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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Clydefrog said:
Keep it up! You've done great so far, don't let the absence of any noticeable results deter you.

Are you adhering to a diet at all? You can work out all you want, have Papa John's and beer for dinner, and you will not see results. The truth is becoming fit is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. Diet trumps all. Eat well, do the workouts, and you will see amazing results - it's SCIENCE! :lol

Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm Korean American, and my wife is Korean. Our diets are not really too fatty to begin with - but just with a lot of carbs. I changed my normal white rice into multigrain, brownrice combo for complex carb @ half the portion. Instead, I upped the protein intake by having lots of chicken breast with light salad dressing for dinner - and for lunch, I normally have some small chicken sandwich w/ non-dairy soup (lentil, Tomato basil etc), along with some grilled chicken breast pieces and some salads. I also have protein drink in the morning, if possible - and have a fruit or half of protein bar for the pm snack. I think I am taking at least 1800 to 2000 calories, if not more... but I should really calculate it.

Not much of drinker, only drink a few times a year... and I don't eat much at fast food at all, although I used to love them! But when you are in mid 30's like I am, when the body metabolism is down and I have not worked out for my entire life... it really shows immediate effect around my belly! :lol

My wife is very surprised that I'm keeping this up for nearly 20 days now. I started to do this by reading this thread by accident, and all of your stories are very very motivational too. I'll see this through, and even do a 2nd/3rd time if needed. :D
lachesis said:
Thank you very much. I didn't know that I need to eat more food to encourage fat loss... Perhaps I should really read through the manuals little more. I have very static day job (being a computer graphic designer) and I tend to sit most of my day except going to the johns. I actually reduced my portion on my main meal, but added a little snack in between. Also, since I get home pretty late at night (8:30p), I decided to go for very light dinner, otherwise I would get sick during my late workouts. Perhaps I should eat more for breakfast - as I tend to eat rather minimal, or sometimes just eat a half of protein bar or so. I'll give your tuna omelet a shot one of these days, with some dairies too.

I do think my pants are little loose and maybe I lost a half inch around my belly. Its certainly a little firmer, but not much. Man boobs are smaller, but not gone either... only place I can really see some bulging is my shoulder, around my neck, and shoulder.

I look forward to get to that week 5 to break off my plateau, if it's indeed one of them. I was thinking about continuing Phase 1 for a week or two, but I think I'll just stick to the program and see how it goes, then repeat the whole process with even more intensity till I get the results!

Anyhow, thanks again for your encouragement, as always.

What I've recently started doing is keeping a journal and seeing what I've eaten throughout the day. I take note of the portion size of each food group, as well as the calories from food that has a nutritional value(my fiber one is 150 cals for example). At the end of the day, I take note of how many calories I've eaten for the day(you'll be surprise at how much 2000 calories of healthy food really is).

Another essential tool is a food scale and measuring cup. Having one of each will allow you to get a good idea of how many calories each serving of food is.

As you keep tabs of your calorie intake, you'll see that even though you are eating a lot of food, your calorie intake is actually pretty small.

Another tip on the diet is to prioritize the food groups. IMO, I would go with Meat>Diary>Veggies>Fruit>Grains if you want to shred the fat off. Get the meat portion you want first, then fill it in with some diary/veggies. Then add a fruit. If you still need more calories, add in grains last.


lachesis said:
Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm Korean American, and my wife is Korean. Our diets are not really too fatty to begin with - but just with a lot of carbs. I changed my normal white rice into multigrain, brownrice combo for complex carb @ half the portion. Instead, I upped the protein intake by having lots of chicken breast with light salad dressing for dinner - and for lunch, I normally have some small chicken sandwich w/ non-dairy soup (lentil, Tomato basil etc), along with some grilled chicken breast pieces and some salads. I also have protein drink in the morning, if possible - and have a fruit or half of protein bar for the pm snack. I think I am taking at least 1800 to 2000 calories, if not more... but I should really calculate it.

Not much of drinker, only drink a few times a year... and I don't eat much at fast food at all, although I used to love them! But when you are in mid 30's like I am, when the body metabolism is down and I have not worked out for my entire life... it really shows immediate effect around my belly! :lol

My wife is very surprised that I'm keeping this up for nearly 20 days now. I started to do this by reading this thread by accident, and all of your stories are very very motivational too. I'll see this through, and even do a 2nd/3rd time if needed. :D

That's great to hear! Please keep us updated by posting in this thread. I'm sincerely kindled (can't believe I just used that word :lol) to hear your progress.. because I think it will be good news. Every post in this thread should motivate us all :) good luck



not helping! :lol


Masta_Killah said:
What I've recently started doing is keeping a journal and seeing what I've eaten throughout the day. I take note of the portion size of each food group, as well as the calories from food that has a nutritional value(my fiber one is 150 cals for example). At the end of the day, I take note of how many calories I've eaten for the day(you'll be surprise at how much 2000 calories of healthy food really is).

Another essential tool is a food scale and measuring cup. Having one of each will allow you to get a good idea of how many calories each serving of food is.

As you keep tabs of your calorie intake, you'll see that even though you are eating a lot of food, your calorie intake is actually pretty small.

And I was quite afraid that I wasn't losing weight because I was eating too much! I've been fooled by the food labels and serving sizes of many junk food, so I've been automatically measuring the calories by how full I feel... wrong way, definitely. I'll try to be much more scientific and thoughtful of what I eat from now on. :)
What do you guys do when you come down with a cold or something and you're in the middle of P90X? I have the superflu or something today, but I really don't want to skip plyo. Is it better to do the best I can (ie. the first 5 minutes followed by passing out), skip today and pick up where I left off tomorrow (or asap), or skip plyo entirely and continue tomorrow (or whenever) with the exercise I'd normally do that day?
GallonOMilk said:
What do you guys do when you come down with a cold or something and you're in the middle of P90X? I have the superflu or something today, but I really don't want to skip plyo. Is it better to do the best I can (ie. the first 5 minutes followed by passing out), skip today and pick up where I left off tomorrow (or asap), or skip plyo entirely and continue tomorrow (or whenever) with the exercise I'd normally do that day?

Are you hurt or injured? Man up son and feel the burn!! :p Kidding aside, listen to your body. If you're too sick to workout, then it would be best to take a rest day and heal up. Just continue on when you get healthy.


IMO, don't workout if you're the least bit sick. Let the sickness work its course before you go back to exercise. Just because it's called P90X doesn't mean you can't finish it in 120 days.


Neo Member
Alternatively you could always repeat the week that you missed a day on.

Did kenpo today, the gf lost motivation 15 minutes in and took her rest day early. Kinda killed my motivation too (actually made me a little upset), and I used those emotions to power myself through the workout. Last week, kenpo made my lats sore. 2 hours after the workout, I feel soreness in my biceps and shoulders. I'll report back sometime tomorrow to see if my lats end up sore or not.

Tomorrow's our rest/stretch day, I'll most likely go for the stretch. My girlfriend said she'd try and start up again Monday. I'm just kinda upset that out of all of the days she had to miss, she picked Kenpo "because it felt dumb". If I had to miss a day, I'd pick plyo, my body would be extremely grateful :lol . I can't blame her too much though, she has school 7:30am to 4pm 5 days a week, and she's stressing over projects and whatnot, so it's no wonder she decided to sit out today.

I warned her that it might be hard to keep up with P90X with her intense school schedule and all, but she was all for it in the beginning. Let's see how things go when we start week 3. If nothing else, I'm thinking of suggesting she just do Ab Ripper X a few times a week, and maybe Cardio X when she feels she can do it, as well as a doable healthy diet for the busy student.

Sorry, semi long post. Had to vent a little. Gonna go to sleep a little early tonight, get a head start on my recovery/stretch day!


f-castrillo said:
Alternatively you could always repeat the week that you missed a day on.

Did kenpo today, the gf lost motivation 15 minutes in and took her rest day early. Kinda killed my motivation too (actually made me a little upset), and I used those emotions to power myself through the workout. Last week, kenpo made my lats sore. 2 hours after the workout, I feel soreness in my biceps and shoulders. I'll report back sometime tomorrow to see if my lats end up sore or not.

Tomorrow's our rest/stretch day, I'll most likely go for the stretch. My girlfriend said she'd try and start up again Monday. I'm just kinda upset that out of all of the days she had to miss, she picked Kenpo "because it felt dumb". If I had to miss a day, I'd pick plyo, my body would be extremely grateful :lol . I can't blame her too much though, she has school 7:30am to 4pm 5 days a week, and she's stressing over projects and whatnot, so it's no wonder she decided to sit out today.

I warned her that it might be hard to keep up with P90X with her intense school schedule and all, but she was all for it in the beginning. Let's see how things go when we start week 3. If nothing else, I'm thinking of suggesting she just do Ab Ripper X a few times a week, and maybe Cardio X when she feels she can do it, as well as a doable healthy diet for the busy student.

Sorry, semi long post. Had to vent a little. Gonna go to sleep a little early tonight, get a head start on my recovery/stretch day!

Ugh, I hear you on the "buddy crapping out" thing. I tried to get my GF into P90X (she's doing a half-marathon in a couple months.) She loves yoga but could not get into Tony's yoga workout because she thought he did it too slow and was annoying (I thought he was perfect during that dvd, considering the guy he is :lol.) She's more into the balance postures part of yoga where I'm more into the cardio part of yoga.

Anyways, she was always interrupting things and bothering me; I love her to death but I had to tell her to shut up and follow the program. She stopped and just watched me for the last hour. Worst shavasana ever!

What are the 5 DVDs you are most likely to do when you're finished with the program (or feel like you've finished?) Assume you could do these 5 DVDs during the work week; take Saturday and/or Sunday for X-Stretch. I think I would do, in no particular order, Yoga, Chest Shoulders and Triceps, Legs and Back, Core Synergistics, Plyometrics. Ab Ripper X applies.
Masta_Killah said:
Have you tried a sporting goods store? The sports authority here in the US sells a kit that includes various bands and the handles for about $40. I'm pretty sure the UK would have something similar as well.

You can also try Amazon....http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb...pcords+exercise+bands&x=0&y=0&sprefix=ripcord
£7.83 shipping each... I suppose it'll have to do. I was hoping for a complete set but I suppose 60lbs of resistance is more than enough (I weigh 94kg and can do 2 pull ups so I should be able to manage).


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Wow, GAF. I didn't know you were so healthy!!

Anyway, I'm out of shape at the moment and I had considered P90X a while back. Here's my body type, tell me if you think it's a good idea:

I'm 6'2", 220lbs. Strong leg muscles, average to maybe a bit above average arm muscles. I've got flab around the torso. I have a relatively fast metabolism, but I eat shit constantly, and a lot of it. For reference, when I went on a diet back in October, I was able to lose almost 20lbs in maybe 3 weeks.

Anyway, I just moved into a new apartment and won't have trouble controlling what I eat. I will probably have time to dedicate to working out, as well. Should I give this a shot?

My main problem with working out is that I always put A LOT of strain on my neck when I do ab-related excersizes. I'm not sure why, I must just have really shitty abs. Anyway, should I go for it? I also love GAF and feel like becoming a part of this thread would help motivate me.


Damn, my form completely hit the wall today mid recovery week to boot!
I barley had the the energy to do the warm up stretching and I could not engage the exercise enough to break into a sweat.

Hope I recovery by tomorrow because this feeling sucks.


Kenpo was awesome today. If you don't feel like you got a good workout from it you need to up the intensity. I really pushed myself today and even managed to do all of the jumping jacks + jumping Xs. My clothes were absolutely soaked by the end of it and I had to rest for a good hour before I could move again. Stretching tomorrow will be sweet. :D
Dacvak said:
Wow, GAF. I didn't know you were so healthy!!

Anyway, I'm out of shape at the moment and I had considered P90X a while back. Here's my body type, tell me if you think it's a good idea:

I'm 6'2", 220lbs. Strong leg muscles, average to maybe a bit above average arm muscles. I've got flab around the torso. I have a relatively fast metabolism, but I eat shit constantly, and a lot of it. For reference, when I went on a diet back in October, I was able to lose almost 20lbs in maybe 3 weeks.

Anyway, I just moved into a new apartment and won't have trouble controlling what I eat. I will probably have time to dedicate to working out, as well. Should I give this a shot?

My main problem with working out is that I always put A LOT of strain on my neck when I do ab-related excersizes. I'm not sure why, I must just have really shitty abs. Anyway, should I go for it? I also love GAF and feel like becoming a part of this thread would help motivate me.

P90x is like a 90 day boot camp. Even if you eat junk food, you'll probably see some results. The great thing about eating healthy though is that you can eat far more than eating junk food to fill your calorie intake.

As for the neck strain, you're probably tucking your head into your chest when doing sit-ups, which is common when first starting off. The program shows you the proper why of doing them without straining your neck.

Yonn said:
Kenpo was awesome today. If you don't feel like you got a good workout from it you need to up the intensity. I really pushed myself today and even managed to do all of the jumping jacks + jumping Xs. My clothes were absolutely soaked by the end of it and I had to rest for a good hour before I could move again. Stretching tomorrow will be sweet.

Yeah, Kenpo kicked my ass today. :lol I was kind of low on energy, even though I had a protein bar 45 min before the workout. I still pushed through but around 15 min into the workout, I started to get a pounding headache. First time this has happened to me since I've started working out. It's probably because I went out late last night and didn't get a full nights rest. Also, the heater in my house was on, so the hot air could have been a contributing factor.

I nearly bonked again, 10 minutes before the end of the workout. The moves where you're combining kicks and punches was very sloppy and I didn't even attempt my final X-jumping jack set. I just kept fighting through though and I was able to finish.... Now I have a pounding headache from the workout. :lol


Dacvak said:
My main problem with working out is that I always put A LOT of strain on my neck when I do ab-related excersizes. I'm not sure why, I must just have really shitty abs. Anyway, should I go for it? I also love GAF and feel like becoming a part of this thread would help motivate me.
You should definitely go for it. I used to get the same neck strain when doing sit-ups, but I've learnt not to tuck my chin and the pain went away. Just make sure you keep good form rather than struggling to get another couple of reps in; this is emphasised over and over again in the videos and it's really important that you follow it, otherwise you'll probably end up hurting yourself. P90X also incorporates a lot of stretching before and after (not to mention you do one day of yoga and another of pure stretching a week) workouts which will alleviate any strains you have. I'm only two weeks into this, but I already feel confident in recommending it: go for it! :D


Despite my sickness, I did my Kenpo X session today. Now I know what a near death experience feels like @_@ Unfortunately, I did a switch with Kenpo and Yoga, so I have Legs and Back tomorrow.....I'm not sure how the fuck I'm going to be able to do that. This cold makes it hard for me to breath because of the phelm. :/


Neo Member
datruth29 said:
Despite my sickness, I did my Kenpo X session today. Now I know what a near death experience feels like @_@ Unfortunately, I did a switch with Kenpo and Yoga, so I have Legs and Back tomorrow.....I'm not sure how the fuck I'm going to be able to do that. This cold makes it hard for me to breath because of the phelm. :/
Tons of water my friend, it'll get that phlegm to thin out and cause you to cough it up more frequently, making way for Tony's calls for deep breaths :D


Tony is good for motivation, though i get pissed off in plyo where he says "and stop" cause i think he means to stop the exercise but it's actually "hold the move". Gets me every time!

I made that roasted pepper soup today. God damn is it good. I added some of my own ingredients to the mix including way too much crushed peppers. It's so damn spicy now but it's delious!


Did my Kenpo X today. Of course, since it's Saturday, I could do it much earlier than my normal routine. (I start working out around 10:30p, normally) - today, while my daughter was taking her nap around 3p, I decided to go for it.

Still little jittery from yesterday's leg workouts - I found I was running out of energy again. My heartrate maxed out right before the blocking stance, and after that - asides my form being totally mushy all around - it was relatively smoother ride. Strangely, these days, I find the stretches are the toughest part sometime. Especially when I have to hold some position for long period of time. (aka yoga)

Anyhow, I'll probably skip tomorrow's stretch and just rest like I have been. Monday, I start out my first recovery week, and I'm relatively curious about the core works. Other than that - I just bought a heavier dumbell. I only have 8lb dumbell at home, and a 15lb and 20lb bands - but for weight lifting, I seriously prefered the dumbell's full range resistance up and down... but sadly, my 8lb dumbell isn't really working for me. (My father bought them long time ago for his daily routine) Some moves, 8lbs are fine, but I just didn't feel too much of burn with those - so I just bought 15lb ones from local target. Big ugly thing, but I tested out and I was feeling pretty good burn around 8 or so. I thought of getting an adjustable one, but they were just way too expensive.

At least my mind is ready to step up even more... I just hope my body will follow. :)

(Since there was no snow here in NYC area - I tried out some grilled fish with my new George Foreman outdoor grill... love it! I was getting seriously sick of the salads with boiled chicken breast.)
Don't put away those 8 lbs yet, your going to need them next week. I tried doing some of the moves with my 15's and I nearly pulled my back. :lol I had to take it super slow just to get through the moves.


Masta_Killah said:
Don't put away those 8 lbs yet, your going to need them next week. I tried doing some of the moves with my 15's and I nearly pulled my back. :lol I had to take it super slow just to get through the moves.

Certainly. :) I heard that core works do require some light weights, so I'll be using my 8lbs for those. Whenever Tony says that go with lighter weights or so, I intend to use lighter dumbell... or borrow my wife's 3lb one. :lol

BTW, I bought some canned tuna and some low-fat (1%) cottage cheese... so I'll try out your tuna omelet soon. Although I do love bacon, but I think I'll stay away from it at least for a while.. :)


Neo Member
I use a set of dumbells that come with two 7.5lb attachments and two 2.5lb attachments (per dumbell). I'm currently using them in a 15lb configuration right now (2x 7.5lbs, none of the 2.5lbs). When I get to Core Synergistics, would a 5lb configuration sound ok? Should I try something lopsided, like a 7.5 + 2.5 config (one side of the dumbell heavier than the other) for more weight? I really don't want to buy more weights at the store, my wallet is losing weight faster than my body :lol


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Hey guys, so like I said earlier on this page, I'm thinking about getting into it. Well, it's actually not quite as expensive as I thought, so I guess I'll go for it.

So, what all do I need to buy? Assume I have nothing.


Neo Member
Dacvak said:
Hey guys, so like I said earlier on this page, I'm thinking about getting into it. Well, it's actually not quite as expensive as I thought, so I guess I'll go for it.

So, what all do I need to buy? Assume I have nothing.
Pull up bar (or resistance bands)
(not reqd, but recommended) some sort of recovery drink (Endurox R4 or P90X recovery, or whatever)
(not reqd, but recommended) whey protein powder to make a protein shake to supplement muscle recovery
Yoga blocks (for the less flexible people)
Yoga mat (prevent your floor from soaking up your sweat during Ab Ripper X, etc.)

Someone chime in if I've left something out


f-castrillo said:
Pull up bar (or resistance bands)
(not reqd, but recommended) some sort of recovery drink (Endurox R4 or P90X recovery, or whatever)
(not reqd, but recommended) whey protein powder to make a protein shake to supplement muscle recovery
Yoga blocks (for the less flexible people)
Yoga mat (prevent your floor from soaking up your sweat during Ab Ripper X, etc.)

Someone chime in if I've left something out
Your mommy. (For those first couple of weeks of Plyo, when you need somebody to hold and hug you while you shed bitter tears of sorrow and pain ;-;)


Okay, so i've been doing p90x + modified abs diet plan for 8 days (with the diet only for 1 month). Keep in mind, only 8 days of actual work out. I'm looking at my before and after and it's an incredible change for a bit over a week. Sure I lost some fat cause of the diet but i'm already starting to see some definition.

My next goal is to do the full p90x, I don't have dumbbells at home so i'll rip the workout onto my iphone and do them at the gym.


Neo Member
Chest & Back (week 3) beat the shit out of me today. I was extremely hard pressed to beat any of last weeks goals by even 1 rep. Hit muscle failure during decline and diamond pushups. I tried to do unassisted pullups the first run through, with the intent of using the stool the second time around, but by the time we got to the 3rd or 4th pullup exercise, I had to switch to using the stool. At least my stool-assisted pull ups beat last week's in terms of reps.

Even Ab Ripper X is giving me more trouble. I still cleared the full mason twist at the end, but I felt more of a struggle today more than any day last week. I can tell my body needs that recovery week now...few more days :lol

I'm starting to see a bit of tone in my arms though, so I have a little more motivation now. I have the feeling I'm going to get murdered by plyo tomorrow though
Whoever suggested using 5lbs while doing Kenpo.... you're a son of a bitch! :lol That block segment was hard as hell and usually I don't break a sweat during it.


Neo Member
MeshuggahMan said:
Whoever suggested using 5lbs while doing Kenpo.... you're a son of a bitch! :lol That block segment was hard as hell and usually I don't break a sweat during it.
I may give the 5lb thing a shot during this week's kenpo...I want to really push it this week before we hit recovery week :D


MeshuggahMan said:
Whoever suggested using 5lbs while doing Kenpo.... you're a son of a bitch! :lol That block segment was hard as hell and usually I don't break a sweat during it.

That be me.. and i was sort of kidding :lol

Okay, here is my comparison. The dates are when I took the pictures but I've only been doing p90x for 8 days.


Not showing front pics yet, there's a difference but not as noticeable as my back.

Weight difference.. +3lbs.. yes I gained 3 pounds. 162lbs now.
I'm running low on Muscle Milk powder so I need to make a run for new supplements.

Any recommendations?

I've used MM for about 2 years now, so I'd like to change it up a bit. I'm not trying to get super bulky, just making sure my muscles get some love after a brutal workout. Right now, I'm trying to lose fat, muscle building is secondary. I added some shadow boxing and that really gets me sore.

@koam: good shit dude, that's a great improvement!


Neo Member
effingvic said:
I'm running low on Muscle Milk powder so I need to make a run for new supplements.

Any recommendations?

I've used MM for about 2 years now, so I'd like to change it up a bit. I'm not trying to get super bulky, just making sure my muscles get some love after a brutal workout. Right now, I'm trying to lose fat, muscle building is secondary. I added some shadow boxing and that really gets me sore.

@koam: good shit dude, that's a great improvement!
I would say Endurox (recovery drink) or Six Star Whey Protein (chocolate flavor makes for a great morning protein shake!).


that's an insane improvement for 8 days, koam! Are you following the diet at all? I know I've been losing weight at a really slow rate (in the last week, I've only lost 1.2lbs!), but I can see less belly, less love handles, and my arms are getting their tone now! I'll probably take a picture at the end of the recovery week


f-castrillo said:
that's an insane improvement for 8 days, koam! Are you following the diet at all? I know I've been losing weight at a really slow rate (in the last week, I've only lost 1.2lbs!), but I can see less belly, less love handles, and my arms are getting their tone now! I'll probably take a picture at the end of the recovery week

I've been doing "the abs diet" which is essentially the same thing but with different recipes. I've followed nutrition enough to know what's good and what's bad for me though.

Here's what I've been doing differently though since Jan:
- More veggies, lots of broccoli, spinach, peppers and mushrooms. I mixed them in omelets and salads.
- Smaller portions of food, more frequently
- No Coke/Pepsi etc
- Less breads, when I do eat bread, it's whole wheat.
- Much more low fat / low sugar yogurt
- *berries
- More water

As for meals, i eat mostly chicken breasts, salmon and lean cuts of meat.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
f-castrillo said:
Pull up bar (or resistance bands)
(not reqd, but recommended) some sort of recovery drink (Endurox R4 or P90X recovery, or whatever)
(not reqd, but recommended) whey protein powder to make a protein shake to supplement muscle recovery
Yoga blocks (for the less flexible people)
Yoga mat (prevent your floor from soaking up your sweat during Ab Ripper X, etc.)

Someone chime in if I've left something out
Any specific kind? I don't have any set weight at all.


Neo Member
Dacvak said:
Any specific kind? I don't have any set weight at all.
I would get an adjustable set if you could. I have a set that can go up to 20lbs each arm, but am currently using them in a 15lb config because I only started a few weeks ago. Once I'm more confident, I may add the 5lbs to each arm to make it 20lbs.

I would also recommend a lighter set (3lbs? 5lbs?) for some resistance during the cardio-type exercises (plyo, kenpo, cardio x, etc.)


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Any idea where I can get a really cheap set of adjustables?
koam said:
That be me.. and i was sort of kidding :lol

Okay, here is my comparison. The dates are when I took the pictures but I've only been doing p90x for 8 days.

Not showing front pics yet, there's a difference but not as noticeable as my back.

Weight difference.. +3lbs.. yes I gained 3 pounds. 162lbs now.

Those are some great results thus far. Nice job!

I'm not sure if I got as much out of Kenpo by using the 5lb weights honestly. Next time I might just use them for the last quarter of it starting with the blocks. And am I the only one who doesn't really get anything out of the kick segments?


I finally managed to complete the mason twist and I did a lot better in fifer scissor, I kinda surprised myself! :D I felt absolutely exhausted after chest & back today; my arms were shaking. Looking forward to recovery week...


Dacvak said:
Any idea where I can get a really cheap set of adjustables?

Just a few posts above...

Well, I myself went out and bought just a set of 15lb weights from my local target for 17 dollars each. I searched on Amazon, and some of the quick switching weights are very very expensive. I also noticed that at Target, they have a set of 25lb (combined) adjustable for around 65 dollars. (Reebok brand). However, I wanted something heavier for each side than 12.5 lbs each, and while they actually had one that's 25lb adjustable, but it was just one dumbell, not adjustable, at 65 dollars or so - which means, it would be 130+ dollars having both of them, so I just gave up and bought 2x15lb ones. (I have 8lb x2 and 3lb x2 at home)

If you really want to save money - then I suggest to go with bands for your workouts. At target, I also saw a set of bands, which you can combine 3 bands togeter. That might be your answer. While you might not get a full range of resistance up and down, but they show the alternative forms so that you can get similar results with it. With it, you won't need to buy pull-up bar either - which means another 20-30 dollars saved.

I hear you do need a light weight for core synergetic workouts - maybe water/sand filled plastic milk jugs would do the job for the first time.. then you would know which light weight is good for you for that specific workout... and just go out and buy that weight only for Core works.

Yoga matts are nice. I use every day. Reduces impacts from jumping around, non slippery surface is awesome for sit-ups, yogas and push ups as well. They run about 10-15 dollars.

As per protein powder - I only drink those when I feel like I haven't had enough protein for the day, or don't have to time to cook... I just whip up a delicious chocolate protein powder +skim chocolate milk shake. For post-workout recovery drink, I go with skim chocolate milk. Tastes great, and milk does body good... and certainly much cheaper than any recovery drink formula.


Neo Member
Dacvak said:
Any idea where I can get a really cheap set of adjustables?
I got mine at Wal Mart, some other peeps here may be able to point you to a set of weights on Amazon, I'm sure they have some good deals too.

How many of you guys are developing tone and losing body fat, but weight is more or less constantly the same? It's kinda discouraging, I started at 191, and now I'm in week 3, I'm still like 190, and it fluctuates throughout each week. Most of my love handles are gone, and my belly is on its way down, but that scale isn't budging...


Muscle mass is denser than fat, enjoy.
Like my weight is about the same as last month... but I have lost 3 pant sizes and my endurance and strength is up.

Scales don tell the entire truth.


f-castrillo said:
How many of you guys are developing tone and losing body fat, but weight is more or less constantly the same? It's kinda discouraging, I started at 191, and now I'm in week 3, I'm still like 190, and it fluctuates throughout each week. Most of my love handles are gone, and my belly is on its way down, but that scale isn't budging...

I heard muscle weighs about 3 time more than fat at eqaual volume. :) Masta_Killah mentioned that it's better to measure your sizes... I think that's a valid point. On my scale, it seems like I"ve only lost a few pounds as well - but I lost at least half inch to an inch around my belly it seems. I had this jean, which was so tight that it would rip whenever I sit down... it's quite loose, I have to use some belts. LOL. I haven't been using belts for such a long time, I had hard time finding it in my closet...


Slayer-33 said:
I think I am ready to start reg P90x lol.. my only problem will be the diet I think (sticking to it)
Staying away from soda and sweets is the most important part.
You don't want to drink and eat empty calories.


Neo Member
Being in the 3rd week, I think I'm starting to hit that burnout phase now. I'm still able to beat my rep goals (which is just to beat last week's reps by at least 1 rep), but trying to go any further results in muscle fail. I believe it has something to do with a combination of the intense exercises + the phase 1 "fat shredder" diet (which emphasizes low carbs, resulting in less available energy during the workouts). During weeks 1 and 2, I was able to push, but never hit "real" failure. But as the days went by, it felt like I was burning out a little faster. Yesterday, on the second pass of Chest & Back, I did 11 decline pushups (did 15 in the first pass I think). I tried to go for a 12th rep; I bent my elbows and lowered my body, and nearly fell on my face because my body could no longer support my weight:lol

I know pushups are supposed to work on your chest, but am I supposed to feel a massive burn/fatigue in my upper arm as well? Especially during military pushups, damn...


f-castrillo said:
Being in the 3rd week, I think I'm starting to hit that burnout phase now. I'm still able to beat my rep goals (which is just to beat last week's reps by at least 1 rep), but trying to go any further results in muscle fail. I believe it has something to do with a combination of the intense exercises + the phase 1 "fat shredder" diet (which emphasizes low carbs, resulting in less available energy during the workouts). During weeks 1 and 2, I was able to push, but never hit "real" failure. But as the days went by, it felt like I was burning out a little faster. Yesterday, on the second pass of Chest & Back, I did 11 decline pushups (did 15 in the first pass I think). I tried to go for a 12th rep; I bent my elbows and lowered my body, and nearly fell on my face because my body could no longer support my weight:lol

I know pushups are supposed to work on your chest, but am I supposed to feel a massive burn/fatigue in my upper arm as well? Especially during military pushups, damn...
I've had the exact same experience. I think our bodies are starting to burn out as you said. A week of rest and an increase in carbs should get us going again, I think. God, I miss bread.

You use your chest the most at the top of the pushup, so make sure you come all the way up. To increase the burn you could always squeeze your pecs at the top to make sure you're working them. You do use your arms and shoulders quite a bit to do a pushup, so I think it's only natural that you feel it there as well. I attribute the burn I feel to my arms and shoulders being weak. :lol
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