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What's this P90X workout stuff?


koam said:
That be me.. and i was sort of kidding :lol

Okay, here is my comparison. The dates are when I took the pictures but I've only been doing p90x for 8 days.


Not showing front pics yet, there's a difference but not as noticeable as my back.

Weight difference.. +3lbs.. yes I gained 3 pounds. 162lbs now.

Congrats man...and likewise, I only posted a back pic at first ;-)


I'm gonna restart it today cause I had to take 2 days off this weekend due to being way too busy at work. Besides, this way I can start on a Monday and not a Tuesday, which kinda fucked everything up last time too


Neo Member
Boogie9IGN said:
I'm gonna restart it today cause I had to take 2 days off this weekend due to being way too busy at work. Besides, this way I can start on a Monday and not a Tuesday, which kinda fucked everything up last time too
You could always just repeat the week that you were on, lengthening the current phase to compensate for the days off you had.

Question, GAF: my girlfriend's shins hurt, and today is our Plyometrics day. I suggested she do Cardio X (since it's mostly low impact, and the plyo exercises that it has shouldn't put massive strain on her shins), and that I would do Plyometrics by myself while she was still in school. She likes the Cardio X idea, but she doesn't want to do it alone. Would it be a bad idea for me to do Cardio X (45mins) a few hours after doing Plyometrics (~55 mins) earlier in the day?


I decided to do yoga tonight as a second exercise (i had done chest at the gym in the afternoon). I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight.


I plan on giving this a try soon (already have the DVDs) but I'm not sure I can do the diet part as strictly as I might need to and I'm not a morning person so I would most likely be working out after work in the evenings.

I know how key the diet is to get maximum results but did anyone start this knowing you wouldnt be sticking to the strict diets? Ive certainly got some good ideas for eating healthier from the guide Im just not sure I could go hardcore with it right away.

From everything I read about the workouts it seems to suggest that you will be doing these in the morning. I'm sure not everyone using this has time in the morning to work out then go to work so has anyone that exercises in the evening found they had to make any adjustments to the routine?


hgplayer1 said:
I plan on giving this a try soon (already have the DVDs) but I'm not sure I can do the diet part as strictly as I might need to and I'm not a morning person so I would most likely be working out after work in the evenings.

I know how key the diet is to get maximum results but did anyone start this knowing you wouldnt be sticking to the strict diets? Ive certainly got some good ideas for eating healthier from the guide Im just not sure I could go hardcore with it right away.

From everything I read about the workouts it seems to suggest that you will be doing these in the morning. I'm sure not everyone using this has time in the morning to work out then go to work so has anyone that exercises in the evening found they had to make any adjustments to the routine?

Tell me why can't follow the diet without using an excuse.


koam said:
Tell me why can't follow the diet without using an excuse.

well as of today I would have to make some drastic changes to when and how I eat. I just dont see it happening.

In a month or so maybe that will be different but I know I wouldnt stick to a diet at this point in time.

Should I just dabble in the stretching and yoga until I can commit to the diet?


Neo Member
So the gf dropped out of P90X today :(

She's going to focus on school instead, since she has a lot of research projects, doesn't get enough rest, and she has a long school day to top it off. Her best friend talked her out of it, and I'm kind of glad she did. Essentially the stress of juggling all of those things wasn't worth it. Anyways I'd rather have her finish school strong and with less stress instead of killing her body at night and frying her brain during the day.

I've got all my equipment here at home now, so I'll be doing my workouts in the morning instead of the evening (so I can see her AFTER having freshened up, and not all sweaty like the past 3 weeks :lol ). The upside is that I won't have to replenish my whey protein and Endurox as frequently, since I'm only making drinks for one now :D


hgplayer1 said:
well as of today I would have to make some drastic changes to when and how I eat. I just dont see it happening.

In a month or so maybe that will be different but I know I wouldnt stick to a diet at this point in time.

Should I just dabble in the stretching and yoga until I can commit to the diet?

The when doesn't matter so much, the what does. You have complete control over what you eat. You are the one who decides what the next thing that goes into your mouth is. There's really no reason not to commit to the diet :p


Neo Member
These guys are right, only you are in control of what goes in your mouth. Trust me, immediately before starting P90X, all my meals were as fried as could possibly be and carbalicious. I was surprised I never went above 200 lbs :lol .

I've started adding more dark leafy greens/salads to my daily intake, as well as a lot more protein (baked chicken/pork instead of fried, as well as whey protein supplement), and a lot less carbs (at least for Phase 1). The goal for the first month, as I understand it, is to keep the protein intake high, and carbs and fats low. If you don't cut the carbs, you won't lose your body fat as fast as you'd like to. You could build muscle, but you won't see it if there's a pile of fat on top of it.

I went into the diet gradually. Now I'm 3 weeks in, and I have no problem eating what the program recommends :D


I almost passed out doing Yoga last night. Not because of boredom or anything - but towards the end of Yoga Belly 7 (which I was again plummeted) - I was feeling rather too relaxed, and almost dozed off at the end... didn't want to open my eyes up.

Strangely, I feel only so relaxed at the end of Yoga X. When I lay down on my bed, after taking a bath, and fully cooled down and all... I remind myself of the corpse pose... but it doesn't work and I stay awake for quite a while. Strange.

I've been trying to take at least 6 hours of sleep every day, but realistically I think I need a little more sleep. Normally I play my psp or DS or read a book during my commute on a bus (short 30 min ride) - I can't hardly keep my eyes open. So much so, the other day, I nearly passed my own stop on the way home! LOL.
Just finished plyo.... ugh, nearly passed out again. This time it was at the start of the program. Near the end I was contemplating on just skipping the sports section and going straight into the stretches, but I fought through all the pain and completed it. I was wondering why i was running out of energy and I realized that I forgot to take my multivitamins. I'll probably start introducing a portion or two of carbs back into my diet as well. So far, I'm at week 6 and my only carb intake is from my fiber/protein bars and my pwo. I'll probably add a serving of brown rice for breakfast or lunch to get some energy for my workouts.


Neo Member
Masta_Killah said:
Just finished plyo.... ugh, nearly passed out again. This time it was at the start of the program. Near the end I was contemplating on just skipping the sports section and going straight into the stretches, but I fought through all the pain and completed it. I was wondering why i was running out of energy and I realized that I forgot to take my multivitamins. I'll probably start introducing a portion or two of carbs back into my diet as well. So far, I'm at week 6 and my only carb intake is from my fiber/protein bars and my pwo. I'll probably add a serving of brown rice for breakfast or lunch to get some energy for my workouts.
If you're in week 6, shouldn't you have moved on to the Phase II diet (Energy Booster) already? It integrates a little more carbs and a little less protein so that you can go into each workout with a little more energy. I know I'm looking forward to making the switch to Phase II after my recovery week next week. I've been running lower and lower on available energy during the workouts (i.e. burning out faster) because my body as a whole hasn't had a really good recovery period yet. That comes next week. :D
f-castrillo said:
If you're in week 6, shouldn't you have moved on to the Phase II diet (Energy Booster) already? It integrates a little more carbs and a little less protein so that you can go into each workout with a little more energy. I know I'm looking forward to making the switch to Phase II after my recovery week next week. I've been running lower and lower on available energy during the workouts (i.e. burning out faster) because my body as a whole hasn't had a really good recovery period yet. That comes next week. :D

I was planning to stay at phase I until I start phase III, so that I can burn as much fat as possible. I'll probably add more carbs slowly over the next 2-3 weeks though as I near phase III, just so it doesn't upset my stomach.



Just started p90x+ and the first workout was Total Body plus. This was like a combination of core synergistics, chest, and back. Even the 8 min warmup was hard.

My favorite was the 3/3/3 which basically is 3 squats, 3 push ups, 3 pull ups.
It gave you 1 min to see how many reps you could do.
So I plan on trying it out soon, I just needed to know, how much more difficult than average is this going to be for someone with decent muscles everywhere except the torso and alot of fat (I weigh arouind 260 but I can do sets of 10-20 pushups)?
Just started getting into this a few days ago. I haven't really been giving it my all just yet; basically I've just been scrubbing through the DVDs doing a few of the exercises here and there seeing what I'm in for, and HOLY SHIT! I must be more out of shape than I thought because I can barely do 10 minutes worth of a set of exercises before feeling like I'm going to die.

I have a quick question, though. Can I still get decent results without incorporating the pull-ups? I have no place for a pull-up bar in my current living situation and the resistance bands scare the shit out of me -- I keep imagining it snapping and busting my eye out of its socket or some crazy Final Destination type stuff.
NaughtyCalibur said:
Just started getting into this a few days ago. I haven't really been giving it my all just yet; basically I've just been scrubbing through the DVDs doing a few of the exercises here and there seeing what I'm in for, and HOLY SHIT! I must be more out of shape than I thought because I can barely do 10 minutes worth of a set of exercises before feeling like I'm going to die.

I have a quick question, though. Can I still get decent results without incorporating the pull-ups? I have no place for a pull-up bar in my current living situation and the resistance bands scare the shit out of me -- I keep imagining it snapping and busting my eye out of its socket or some crazy Final Destination type stuff.

I recommend the bands. They're pretty thick rubber hoses and wont snap unless you stretch it to beyond 3x its length, which is pretty hard to do. I use a roll of duct tape as my door attachment, which feels safer to me then the regular door attachment.

The way p90x is designed, you'll be missing out on any major results if you skip pull ups. One of the first muscle groups that start getting defined are the shoulders/back. If you check the youtube videos, you'll see guys with definition in that area before anything else.


Good grief these guys are kind of annoying with the sales. I called to ask a question about shipping options earlier and have been called twice today since. The latest time l(just now) the guy offered me an addition 20% the package price.

It's also quite obvious the guy was reading off a sheet of paper as he spoke with me.


Jesus, i had to do back and legs today, those pullups are insane. My arms were still hurting from yesterday (or probably sunday). How are you supposed to do a decent amount of these? Normally i can do 10-12, I wasn't able to do more than 4 during this workout until assist time.

I also tried doing ab ripper x right after, horrible mistake, stopped a bit after the scissors.

The absolute worst part about back/legs is the calf raises.. ON FUCKING FIRE.

P.S how do you do the assist pullups without having the chair move?
koam said:
P.S how do you do the assist pullups without having the chair move?

Have the chair in front of you and your legs on the seat or back rest, nice and straight. It's sorta like the seated triceps dips, position-wise.


Masta_Killah said:
I was planning to stay at phase I until I start phase III, so that I can burn as much fat as possible. I'll probably add more carbs slowly over the next 2-3 weeks though as I near phase III, just so it doesn't upset my stomach.

Probably a good idea. I personally don't think my body won't be able to take elongated extreme carb-less diet nor my will power! :D That's something I should have done already - but I think I had little too much carb still in my diet... albeit, I was very careful for my choice. I think I was around phase II-esque diet. I think I'll stick to this phase III, although I'll probably add just a little bit more carb in my diet by then to keep up the energy level.


Anyhow, Today was my first Core Synergistics. Had no idea of what it was going to be... and it was a HELL, I tell you all. If I was born in 50's and went to full metal jacket style of boot camp workout might be this! LOL. (I was thinking Tony being the Sgt... yelling me maggots and all) - basically it was my nightmare workout for me - who has no real muscle mass in my upper body to begin with. Push-ups, abdominal strength and holding power of my upper thighs.. they are all my weaknesses. I managed to do maybe little more than half reps of them, but as I was just learning the moves and at the same time looking at the screen, and listening to what Tony has to say + pushing myself to whatever little I can on this... I am glad that I wasn't hurt during this workout. I could have easily pulled my back, or my neck. (Oh those Banana / Superman / Side superman thingies..)

But I just learned one thing though - that now I can do push ups, just a few though, without knees. I could do maybe one or 2 in the past, but now I think I can do maybe 7-8. I hadn't noticed this until past yoga time, when I had no issue of doing that chimi-changa (sp?) thingie during first astralmanga (sp?) sun salute routines. Makes me to go back to my 1st week already. :)

Knowing this program is for someone who's been fit before or relatively fit, not someone like me who never ever in my 36 yrs of life, had any serious workout experience or any sports (except some swimming in elementary school), who's been working at a very inactive work for more than 10 years... I'm rather certain that I'll probably will not see my six pack by end of 90 days. However, I'll be much more fitter, and hopefully as fit as a real beginner candidate of this program... and I do hope by end of my 2nd 90 day session, I'd see some good results like some of you...


I've got a full body massage scheduled tomorrow.. I was going to wait until recovery week but I need it so badly!


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I move into my new apartment in one week, which is when I'll be starting this program. I'm extremely excited for it to beat the living garbage out of me.


Dacvak said:
I move into my new apartment in one week, which is when I'll be starting this program. I'm extremely excited for it to beat the living garbage out of me.

I hope you have good sound proofing for your floor at least... there are tons of jumping moves in some of them. :) If I had anyone living underneath... I'd be having a lot of complaints by now...
I'm on my second week now. So far haven't missed a workout, and haven't cheated at all with the diet. So far so good. At this point, I believe I can sustain this momentum for the entre 90 days.

I might have lost one pound. Hard to say, considering how one's weight can fluctuate by as much as 10 pounds in a single day. I feel better though; feel like I have more energy.

Today will be plyo. Last week I skipped the bonus round. Today I hope to complete it.


Neo Member
lachesis said:
no issue of doing that chimi-changa (sp?) thingie during first astralmanga (sp?) sun salute routines.

I'm rather certain that I'll probably will not see my six pack by end of 90 days. However, I'll be much more fitter, and hopefully as fit as a real beginner candidate of this program... and I do hope by end of my 2nd 90 day session, I'd see some good results like some of you...
Chaturanga and astanga? You sir made my day, no offense intended :lol . But just keep at it! Put 110% into every workout you do. I have to mind-power myself through some of the workouts, with the vision of the more fit body that I want. If I don't visualize anything, I take breaks much more often and longer. Keep attacking!:D

koam said:
I've got a full body massage scheduled tomorrow.. I was going to wait until recovery week but I need it so badly!
I hate being unemployed, because I can't afford massages right now :(. Girlfriend won't massage me any longer than 10 minutes, I want a professional 1 hour session lol.

ArachosiA 78 said:
Today will be plyo. Last week I skipped the bonus round. Today I hope to complete it.
You should have no problem with the bonus round IMO, as it's the only workout on the entire DVD that doesn't repeat (i.e. you only do them once!). And they're nowhere near as hard as any of the other plyo moves I think


f-castrillo said:
Chaturanga and astanga? You sir made my day, no offense intended :lol . But just keep at it! Put 110% into every workout you do. I have to mind-power myself through some of the workouts, with the vision of the more fit body that I want. If I don't visualize anything, I take breaks much more often and longer. Keep attacking!:D

None taken! Well, to be honest, during those movements, I'm too occupied of what I'm doing, so that's what it sounds to me like. LOL! (or perhaps I'm missing Mexican food little too much!)


Slept like a BABY last night after my first workout. This was my first time working out in like almost two weeks. I would recommend anybody P90x+ if you have already finished P90x and want a more challenging workout.

At least I am not in real bad pain like the first time I tried P90x


Neo Member
mYm|17| said:
Slept like a BABY last night after my first workout. This was my first time working out in like almost two weeks. I would recommend anybody P90x+ if you have already finished P90x and want a more challenging workout.

At least I am not in real bad pain like the first time I tried P90x
I'm thinking of trying out P90X+ a few weeks after finishing up too. Depends on what my schedule looks like for late spring/early summer though.

Made myself a garlic chicken breast omelet this morning, chased it with my protein shake. Probably gonna start Yoga X in half an hour, I figure that will give it some time to digest. It's not like I'm jumping around today, and I've got something to do later this morning, so I think it's ok :D


MCX said:
What do you P90X grads do after completing the program? Start over or move onto something else?

Good timing for this question...I just finished 2 rounds(2nd round was a bit less "to the letter" since I started in the summer for my first round, and my personal schedule changed once summer ended). I plan to take a semi-break.

Right now, i'm going to do a mix of an old workout routine I did 2 years ago and got very good results from, and some of the P90X workouts(ab ripper x, plyo, kenpo)...I may even still do the P90X recovery week workouts every 3 weeks. Then I plan to go back to a full, strict P90X round right before summer hits and probably continue through the summer.

Probably around fall/winter this year, I may try to get some heavier weights and add some muscle mass. All depends on how the next 6 months go. My heart's desire is to get lean/defined....see my abs for the first time in my life, yadda yadda yadda.


I got my massage today, oh god did it feel good. I highly recommend you guys get one, yoga and stretch x feel good.. but there's nothing like a full body massage to help you recover. The chick was also smoking hot :)

Now that i'm relaxed, time to fuck up my body again!

Edit: I'm starting to pull away from my modified p90x and switching to real p90x which means i had to do plyo again. I seem to have gotten a second burst of energy after being worn down the past few days. I breezed through it no problems, though i'm sweating a lot more than usual.


MCX said:
What do you P90X grads do after completing the program? Start over or move onto something else?

Well, first I'd have to finish my first 90 days - I just finished my 24th day - but at this rate, I think I'll probably do it over when full 90 days are over.... till I reach my goal of reducing my weight down to 160-165lb, if not 155lb... with some muscle definition and hopefully some sign of 6pack which I've never seen my own in my entire life. :D However, I'm planning to take a couple weeks of vacation with maybe some light aerobics only, and somewhat eased up diet before I fully go back to the program 2nd time.

After that... if I do hit my goal with the p90x... who knows. I might do p90x almost every day, but only half - or just follow the maintenance routine that's specified in the book, till I really feel like doing the whole thing again.

My weight is not really too much down (maybe 7-8 lbs), but my waistline has shrunk rather dramatically. I can actually take my old pants down without taking any buttons off.. need to shop some more pants. :lol
MCX said:
What do you P90X grads do after completing the program? Start over or move onto something else?

Well, I'm just finishing up my first 90 days! Although it turned into about 120 days because I got into a major car accident right after the beginning of phase 3. Personally I haven't lost any weight (at 210-215 roughly), but I've slimmed out. I did not do the diet plan with the P90x. My plans now that I'm about done is to take a week off then do the P90 regular again but this time with the diet plan.

I did Plyo this morning and was dreading it for some reason, but it ended up actually being edit: easy compared to the first week! Hot foot still kicks my ass every time though, that is my least favorite exercise in the whole damn program.


Neo Member
koam said:
I got my massage today, oh god did it feel good. I highly recommend you guys get one, yoga and stretch x feel good.. but there's nothing like a full body massage to help you recover. The chick was also smoking hot :)

Now that i'm relaxed, time to fuck up my body again!

Edit: I'm starting to pull away from my modified p90x and switching to real p90x which means i had to do plyo again. I seem to have gotten a second burst of energy after being worn down the past few days. I breezed through it no problems, though i'm sweating a lot more than usual.
FFFUUUU... maybe I'll get one in my birthday week in March. Recovery week for Phase 2 to Phase 3 is right around there too, sounds like a plan maybe :D

I had so little carbs today, but I fared alright. The whole day was very proteinlicious. I ordered a salad at Chipotle, no rice or beans, got extra meat! This morning I did my Yoga X (and even took time to rewind to moves that I wanted to redo/wasn't doing properly), and I did a moderately intense Cardio X tonight (I had the urge). I may consider making a light/moderate Cardio X a part of my plyo/yoga/kenpo days, esp. if it can get me to lose my fat a little faster.


Neo Member
nubbe said:
I'm glad my recovery week is over... I have missed ab ripper x!
I can't wait to see what Ab Ripper X will feel like once I get past the first recovery week. Any impressions of that versus the last time you did it?

I think I'm gonna go the Doubles route...a little early. Doubles calls for Cardio X on the days the resistance workouts (everything but yoga/plyo/kenpo) take place, except in the morning. I did Cardio X for fun last night, I'm gonna start Doubles early and give it a go this morning a few hours before doing Legs/Back. It couldn't hurt, it's the last of my resistance workouts before recovery week :D
Just finished yoga x. I really needed it this week as my whole body is feeling the effects of the 2nd phase. I also have a slight cold, which has caused me to have a restless nights sleep. I'm still pushing through though, since my cold isn't enough of a concern for bed rest. Hopefully I'll be healthy for next week, which will be my final week for phase 2(before going into a rest week). I want to be 100% so I can push extra hard. :D


f-castrillo said:
FFFUUUU... maybe I'll get one in my birthday week in March. Recovery week for Phase 2 to Phase 3 is right around there too, sounds like a plan maybe :D

That's when I'm getting my second massage, birthday gift to myself in march :D

I haven't paid attention to the diet plan too much, do they really say no carbs in phase 1? I don't eat carbs that much and as you can see from the pic that i posted earlier, I'm not exactly fat.

My diet right now is really high protein, okay amount of carbs and low fat.

It was my first time doing arms/shoulders with p90x, i actually found it fairly easy with a decent amount of weight. I'm actually looking forward to doing it again with 2-5 pounds more on everything.


Neo Member
Felt good today, did Cardio X in the morning, and Legs/Back/Ab Ripper X a few hours later. For lunch-dinner, we went to a buffet and got a ton of salad. My plates were nothing but chicken (mostly baked, kept fried stuff to a minumum) and salad (didn't use much dressing at all), with a little fish on the side. Got a little rice to fulfill my carb needs, but it was so dry I ended up not eating it:lol I ended up getting a little full, but it was a different kind of full. Not the nasty full you get after eating a nice hefty burrito.

That meal was one of the biggest I've had in the past few weeks, but I don't think it was overdone. I probably got close to the amount of veggies the Phase 1 diet called for in that meal, and I got a pretty good amount of protein from those chicken breasts as well. Carbs were on the down low, as were fats.

I ate that meal a little over 5 hours ago, and I'm still not hungry. I ate half of a cookie at 8:30pm though, in an attempt to keep my insulin levels afloat and satisfy my small craving for sweets. I know they say eating a ton of protein rich foods can keep you feeling full for a while, but 5 hours? wow :lol

Anyways, I have a long day tomorrow. Funeral 3 hours away, then dinner with some friends. Trying to figure out if I should do Kenpo X before leaving the house, or after getting home. I'm leaning towards doing it after the day is done
NumBaWumba said:
How is the x portion of yoga x?

Pretty hard, though I've never done yoga before so I can't really compare. The first 45 minutes are brutal the first few weeks. Lots of twisting and it requires some insane foot strength. You'll definitely be sweating like a madman until you get to the balancing portion. From there, it's pretty chill, till you get to the ab portion. That one is pretty tough, but not as bad as the first 45 minutes. By the time your done though, you'll be so refreshed that you may just fall asleep during the last 5 minutes.
Masta_Killah said:
Pretty hard, though I've never done yoga before so I can't really compare. The first 45 minutes are brutal the first few weeks. Lots of twisting and it requires some insane foot strength. You'll definitely be sweating like a madman until you get to the balancing portion. From there, it's pretty chill, till you get to the ab portion. That one is pretty tough, but not as bad as the first 45 minutes. By the time your done though, you'll be so refreshed that you may just fall asleep during the last 5 minutes.

This sounds about right. For me the Yoga X has always been the hardest of all the workouts, but probably because it's 90 minutes vs the normal 60. The first 45 is a total bitch, the 2nd half is much easier on the body.


Neo Member
I blame plyo for all of my leg weaknesses in the program :lol . Plyo kills your legs, then they get a day to rest (because you're working out another muscle group), and then Yoga X kills your already-dead legs (Warrior 1/2/3/reverse/crescent/runner poses). And just when you thought you were good to go, you get Legs & Back two days later. Effing wall squat... :lol

My pull ups have been improving a lot. In my first week, I could only do two pull ups unassisted, and my chin didn't even clear the bar. In week two, I was able to do 6 pull ups (3+3), but my form was still a little sketchy, with my chin still not clearing the bar. Today I did 7 (5+2), my chin cleared the bar for the first 4, and then my form started to dip for 5-7. It's amazing what a few days of rest can do for the body... I was all about pushups in high school, and pull ups were my enemy, so I'm still surprised that I'm actually able to do any :D


so Kenpo Cardio plus is insanely fun and I thought more enjoyable than Kenpo X.

Oh yea and "The Gladiator" is about the coolest move ever


f-castrillo said:
I can't wait to see what Ab Ripper X will feel like once I get past the first recovery week. Any impressions of that versus the last time you did it?
The difference is quite big. I notice a huge improvement in Fifer Scissors, Pulse ups, Roll up and Mason twist.


Neo Member
mYm|17| said:
so Kenpo Cardio plus is insanely fun and I thought more enjoyable than Kenpo X.

Oh yea and "The Gladiator" is about the coolest move ever
I was watching the previews on Beachbody.com, definitely looks fun/different. The music is kinda different too, based on the previews. I'm not sure I like it much, for some reason I like the soundtrack on P90X... call me weird for actually liking the soundtrack to a workout series :lol

nubbe said:
The difference is quite big. I notice a huge improvement in Fifer Scissors, Pulse ups, Roll up and Mason twist.
I can't wait to do my first Ab Ripper X after recovery week. While I've slowly been improving in every session, Fifer Scissors, Pulse Ups, and pretty much anything that requires me to have straight legs in the air for an extended period of time still kills me
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