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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Just finished back/legs+ ab ripper today. After a somewhat weak week due to a cold, I was able to finish strong today. I didn't really attempt to exceed my numbers, though I did at least match them. Surprisingly, I was still able to complete all my workouts except one session of ab ripper on Wednesday. The only workout that was difficult this week was yoga. Being sick and weak and trying to do yoga was pretty tough.

I'm still feeling a little sick, but not enough to weaken my workouts. Can't wait to finish strong next week before hitting my rest week.


Pro Tip: Make sure Yoga X doesn't land on a Friday :lol

I still found time to do it but it's such a horrible and long exercise for a friday. I'm going to change it up a bit so that yoga lands on sunday in the future.

I have gotten really good at Yoga now which is surprising since i'm the clumsiest person in the world. The only thing I have problem with is keep my leg straight when it's in the air. It also causes problems in ab ripper x.

I might show some front shots next week. Results are starting to show :)


Neo Member
Kinda getting excited. Tomorrow morning I've got X Stretch, but in the afternoon, I'm gonna play tennis with the gf and some friends for an hour or so. Can't wait to use my new heart rate monitor to see how much I'm going to be burning during X Stretch and tennis.

According to the monitor, I burned about 650 calories during Kenpo X. I say approx. 650, because I forgot to start the calorie counter before warmup, and accidentally left it on for 30 mins after cool down. :lol

I'm gonna need the extra cardio. I have a dinner date with the gf later tomorrow evening, and while I'm gonna try to eat on the light side, I can't guarantee that my meal will go 100% according to plan :D


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
MCX said:
What do you P90X grads do after completing the program? Start over or move onto something else?

I cycle through the weight training workouts, and do about 3 a week. I don't do the cardio, instead I use an elliptical trainer.

I don't think 90 days is enough to go from completely out of shape to Tony's level of fitness. That would take 3-4 rounds, and consistent nutrition. I think a lot of the before/after pictures they advertise are already muscular people that lose a lot of fat. Even in the ads they show what I'm talking about...completely unfit to fit, and they note that it was several rounds of P90x.

When I started first, I could do nearly 1 dive bomber pushup. At the end of round 1, I could do about 5. Now I do about 10. The people in the videos do 20-30 or something.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
koam said:
I got my massage today, oh god did it feel good. I highly recommend you guys get one, yoga and stretch x feel good.. but there's nothing like a full body massage to help you recover. The chick was also smoking hot :)

Never had a massage, but I've got the poor man's version of it - a foam roller. Works like a charm loosening up the back/legs, and it only takes a couple of minutes to use. Highly recommend investing $25 in one.

I think it's more thorough than stretching, and it irons out any muscular knots forming that can cause IT band syndrome, back/ankle issues, and poor posture.
teh_pwn said:
Never had a massage, but I've got the poor man's version of it - a foam roller. Works like a charm loosening up the back/legs, and it only takes a couple of minutes to use. Highly recommend investing $25 in one.

I think it's more thorough than stretching, and it irons out any muscular knots forming that can cause IT band syndrome, back/ankle issues, and poor posture.

ooo, I need to get me one of those. My muscles on the side of my hip are extremely tight. I saw a youtube video on how to stretch it out but forgot what the person used as a tool. All I remember is him saying that it is extremely painful, to the point where he was crying. He said it felt much better after a few weeks though.

I cycle through the weight training workouts, and do about 3 a week. I don't do the cardio, instead I use an elliptical trainer.

I don't think 90 days is enough to go from completely out of shape to Tony's level of fitness. That would take 3-4 rounds, and consistent nutrition. I think a lot of the before/after pictures they advertise are already muscular people that lose a lot of fat. Even in the ads they show what I'm talking about...completely unfit to fit, and they note that it was several rounds of P90x.

When I started first, I could do nearly 1 dive bomber pushup. At the end of round 1, I could do about 5. Now I do about 10. The people in the videos do 20-30 or something.

I also noticed that most of the people on the videos were already fit. I understand though that getting a body like Tony doesn't magically happen in 90 days(I used to workout hard back in college so I know how tough it can be). I'm planning to go through the year doing this program, maybe adding other programs along the way to up my intensity.


How do you people do chest and back. I can do about 10 pullups normally but during the c/b days, i can barely do 2 before I need the chair. Any tricks?

I'm finally able to do ab ripper x fairly properly, i think after 2 more times, i should be able to do it perfectly


First week out of P90X...i'm a bit sore, mostly triceps and hamstrings...funny how as intense as P90X is, that even though i'm now doing something relatively less intense, just the fact that it's a change from what my body is used to, is enough to still trigger a response. Still hope to do Plyo and Kenpo this week on my non weight days.

Btw, I hit 216lbs today...2lbs lost from my b-day weight on jan 26th(after indulging a lot for superbowl weekend and hitting 222 again).


Neo Member
koam said:
How do you people do chest and back. I can do about 10 pullups normally but during the c/b days, i can barely do 2 before I need the chair. Any tricks?

I'm finally able to do ab ripper x fairly properly, i think after 2 more times, i should be able to do it perfectly
The first two weeks, all of my chest and back (as well as legs and back) routines relied completely on chair support. While using the chair, I made sure that my form was good, and that I still got a decent workout of the back muscles by not "cheating" with the legs too much. While I used the chair, I would do 8-10 pullups, and hold for a split second at the top of each one.

Now I can do 4 or 5 pullups with really good form (chin clears the bar), and can push out a few more reps with slightly sketchy form (chin doesn't quite clear the bar). On the second run through of any of the exercises, I revert to using the chair again because the unassisted pullups usually wipe me out :lol

So I started my recovery week today with Yoga X. For one reason or another, today's session was more difficult than previous weeks. May have to do with my lack of sleep in the past few days, fun with the gf :)D), or not having eaten anything for too long before working out. The parts that I did do right, I believe I pushed harder than before, but may have lead to me not doing other parts as well. Half moon, crane, and Yoga Belly 7 still give me grief
Finished week 2 yesterday. Things are still going well. I really don't mind any of the workouts too much except for the damn legs and back one. God, I just hate the feeling of burning quadriceps...plus I hate pull-ups.

Can't say I notice any fat loss yet, but shit...I still got 10 weeks to go. I just keep telling myself to show up everyday and don't worry about my results. When I get to day 90 I can assess things, but until then just follow the program. I'm hoping by day 60 I will start to see some results, because that will definitely be encouraging.

Keep pushing play, everyone!
the problem i have with this is that it only works for a while.. cause you can't keep this up forever..

it's a good way to get in shape fast.. and then you need to stay in shape.
I tried to start chest & back today but if I try to do as many of each exercise as I can manage I'll end up burning out and failing on everything else.

I've got a pull up bar so I'm going to wrap my exercise band around it and do pull ups that way. As for the push ups I don't want to do them on my knees because it has very little effect so I'm going to do them the normal way and just do as many as I can.

I'm going to say that this week is the practice week where I figure out how to do everything properly. Next week I'll have my routine sorted out and I can start then.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Been lurking in this thread for a little while...so what's the consensus? It works? Might be getting it.


So my first recovery week is ovah. I'm actually feeling a bit lazy now, but I think it will pick up when I get my butt kicked tonight for my first ever Phase II program. LOL

I realized that now I can do 12 or so "unassisted" push ups for 1 set. I was only able to do a handful before, and had to rely on knee assisted push-ups. Due to our schedule for this week being quite hectic - I'm not too sure how much of diet I can follow. For example, I have no time to cook for myself and eat tonight, at least before 9:30-10p... must find some healthy take out option before I get home today...

Yesterday morning, I reached down to 171.5 lbs. All time low since 3-4 years ago. It still fluctuates, but I'm sure I'm now around 173 or whatnot. Starting from 185, lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks. My stomach is remarkably flat, love handles are disappearing, man boobs are shrinking, and my facial contour is becoming more pronounced. I really should've taken some picture.... :lol Anyhow, at this rate, I do think I might be able to hit my goal - 160-165lb with some muscle mass.

I still cannot do most of the workout like they do on the DVD... but you know, Tony's right. Do my best, and forget the rest.

silvon said:
To those who're doing multiple rounds of P90X, do you start the diet all over again?

I guess it depends on what you want out of 2nd round. If to build your muscle and to get even more ripped, I guess you'd might want to enforce the diet forn 2nd round - but if you are just trying to keep the muscle and stay fit - I think balanced healthy diet might be good enough.

I'm in this program for a long run myself (probably do 2-3 rounds) but for my 2nd and 3rd ones, I'll probably stay somewhere around Phase II and III like diet.

140.85 said:
Been lurking in this thread for a little while...so what's the consensus? It works? Might be getting it.

Well, it's working for me at least. But I had nearly zero muscle mass to begin with, as well as nearly zero workout experience - so any workout would have worked for me.:lol


Okay I want to install the p90x pull up bar, but I have a few problems. I want to install it in my basement, as its the only place in my house not covered in hardwood an it's where the rest of my workout equipment is at. The only problem with this is that I have no doorways in my basement, only actual doors. Now is it at all possible to mount those mounting brackets and stuff on any wall that has a sturdy set of 2x4's, or the front of a doorway instead of the back? Or am I just out of luck?


Neo Member
onemic said:
Okay I want to install the p90x pull up bar, but I have a few problems. I want to install it in my basement, as its the only place in my house not covered in hardwood an it's where the rest of my workout equipment is at. The only problem with this is that I have no doorways in my basement, only actual doors. Now is it at all possible to mount those mounting brackets and stuff on any wall that has a sturdy set of 2x4's, or the front of a doorway instead of the back? Or am I just out of luck?
How do you have a door without a doorway? I would try as much as possible to use the bar on an actual doorway, as mounting it on a wall with 2x4s sticking out won't give you any room to use any chair/stool support for pull ups.

I did my first core synergistics today, it was pretty brutal. The soreness settled in an hour or two afterwards, and I developed some sluggishness towards dinner time. I felt like I pushed hard today, as I feel pretty wiped out still. It probably has something to do with the fact that I've never done the routine before, so my body is still in that 'adaptive phase'.

Using my heartrate monitor/watch (and updating my heart rate often throughout the entire hour), I supposedly burned 860 calories from Core Synergistics alone. I left the calorie counter function on for the remainder of the day, periodically updating my heart rate so it's as accurate as possible, and I've burned 1479 calories in the past 7h 35m. During Core Synergistics, my heart rate was 140-156; after cool down and a shower, I was still 90-115. Around dinner time, I hovered around 76, and I've only now hit my pre-workout heart rate of 58-64 BPM. :lol

I'm pleased with myself, but I'm sore. I've got Kenpo tomorrow, something familiar :D


I did a big no-no today. On saturday, i did back and chest and i wrote back here that i had problems doing even 2 pullups. I also struggled with the pushups. Today i was going to finally take my rest day but i was feeling good and decided to do chest and back again (big no-no)

With that being said, i kicked all sorts of ass. I was doing 8-10 unassisted pullups and 30 standard pushups with 16 on the rest of them. I even did ab ripper x which for the first time, i was able to keep up with (i took two very short breaks).

The diff between sat and today is that i did it very early on sat when i wasnt feeling energetic. What a huge difference! Timing matters.


Neo Member
koam said:
I did a big no-no today. On saturday, i did back and chest and i wrote back here that i had problems doing even 2 pullups. I also struggled with the pushups. Today i was going to finally take my rest day but i was feeling good and decided to do chest and back again (big no-no)

With that being said, i kicked all sorts of ass. I was doing 8-10 unassisted pullups and 30 standard pushups with 16 on the rest of them. I even did ab ripper x which for the first time, i was able to keep up with (i took two very short breaks).

The diff between sat and today is that i did it very early on sat when i wasnt feeling energetic. What a huge difference! Timing matters.
Nice! You definitely want to do the workouts a little bit after a meal to get the blood sugar going. I like doing my workouts after lunch if I can help it, because my breakfast has next to no carbs in it (so no significant blood sugar change there). Doing it after lunch gives me a little more energy to power through the workouts. The only ones I do on an empty stomach is Cardio X. It's not as intense as the other workouts, but you still get a considerable calorie burn and sweat a lot :D

I can't wait for my recovery week to be over, I want to see how reps/form with the various exercises will improve for Phase II


Had a terrible weekend and didn't do any P90X workouts. But, whoa, my muscles have decided to show themselves now! Maybe I didn't notice it before, but now I can definitely see toning in my upper body. Playing soccer for all of my life, the lower-body has been okay, but my upper body has been lacking. Now I see definite improvement. Going to attack it tomorrow!
f-castrillo said:
How do you have a door without a doorway? I would try as much as possible to use the bar on an actual doorway, as mounting it on a wall with 2x4s sticking out won't give you any room to use any chair/stool support for pull ups.

I did my first core synergistics today, it was pretty brutal. The soreness settled in an hour or two afterwards, and I developed some sluggishness towards dinner time. I felt like I pushed hard today, as I feel pretty wiped out still. It probably has something to do with the fact that I've never done the routine before, so my body is still in that 'adaptive phase'.

Using my heartrate monitor/watch (and updating my heart rate often throughout the entire hour), I supposedly burned 860 calories from Core Synergistics alone. I left the calorie counter function on for the remainder of the day, periodically updating my heart rate so it's as accurate as possible, and I've burned 1479 calories in the past 7h 35m. During Core Synergistics, my heart rate was 140-156; after cool down and a shower, I was still 90-115. Around dinner time, I hovered around 76, and I've only now hit my pre-workout heart rate of 58-64 BPM. :lol

I'm pleased with myself, but I'm sore. I've got Kenpo tomorrow, something familiar :D

:lol Yea, core is pretty brutal, though nothing like plyo. Did chest/back/tri's today and I am sore. Since this is my last week before my rest week, I'm going all out. Today's workout took nearly 90 minutes (took breaks in order to reach true failure), but it was worth the effort. I'm still doing knee push-ups, but I'm no longer getting tired after only a few reps. My form has also improved and I no longer flair my elbows out wjen I get tired. My only issue atm is my wrist, which takes some time doing push-ups before the discomfort becomes bearable, and my lower inside right shoulder blade. For some reason, I've got this nagging pain in that area. It went away a few days ago when I accidentally cracked my whole back while doing the baby's pose, but now the pain is back. Really annoying since I can't figure out how to crack that location.


I had an Al Sharpton friend...Once! Well not a friend really, but we talked a few times. Well one time. Well I yelled out my window "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
the tendons/muscles in my ankle, upper feet and lower leg area (below the calves) have been killing me since my first legs and back day. i think it was those damn tiptoe lunges. probably not the smartest idea to do plyo today, but i'll give it a shot.


Neo Member
valparaiso said:
the tendons/muscles in my ankle, upper feet and lower leg area (below the calves) have been killing me since my first legs and back day. i think it was those damn tiptoe lunges. probably not the smartest idea to do plyo today, but i'll give it a shot.
My shins get sore from plyo/legs and back. All the jumping... I'm so glad there isn't any jumping in the recover week :lol


Core Synergistics was awesome today. I'm probably going to continue with that, yoga and kenpo after completing the program. I can't believe that I'm almost in Phase II; the days have flown by. :D


Finally! I'm back on the wagon. I started up again this week after 3 or so months off. I gained quite a bit of weight in the interim, about 15 pounds, but I think that it won't be too hard to start shedding since I'm going to up the cardio a bit.
I've altered the schedule a bit.
I'm replacing Kenpo X with another Yoga, and after the yogas I'm going to go for a quick half hour run, so that will be 3 solid cardio days a week, plus everything else. I never really felt kenpo, so I think the double yoga+run might do me good.

On a related note, Plyo kicked my motherfucking ass today. I made it about half way through before both of my calves cramped up beyond all repair. I'll use this week as a get-acclimated-to-p90x week and then do the standard 3+recovery for phase 1.

It feels good to start up again!


So my first day of Phase II last night.... pretty much beat me to the pulp. LOL. I thought I got better, and this one pretty much squashed my belief that I was any better.

Well, I am better, for fact... but just not enough to do what they do. I had to resort to the knee assisted push ups after first move. Couldn't even do a single one-arm push up etc etc.

And I thought I got over with 8lb weights - and went for 15lb directly. Wrong move! While some of the moves, I was able to max out at 8 reps - but many of them, 15lb for me was just too much. I think I need something in the middle.. 8lb isn't enough, but 15lb is too much. (refund? LOL) My calculation was that I wanted to do 10 reps - but doing 20 reps with 8lb... so if I double it, I could do 10 reps max to stimulate my muscle growth. Wrong calculation, I guess!:lol

good news is that while I was beat to the pulp, I was able to do remarkably well on the following ab-ripper session. Normally after a intense workout, I'd only able to do a handful of them - but now I could do few of them with only few breaks in between. There were some moves I couldn't do at all - but now I can at least mimic doing it. I think core-synergistics really did help me out.... that my core muscles are little bit more durable and stronger. It does seems like I sweat the most when I do core-synergistics, so I think this would stick to my post p90x regular workout routine.

I do have some sore muscle, but it's nothing compared to the first week. But I am wondering will I be able to survive this phase...:) At the same time, that was my exact same thought when I first finished chest and back 4 weeks ago, so I'm certain I'll pull through... not in style, but at least trying. :D


lachesis said:
good news is that while I was beat to the pulp, I was able to do remarkably well on the following ab-ripper session. Normally after a intense workout, I'd only able to do a handful of them - but now I could do few of them with only few breaks in between. There were some moves I couldn't do at all - but now I can at least mimic doing it. I think core-synergistics really did help me out.... that my core muscles are little bit more durable and stronger. It does seems like I sweat the most when I do core-synergistics, so I think this would stick to my post p90x regular workout routine.

Have you tried doing ab ripper before instead of after? I had a lot of success with that my first run through.

Oni Jazar

I know that I'm not cool to hang out with the big boys, but my GF got the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD (which sounds like P90X for babies) and I figured, what the hell. 30 days later and I'm feeling great. It's a brief work out (30 mins) but intense and varied (3 non stop sets of strength / cardio / ab exercises). For better or worse we took zero rest days, this was sweating our ass off every day for 30 days straight.

The results have been fairly subtle but significant enough that we will keep exercising. Good thing is that I'm feeling more comfortable with my body and look forward to the future with continued improvement. We may have to try the P90X to go up to the next step. I love not having to hit a gym.


Boonoo said:
Have you tried doing ab ripper before instead of after? I had a lot of success with that my first run through.

That's something I should try someday. :) But for some reason, I always end up doing at the end, thinking early in the morning, "today's Chest and Back day. Okay, let's go!", then when I am about to be done with the thing, I just remember that "Oh, after this I gotta do the ab-ripper. Damn!" LOL..


Neo Member
Oni Jazar said:
I know that I'm not cool to hang out with the big boys, but my GF got the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD (which sounds like P90X for babies) and I figured, what the hell. 30 days later and I'm feeling great. It's a brief work out (30 mins) but intense and varied (3 non stop sets of strength / cardio / ab exercises). For better or worse we took zero rest days, this was sweating our ass off every day for 30 days straight.

The results have been fairly subtle but significant enough that we will keep exercising. Good thing is that I'm feeling more comfortable with my body and look forward to the future with continued improvement. We may have to try the P90X to go up to the next step. I love not having to hit a gym.
The OP should change this thread to "Beachbody.com Workout Program Discussion", we could get a lot more discussion on general fitness and eating habits in here, in addition to tips to completing P90X, X+, Insanity, etc.

I got my gf 10 Minute Trainer, something more doable for a full time schedule student. Looks interesting, I must say. For 10 minutes, he really crams cardio and resistance training back to back, with barely any break. If you were to do 2 or 3 of the 10 minute workouts in a row, I'm sure you could burn some serious calories and sculpt your body the way you want it to be.

Though not the P90X way :D . Speaking of the X, I've got 2lb wrist weights that I'm going to try out in my Kenpo X session later.


Any recommendation for a recovery drink that I could buy at GCN? I'm doing the P90X program, third week of the first phase. Not doing the diet.

Interested in getting ripped, not necessarily gaining a lot of volume.



I find doing ab ripper later on is better to do than before a workout. I tend to wait a few hours until i tried it again. I workout at lunch and then do ab ripper in the evening (not too late though).


A.Romero said:
Any recommendation for a recovery drink that I could buy at GCN? I'm doing the P90X program, third week of the first phase. Not doing the diet.

Interested in getting ripped, not necessarily gaining a lot of volume.

you get ripped only by having a very low body fat %, so if you aren't on a proper diet, you won't lose fat. you cant see defined muscles when fat is covering them now can you?

similarly, as far as i know... the recovery drinks are essentially protein drinks? which are meant for muscle mass... aka volume


mcrae said:
you get ripped only by having a very low body fat %, so if you aren't on a proper diet, you won't lose fat. you cant see defined muscles when fat is covering them now can you?

similarly, as far as i know... the recovery drinks are essentially protein drinks? which are meant for muscle mass... aka volume

This is 100% true, without the diet (or a proper equivalent) you ain't getting no abs!

Plyo was a blast today, good stuff.

Edit: Alright, here's what i'm doing on day 91 to 151

That looks insane :lol


Is it okay if I replace the rest day with another day of plyo-x? I'm currently doing the diet, but there are times that I do cheat, so I figure an extra days worth of plyo should be able to negate the few times that I do cheat.

And I don't have as big a problem with plyo as most people in this thread seem to have. If anything my most hated workout has to be yoga x. For plyo its tough, but after when you're dripping with sweat you feel fucking amazing, because of that it's probably my favourite exercise after kenpo x. I always dread doing yoga the day before:lol


onemic said:
Is it okay if I replace the rest day with another day of plyo-x? I'm currently doing the diet, but there are times that I do cheat, so I figure an extra days worth of plyo should be able to negate the few times that I do cheat.

And I don't have as big a problem with plyo as most people in this thread seem to have. If anything my most hated workout has to be yoga x. For plyo its tough, but after when you're dripping with sweat you feel fucking amazing, because of that it's probably my favourite exercise after kenpo x. I always dread doing yoga the day before:lol

Stop cheating!


koam said:
Stop cheating!

I'd want to do it anyway even if I wasn't cheating, just so I can burn a little more fat(As I'm still flabby in certain areas) but would it be okay? Don't p90x doubles do 2 workouts in a day?


onemic said:
I'd want to do it anyway even if I wasn't cheating, just so I can burn a little more fat(As I'm still flabby in certain areas) but would it be okay? Don't p90x doubles do 2 workouts in a day?
Doubles are just cardio and a workout. You can do it if you don't think it will fuck you up when you have to do it again in 2 days :p
koam said:
Doubles are just cardio and a workout. You can do it if you don't think it will fuck you up when you have to do it again in 2 days :p

This. I wouldn't add plyo imo since you'll be essentially working out the legs 4 days straight(yoga,legs/back,kenpo,plyo). With all that high impact workout on your legs, with no day of rest, your chances of injury are high.


Masta_Killah said:
This. I wouldn't add plyo imo since you'll be essentially working out the legs 4 days straight(yoga,legs/back,kenpo,plyo). With all that high impact workout on your legs, with no day of rest, your chances of injury are high.

Well how about cardio x instead then?


I ordered P90X today. Hopefully it's not too dificult for a complete fatass who has difficulty running just half a mile, like myself.
onemic said:
Well how about cardio x instead then?

If you really want to slim down, I suggest doing the lean program. You shouldn't really work out 7 days consecutive. Or you can switch out kenpo for cardio x or another plyo round. You really do need a days rest for your body to recover.
I did P90X round one from August last year and finished in November. I took some time away and now, last Sunday, I've started back again.

Been a long time since I was sore but I'm glad to be back on it again.

I thought my first Plyo back would be murder but it was actually not that rough.

Time to bring it some mo'!

This round, I'm muting Tony...


Masta_Killah said:
If you really want to slim down, I suggest doing the lean program. You shouldn't really work out 7 days consecutive. Or you can switch out kenpo for cardio x or another plyo round. You really do need a days rest for your body to recover.

I may switch out kenpo then.(even though it's my favourite exercise) What does kenpo offer that plyo x doesn't? So far it seems like a less intense version of plyo x.
onemic said:
I may switch out kenpo then(even though it's my favourite exercise) What does kenpo offer that plyo x doesn't? So far it seems like a less intense version of plyo x.

Kenpo really depends on how hard you push. Some gaffers have found success by adding weights to kenpo(weight vest). I tend to duck and weave during the punching combo routines in order to burn extra calories. Kenpo also tones more of your body then plyo does since your arms are part of the workout. Of course, plyo is probably the best cardio since it works out the biggest muscle group.

If you really want to do kenpo, add some weight to it (boxing gloves, weighted vest, etc..).


Neo Member
onemic said:
Well how about cardio x instead then?
Do the Doubles program, I've decided to do it as well. Doubles incorporates Cardio X during the resistance training days (pretty much the any day that isn't Plyometrics, Yoga X, Kenpo X, or X Stretch) to give you that extra calorie burn for those trying to trim down more.

The Lean program is supposedly the least intense of the three variations, where Plyometrics is substituted for Cardio X, and the recovery week is modified so that the second Core Synergistics routine is replaced by Cardio X.

I'm about to go for my late night Kenpo X + 2lb wrist weights. Better late than never I guess :lol


Srsly said:
I ordered P90X today. Hopefully it's not too dificult for a complete fatass who has difficulty running just half a mile, like myself.

Well, I wasn't exactly fat - more like little chubby - but at 5'9", I was running nearly 187lbs nearly maximum. My man boobs were enormous, and have this ugly permanent wrinkle under neath. Belly was like mountain high when I had a big, late meal, and once my waist was at 29 to 30, now I was pushing towards 34. Longer than my inseam, which is 32... not acceptable, LOL!

I was also a long time smoker too. Probably around 15 yrs or so. I finally quit smoking thanks to electronic cigarette - and it did wonders to my short breaths. I also have hard time running half mile too. Towards the end of last year, I've been running on elliptical machine for one hour, 3 times a week for 3 months... until I stumbled upon this thread... and it seems to help me catch up the cardio workouts like Plyo and Kenpo, etc. I have relatively easier time with those... But I have very tough time with Soulders / Chest / Back work outs because I basically have 0 muscle mass on my upper body.

However, the key, so far, has been just sheer determination. Do your best. You don't have to "match them" per se. Just do your best and forget the rest. The result, will just follow you as long as you stick to the workout routines and follow the diet. Strict diet will get you far, but I'm doing my moderate modification to suit my lifestyle more. I'm generally allowing a little more carb than I should have, but I'm still losing weights like crazy. The other day, I was at 171.5lb. Late last year, it was 187. When I started P90X, I was at 183-5. Now, it's almsot 14 lb loss. Some of my co-workers who hasn't seen me a while notices that I have lost weight, and that I look better. Ladies are starting to look at me once more. LOL!

I'm just into week 5 now. By end of 90 days, I wonder how far I would improve, and I'm getting some significant performance improvements steadily, along with fat loss. I haven't done any other workout programs, so I can't voucher their effecitveness, but this one, combined with diet effort - certain is working... and I bet it would work for you too. It's hard, but the reward is there. Keep at it, keep your motivation high, and keep on trying and test your body and will to the max. I wish you luck.


So, today was my Plyo day again. I added much more intensity than I put previously. Intentionally jumping higher, squatting lower, etc - and perhaps I had little too little food for the dinner, I was feeling little hazy towards end. But pulled through, and good stuff. I even do the knee jump thingie pretty well. However, for the rock star, I just replaced with good ol X jump from Kenpo.

Still, I think for me, the hardest one is the Core Synergistics. LOL. I feel most worked out after that - not just legs, or not just arms/ shoulders... my entire body feel very worked out with that. I dream one day, I'll fly through the Core Synergistics.... then I'd be a very fit person, I rekon.


mcrae said:
you get ripped only by having a very low body fat %, so if you aren't on a proper diet, you won't lose fat. you cant see defined muscles when fat is covering them now can you?

similarly, as far as i know... the recovery drinks are essentially protein drinks? which are meant for muscle mass... aka volume

Actually I think my body type helps me, I'm in the middle of my third week and I can see results already. I'm not doing the proper diet because it would mean I gotta change my lifestyle quite a bit and work won't allow me to do so. However, I have paid attention to what I eat and avoid the worst food at the worst times.

I would think someone would be familiar with a recovery drink that is not the P90X one. It is difficult to find here in Mexico...

Oh well, I'll continue with Milk and Water.
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