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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Phreak47 said:
You just need a mat, dumbbell set (I recommend the SelectTec DBs), and that's about it, but also some resistance bands installed in your ceiling or in a doorway would help too. That's about all you need.
Do you use select tech yourself?
I have been tempted to get them but I've been reading that they are big and the weights fall off.


jacket320 said:
It's all in the diet really. Make sure you're getting more calories in than you burn during the workouts. Keep the carbs down-ish, add some protein, and you should see some gains. That's what I've gotten out of the diet guide anyway
How many calories were you eating a day?


So, I did my final Chest and Back course of my 1st phase... how time flies. I can't say that my push=up numbers has drastically improved (well, in later stages, I could not do any more than my earlier tries), but my form has become a little better. Still knee assisted push-ups... I think I need to research a little pointers of how to do push-ups correctly. It's supposed to be chest and back, but I'm getting most workout results on my arms and shoulder, it seems... so I might be doing it wrong, I begin to think.

Bad news is that it seems that I have pulled a muscle, right beneath my right "love handle" while doing my sit-up routine, I had to give up in the middle of workout afterwards - as I didn't want to make it worse. This moring, I still have little muscle pain there, but I hope it'd be gone by tomorrow, when I do my arms/shoulders workout - so that I can do some more sit-ups.


-viper- said:
Is this program suitable to add mass or not?

Almost every video I've seen shows fat guys turning into muscular guys. But not skinny guys turning into muscular guys.
Short, kind of unfair answer: no.

You could, but there are much better programs for adding mass.

P90x is great for what it is. The focus is on getting lean and building endurance.

There's a reason almost every impressive P90x before/after shot is a fat dude clearly packing some decent musculature underneath 30 pounds of flab. They didn't need to get big, they needed to get lean.

You want to get big, you gotta eat. You want to get lean, you gotta not eat. Simple as that.


Well I finished a few days ago and well the last few weeks of phase 3 was kind of a bummer for me as I just totally lacked the effort. The results from p90x as a whole is great as I was already in good shape, but now i'm in better shape.

Going to take this week off and then go at it again but going to change it up a bit.
I started this program back in May of 2009 in an effort to lose fat. After making it through the first month, I developed a nasty case of bronchitis which sidelined me for a good 2 weeks. When I tried to get back into the program, I found that I had simply lost all my momentum. So, back to the bad eating and exercise habits I went, and before I knew it was was back up to 220lbs. Since then, I have tried off and on to get back into P90X, but to no avail.

Today, however, I began anew, and I sincerely hope that I can last 90 days straight. I have my diet down to a science (I weigh all of my food and know the exact number of calories, carbs, protein, and fat that I am consuming), and a renewed commitment to finish this.

One slight setback is that I am currently back in school which prevents me from being able to do P90X on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having to miss two workouts, I decided that I will skip Yoga and Kenpo, because I feel they are perhaps the least effective workouts in the program if one's goal is fat loss (yes, Kenpo X is a cardio workout, but it never got my heartrate very high). Fortunately, I am able to take an hour long break at work, and five nights a week I plan to utilize this time to jog/run (never been much of a runner, though). Hopefully, this will more than make up for the two missed P90X workouts.

It's gonna be a rough 90 days, and I do not expect to have the body of a supermodel at the end of this time (of course, I would be absolutely ecstatic if this did happen). However, I do expect to have the best body I have ever had, and hopefully be able to see my abs for the first time in my life. One trick I am doing to make this journey slightly more tolerable from a psychological perspective is marking off a day on my calender for every workout completed. I think it could help to be able to look at the calendar and see the progress I have made, and just know that even if I am not noticing results, changes are happening. As long as I can stick it out, my body will improve. Anyway, I wish anyone else who is on this journey the best of luck. I think it will definitely be worth all the pain and suffering.


I started with this last night. It's hard.

I'm not fat and I used to do a lot of exercise a few years back but I'm a heavy smoker and haven't done much for my body in the last 5+ years.

At one point I had a personal trainer and I never felt any exercise to be as effective on the back as this program.

I have all the intention to go through with the program although I'm not following the diet, I have no time to cook at home and it would be pretty difficult for me to find the time. I will, however, follow the exercise routine to the end...

I'm not really expecting to have the same results as people on the videos but I want to regain some of the strength I use to have. I used to be able to do one hand pull-ups. Last night I almost puked.

Lets see how I do with cardio tonight...

Hang in there guys, we can do it!


I got a powerful nosebleed in the middle of plyo today. :lol I quickly plugged my nose up with some paper and just kept going, and the bleeding stopped in a few minutes. I used to get nosebleeds a lot as a kid, so I'm not too worried about this; I guess it's good proof that I'm working hard.


Masta_Killah said:
BTW, Yoga X will help you with those bent legs, so make sure you do the workout and give it your all.

Fuck yeah.. I just did YogaX today (note: for those who haven't done it, it's a freaking hour and a half) and at the beginning I could barely reach my knees when I bent.. by the end my hand could touch underneath my feet with straight legs :lol

YogaX, while annoying to do, really makes you feel great when you're done.

I haven't touched junk food all year and I've been eating healthier AND better tasting food believe it or not. Some of these recipes (as I mentioned before i'm doing "the abs diet" by men's health though p90x is really similar) taste really freaking good. The diet has helped tremendously. I fully expect to see my abs for the first time in a few weeks. (I'm not fat, 160lbs, 5'10")

"They're working hard, and I know you are!"


Yonn said:
I got a powerful nosebleed in the middle of plyo today. :lol I quickly plugged my nose up with some paper and just kept going, and the bleeding stopped in a few minutes. I used to get nosebleeds a lot as a kid, so I'm not too worried about this; I guess it's good proof that I'm working hard.

Dude, don't do coke while on p90x


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- I just did the first exercise and I'm tired. Ab ripper x especially kicked my ass, I only got to the v obliques before I had to stop.


Neo Member
DR2K said:
I love Tony, he's such a goofball.
"how can you be so happy when you're in so much pain?! Aww hohohohoh" (strikes X pose) :lol

I'm starting to see some results here. My shoulders have a more defined silhouette, biceps jut out a little more without having to flex, and my belly is shrinking slowly, but surely. My body fat levels are also dropping. On day one, I had a body fat reading of 27.5%, this morning it was at 25.x :D

I may up the weight by 5 pounds for some of next week's Shoulders & Arms session, I think I can handle it in some of the exercises (I would be going from 15lbs to 20lbs). Ab Ripper X continues to get a tiny bit easier each day. My form is improving with the roll-up/v-ups, as are the number of reps I can do before having to take a 20 sec break.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
DR2K said:
I love Tony, he's such a goofball.
He's such a douche. I had to start wearing headphones or flat out leave when my girlfriend was working out. I'm not a violent person but just listening to him made me want to seriously hurt something.

Her name is Pam but I call her...BLAM!


Jive Turkey said:
He's such a douche. I had to start wearing headphones or flat out leave when my girlfriend was working out. I'm not a violent person but just listening to him made me want to seriously hurt something.

Her name is Pam but I call her...BLAM!

Yeah, I can't stand him at all. I'm going to start muting the TV and play my own music with it.


Jive Turkey said:
He's such a douche. I had to start wearing headphones or flat out leave when my girlfriend was working out. I'm not a violent person but just listening to him made me want to seriously hurt something.

Her name is Pam but I call her...BLAM!

lol, it's funny to see Pam and Dreya kinda half smile/half roll their eyes when he lays it on too thick. Sexual Harassment X


So, just got done with my 3rd week of Arms/Shoulders. Same as usual, pushing a little more reps. I think I need more various weights and bands... Trying to limit my spending here... as I don't really want to scatter equipments all over the place. (very limited closet space, really) - but on certain ones, it seems like I could push little further by getting some heavier weights. I'd like to get some 40lb bands for pull-ups, but alas, only bands they sell near my place (target/modell's) are up to 20lbs... maybe it's time to shop on Amazon. Anyhow, I was able to do around 5-10 side-try-stand thing on each side. Considering I couldn't do a single one on my first try, it's a remarkable improvement!

Instead of doing my own pull-up, I decided someone up there's advice of doing fewer reps for each move. I started halfway - doing only 12 of each. Some, I couldn't even do 12 in time - but I'll be keep pushing it. It seems like doing my own sit-ups were not as effective as doing Ab Ripper X - as I feel the burn all over my abs now. With standard sit-ups, it was only certain area.

I had to skip the Plyo yesterday, because I was stuck watching LOST for 3 hours... LOL... I might skip yoga tomorrow and do Plyo instead, and do a little bit of stretching following morning. First recovery week is coming up, and I'm rather curious what it will be like...


Jive Turkey said:
He's such a douche. I had to start wearing headphones or flat out leave when my girlfriend was working out. I'm not a violent person but just listening to him made me want to seriously hurt something.

Her name is Pam but I call her...BLAM!

Since I'm sort of a douche myself it makes it easier for me to like him.


Neo Member
Had my second round of Yoga today. I was able to push myself further in some of the beginning sets (was able to maintain better form in the vinyasas, upward dog, warrior, etc.), but the balance posture section still gave me trouble. And Yoga Belly X killed me. I can't remember if it was better or worse than last week's Yoga Belly X section, but I was only able to really do half of the poses. Some of them I could only hold for 5 secs before having to rest for a second and coming back for more :lol


f-castrillo said:
This quote fits your avatar for some reason :lol

But yeah plyometrics is no joke. Don't eat for at least an hour before the workout if you can help it.

You're not supposed to eat an hour before at all or else the pukeage happens. That's what happened to my cousin a few times. He never learned :lol

Yea Plyo is a bitch and works on the legs crazy. Plyo definitely helps you out in sports for sure as I could see a big difference when I was playing football and ultimate.
I did plyo on Tues and I'm still feeling it. :lol

I do see some amazing results though, something I didn't see back in my gym days till 3 months after I started working on legs.


Yeah, Plyo totally kicked my ass a couple of days ago.

I can barely walk today... I hope Yoga helps with that because the pain is very annoying... Although I like to think it means the time I'm investing in this has had some effect.

I'm really committed to this and really wonder how effective it is without the diet.

The guy with the prosthetic leg during Plyo really motivated me to continue, even though I was pretty much spent by the 20th minute...

Have most of you been able to do all the reps for all the exercises since the first day?
I have a question regarding a lot of the shoulder exercises. Is it ok to sit down when doing them instead of potentially straining my lower back? Or is that important for shoulder workouts?
A.Romero said:
Yeah, Plyo totally kicked my ass a couple of days ago.

I can barely walk today... I hope Yoga helps with that because the pain is very annoying... Although I like to think it means the time I'm investing in this has had some effect.

I'm really committed to this and really wonder how effective it is without the diet.

The guy with the prosthetic leg during Plyo really motivated me to continue, even though I was pretty much spent by the 20th minute...

Have most of you been able to do all the reps for all the exercises since the first day?

You don't need to follow the diet. I do suggest you cut the carbs though. Getting rid of the carbs will allow you to see results faster. Just slowly add them throughout the months as you get fitter.

I'm on week 5 and I can do about 90% of the moves in the videos. I do have to press the pause button constantly though, but I do try to complete the whole workout.

MeshuggahMan said:
I have a question regarding a lot of the shoulder exercises. Is it ok to sit down when doing them instead of potentially straining my lower back? Or is that important for shoulder workouts?

If you're straining, I suggest going with a lighter weight. Sitting down mostly allows you to concentrate on the muscle group more closely. You'll still be straining your lower back since you'll need to keep the back nice and straight.


MeshuggahMan said:
I have a question regarding a lot of the shoulder exercises. Is it ok to sit down when doing them instead of potentially straining my lower back? Or is that important for shoulder workouts?

I'd say it is fine to doing while sitting if you have back problems.


That's pretty good advice Masta_Killah. Will decrease my carbs then.

Thanks a lot.


FYI those having trouble cutting out the carbs in the diet: you can still have carbs, just make sure they're complex carbs. Don't have white rice - have brown rice. Don't have regular pasta - have whole wheat pasta. Besides, carbs are going to help you get through plyo. ugh.. i have that coming up tomorrow :(

"okay everybody call out their soups!... i've got a lobster bisque goin. what about you?"
"uhh.. green bean!"
"green bean soup?! ... that's nasty!"


Boogie9IGN said:
so I did plyometrics today and had to stop at 35min mark to throw up. Fuck that workout :lol

Yeah I recently managed to finish it. Never ate before it though and sometimes I still had the urge to puke. Did you eat before working out?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I've went from 165 pounds to 190 pounds over the last 9 or so months. Half of it has been fat and the other half has been muscle.

190 lbs has always been my goal weight wise. Now I'm about 15% bodyfat at the moment. Will P90x allow me to get down to 10% bodyfat while holding on to all the muscle that I currently have? I'd love to stay around 190 lbs, while getting down to 10% body fat.
mckmas8808 said:
I've went from 165 pounds to 190 pounds over the last 9 or so months. Half of it has been fat and the other half has been muscle.

190 lbs has always been my goal weight wise. Now I'm about 15% bodyfat at the moment. Will P90x allow me to get down to 10% bodyfat while holding on to all the muscle that I currently have? I'd love to stay around 190 lbs, while getting down to 10% body fat.

It's possible, but you'd probably have to increase your calorie intake to keep the muscles. According to the book, p90x is geared more towards tone and weight loss, more then bulking. You can still bulk with it, though if you're at the point of bulking, you're probably best off going to the gym and hitting the weights.


I'm at the point of when I don't feel anything in the morning, I feel bad, thinking I haven't done enough work out the night before. I have a minor sore, and it actually makes me feel good. :D

Plyo, somehow, is rather easy for me. Chest and Back is the toughest physically, and I find Yoga X being the most technically difficult. Since I've been doing eliptical machine for past 3 months or so for an hour or so - I think it really helped me in aerobic wise. However, with this added muscle work and a lot of jumping in Plyo... I recently ran a little bit on my eliptical machine at pretty difficult setting.. and found myself that I was running through it without even thinking of it being hard at all! LOL...
lachesis said:
I'm at the point of when I don't feel anything in the morning, I feel bad, thinking I haven't done enough work out the night before. I have a minor sore, and it actually makes me feel good. :D

Your body is just getting used to the workouts. Same thing happened to me with the upper body muscle workouts. After my 3rd week, I was only slightly sore. That changed with week 5 and the more advance videos. Now I feel like I'm back at week one as my whole body is sore. :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Masta_Killah said:
It's possible, but you'd probably have to increase your calorie intake to keep the muscles. According to the book, p90x is geared more towards tone and weight loss, more then bulking. You can still bulk with it, though if you're at the point of bulking, you're probably best off going to the gym and hitting the weights.

Okay. So I guess in theory I can do 25% of what the P90x DVD wants me to do ( to lose a little body fat) and spend the other time lifting weights?


DR2K said:
Yeah I recently managed to finish it. Never ate before it though and sometimes I still had the urge to puke. Did you eat before working out?

I had a slice of toast and a milk tea like 3 hours before. Could've been all the water I was drinking during the breaks though :lol
mckmas8808 said:
Okay. So I guess in theory I can do 25% of what the P90x DVD wants me to do ( to lose a little body fat) and spend the other time lifting weights?

You could do that. Do the p90x cardio and leg workouts while doing upper body at the gym. This is if you want to bulk and build mass though. The whole point of the p90x program is to get people lean and cut. If you're going for more of a big body builder body, than a gym would be better for the muscles since you can isolate specific muscle groups.

Personally, the cardio workouts in the p90x videos are so much more fun then running on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour. Kenpo makes you feel like you're training for a fight and yoga is soooooo good for muscle soreness and flexibility. Time really flies when doing the workouts.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Masta_Killah said:
You could do that. Do the p90x cardio and leg workouts while doing upper body at the gym. This is if you want to bulk and build mass though. The whole point of the p90x program is to get people lean and cut. If you're going for more of a big body builder body, than a gym would be better for the muscles since you can isolate specific muscle groups.

Personally, the cardio workouts in the p90x videos are so much more fun then running on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour. Kenpo makes you feel like you're training for a fight and yoga is soooooo good for muscle soreness and flexibility. Time really flies when doing the workouts.

No no no. I don't want to big body builder big. I want to look similar to Will Smith in I-robot or Hugh Jackman in Wolverine. Sounds like this video might be for me then.


Masta_Killah said:
Your body is just getting used to the workouts. Same thing happened to me with the upper body muscle workouts. After my 3rd week, I was only slightly sore. That changed with week 5 and the more advance videos. Now I feel like I'm back at week one as my whole body is sore. :lol

Yikes! I thought I was through with the hardest part..! :lol

Masta_Killah said:
Personally, the cardio workouts in the p90x videos are so much more fun then running on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour. Kenpo makes you feel like you're training for a fight and yoga is soooooo good for muscle soreness and flexibility. Time really flies when doing the workouts.

I dunno... I kinda enjoyed my elliptical more, as it was more or less brain-dead, and I could watch TV and catch up to some shows I've missed, while still burning some calories - but yes, as per the workout itself, P90X's cardio workouts are much more interesting. I just wish Yoga wasn't as long as it is. 1 and half hours of twisting and turning with sleepy music... :(


Neo Member
A.Romero said:
Yeah, Plyo totally kicked my ass a couple of days ago.

I can barely walk today... I hope Yoga helps with that because the pain is very annoying... Although I like to think it means the time I'm investing in this has had some effect.
If it hurts, it works :D

The first part of Yoga X might kill your legs (specifically, your quads/thighs) because there are a lot of bent leg poses in the first half. Stick with it though, it'll feel good after your post-workout shower.

Is there anybody here who ever questioned the relativeness of yoga in the workout? I know a few of my friends who are doing P90X are completely skipping it "because it's not geared towards what they want". This may help get you to stick to yoga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2-CLZLqo4A
f-castrillo said:
If it hurts, it works :D

The first part of Yoga X might kill your legs (specifically, your quads/thighs) because there are a lot of bent leg poses in the first half. Stick with it though, it'll feel good after your post-workout shower.

Is there anybody here who ever questioned the relativeness of yoga in the workout? I know a few of my friends who are doing P90X are completely skipping it "because it's not geared towards what they want". This may help get you to stick to yoga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2-CLZLqo4A

:lol Tony's fucking awesome. Also, for anyone thinking its for pussies, pro athletes do yoga.


"Going into my 11th year in the NBA, I feel as though the work that we've been doing has allowed me to regain my youth," [Baron] Davis said. "I believe if I can continue to master this art, then I can have a very long career in the NBA.


f-castrillo said:
If it hurts, it works :D

The first part of Yoga X might kill your legs (specifically, your quads/thighs) because there are a lot of bent leg poses in the first half. Stick with it though, it'll feel good after your post-workout shower.

Is there anybody here who ever questioned the relativeness of yoga in the workout? I know a few of my friends who are doing P90X are completely skipping it "because it's not geared towards what they want". This may help get you to stick to yoga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2-CLZLqo4A

I'm totally doing it. I don't think I'm qualified to say what works and what not. I will follow the program as close as I can and see where it takes me. If it is not as effective as expected, I might go through it again...

Lol, that video was pretty funny. I didn't know he was 50, that's very impressive!


"Tip of the day: don't smash your face!"

"...oops i think i ripped my pantssss"

i'll keep posting my favorite quotes unless someone tells me to stop. oh and DAMN.gif at some of these shots of the women in their tight clothes. butt shots, down the shirt shots in yoga... these may be the deciding factors that keep me doing this program :lol


Neo Member
Clydefrog said:
i'll keep posting my favorite quotes unless someone tells me to stop. oh and DAMN.gif at some of these shots of the women in their tight clothes. butt shots, down the shirt shots in yoga... these may be the deciding factors that keep me doing this program :lol
Audra in Ab Ripper X...:D


whooooooooooa I just tried to stand up after sitting at work for a few hours and my body just felt like mush. I also forgot to mention that during plyo yesterday, I kept hearing soft pops whenever I was bending/kicking my legs a lot. That doesn't seem too normal :lol

I fear for ab ripper x today, fuuuuuuuuu
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