reps you'd like to do, or what your goal is.... almost in a passive mindset.

And for the first time in my life, I can touch my toes with my legs straight. I was so delighted, but then again, I got plummeted by the Yoga Belly 7 moves. LOL. (And Warrior 3 + half moon/twisted half moon...) I was also able to grab my fingers twisting under my thigh relatively easily...
koam said:
High calories, high sugar. It's better to get your energy sources elsewhere. Have a snack an hour before a workout, it will help.

This is false. My energy mix only contains around 5 or so calories. Workout energy drinks don't work the same as regular energy drinks. It gets your blood pumping and heart racing without the caffeine jitters or crash. Also, the sugar is beneficial during a workout since its basically carbs. It'll be used up by the time you're done working out. Finally, the sugar used in these drinks isn't fructose(most likely dextrose and maltose). There is no crash after taking it and the sugar is pretty beneficial for workouts. Those 4:1 recovery drinks are loaded with sugar, probably in excess of 90g. That's about 2+ scoops.


Masta_Killah said:
This is false. My energy mix only contains around 5 or so calories. Workout energy drinks don't work the same as regular energy drinks. It gets your blood pumping and heart racing without the caffeine jitters or crash. Also, the sugar is beneficial during a workout since its basically carbs. It'll be used up by the time you're done working out. Finally, the sugar used in these drinks isn't fructose(most likely dextrose and maltose). There is no crash after taking it and the sugar is pretty beneficial for workouts. Those 4:1 recovery drinks are loaded with sugar, probably in excess of 90g. That's about 2+ scoops.

It obviously depends on the type of energy drink. I've seen some pretty nasty ones around here. Which are you using?

My recovery drink only has 3g of sugar.
koam said:
It obviously depends on the type of energy drink. I've seen some pretty nasty ones around here. Which are you using?

My recovery drink only has 3g of sugar.

Im using NO Xplode. I've seen the higher calorie ones too. What you need to look for though is what kind of sugar is being used. Stay away from anything that has fructose, corn syrup, etc.. Anything with maltose and/or dextrose is good for workouts.

As for my recovery drink, I mix in Nectar, which contains 26 grams of protein(0 carbs), with 68 grams of dextrose (corn sugar). This effectively gives me a 2:1 carb to protein mix (the math is weird when adding in the dextrose).
koam said:
He's annoying at times, especially with that heavy breathing thing he does at the end of yoga x when you're trying to relax

Try it with 5 pounds in each hand

I've never thought about doing that! I shall report back soon.


Neo Member
Did the legs & back + Ab Ripper X workout today. My left calf totally cramped up during the second of the three calf raise portions. If I raised myself up, my calf would just collapse into itself and I'd almost fall :lol

Also with Ab Ripper X, even though I was able to do most of the reps, my overall performance was down compared to other days. I couldn't do all of the V-ups and fifer scissors - they've both been hard for me in the past, but I took more breaks than usual here.

I attribute my decreased performance to the fact that we hadn't eaten in like 2-3 hours before working out. And our last meal was a burrito bowl at Chipotle. I had them cut the amount of rice in half, and got myself my complex carbs in the form of black beans, and of course the steak to complete my protein needs.

We couldn't help but exercise far later than the last meal, we don't usually do that. Kenpo X for me and the lady tomorrow, gonna make up for today by putting in 110% tomorrow! :D


I noticed some clear improvements in yoga yesterday: I can finally touch my toes without a problem, in fact I can almost grab my heel! I could also clasp my hands for the first time on the reach-under grabbing thingy, and I also came very close to pulling of the crane which felt completely impossible last week. Feels good, man. I also noticed that my pull-ups have definitely improved during legs & back today. I'm hoping I can do my first unassisted one in a week or two. Ab Ripper still kills me, though, but I could almost complete the mason twist this time.


Neo Member
Yonn said:
I noticed some clear improvements in yoga yesterday: I can finally touch my toes without a problem, in fact I can almost grab my heel! I could also clasp my hands for the first time on the reach-under grabbing thingy, and I also came very close to pulling of the crane which felt completely impossible last week. Feels good, man. I also noticed that my pull-ups have definitely improved during legs & back today. I'm hoping I can do my first unassisted one in a week or two. Ab Ripper still kills me, though, but I could almost complete the mason twist this time.
I felt the same progress with pullups too. The past few pull up days (chest back, legs back) I've had to use a stool for some assistance, and I'd generally do 8-10 assisted pull ups. But yesterday I was able to do 5-6 unassisted pullups (albeit with resting every few reps) in the first round, and finally had to revert to the stool in the second time around.

I'm feeling the progress more than I'm seeing it so far. Body fat is on its way down, and I do see visible results, but I feel my improvements in the form of being able to do more reps and hold better form :D


For kenpo, I believe you get what you put in. You can make it a really easy DVD if you half-ass it. You can make it one hell of a cardio DVD if you go full blast! Keep good form, punch fast (don't hyper-extend), keep your foot in the air between kicks. During side kicks, I make it more of a plyo side kick where I jump to my side.. anywhere you can add jumping will make it tougher. The only part where my heartrate goes down is during the blocks. I also like how the 'breaks' aren't really breaks.. if you feel like you can do more X's and less jumping rope during the breaks, do that. Make it hard!
f-castrillo said:
I felt the same progress with pullups too. The past few pull up days (chest back, legs back) I've had to use a stool for some assistance, and I'd generally do 8-10 assisted pull ups. But yesterday I was able to do 5-6 unassisted pullups (albeit with resting every few reps) in the first round, and finally had to revert to the stool in the second time around.

I'm feeling the progress more than I'm seeing it so far. Body fat is on its way down, and I do see visible results, but I feel my improvements in the form of being able to do more reps and hold better form :D

Grats man, that's big improvements. I'm still using the bands for my pull-ups. I have a bar but I end up using my legs more to get up on the bar. It doesn't feel like I'm working out the target muscles. I'll probably end up using the bar during back/legs and stick with the bands during the shoulders days.

I finally got over my weight plateau. After staying at 190 for the last two weeks, I finally dropped to 188 this morning. I've found that eating around 2200-2400 calories will cause me to lose weight(I was originally losing weight at 1700-1800). It may not sound like a lot of calories, but considering all the calories are from healthy food, it is a shit ton of food.
Masta_Killah said:
I finally got over my weight plateau. After staying at 190 for the last two weeks, I finally dropped to 188 this morning. I've found that eating around 2200-2400 calories will cause me to lose weight(I was originally losing weight at 1700-1800). It may not sound like a lot of calories, but considering all the calories are from healthy food, it is a shit ton of food.

Congrats on breaking your plateau.

Yeah, it's pretty amazing how few calories are in clean foods. You could have a large chicken breast, baked potato, broccoli and a handful of almonds, and it's like the calorie equivalent of one candy bar.


Neo Member
Clydefrog said:
For kenpo, I believe you get what you put in. You can make it a really easy DVD if you half-ass it. You can make it one hell of a cardio DVD if you go full blast! Keep good form, punch fast (don't hyper-extend), keep your foot in the air between kicks. During side kicks, I make it more of a plyo side kick where I jump to my side.. anywhere you can add jumping will make it tougher. The only part where my heartrate goes down is during the blocks. I also like how the 'breaks' aren't really breaks.. if you feel like you can do more X's and less jumping rope during the breaks, do that. Make it hard!
Yeah Kenpo X is definitely one of those things where the results you get are dependent on how much effort you put into it. Last Kenpo X I pushed hard, and the next morning I found my latissimus dorsi (or lats) sore. They were never even sore from legs/back/chest :lol

I plan to put my all into Kenpo again today. I treat it like any other cardio-type exercise, where your fat burn/calorie usage is related to how hard you exercise. And I think my sore lats may have some part in my newfound ability to actually do pullups :D

Masta_Killah said:
Grats man, that's big improvements. I'm still using the bands for my pull-ups. I have a bar but I end up using my legs more to get up on the bar. It doesn't feel like I'm working out the target muscles. I'll probably end up using the bar during back/legs and stick with the bands during the shoulders days.
I find that when I'm using a stool, I try to hold myself in the up position for a while before coming back down. That way my body benefits from the fullest range of motion of the pull up possible. Keep at it! If a weakling like me can do it, anyone can!

2200-2400 calories on healthy food is pretty good. I think I've been doing pretty good with my phase 1 diet as well. I just go light/moderate on carbs in general (trying to eat complex carbs when I get the chance), lots of protein (including a morning protein shake), light meal before exercise, and recovery drink right after. I'm having my girlfriend try out some protein bar snacks from Target, because she's at school most of the morning/afternoon, and doesn't get much opportunity to get her protein. It's sort of an experiment, but maybe it'll reduce the fatigue she's been having, complement the fat burn, and prevent her muscles from withering away
Luscious LeftFoot said:
That would have to be one massive candy bar. :lol

Not really...

4 oz chicken breast: 186 cal
6oz potato: 161 cal
1 cup broccoli: 52 cal
1 oz almonds: 164

Total: 563 cal

1 king size Snickers bar: 510 cal


As per diet...

I've been eating boiled chicken breast + salads greens during weekdays dinner for past 3 weeks or so... and I got so sick of it now.

Thing is, My wife has super sensitive nose, and we don't have enough ventilation in the kitchen + super sensitive fire alarm, which regularily goes off whenever I grill something on the pan, at the slightest hint of burning. And it's cold as heck to open the window, as I live very close to NYC Hudson river. All of above, pretty much limited almost all kinds of cooking in general at home. I grew up with a lot of fish in my diet, but fish is off the limits, because of the smell, too.

Today, I'll be receiving my George Foreman outdoor grill. We had a indoor one, loved it, but when it broke after several years of abuse... we never picked up another one. Instead, we bought this big electronic griddle, but not as good as GF grill...

Now, I'll be grilling outside with ease. No more "boiled and smell smeared off with salad dressing" chicken breast - here I come, "grilled" chicken, fish, pork, lean steaks, and grilled veggies! :D I've been having more carbs that I should have for my first phase - partly because my choice of protein is too limited... I think I can stick to higher protein and lower carb diet, if I put grilled protein as my main dish.:D
lachesis said:
As per diet...

I've been eating boiled chicken breast + salads greens during weekdays dinner for past 3 weeks or so... and I got so sick of it now.

Thing is, My wife has super sensitive nose, and we don't have enough ventilation in the kitchen + super sensitive fire alarm, which regularily goes off whenever I grill something on the pan, at the slightest hint of burning. And it's cold as heck to open the window, as I live very close to NYC Hudson river. All of above, pretty much limited almost all kinds of cooking in general at home. I grew up with a lot of fish in my diet, but fish is off the limits, because of the smell, too.

Today, I'll be receiving my George Foreman outdoor grill. We had a indoor one, loved it, but when it broke after several years of abuse... we never picked up another one. Instead, we bought this big electronic griddle, but not as good as GF grill...

Now, I'll be grilling outside with ease. No more "boiled and smell smeared off with salad dressing" chicken breast - here I come, "grilled" chicken, fish, pork, lean steaks, and grilled veggies! :D I've been having more carbs that I should have for my first phase - partly because my choice of protein is too limited... I think I can stick to higher protein and lower carb diet, if I put grilled protein as my main dish.:D

Try canned tuna. It doesn't have that fish stank. I mix that in with an egg or two to make a tuna omelet in the morning. That and 4 pieces of bacon, plus 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and I get my 600 calories for the morning. Cook it in a nonstick pan without any oil. Works great for me.


Masta_Killah said:
Try canned tuna. It doesn't have that fish stank. I mix that in with an egg or two to make a tuna omelet in the morning. That and 4 pieces of bacon, plus 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and I get my 600 calories for the morning. Cook it in a nonstick pan without any oil. Works great for me.

Thx. :D it sounds very yummy. (never thought of tuna omelet) It sounds like something my daughter would like too. We've been having canned tuna chunks, and boneless/skinless sardines for our salads with light balsamic dressing as is. Perhaps I should research more on the "cooking" with canned tuna. :D

Normally, I prepare breakfast for my daughter, and I end up eating whatever scraps are left over... if she eats all, then I end up having protein mix w/ some skim chocolate milk... perhaps it's better cook for myself, and her together, and share.
ArachosiA 78 said:
Not really...

4 oz chicken breast: 186 cal
6oz potato: 161 cal
1 cup broccoli: 52 cal
1 oz almonds: 164

Total: 563 cal

1 king size Snickers bar: 510 cal

Oh, I agree(d) with you... but that's still massive (at least to me.)


I loved Yoga yesterday.

I'm pretty flexible because I used to do lots of martial arts a few years back so I was able to do most of the exercises. I never thought I could sweat so much from doing Yoga.

I'm almost done with my first week. I can walk again, probably due to yoga...

Actually if by the end of P90X I'm satisfied with the results, I'll probably switch to Yoga and maybe Kenpo 3 or 4 times a week.
I can't find any decent exercise/resistance bands. Those ripcord ones from ripcords.com are constantly out of stock in the UK and I don't know what else to get. Any recommendations?
Napoleonthechimp said:
I can't find any decent exercise/resistance bands. Those ripcord ones from ripcords.com are constantly out of stock in the UK and I don't know what else to get. Any recommendations?

Have you tried a sporting goods store? The sports authority here in the US sells a kit that includes various bands and the handles for about $40. I'm pretty sure the UK would have something similar as well.

You can also try Amazon....http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb...pcords+exercise+bands&x=0&y=0&sprefix=ripcord


Napoleonthechimp said:
I can't find any decent exercise/resistance bands. Those ripcord ones from ripcords.com are constantly out of stock in the UK and I don't know what else to get. Any recommendations?

I got some Nike branded bands at a generic sports store. You won't have any trouble finding them, I'm sure.


I decided to do stretch X today. I guess it's not meant to be hard, I was able to do the whole thing at 100%. I had went to the gym earlier today for chest and arms and felt a bit sore, stretch x hit the spot.


Am I only one who think the band is going to snap and whip my eyes, making me blind someday? :lol Any way I look at it while I do my pull ups, it feels like a giant sling shot, ready to be fired at my eyes directly. ;)

Just did my final phase1 Legs and Back. I upped the intensity, moving even deeper in lunges and all, and got totally beat. Pull ups, I did my usual 20 lbs... but not so sure if its working at all. So at the end, I tried out the pull-up bars (which I don't like to use, because of the sqeaky noise that it's making, and I'm afraid that my neighbor might hear at 11:30pm) - but still couldn't do 1. sigh. So, instead of 20lbs and doing it till I feel the burn... (around 20 - 25 max with it) I'm thinking about doubling the band now - I have one 15lb band, and done 20lb band - combined will be 35, which I hope it would show some better result.

Overall, my week 3's performance wasn't any better than 2nd one. Maybe little better, but somehow I feel like my improvements are very minimal, and sometimes even worse... Also ab ripper x, unlike last session when I did shoulders and arms - I was even more wiped out today and couldn't even do the half that I was able to do. At least I was able to do a few more mason thingies.. but still can't do the V, still can't do much of anything except some core works. Certainly better than 1st day, but still... it's rather discouraging.

Sure, it's only been like 19 days now, and I still have 70 more days to go - but I think I'll have to up my intensity even more, if I want to see a six pack. I'm at 36, and never worked out in my life at all - so if I can't see six pack at this age, I will probably never be able to see what my six pack looks like. But at the moment, I haven't lost much weight - I initially lost a few pounds, but it seems to stopped at the moment. I don't have much muscle to begin with, so I'm not sure whether it's the first plateau or whatnot... I'll probably add some quick 30min aerobics (eliptical machine) on some stretch X days and see if it helps.

This is first time that I'm really doing and devoting my time into working out. I am sweating like a pig, and all - I hope it would pay off at least a little bit after 90 days, but at the moment, I think I'll have to do at least 2 to 3 times of consecutive P90X to get into the shape that I want... that's a long long way to go. Someone said earlier any living soul could pass the requirement, but it seems I'm one of those who probably couldn't pass the requirement.

Sorry, just little discouraged, but I'm sure I'll kick some butts more during tomorrows Kenpo X.:D


lachesis said:
Am I only one who think the band is going to snap and whip my eyes, making me blind someday? :lol Any way I look at it while I do my pull ups, it feels like a giant sling shot, ready to be fired at my eyes directly. ;)

Just did my final phase1 Legs and Back. I upped the intensity, moving even deeper in lunges and all, and got totally beat. Pull ups, I did my usual 20 lbs... but not so sure if its working at all. So at the end, I tried out the pull-up bars (which I don't like to use, because of the sqeaky noise that it's making, and I'm afraid that my neighbor might hear at 11:30pm) - but still couldn't do 1. sigh. So, instead of 20lbs and doing it till I feel the burn... (around 20 - 25 max with it) I'm thinking about doubling the band now - I have one 15lb band, and done 20lb band - combined will be 35, which I hope it would show some better result.

Overall, my week 3's performance wasn't any better than 2nd one. Maybe little better, but somehow I feel like my improvements are very minimal, and sometimes even worse... Also ab ripper x, unlike last session when I did shoulders and arms - I was even more wiped out today and couldn't even do the half that I was able to do. At least I was able to do a few more mason thingies.. but still can't do the V, still can't do much of anything except some core works. Certainly better than 1st day, but still... it's rather discouraging.

Sure, it's only been like 19 days now, and I still have 70 more days to go - but I think I'll have to up my intensity even more, if I want to see a six pack. I'm at 36, and never worked out in my life at all - so if I can't see six pack at this age, I will probably never be able to see what my six pack looks like. But at the moment, I haven't lost much weight - I initially lost a few pounds, but it seems to stopped at the moment. I don't have much muscle to begin with, so I'm not sure whether it's the first plateau or whatnot... I'll probably add some quick 30min aerobics (eliptical machine) on some stretch X days and see if it helps.

This is first time that I'm really doing and devoting my time into working out. I am sweating like a pig, and all - I hope it would pay off at least a little bit after 90 days, but at the moment, I think I'll have to do at least 2 to 3 times of consecutive P90X to get into the shape that I want... that's a long long way to go. Someone said earlier any living soul could pass the requirement, but it seems I'm one of those who probably couldn't pass the requirement.

Sorry, just little discouraged, but I'm sure I'll kick some butts more during tomorrows Kenpo X.:D

Keep it up! You've done great so far, don't let the absence of any noticeable results deter you.

Are you adhering to a diet at all? You can work out all you want, have Papa John's and beer for dinner, and you will not see results. The truth is becoming fit is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. Diet trumps all. Eat well, do the workouts, and you will see amazing results - it's SCIENCE! :lol
lachesis said:
Am I only one who think the band is going to snap and whip my eyes, making me blind someday? :lol Any way I look at it while I do my pull ups, it feels like a giant sling shot, ready to be fired at my eyes directly. ;)

Just did my final phase1 Legs and Back. I upped the intensity, moving even deeper in lunges and all, and got totally beat. Pull ups, I did my usual 20 lbs... but not so sure if its working at all. So at the end, I tried out the pull-up bars (which I don't like to use, because of the sqeaky noise that it's making, and I'm afraid that my neighbor might hear at 11:30pm) - but still couldn't do 1. sigh. So, instead of 20lbs and doing it till I feel the burn... (around 20 - 25 max with it) I'm thinking about doubling the band now - I have one 15lb band, and done 20lb band - combined will be 35, which I hope it would show some better result.

Overall, my week 3's performance wasn't any better than 2nd one. Maybe little better, but somehow I feel like my improvements are very minimal, and sometimes even worse... Also ab ripper x, unlike last session when I did shoulders and arms - I was even more wiped out today and couldn't even do the half that I was able to do. At least I was able to do a few more mason thingies.. but still can't do the V, still can't do much of anything except some core works. Certainly better than 1st day, but still... it's rather discouraging.

Sure, it's only been like 19 days now, and I still have 70 more days to go - but I think I'll have to up my intensity even more, if I want to see a six pack. I'm at 36, and never worked out in my life at all - so if I can't see six pack at this age, I will probably never be able to see what my six pack looks like. But at the moment, I haven't lost much weight - I initially lost a few pounds, but it seems to stopped at the moment. I don't have much muscle to begin with, so I'm not sure whether it's the first plateau or whatnot... I'll probably add some quick 30min aerobics (eliptical machine) on some stretch X days and see if it helps.

This is first time that I'm really doing and devoting my time into working out. I am sweating like a pig, and all - I hope it would pay off at least a little bit after 90 days, but at the moment, I think I'll have to do at least 2 to 3 times of consecutive P90X to get into the shape that I want... that's a long long way to go. Someone said earlier any living soul could pass the requirement, but it seems I'm one of those who probably couldn't pass the requirement.

Sorry, just little discouraged, but I'm sure I'll kick some butts more during tomorrows Kenpo X.:D

Don't get discouraged, everyone has their ups and downs. Also, it does sound like you've plateaued, since you were out of steam by the time you hit ab ripper. Another indication is that your weight has stopped decreasing. Try adding in 2-300 calories(add a snack) and see how things turn out for a week. If the weight still stays the same, add another 2-300. Crazy as it sounds but you'll need to eat a lot of food in order to lose weight, since your body fat is being transformed into muscle. You should also try and take body measurements. That will be the clearest sign of weight loss, rather then a scale.
Cardio, Stretch, Kenpo, and Yoga are pretty well designed routines. However, I would drop out the strengh training routines involved in the program and focus on a full-body workout to be complete 3 times a week.

Body By Fish (workout # 1) in my opinion, is a better designed push-up, pull-up, abs, and legs routines. This is mostly due to phase 1's lack of emphasis on the chest and legs and perhaps overemphasis on the triceps.

It is my personal theory that the program was designed around having you look your best by day 90. This, of course, leads to an over emphasis on the "glamour muscles." I'm not sure if I can condem or condone this, since either way it IS indeed getting out-of-shape people into shape (a good thing!) but there are better balanced routines out there (see above) that will deliver a 90 day improvement as well as a balanced level of fitness for the entire body.


Masta_Killah said:
Don't get discouraged, everyone has their ups and downs. Also, it does sound like you've plateaued, since you were out of steam by the time you hit ab ripper. Another indication is that your weight has stopped decreasing. Try adding in 2-300 calories(add a snack) and see how things turn out for a week. If the weight still stays the same, add another 2-300. Crazy as it sounds but you'll need to eat a lot of food in order to lose weight, since your body fat is being transformed into muscle. You should also try and take body measurements. That will be the clearest sign of weight loss, rather then a scale.

Thank you very much. I didn't know that I need to eat more food to encourage fat loss... Perhaps I should really read through the manuals little more. I have very static day job (being a computer graphic designer) and I tend to sit most of my day except going to the johns. I actually reduced my portion on my main meal, but added a little snack in between. Also, since I get home pretty late at night (8:30p), I decided to go for very light dinner, otherwise I would get sick during my late workouts. Perhaps I should eat more for breakfast - as I tend to eat rather minimal, or sometimes just eat a half of protein bar or so. I'll give your tuna omelet a shot one of these days, with some dairies too.

I do think my pants are little loose and maybe I lost a half inch around my belly. Its certainly a little firmer, but not much. Man boobs are smaller, but not gone either... only place I can really see some bulging is my shoulder, around my neck, and shoulder.

I look forward to get to that week 5 to break off my plateau, if it's indeed one of them. I was thinking about continuing Phase 1 for a week or two, but I think I'll just stick to the program and see how it goes, then repeat the whole process with even more intensity till I get the results!

Anyhow, thanks again for your encouragement, as always.
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